• Published 5th Nov 2021
  • 1,370 Views, 44 Comments

Archangel Michael visits Equestria - Kama and Hallie

The Archangel Michael is sent to Equestria to help Twilight with her princess duties, but bad things start stirring up when he gets there.

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Chapter 3

Twilight sat in the dining hall with a plate of pancakes in front of her, but she has barely eaten it yet. All that was on her mind since she left the balcony and sat on the dining table was the 'Meeka El' creature she kept seeing. Her mind was just filled with questions about this creature, still having a hard time fully processing what was happening, luckily it didn't get to the point where she was a nervous wreck. Who is this creature? What is this creature? Why or how does it look the way it does? Where did it/he come from? Who exactly is this 'Creator of the Universe' he keeps mentioning? Why is he even helping her? Is what he's saying true? Can he actually be trusted? So many questions are rushing through her head at the same time that she wants to be answered, and she's getting a little impatient. She told Meeka L to let her have breakfast first and then meet her afterward, but now she's kind of regretting it. The questions in her head are becoming too much for her to handle that she feels she's gonna start talking to herself. Then she remembered Meeka-El saying something about 'praying to the Creator' and he'll show up, Twilight doesn't know exactly what she's supposed to do or if it'll even work, but she supposed she'll at least try. But then Spike came into the room.

Spike yawned. "Good morning, Twilight. Didya get some good sleep last night?" Spike asked walking towards the table.

"Oh, uh...yeah, I think I did." Twilight said unsurely.

Spike flew up to his chair and sat down, staring intently at his plate and the table. "Boy, what are we gonna have for breakfast today?" Then Spike looked up towards Twilight, noticing her face. "Hey, Twilight. You okay? You seem a bit...confused." Spike pointed out, unsure of what exactly was the mood planted into his big sister.

"What? Oh! Am I? Oh, it's nothing! I was just...thinking about today's duties, y'know. Lotsa stuff I left out yesterday and lots of stuff coming in today! Good thing I got some good relaxing sleep last night and absolutely nothing weird happened, haha." Twilight responded awkwardly.

Spike just stared weirded out for a moment. "Twilight, what's going on? What were you doing? Did you actually get sleep last night?" Spike asked a second time.

"Uh...yes, I did, eventually. But, uh...before I went to bed I uh, met someone...interesting." Twilight answered hesitantly.

"Met someone? At that hour? Who was it?" Spike kept on asking.

"Um...I don't know if I should tell you. You'll probably just think I'm crazy, haha." Twilight said nervously.

"Crazy? Twilight, we've seen tons of weird stuff that we would've considered crazy, I'm sure I won't have a hard time believing whatever you have to say." Spike reassured.

"Okay, here goes. I was walking in the gardens last night when suddenly there was a bright light and this really enormous creature that was so big he blocked out the sky and was just a mass of wings and eyes suddenly appeared saying that its name is the 'Arch Angel Meeka L", or 'Meekha El', or 'Mika-El', I don't really know how it's pronounced! He, it, whatever it is said that apparently he was sent by 'The Creator' who according to him created the entire universe, to help me get through my troubles and guide me on my princess duties. I thought it was all just some crazy dream but then he showed up again right after I just raised the sun in front of my balcony and naturally I was freaked out and he told me to calm down so I told him to meet me after breakfast because honestly, I don't know what to do about him right now!" Twilight explained and yelled at the end, breathing heavily afterward.

Spike just stared at her wide-eyed and blinked a few times before speaking. "Um, Twilight? Are you sure you actually got any sleep last night?" the young dragon asked.

"Ugh, of course you wouldn't believe me. I mean, listen to me right now..." Twilight moped in defeat.

"Oh, no, Twilight, it's not that I don't believe you. It's just that I'm uh...a little lost." Spike said. "I mean you said that this thing was covered in bright light and was big enough to block out the sky, even at that hour, don't you think somepony would've seen that?" Spike asked.

