• Published 4th Oct 2021
  • 3,403 Views, 73 Comments

The Fluffy Girl With a Heart-of-Pink - DogSomeOre

A bright pink mare, tries to go beyond her usual feelings.

  • ...

Ch. 2 - Tell, But Not Show

"So what was with you yesterday?" Mrs. Cake asks, as Pinkie Pie finishes up cleaning the kitchen table from yesterdays fiasco.

"I told you Mrs. Cake, it was just a party I had planned for a while, nothing serious about it." Pinkie responds with slight deception in her words.

"'Just a party', hmm?"

"W-Well yeah." Pinkie rubs her hooves together, she doesn't make eye contact with Mrs. Cake, as Pinkie Pie suspects that Mrs. Cake isn't believing her story.

"You know, you got home awfully late Pinkie, later then usual." Mrs. Cake interrogates her pink worker, believing that something else was the cause of her long time spent making that cake.

"Well, that was because-"

"And him, you said? There's only one 'him' that I know of." Mrs. Cake is bluffing, and Pinkie Pie knows it, but she can't lie to her boss, it isn't right.

"Ok Mrs. Cake, you got me." Pinkie says in a defeated tone.

"Pinkie, we talked about this-"

"But he isn't a bad pony- er human- whatever he is!" Pinkie Pie tries desperately to get Mrs. Cake to understand.

"I don't care, Pinkamena, I told you to stay away from him. Who knows what could've happened to you?" Mrs. Cake says in a worried voice.

"I've known him for a long time, he isn't bad like every pony makes him out to be! Just give him a chance Mrs. Cake, please?" Though try as she might, her pleas land on deaf ears.

"It's final, Pinkie Pie!" Mrs. Cake slams her hoof down in frustration. They've both been going down this same tug-of-war act for a while now, and Pinkie doesn't want to let him go. Mrs. Cake changes face, seeing Pinkie's ears lowered down and her head almost to the ground. "Oh dear, Pinkie, I didn't mean it, I-" Pinkie Pie runs past her, the bell of the bakery door is echoed through Mrs. Cake's ears.

"Applejack! Hey Applejack, you in there?!" Pinkie knocks on the Apple family's door, yelling for her orange friend. Applejack opens the door, rubbing her eyes and moving sluggishly.

"What is it *yawn* Sugarcube."

"Were you... sleeping?" Pinkie tilts her head, curious.

"I was..." Applejack responds with an annoyed voice.

"But, didn't you say you had to be up bright and early?"

"Ya'... I suppose I did." Applejack tries to remember all she said yesterday.

"It's almost noon though." Pinkie says, confused.

"Oh, Big Mac told me not to worry about it today, I came back home last night and crashed; nothing like a little break from your daily chores to really get yur' mind at ease."

Pinkie giggles. "Yeah I guess you're right. Work can get tiring after a while."

"Speaking of which, aren't you supposed to be working today? You aren't off until tomorrow I thought."

"Y-Yeah..." Pinkie Pie rubs her neck.

"Come on inside girl." Applejack ushers her friend inside, seeing that Pinkie is in a less then optimal 'Pinkie Pie' mood. The two friends sit down in Applejack's room, discussing whatever trouble has come to Pinkie's mind. "So then." Applejack starts. "What all's this about?"

"You like Anon, right?"

Applejack's taken aback by her friend's blunt question. Pinkie Pie stares at Applejack, really wondering what her friend thinks about this human.

"Well sure I do. He ain't done no harm to anyone and I think he's a great friend."

Pinkie sighs with relief. "I wish every pony could see that." She grunts with a childish pout.

"Is this about yer' boss lady again? Now Pinkie we've talked about this several times before, she ain't gonna see eye to eye with you until you really show her what he's like."

"But I've tried to tell her he's a great... 'human'." She struggles remembering his species. "But she just doesn't want to believe it, even after a year of knowing him, she's still worried that he's going to eat me! Now I've also tried to tell her, 'well no Mrs. Cake, humans don't eat horses' but she's all like-"

"Pinkie." Applejack puts her hoof on her friends mouth, stopping her incoherent rambling before it gets worse. "Why don't you show her that he's great then?" She proposes.

"Show her? Like show and tell? No offense Applejack, but I'm not sure how that's going to help the situation."

"Ugh, not like that Pinkie, I mean have Anon meet her, ya know, get them two well acquainted with each other."

"Oooh, right!... How?" Pinkie questions, looking at her friend as if Applejack has all the knowledge of how to properly handle Pinkie's predicament.

"Well lets see. Yer' boss works in the same establishment you do.."


"Ya'll live in said establishment..."

"Uh-huh?" Pinkie gets closer to Applejack, waiting for her friend to bestow any fix for Pinkie's problem.

"So, why don't you invite Anon to work around Sugarcube with you? I'm sure with Mrs. Cake bein' formerly introduced, she'll come around."

"That's genius, AJ!" Pinkie shouts. "I'll just get Anon to come work with me for.. a.. day..."

"Is something wrong?" Applejack asks her friend who slowed down her words in a cautious manner.

"N-No, I don't see a problem? Do you see a problem? No problem here!" Pinkie grins, trying her best to exert confidence.

"Alllriiighty then..." Applejack eyes her pink friend with suspicion.

"Well I best be on my way! Thanks again for the help Applejack!" Pinkie says with enthusiasm.

"It's no problem at... all." Just like that, Pinkie Pie runs out of Applejack's house, with a newfound idea that Pinkie is sure has to work.

"Inviting Anon, to work with me..." Pinkie Pie runs this thought in her mind while making her way to Anon's home. A strange sensation in her stomach claws at her as she thinks about him. She's invited him to parties, gatherings, meet-ups, all sorts of things. They're best friends, so why should this be any different? "Maybe it's just because I've never had anyone work with me before.... yeah, that's it." She desperately tries to convince herself, but in truth, she's had this same feeling for a while. Every time she sees Anon, her stomach becomes one big knot.

Once again she makes her way to her human friends house, once again her emotions go rampant as she's excited to see him once more. A couple knocks go by with Pinkie's hoof, she waits for this tall creature to greet her once more. She stands frim, a typical Pinkie smile forming on her face.

"Pinkie?" Anon looks down at Pinkie, a curious, yet happy grin showing.

"Hi Anon!" Pinkie Pie excitedly says.

"Is something wrong?" He asks her worryingly.

"You asked that yesterday Anon, why would anything be wrong?"

"Well it's just that, you're supposed to be working today. Why're you off so early?"

"Oh, right." She stops and thinks. "I can't tell him the real reason, can I? No of course not, Pinkie Pie! You don't want him to know there's ponies in Ponyvile that are scared of him! But he already knows that, doesn't he? So what if he does! Do you want to be the bearer of bad news if he doesn't?! No! I'm supposed to get him and Mrs. Cake to like each other, duh!"

"Uhhh... Pinkie?" Anon looks at his pink friend with uncertainty, she's been staring blankly at him for a couple seconds. He waves his hand in front of her face, snapping her out of her trance.

"Huh, wha-" She shakes her head, looking around the scenery, seemingly disoriented.

"Uhhh... you were... working today, weren't you?" He asks again.

"Oh yes I am... was! That's why I came down here to your house actually!"

"I... don't follow." Anon admits.

"I mean I came down to your house, for work!" She tries to explain.

"You came to my house, to work?"

"Yes! I mean, sorta." Anon scratches his head at Pinkie's confusing words, trying to make sense of this already bewildering pony. "Just say it Pinkamena! What are you so worried about?" Her mind battles with itself some more.

"Listen, Pinkie, I-"

"If you aren't busy can you come work with me today." She cuts him off. "Blunt and to the point. Score, Ms. Pie!"

"Work with you? At Sugarcube? I don't know Pinkie, it doesn't seem like something-"

"Oh pleeeease Anon!"

"I...." He stares at those big eyes of hers, she quivers her lip and makes the most 'guilt trip' face she could put on. How could he possibly say no to her? "....If it'd make you happy-"

"Yay!" She jumps up and down full of joy. "Oh this is gonna be soooo great! You'll get to be around super-duper delicious candies, frostings, and all sorts of goodies!" She hops away from Anon's house with excitement. "Well what are you waiting for silly! Come on!" Anon follows behind his pink friend, he's never admitted it to her, but seeing her act so happy all the time, really makes whatever day he's having, a bit better.

The Cake's door opens as Mrs. Cake hears the chime of the bell. "Another customer!" She hurries out of the kitchen, stopping the orders she had been preparing ever since Pinkie Pie left. "Hello dear, what can I-" She stops her usual dialogue as she sees that fluffed up mane. "Pinkie!" She gasps surprised, but all the same happy to see her again. "When you left I felt so bad, I'm sorry dear, I didn't mean to act out like that earlier."

Pinkie Pie smiles at Mrs. Cake, seemingly not bothered by her frantic frustration from earlier. "Don't worry about it Mrs. Cake! I understand."

"Oh that's great dearie." She replies, relieved.

"So that's why I found a solution to both of our problems!" Pinkie says ecstatically.

"You did?"

"You betcha! Mrs. Cake, I'd like you to introduce my best-est, best friend in all of Equestria!" Anon comes in on que, just as Pinkie Pie discussed with him on the walk over here; he isn't quite sure why he needed to be waltzed in like some piece of royalty, but expects nothing less from his strange friend.

"O-Oh..." Mrs. Cake steps back a bit, seeing the intimidating, tall creature before her.

"He's going to be working with me for the rest of the day! Don't worry though, I'll make sure to show him the ropes!" Pinkie winks playfully at her boss. Mrs. Cake chuckles nervously with an anxious expression, cautious about this daunting figure that's now only feet away.

"Hi... Mrs. Cake was it? My name is Anon, I'm Pinkie Pie's friend and-"

"Y-Yes I know who you are." She answers abruptly.

"Oh, Pinkie's talked about me before? I guess that isn't too surprising." He looks down at his bubbly pony friend, she grins at him childishly, oblivious and care-free at Anon's words.

"This way Anon! All the stuff and stuffy, stuff is in here!" She trots along, tugging Anon's arm as she pushes him into the kitchen. "And don't worry about anything Mrs. Cake!" Pinkie yells out. "I promise he'll be in top position in no time!"

"That's the least that I'm worried about." Mrs. Cake mutters, watching Pinkie Pie and her friend start work on making sweets.

"Hmm, lets see." Pinkie Pie stares at the filled piece of paper hung on the wall, looking at all the orders that have yet to be filled. Anon stands behind her, waiting for any orders to be given. "Raspberry cream pie, marshmallow delight, Pinkie's special... oh wait! That's mine!" She laughs to herself, seemingly forgetting that she had an order just for her. "Ok Anon, lets get to work!" She turns around, looking at Anon with vigor.

"What do you want me to do?" He asks.

"Go grab some gummy-ponies from the pantry, I think besides that, we'll be good as grime!"

Pinkie gets everything ready while Anon goes and searches for the small sugary minis, taking out mixers, knives, spoons, aprons, and all sorts of equipment from the cabinets that surround her. She hums a cheery tune, placing down the tools of her trade on the table with a soft but fast touch.

Pinkie finishes setting everything up, a subtle tap is felt on her back. She turns around to see the bag of gummies held by her assistant. "Oooh, perfect Anon!" She squeals with excitement. Anon peers over his friend to see an assortment of gadgets that Pinkie has set out in the short time he'd been gone.

"Pinkie, are we using all of those?"

"Well sure we are! We can't make cakes, muffins, fudge, cupcakes, crepes, macaroons-"

"Pinkie I get it." He cuts her off. "We need all of this though?"

"Yeppie-deppie!" She motions with a carefree attitude. "Is that fine?"

"I just don't know how to use... well any of this."

"Don't you worry Anon! Ms. Pinkie will teach you everything you need to know!" She assures him.

"If you say so."

The two friends get a move on, fulfilling all orders that's needed to be done for the day. Anon watches Pinkie Pie as she explains step by step, on how to work these foreign machines.

"See? Easy-peasie!" She confidently strides her skills. "Now, you try Anon!"

"I mean how hard can using a rolling pen actually be?" He shrugs, thinking in his mind that Pinkie's job of producing sweets is nothing but a walk in the park. "All you got to do is.... uh..." Anon changes face quickly as he somehow turns a ball of dough into chunks of ripped apart waste.

Pinkie giggles cutely at Anon's mess up. "No silly, not like that! From the top!" She picks up the messy parts of dough and exchanges it for a brand new one. She stares at Anon, waiting for him to start his process over again.

"Pinkie, I'm not sure I'm cut out for this sort of thing..." He states with defeat.

"No way Anon! I know you can do this! Here." She gets behind him. "Now, just pick up the pen and I'll help with the rest."

"Pinkie I-"

"You can do it!" She says with encouragement.

He sighs and picks up the pen like before. "What- Pinkie, what are you-"

"Trust me Anon! Your best friend Pinkie knows what she's doing!" She stands closely behind him, so close that he can feel her body's coat. She stands on two hooves to try and match Anon's height, gently grabbing his arm and directing it on where to go; the soft touch of her hoof is a warm sensation that is felt on Anon's body. "Now go down slowly." She commands, her voice lowering in tone as she lives in the moment.

"L-Like this?" Anon asks with uncertainty.

"Mmmhmmm." Pinkie helps Anon roll the dough softly as her heart flutters with intimacy. "There." Anon finishes rolling the dough into a more optimal shape as Pinkie holds on to his limb. She doesn't let go of him however, she just lays her hoof warmly on top of his hand as her soft, delicate breath is felt on Anon's neck.

"P-Pinkie?" He turns around slowly to look at her, her eyes show a soft, relaxed state as she smiles to herself comfortably. She looks up at Anon and notices the awkward predicament that she's found herself in. She blinks a couple times before shyly turning away.

"O-Oh, sorry Anon, I just.... lost my train of thought." She smiles still, but a bit nervously now. "What is with you Pinkamena!" Her brain shouts.

"It's fine.... Hey and look, you actually seemed to help me out." He says to her, seeing the nicely flat out dough laying on the table. He's not quite used to humans getting that close to him, but ponies here seem to work very differently. Anon shrugs off the intimate encounter as just some friendly help, at least, that's what reigns in his mind.

More orders get finished as Anon becomes more experienced with each treat made. Anon and Pinkie talk the rest of the day, Pinkie trying to move away from that embarrassing experience that got her mind too carried away.

"Alright, last one. That seems to do it." Anon says with sureness, setting the cupcakes aside at a job well done.

"It sure does Anon!" Pinkie confirms.

"Phew, I'm pooped." Anon stretches his back, looking around the now squeaky clean kitchen.

"Oh come on, Anon! It wasn't that bad!" Pinkie says playfully.

"Yeah, I guess it could've been worse... having someone you care about does make any day worthwhile." Anon inquires nonchalantly. Pinkie looks at him a bit stunned, though quickly changes her expression, looking softly at Anon.

"Pinkie Pie! Are you done in there?! It's getting pretty late!" A voice echoes through the building.

"Almost Mrs. Cake!" Pinkie's voice returns, being cut off guard from the otherwise serine moment.

Pinkie and Anon make their way out from the kitchen and into the front of the bakery, Mrs. Cake is standing some feet away from the two as she looks upon Pinkie from the bottom of the stairs.

"We got almost every order!" Pinkie tells Mrs. Cake with a cheery disposition. "And thanks to Anon's help, I was able to get a lot done twice as fast!" Mrs. Cake's face quivers as she looks from her pink worker to the still unfamiliar species standing a distance away.

"It was an honor finally meeting you Mrs. Cake, like I said, Pinkie's told me quite a bit about you, so it's great to finally match that name with a face." Anon chuckles awkwardly to himself, feeling that this older mare isn't quite as welcoming as he thought she would be.

"Yes well it wasn't the most expected of events to see one of Pinkie's friends show up today..." She forces a grin, looking visibly nervous. She looks to Pinkie Pie who's smiling, carefree as ever, and then back to Anon. "But it's much appreciated that you've come to help out today." She admits. "It is getting rather late though; Pinkie, finish up whatever you need to finish dear. I'll be heading off to bed for the night so just make sure you turn off all the lights before going to sleep."

"Will do Mrs. Cake!" Pinkie waves a hoof to her boss as her and Anon watch Mrs. Cake head back up the stairs.

"I guess that'll do it for me too Pinkie." Anon says, patting his friend's fluffy mane.

"Oh yeah, you got to go home huh." Pinkie responds with hesitancy.

"You ok?" Anon looks down at his friend with a slight concerned expression.

"O-Oh me? Yeah I'm fine." She tries to shrug off, though to Anon, he can tell there's more to it.

"C'mon Pinkie, what's up?"

Pinkie groans softly, wanting to say whatever is trapping her from saying what's on her mind. "Well I guess since you asked..." Pinkie circles her hooves around, looking at Anon with some insecurity. "I just wanted to know if you maybe, wanted to walk back home together?"

"That's it?" Anon says bluntly.

"W-Well yeah."

Anon eyes Pinkie with suspicion, her expression doesn't seem to be changing however. "All she wanted to ask is if she could walk home with me?" Anon thinks.

"So... is that fine?" Pinkie volumes with a lower tone.

"I don't mind Pinkie."

"You mean it?" She looks up at Anon more confidently.

"Uh, yeah."

"Oh that's great!" She shouts, returning to a more familiar audible level of speech.

"But keep it down." Anon whispers, not wanting to alert the Cake's.

"Oh, right!" She whispers excitedly.

Anon heads for the bakery door, Pinkie hops behind him, following his every step. They begin the walk home with a dark ambient mood filling the night, it doesn't seem to faze Pinkie however, as she still trots with stride.

"So how did you like it?" Pinkie asks.

"Hmm?" Anon questions.

"Ya'know, working at Sugarcube for a day. I told you it was gonna be super-duper fun!" She tells Anon with sincerity.

"It was fine with all things considering, I can tell your boss isn't much of a fan of me I take it."

"Oh no, not at all! She's just really uneasy seeing weird, tall, fleshy creatures that she isn't familiar with."

Anon looks at Pinkie with a bit of a frown. "Oh."

Pinkie takes notice and quickly back peddles on her words. "N-No that's not what I meant!... Or is it?" Pinkie ponders her words. "Darn it Pinkie, did you really have to call him weird?! I didn't mean it like that though! Oh yeah, well good going missy, look, you made him upset! No I didn't, did I?"

"It's fine Pinkie, really." Anon breaks Pinkie out of her thoughts. "Coming to this world, certainly comes with its up's and down's, and I for one have been accustomed to knowing that."

"What do you mean Anon?" Pinkie says slowly, her voice attentive and ready to listen to whatever her friend's going to say.

"Oh, just the different ponies is all, it's nothing too serious." Anon rubs his neck, seemingly wanting to drop the subject.

"Come on Anon, you can tell me." Pinkie assures him with a nurturing voice.

"Are you sure?" He responds with a doubtful demeanor, to Anon, he thinks no one is willing, nor wanting, to hear his bothersome feelings, even if it's a friend he trusts with so much of his being.

They stop moving and look at each other, tree's and woods line up behind Anon. Pinkie looks in Anon's eyes with sureness and puts her hoof softly on his shoulder. "Anon, you can tell me anything." She smiles softly. Anon feels a surge of comfort through his body, Pinkie's always ready to listen to whatever he has to say, as if she's the only one that will.

He takes a deep breath before speaking. "Ok Pinkie, I'll tell you." He gives her a smile back, it fills her with so much joy seeing him look at her with that wonderful face. "The ponies here... they don't like me, now I understand why, it's just that... it can be a little hard to deal with from time to time."

"That's not true Anon! You have me, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Twi-"

"I know, I know." He cuts her off again, seeing her going off on another large speech. "I'm grateful for you guys, honestly I am. But, it can be a little cumbersome sometimes seeing ponies go the other direction at the sheer sight of me. I guess it's just to be expected being the only species of my being."

Pinkie frowns, she knows she can't say anything to make him feel better, and it beats her up inside. For all the time she's known him, ponies avoiding him anywhere that they would go, is a fact she never wanted to face. "I'm not always happy either Anon. I try my best, really I do, but I'm a pony too, just like everyone around me."

"Pinkie?" Anon says softly, seeing his friend open up to him unexpectedly.

She smiles at him once again and continues. "Cheering up my friends around me, seeing every pony else having a fun time, just making that one sad mare or stallion, turn that frown upside down... I love to see it. It's a feeling, I wouldn't trade in for a million royal cupcakes." She giggles. "But, through all the good times and bright memories... there's moments that I just think... well... that I'm just not good enough."

"What? Pinkie, that's-" She slowly puts her hoof on his mouth, Anon nods and lets her continue.

"It's not all the time mind you, but, something that many ponies tend to forget about me is that... I have a heart too, and it's just as big and round as everyone else. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I also struggle with my own thoughts, my own doubts, my own.... worth." She looks up the sky, stars, big and small, are illuminating with a bright heavenly light. She giggles again, another snort coming from her snout. "Enough of this 'gloom and doom' talk, come on, we still gotta get you home!"

"Y-Yeah... right." Anon walks with Pinkie in tow. He's never seen that side of her before, the side that is more then just that happy party mare she's always seemed to be. The talk about having feelings just like any pony else, it wasn't something he thought she'd ever care about.

"Here we are!" She states.

"Yep, just as small as I remember it." They both laugh at Anon's, not so funny, 'joke'. "I guess it's time for me to 'hit the hay' as they say. I really appreciated working with you today Pinks- I mean Pinkie." Anon catches himself as his tongue slips.

"You know, I've heard you say that before."

"Sorry Pinkie I-"

"I... like it." She smiles with a delicate expression. Anon looks slightly surprised at his friends response. "'Pinks', I think it suits me." She says cheerfully. "A nickname would be nice for you to though." She looks at him to gauge his reaction. "How about... Nonie... yeah, Nonie is perfect." She says to herself, satisfied at her best friend's new name.

"That's great Pinkie- I mean, Pinks. Nonie is fine by me." He agrees, walking to his door to finally get some much needed sleep.

"Goodnight Pinkie, I'll see you later."

"Goodnight... Nonie." She watches him close his door once again; words that she oh so wants to tell him, feelings she desperately wants to share with him, will have to wait, for another day.