• Published 5th Nov 2021
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Archangel Michael visits Equestria - Kama and Hallie

The Archangel Michael is sent to Equestria to help Twilight with her princess duties, but bad things start stirring up when he gets there.

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Chapter 1

Beyond the reaches of time and space, beyond the concept of the third dimension, beyond even the limits of the infinite and endless multiverse, lies a place made of pure light and filled with bliss and purity known by many different names, but there are some who know it by the name of Heaven. This place beyond all Creation where the Creator Of All resides welcomes those who have moved on from their mortal dimensioned bodies to a higher plane of existence to return to where their Creator originates and can experience the very best of what their Creator can offer.

Of course, the passed-on remnants of these mortal creatures of the lower status of existence aren't the only ones who reside in this plane, there are also other beings who have lived here since the beginning, entities of a much higher power, concept, state of being, and who's purpose of existing is to carry out the will and duties of their Lord and Creator, some know them as the Malakhim, Malaikah, or Angels. One of these angels is considered one of if not the highest-ranking of them all, who is known by the name of Mikha'El, or Mika'il, or as most call him: Michael. He was God's warrior and the caretaker of the natural order, and he proudly awaits every single one of his Creator's orders because of his undying love for Him. He usually received orders to fight off his archenemy, the entity known as the Devil, Iblis, or Satan, and the forces of evil and malevolence that go against the wishes of his Creator, sometimes he was ordered to protect the followers of God and those in need from danger by Satan, or to take care of the natural order of the universe such as keeping the lands of the Earth fertile by making it rain. This time though, he was going to be given a rather unusual duty.

Michael was resting upon the spot he usually resides to watch the ongoing events throughout the multiverse, all of them happening at different points in time, different dimensions, different universes, different timelines, all of them happening at the same time in front of his eyes. Suddenly, his closest fellow angel, Gavri'El, otherwise known as Jibra'il or Gabriel, approached him bringing news, as is his purpose.

"Hi, Mikha'El. The Lord has requested your presence, says He has a special task for you." Gabriel said, pointing one of his six hundred wings toward where he's supposed to go.

"A 'special' task? Well, this should be interesting. Thank you, Gavri'El." Michael said.

"Of course, I pray that your task may be a successful one, like always." Gabriel said, whispering at the last part. And with that Michael left Gabriel behind.

Michael approached the Throne of God, eagerly awaiting his command, fulfilling his purpose. Michael always felt that he was the one closest to the Creator, both literally and figuratively, which is why he was always the proudest and loyal to the Lord that always made sure everyone else will follow His word, much to the annoyance of the other angels, but that never concerned Michael. With that, the Lord spoke to Michael.

"Mikha'El, I have a special task for you. You are to visit the planet known as Equus, where you shall go to the land of Equestria, there you shall visit the ruler of Equestria: Twilight Sparkle. She is currently in a lost and confused state in her rulership of her country, facing dilemmas and problems someone like her in that position would obviously go mad. I need you to go down there and guide her through her hardships until whenever the crisis is averted." the Creator explained.

However, Michael was surprised and a little confused about the task. "I'm sorry, my Lord. But are you wishing me to assist ponies of all things? We barely ever interact with the planet Equus, and they seem to be functioning well without our assistance, they have been able to fight the demonic forces of evil with ease and little hardship since by the looks of it they have learned to control the energies within and outside of them to make 'magic', so I'm sure that a little disturbance of mind is nothing they can't handle. And guiding? My duties are usually to protect leaders, not help them solve their little political dilemmas, don't you think You should just let their guardian angels deal with something like that? At least I think they have guardian angels, considering how lucky they seem at escaping doom." Michael explained.

"I know that your task may sound strange at first, but this is something only you will be able to do. She's a kind and just ruler who really relies on the strengths of socializing and relationships, and very often sees the light and bright side of things in the darkest of situations" God explained.

"Are you sure Gavri'El isn't the one you want to send, they both sound pretty similar and could get along well?" Michael asked.

"Are you really going to spend the rest of our time questioning My request? Trust me, Mikha'El. I'm sure that this task will not only help her a lot but could also be very beneficial to you as well." God answered.

"Well then, thank you, my Lord. It will be done immediately. I have never refused a task from you." Michael replied.

"Well, of course. Because you can't actually..." God gestured at Michael, which Michael obviously understood.

"Yes, right. Alright, I'll be there." Michael said.

And with a flash of light, Michael departed from Heaven, down into the multiverse. He arrived at the universe he needed to be and within a moment, he saw the world of his destination. He looked down upon it, as his size was much bigger than the planet was at the moment, it was a good thing that nothing could see angels unless they revealed themselves to them. With that, he was ready to begin his task for real, until he heard a voice that stopped him in his tracks.

"Why, hello there, Michael!" the voice said, coming from the void between the stars near him, then the speaker revealed himself.

"What are you doing here, Satan? It's not our time yet and this is neither the time nor place for your presence to be required." Michael said to the enemy of him and the Lord's creations.

"Oh, I was just doing my usual devilish routine when I heard that our beloved Archangel Michael is going to be tutoring a bunch of horses of all things! Haha, I mean I couldn't believe it at first, has good old Michael really lost that much hope in the Lord's other creations that he had to stoop low enough to preach to horses? Not that I'd really blame you, most of them are completely hopeless, especially humans. Well, not entirely, I hear they're starting to really like me a lot more than you guys." Satan taunted.

"Wait, how did you hear about my task? I just left Heaven a moment ago." Michael asked.

"News travels fast, or did it travel slow? How long did it take to reach me, anyway? 3 seconds? A million years? I don't know, time isn't really a concept I delve into too much." Satan wondered with a smile. "Regardless, I was surprised to hear you guiding animals. I mean look at them, do they really need your constant preaching? And from the looks of it, they seem to be some of the more pure creations of God, more than others at least. Good news for me! Gives me more room for sweet temptation, see what they're hiding under that sugar-coated exterior they have." Satan said looking down on the world in front of them.

"You may think you have the upper hand by tempting all of the Lord's creations and by attempting to exasperate me right now, but in the end, those who fight for the side of God will always prevail. It has been foretold since the beginning that I am the one destined to defeat you, and that you are destined to be defeated, and no silver-tongued temptation or empowering of dark forces is ever going to change that." Michael replied.

Satan suddenly shook himself as if snapping out of a trance. "Sorry, what? I was too busy thinking about how 'tempting' and 'attempting' actually rhyme. I mean, they both almost mean the same thing but for different purposes. It sounds catchy as well, 'attempting tempting'. Hehehe." Satan pondered, which added to Michael's disdain.

Michael has always felt a certain feeling of wrath whenever his nemesis was around, ever since he had disobeyed and spat in the face of his Creator and Michael had to drive him out of Heaven, ever since then all he did was disturb and assault all the creatures of God for his own amusement and 'duties' as he says. The Lord and a lot of others keep saying that Satan is a necessary part of the universal order and that his presence was just as important as his and God's. But Michael never saw things that way or understood that view, when he sees Satan he only sees an obstacle that must be destroyed, it was his destiny, after all, to destroy Satan during the End of All Things. But he couldn't destroy Satan, even if he wanted to, since it was 'not the time' yet, and that his duty at the moment was to assist a creature of God, not to battle his adversary. Even though angels all have their own thoughts and personalities, they lacked free will, so unless their Creator tells them to do something, they lack the ability to take actions of their own. So Michael had no choice but to persist and continue his duty while Satan was around.

"Leave me be, Satan. You have no business here, and I must continue." Michael said one last time before decreasing his size and descending down to the planet, there he observed the land before him. He could see the location of his destination, a castle, and city on the side of a mountaintop, where a waterfall was flowing from. He could see a quaint little town near the mountain where a tree-shaped castle made of crystal. In these two locations, he could see the residents who were multicolor tiny horses that came in three different forms: the unicorns, the winged ones called pegasi, and the ordinary-looking earth ponies, once in a while he'd see a creature of a different species. Everywhere he looked, the land was filled with nothing but good weather, healthy fertile lands, and inhabitants filled with peace and joy, sure this place was nowhere near the beauty of Heaven and he knew that it's still filled with sins and darkness in some shape or form, but he liked it nonetheless. Michael didn't know why he ignored this world for as long as he did, this seemed like someplace he would enjoy spending time in. Then he was reminded why him being here can also be dangerous as well.

"My, my. This land is wonderful, isn't it, Michael?" Satan said, descending down from the sky, also observing the land around him.

"It's Mikha'El..." Michael growled. He always disliked when people called him an alteration of his original name, it took away from the meaning his name had.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. You know, I must say this place has a tad too much peace and happiness, not to mention it's way too colourful. I think someone needs to tone it down a notch, and by a notch, I mean a lot. Honestly, this place almost makes me sick." Satan said with a grossed-out tone.

"Satan, do not get any ideas with interfering with the lives of these creatures. Don't forget that I will be here to stop you if you try anything." Michael threatened.

"Well, I don't think you can. Your duty is to help their ruler deal with her petty little problems, not to go around fighting me to save a bunch of random citizens." Satan said.

"No, but since they're Twilight Sparkle's citizens, their situation will make it her business, which will make it my business. And if what it takes to help her is to eliminate you, then I will gladly do so if necessary." Michael explained.

Satan could do nothing but stare blankly for a split second at Michael's solution, while Michael just stared back smugly and triumphantly at Satan. "Ah, I like it when the Lord doesn't make his orders too specific." Michael thought out loud.

"Oh, well, no matter. This isn't the only country on this planet, There are tons more I can have fun with! I'm particularly interested in the Dragon Lands over there, it brings back fond memories from when I was in Heaven." Satan explained.

"Yes, very fond." Michael grumbled. "Also, Dragon Lands? You seem to know a few things about this world, have you been here before?" the angel asked.

"Eh, maybe I helped spread some dark magic here and there. I don't know, don't really have many memories of this place." Satan thought.

"Alright, I've had enough of you. I must proceed to the city of Canterlot, and converse with this 'Twilight Sparkle'. I just need to figure out how to approach her."

"Alright, you have fun, Michael." Satan said mockingly.

"It's Mikha'El!"

In the throne room of the castle of Canterlot, sits a purple alicorn turned into the new ruler of Equestria named Twilight Sparkle. She has been the ruler of Equestria for no more than less than a year, and she has seemed to get the hang of it, mostly anyway. Recently, Twilight has been facing a lot of obstacles for both her royalty life and her personal life. It's like the superheroes in Spike's old comic books where they have to juggle between their two personas. On one hoof, Twilight had been dealing with making sure there's no tension between the kingdoms, the new laws, the renovation for Canterlot, her new students, the help to fix the cities of her kingdom, and other kingdoms. And on the other hoof, her friends have been wanting to spend time with her, having sent many invitations to her for a special occasion between them, but she had to decline every time due to her being very busy the past few months, they've barely even had their annual meetings of the Council of Friendship. Her friends told her not to worry about it since what she was going through was more important and they shouldn't have been bothering Twilight in the middle of her Princess duties, but that didn't make Twilight feel any less guilty.

Twilight went through all the papers and files of her current duties, and she was feeling exhausted, something she rarely said about reading. She has practically lost track of time, when she checked the clock, it was already time for the sun to go down. Suddenly, someone came through the door.

"Hey, Twilight. You doin' okay?" Spike asked.

"Oh, hey, Spike. I...have I been in here all day?" Twilight asked, feeling her eyes starting to droop.

"Yeah, didn't wanna bother you. You were in a really focused state, hehe." Spike chuckled. "By the way, I heard that Applejack is having her Apple Family Reunion in a few days, Rarity's getting a contract for the expansion of her fashion business, and Pinkie and Cheese Sandwich have got together, isn't that great?" Spike said enthusiastically.

"Oh, Goddess..." Twilight moaned, faceplanting into her throne's armrest. "Oh, Spike. What am I going to do? I feel like I'm missing every important event that my friends clearly want me to go to. What if I miss too much, what will they say to me next time we meet up? What about the rest of Equestria and the other kingdoms? If I focus on this too much I might screw up my duties, and they'll think I'm a bad leader."

"Woah, Twilight! Pull yourself together! We spent so much time preparing for the day of your coronation to make sure this sort of thing doesn't happen! Discord even brought back three villains for you, I'm still kinda ticked off about what happened." Spike lectured and said quietly during the last part. "And I'm pretty sure the Princesses wouldn't have picked you if they didn't think you would be the best choice, and everycreature seems to love you, so any bad things you're thinking, that's just your stress talking. C'mon Twilight, don't make us go through this again, I thought we were past this." Spike reassured his big sister.

"Y-yeah, you're right, Spike. I'm just overreacting. Gosh, what was going through my head?" Twilight asked herself.

"You're just exhausted Twilight, and it's almost nighttime anyway. Let's just lower the sun, raise the moon, and deal with this stuff tomorrow." Spike said.

With that, Twilight put her files and papers away and walked over to the balcony to raise the moon. After all that is done, she walks back into her chambers. But after a few hours of lying in her bed, she found that she couldn't sleep, so Twilight decided to get out of bed and take a midnight walk, dismissing her guards when she exited. She walked through the Gardens of Canterlot, and on her walk she saw the labyrinth where they first met Discord, the spot they celebrated Shining Armor and Cadance's wedding, and the Sculpture Garden, where she could see the spot Discord used to be, and the statue of Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow off in the distance.

Truth be told, Twilight didn't know why she was thinking the way she was. She kept telling herself to stop feeling guilty and worried and that she was already past feeling scared and stressed about her princess role in order to go to sleep, but nothing worked, she figured maybe calming herself down by walking around can get her to sleep. Yet it still didn't work, at this point, she just hoped the walk exhausted her to sleep. Her mind continued to wander to places she wish it didn't, what if she missed too many important things with her friends? What if she lost the calm, confident leader demeanor and reverted back to her old ways, and end up making an irrational decision that could ruin her life, her friendships, and her country? Twilight hit herself with her hoof to stop her mind from continuing, but then suddenly her internal battle was interrupted by a strange sensation in the air.

Twilight looked around her and felt as if there was something forming high above her. Suddenly, a bright light appeared that looked like some sort of portal that nearly blinded her, then out of the light appeared something that nearly frightened her to death. Out of the light appeared some sort of being that was larger than anything that Twilight has ever seen, it was so big that the sky was nearly blocked from her view. The creature(?) had around 8 wings, a pair to cover its head and top part of its body, another pair to cover its hind limbs and lower part of its body, and the other two pairs to fly, making the creature look like nothing more than a giant mass of wings with no visible body. The freakiness didn't stop there, the wings were apparently covered in eyes! Something that Twilight never imagined any natural creature would have, and it had one giant eye in the center of its body where the wings didn't manage to cover, the eye was the only visible thing in that open spot since it was completely shrouded in darkness. Surrounding the creature was a bright blue and purple fire-like light that almost made it impossible to see clearly, making the creature look like it was on fire.

Then, the creature spoke. "Twilight Sparkle, be not afraid! I mean you no harm. I am the Archangel Mikha'El, I've been sent here by our Lord to guide you through your troubles!"

Its voice was unlike anything Twilight ever heard before, it was hard to tell whether the creature was male or female since its voice had no trace of the traits of a male or female voice, and it also sounded like a male and female voice talking at the same time. The voice sounded big, stern, and glorious, but also calm and reassuring, in a way that made Twilight calm down a little.

Looking at the creature almost made Twilight scream her lungs out and run away, yet she didn't do either of them. After a while, she was able to feel her hooves again and got back up, never taking her eyes off the giant winged creature.

"Y-y-you're here to...guide me?" Twilight blurted out with all the effort she had, having a hard time believing what was happening to her right now.

"That is correct. I have been tasked with assisting you with any problems you are having until whatever your troubles are at the moment will be gone, and I will be by your side until my duty here is finished!" the creature explained, and it seemed as if it was bowing down to her, which she wondered how that was even possible considering how enormous it was.

Twilight was still confused about the situation. "Wait, wait. What is this? Who sent you?" She asked in utter disbelief.

"Our Lord, the creator of everything, the one who made the universe and allowed you and I to exist." the creature replied. Twilight couldn't believe the creature's explanation, the creator of the universe sent it to help her? That was just an idea she couldn't wrap her head around. She didn't even know there was a creator of the universe, other than beliefs of very ancient pony societies. She could feel her brain start to overload, so she decided to stop her thoughts. She looked at the creature again.

"What did you say your name was again?" Twilight asked.

"My name is Mikha'El. One of the highest-ranking of my order of the Lord's servants." the creature explained.

"'Meeka L'? Alright, how about we, um...wait 'till the sun comes up tomorrow and we can uh... discuss this later?" Twilight said, wanting to take a breath from this crazy experience.

"Of course, Princess. I'll appear to you once you have awoken, and remember, if you ever need me just pray to our Lord and ask for my assistance, and I shall be there immediately. I'm sure our relationship will be an interesting one."

Author's Note:

That was the first chapter, hopefully you like it!

I should probably mention that Michael and Satan won't look like their traditional depictions, instead, they'll look more eldritch and alien, like those "biblically-accurate angel" artworks that you see on the internet.

Here's Michael:

And here's Satan:

Yeah, hope you don't mind it. I just like these designs better than the traditional ones.