"I asked him the same thing, he said that he can only be seen by the creatures he reveals himself to. So, right now, I'm the only one who's able to see him. I asked if he would reveal himself to you or my friends and he said that he'll think about it." Twilight explained.

"So this 'Ark angel...Meekuh L'? He only wants to show himself to you? What's up with that? Is he afraid ponies are gonna shun him or something? Like we did with the changelings?" Spike asked with a tone of suspicion.

"No, definitely not. I mean, he's probably as big or probably bigger than this mountain. And I'm just guessing, but he looks like he's pretty powerful, and he's probably interdimensional, so he's definitely not worried about a bunch of ponies saying or doing bad stuff to him." Twilight thought.

"Then why is he hiding himself?" Spike asked again.

"He says it's for our sake because most creatures won't be able to handle looking at him. According to him, some creatures could take months or years to recover from the sight of him." Twilight explained.

"Uh-huh, but you seem to be doing perfectly fine...kinda." Spike said, skeptical about that claim.

"Well, I said that it's probably because I've already seen tons of weird stuff so he kinda fits right in with the rest of them." Twilight chuckled.

"But, Twilight...how do you know you can actually trust this creature? I mean, he just suddenly appears out of nowhere saying he was sent by the 'creator of the universe' to help you, you've only met him twice in a very short amount of time in the span of like, what? Six hours? And the only things that point to him being trustworthy is telling you to calm down and saying he's an 'angel'. Is what he's saying even true? You don't even know what he's supposed to be." Spike explained.

"Jee, I don't really know, that's why I'm planning to ask him some questions. Hold on, you actually believe what I'm saying? I thought that you thought I was just completely crazy!" Twilight said in shock, feeling relieved as well.

"Well, um...I'm not too sure yet, Twilight. I did think that you were just having your crazy hallucinations from not getting any sleep and stressing out, I mean, it wouldn't be the first time that happened. But what you're describing sounds pretty weird, and you're usually right about these kinds of things, so something clearly happened. But it does still sound crazy, so I really gotta see it for myself." Spike said.

"Uh...wow, Spike. I'm actually quite surprised about how you took that. I thought it was gonna go way worse. Meekha El did say he's gonna show up later once my princess duties have started, he also said that if I ever need him, I should 'pray' to the 'Creator' and I guess ask them to get Meekha El to show up? I guess then I can also ask if he could reveal himself to you and certain others." Twilight remembered.

"Really? Well then, I guess I'll try contacting our friends, ask them to come here since according to what you said, he's gonna show up again." Spike said while preparing to get off his chair, forgetting the fact he was supposed to have breakfast.

"Oh, no, Spike. You really don't need to. Our friends are probably busy and I really don't wanna bother them with something we aren't even sure is rea..." Twilight tried to stop Spike before she got interrupted.

"Twilight, if you really are seeing a giant mountain-sized winged creature from another dimension saying that he was sent by the 'creator of the universe', then I think our friends need to know. I mean, we're not even sure what he is or why he's actually here. He traveled all this way just to help you with your princess duties? That does sound nice of him, but sounds kinda odd, don'tcha think?" Spike insisted.

"Right. Then you do that and I'll get started for the day. Hopefully I won't bring them here for nothing." Twilight said worryingly.

"Calm down, Twilight. Even if it isn't real, at least they can help you ease out a little." Spike reassured as he flew off his chair to find a quill and scroll.

"Yeah, you're right. I'm gonna head up to the throne room, and you can catch up with me once you've grabbed our writing equipment."

"Of course! Meet ya there!" Spike waved.

Michael hovered above an isolated piece of land where he can assure there will be no distractions, and hopefully would not be bothered by Satan most of all, though he knew there was no hiding from him. Luckily, his enemy hasn't shown up during the time he was here so that probably meant that he was off being busy doing...the things he usually does. But that wasn't Michael's concern at the moment, he was busy thinking about what he was going to do with Twilight Sparkle's troubles and duties, and if he should make himself known to other ponies than her. Angels have revealed themselves to more than one person before obviously, but only if they were required to do so, and his duties were only said to be with Twilight Sparkle so he was feeling a bit conflicted. Being an angel, he was incapable of making mistakes, but that doesn't mean he couldn't accidentally do the wrong thing or make things worse if he followed his orders too strictly. So he decided to ask confirmation from God, to see if he should do what he's considering to do, and how he should do it.

Michael closed his eyes and focused his mind directly on speaking to the Almighty, and asked what he wanted to ask, and a moment later, a portal appeared in front of him. On the other side was none other than his closest fellow angel, Gabriel, who looked at him with his star-eye surrounded by hundreds of white wings also covered in eyes.

"Why, greetings, Mikha'El." Gabriel greeted full of kindness and happiness.

"Greetings to you too, Gavri'El. I take it that the Lord has sent you to deliver His message for Him?" Michael asked.

"Yes, He did. He's currently very busy with other things at the moment, so he's asked me to speak to you for Him instead. He already informed me of everything I must say and the answers to every question you might ask. I don't know why He just doesn't do it Himself considering time doesn't exist up here but that might mean He's very busy." Gabriel explained.

"Yes, best not to talk about it too much. So anyway, as you know, I was wondering about what to do in my task. Specifically with Princess Twilight and if it's a good idea to reveal myself to the other creatures I wasn't assigned to." Michael started to ask what he was attempting to ask in the first place.

"Ah, yes, that. Well, the first question is simple: Just do some normal helping. You know, help her with her duties, give advice, help solve her problems, make sure she doesn't make a wrong decision or do anything rash, just normal things." Gabriel explained.

"Okay, yes, I figured." Michael replied.

"For the second one, I think youshould reveal yourself to the other ponies, they are her friends after all, and from what I've heard, the princess seems to hold her friends in such high regard and therefore important to her life and career, so they'll obviously be important to your task. So yes, they should know." Gabriel explained further.

"But should I use my true form or should I disguise myself in order to not make them lose their minds?" Michael asked again.

Right, that one is a little more complicated since it's hard to say what'll happen, but I think I know what to do. I think you should reveal your true form to them first, you know, so they are aware of what exactly they're dealing with, the power of God and all. Then maybe, if you absolutely need to if not most of the time in a normal situation, you can just take their form so they can be more comfortable to be around you." Gabriel suggested.

"I don't know, I'm not too keen on changing my form. But if it gets the job done, so be it." Michael replied. "And I pray things will go smoothly, that is if Satan doesn't show his face again."

"Satan? Wait, is he down there?" Gabriel asked.

"Oh, right, I didn't mention. Apparently, Satan heard of my mission and decided it would be a good idea to bother me in the middle of my duties, and he's really starting to get on my nerves." Michael explained his situation.

"Wow, well, better keep an eye on him, Mikha'El. You never know what he might be capable on a world like the one you're on." Gabriel warned.

"Eh, I'm sure the inhabitants of this world will manage fine. They've dealt with the likes of him thousands of times, so he shouldn't be too much of a problem." Michael shrugged.

"If you insist. Oh! Speaking of which, that planet you're on sounds quite lovely from what I've heard. I haven't gotten any tasks from the Lord other than my usual Heaven patrol, so I was wondering...would you be so kind as to take me down there one day, just to see what it's like. I heard that you said to the Almighty that I would fit down there quite well." Gabriel asked.

"Oh, uh, um...sure! Why not? But right now's not the best time. So if I ever get the chance, I'll make sure to ask the Lord to allow you to come down here." Michael assured.

"Why, thank you very much, Mikha'El! I very much appreciate it, I can't wait! Now, I apologize, our communication must end now, and I have to get back to greet the newly arrived souls at Heaven. See you later!" Gabriel bid farewell happily.

"I bid farewell to you too, Gavri'El." Michael said kindly but also tiredly. And with that, the portal closed.

Michael turned away from the direction the portal was a moment ago and exhaled heavily. "Good Lord, so many more things happening to what should've been a simple task. I pray that this situation doesn't get too out of hand."

Author's Note:

By the way, in case you're wondering what Gabriel looks like: