• Published 5th Nov 2021
  • 1,381 Views, 44 Comments

Archangel Michael visits Equestria - Kama and Hallie

The Archangel Michael is sent to Equestria to help Twilight with her princess duties, but bad things start stirring up when he gets there.

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Chapter 4

Twilight walked into her throne room and then sat on her throne, she never really thought about how Celestia had to spend a lot of time just sitting in a big chair. Oh well, whatever it takes to run the country properly, you gotta put your subjects first. A moment later, Spike came in with all the scrolls, ink, and quill, and sat down in his chair beside Twilight's throne.

"Alright, got everything prepared for today here." Spike proclaimed.

"That's good, so should we write the letters?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah, we should. By the way, I think we should also send some pegasi guards to bring them here." Spike suggested.

"What? Why?" Twilight asked.

"It'll get them here faster than them coming here on their own, plus it lets them know what we're dealing with is important." Spike explained.

"But, Spike...we can't just randomly send a bunch of guards to Ponyville telling them to come that quickly. What if they're busy or something..." Twilight tried to brush away that suggestion.

"Twilight, for Celestia's sake! This letter's gonna let them know the guards are coming. Not to mention if you're having some stress troubles or if you really are seeing a giant winged alien claiming to help you, I think our friends should know and come immediately." Spike replied.

"Uh...yeah, you're right. Sorry I acted so worried, Spike. You go ahead with what you're doing." Twilight said with regret.

"Of course, sorry I snapped at you. But someone's gotta snap you out of it before something bad happens." Spike said.

"Heheh, I know, Spike. I really gotta get it together, I can't deal with Equestria's problems if my mind is like this. All that's up here right now is this whole thing about Meeka El, hopefully we can resolve it as soon as possible." Twilight thought.

"Yeah, hopefully." Spike responded.

Elsewhere, in the town of Ponyville, not too far from the capital of Canterlot, a cyan pegasus flew through the air toward the center of the town, meeting up with four other ponies on the ground. The cyan pegasus known as Rainbow Dash carried with her a scroll of royal origins, and she soon discovered her four other friends had the same kind of scroll with them too.

"You all got the message too, huh?" Rainbow asked, though she already knew the answer.

"Sure did. Surprised ta see you here last, Dash." the orange earth pony mare with blonde mane named Applejack said to her rainbow-maned friend.

"Eh, well, I was in the middle of taking a nap when this letter popped outta nowhere!" Rainbow Dash said defensively.

"Did your scrolls also just appear out of thin air? It was a good thing I watched before any of the animals could chew on it." the yellow pegasus named Fluttershy asked her friends.

"It did, I was in the middle of making one of the cakes for my daily parties when the scroll just appeared and dropped into the batter, good thing I didn't start mixing yet, or else everypony would've been eating paper-flavored cake, and nopony likes paper-flavored cake." the pink earth pony known as Pinkie Pie explained with a very fast pace.

"Ah did too, had to dig through some mud from plowing to get it." Applejack explained.

"So it says that Twilight needs to see us immediately because she's dealing with something very serious and shocking since last night and she needs us to hear about it and help her about it." the white unicorn named Rarity repeated the contents of the letter she and her friends received earlier.

"That's what it says." Rainbow Dash commented, half-mocking Rarity.

"Oh, dear. I hope it's nothing too serious." Fluttershy hoped worriedly.

"If Twilight's calling' all of us together, ah bet it's somethin' serious." Applejack replied to her yellow friend.

"Not to mention it also says we're going to be escorted by the royal guard, so it seems she's really in a hurry." Rarity added.

"Yeah, Rares, I think we all got that." Rainbow said.

"Look, here it comes!" Pinkie pointed toward the sky, where a chariot pulled by two pegasus royal guard was lowering to the ground towards them.

The chariot lands, seemingly big enough to fit five ponies in it. So the five mares got on the gold chariot and the chariot took off to the air once more, turning back to the direction of Canterlot.

"Whatever Twilight's calling us for, it better be worth it." Rainbow said.

"Well, even if it's not, at least we get to visit her again." Fluttershy commented.

"I know, I missed her too. I just hope it's not one of her breakdowns she makes seem more of a big deal than it actually is." Rainbow replied.

"C'mon, Dash. We all know Twilight's already past that for a long time now." Fluttershy reassured.

"Yeah, you're right. Twilight's different now, she's not the same nervous wreck we knew back then." Rainbow said with a smile.

After the trip, the five mares arrive at Canterlot and enter the palace and make their way to the castle's throne room. When they arrived at the door, the guard opened the door but did not let them enter yet, informing the princess of their arrival first. From what the five mares could see from the door into the room, Twilight was looking through a bunch of scrolls with Spike and a subject of hers. Even though Twilight was staring intently at the scroll in front of her face, it was clear something else was on her mind.

"Your Majesty, your awaited guests have arrived." the guard spoke.

Twilight looked up from her scroll. "Oh! Of course, bring them in." Twilight told the guard.

The guard stepped aside to let the five mares walk into the throne room, Twilight gestured to her subject 'that will be all, you may leave' and the pony stepped out of the room.

"Hi, there, girls. Thank you so much for coming, hopefully it wasn't a bad time." Twilight said apologetically.

"Eh, it kinda was. But it don' matter, it's jus' nice ta see ya, Twilight." Applejack responded.

"Oh, thanks, Applejack." Twilight said with relief.

"Twilight, darling. Whatever is the matter, you seem like you're worried about something, are you not well?" Rarity asked with concern.

"Uh, I'm fine, Rarity. It's just that...I saw something really weird last night, and this morning." Twilight said.

"Really? What was it? Was it something bad?" Fluttershy asked getting more worried by the second.

"Um, not really. Actually, I don't know. It's hard to say. It sounded good, but I don't know if I should think it is yet." Twilight tried to respond.

"Alright, jeez, tell us what it was already, Twilight!" Dash exclaimed.

Twilight looked more nervous now and looked around her as if to make sure nopony else was listening, then looked to Spike who gestured her to continue. "I hope you won't think I'm crazy, or I hope I'm not actually crazy." Twilight said.

"Oh, of course not. If something's wrong we'll help you no matter what." Fluttershy said supportively.

Twilight looked reassured after hearing that and took a deep breath to prepare. "Alright then,..." Twilight then explained to her five friends everything that happened to her within the last 12 hours, what she saw in the garden and on the balcony, the creature itself, who and what it said it was and where it claims to have come from, and while she was explaining her friends just listened so intently trying to catch up and comprehend what their now royalty friend was trying to say. After Twilight finished, her friends all stared at her either confused, baffled, awe-struck, or slightly doubtful.

"Woah," Rainbow said. "Really?"

"It's true, I was really confused too. Actually, I still am." Twilight replied.

"A giant winged creature the size of uh mountain? How tha hay did nopony see that?" Applejack asked, kind of considering the option of Twilight being sleep deprived.

"Well, as he explained to me and I to Spike, he can only be visible to the creatures he's supposed to present himself to, so to anyone else he'd be invisible." Twilight explained to her farmer friend.

"And he says he serves the creator of the universe?" Rarity asked.

"Yeah, apparently there is one." Twilight answered not believing the information as well.

"Wow, hopefully if everypony learns about that it won't start any bad fights among us." Pinkie suddenly said, causing her friends to look at her weirdly.

"Hey, Twilight. Are you sure you ain't seein' things after bein' exhausted from las' night? Ah mean, you can see some crazy stuff when yer head ain't workin' properly." Applejack asked.

"That's what I thought at first, but now I'm sure what I saw was real. It's just too weird for me to have come up as a result of stress and exhaustion." Twilight explained.

"Yeah, I thought the same thing too. But Twilight's usually right about these kinds o' things, so even if it's not exactly what she's saying, there's definitely something going on." Spike added, which made the five mares in the room murmur and nod in agreement with each other.

"Okay, so...you said this guy's sent to help you right now, right?" Rainbow Dash asked to make sure. "So there's gotta be a way to get 'im to show up, right? I mean, kinda hard if you had a mountain-sized alien who could disappear to Celestia knows where and not be able to call him when ya need him."

"Actually, he did tell me what to do in case I need him. Follow me." Twilight answered, gesturing her friends to follow her to the balcony, where she stood nearest to the edge looking toward the sky.

"So, uh...what exactly are you supposed to do?" Rainbow asked from behind her.

"Um...I think he said I'm supposed to pray to his lord and ask him to send Meeka El to me." Twilight attempted to explain to the best of her abilities.

"Pray? So you just have to wish him here?" Rainbow asked, still confused with Twilight's explanation.

"I guess. I'm thinking it's some sort of telepathy kind of thing, but I'm not too sure." Twilight answered.

With the explanation out of the way, Twilight sat down on the balcony floor, closing her eyes and putting her two front hooves together. She sat there in silence while her friends just stared at her, some confused, and some looking around waiting for something to happen, but it was just quiet for the moment. Suddenly, a bright white light appeared out of thin air in the sky in front of them, and a mass of blue and purple wings swirled out of the light and eventually formed into a more defined but still not comprehensible figure that fit the description Twilight gave. Twilight was not exaggerating about the creature's size, it truly was bigger than the mountain and it almost blocked out the sky from their view. It was surrounded by giant blue and purple wings covered in eyes which made the pegasi cringe, and it was engulfed in light the same color as its wings, and it looked down on the ponies and the young dragon with one big central eye that almost didn't look like it's made from the same stuff a normal eye would.

Before any of them got a chance to scream or run away at the sight of this otherworldly creature whose form alone defied all laws of reality, it spoke to them. "Heroines of Equestria, Guardians of Friendship, be not afraid! I am not a threat to you! I have been sent here to offer guidance to your friend, Princess Twilight Sparkle. I am the Archangel Mikha'El, the Warrior of the Lord, and adversary of evil." the creature explained, basically answering the first questions they would've asked if they had the courage to speak at the moment.

The only one who seemed unfazed by the giant winged creature's presence was Twilight, who they remembered had seen this creature twice before. "So that really is how you introduce yourself to any creature you meet, isn't it?" the purple alicorn pointed out.

"Yes, it is. My tasks would've been unnecessarily longer if I didn't say those exact kinds of words to those I encounter, not that just saying those three words helped the situation too much, anyway." the creature explained looking down at the alicorn who is infinitely smaller than it, speaking weirdly casually as of between close acquaintances.

The five mares and young drake all grouped together, utterly shocked and terrified by the creature, except Pinkie Pie, who was freaked out but not to the same degree as her friends and stared with a sense of awe. The others were just futilely attempted to wrap their heads around the very existence of the creature in front of them, like how could such a creature even exist? This creature just seemed too impossible to even be alive, maybe that whole 'being from another dimension' thing sort of explained that question.

After a while, the mares and the young drake started to calm down very gradually, but never took their eyes off the creature. Eventually, one by one, a pony reacted to the situation that wasn't fear.

"Wow!You'resocool!Myname'sPinkiePie!Whatwasyoursagain?I'msoexcitedtomeetyou! Whatexactlyareyousupposedtobeagain?ShouldIthrowyouaparty?IthinkIshould!Buthowwouldyoufit?What'syourfavorite...?" the pink mare continued to ask faster than any of them could understand, so she was eventually ignored, not that any of them were paying any attention to her at the moment anyway.

Fluttershy was surprisingly the first one to step forward and walk up to the creature and start saying the same things Pinkie was saying, but in a manner which they could all actually understand. "Wow, you're amazing. What did you say your name was again?"

"I am Mikha'El." the creature responded.

"Meeka L, my name is..." Fluttershy tried to introduce herself properly before the creature interrupted.

"Actually, you and Twilight Sparkle are pronouncing my name wrong. It's Mikha'El. Not to much emphasis on the 'I', there's an 'H' after the 'K' and it's 'El', not 'L', it's all one word but the 'El' is also still its own separate word."

"Uh...Meekha El?" the two mares attempted to say his name more correctly, also shortening the 'ee'.

"Close enough, but not quite. You still have to shorten the...er, actually, just leave that aside. As long as you try to to pronounce my name correctly and not purposefully pronounce it wrong, it will be fine."

"Why would we purposefully pronounce your name wrong?" Fluttershy asked.

"Because there are some out there who would." the creature 'Meekha El' said grudgingly, seemingly talking about someone, or in its case, something that it knew.

Suddenly, a cyan form flew toward the creature, it was Rainbow Dash, who looked like a mere mosquito near the creature. "What are you?! Who are you working for?! What do you want with Twilight?! You better not be trying anything weird! Are you trying to destroy Equestria or something?!"

"Keep calm, Rainbow Dash. I told you I mean no harm, I have only your best interests at heart. And even if I was sent here to destroy your world, I wouldn't have agreed to it, if that would actually help in my case. Not to mention, one of my duties is warding off malevolent forces." 'Meekha El' answered.

"Alright then..." Rainbow Dash responded, relaxing but still being wary. "Ohmygosh, your wings are awesome! I barely ever see wings this colorful! Byt jeez, they're huge, and there's so many of them. How do you manage to fly with eight wings?!" Rainbow asked, immediately forgetting her worries.

"Actually, I only use four of them to fly, the other four I use to cover myself. And even though I do use them to move around, their main purpose isn't to fly, but to present my holiness and authority over others." Meekha El explained.

"Still, must be hassle handling those babies." Dash said. "Wait, are those actually eyes on your wings?" Rainbow asked noticing the eyes along Meekha El's wings, who all looked in her direction when she pointed them out, which almost made her shriek and fly away fast enough to cause a sonic rainboom.

"Oh, right. And those eyes are supposed to represent our all-seeingness and wisdom." Meekha El added.

"Wait, cover yourself? But why?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, I bet you would look just as beautiful as your wings are." Rarity finally spoke up, after it took a while for her to get used to the winged creature.

"Eh, beauty is subjective depending on what beholds it. I cover myself out of respect for the Lord, and to make sure that no lower beings I come across get burned to ash within seconds by the mere sight of me." Meekha El explained, causing his peers to stare shocked and wide-eyed.

"Well, I suppose that answers that question." Twilight chuckled nervously.

"Your lord? Y'mean the one ya serve? The one that sent ya here ta Twilight in the firs' place?" Applejack asked.

"Of course, and it's not just my Lord, it's our Lord." the winged creature explained.

"Our lord? Why would he be our lord?" Applejack asked again.

"Creator of the universe, remember?" Twilight answered.

"Oh...wait, really?" the farmer blurted out, still not understanding.

"But...why did he even send you to guide me? You don't seem like someone who would help any creature on this world, let alone me." Twilight asked.

"To be honest, I also haven't the faintest idea why the Almighty has tasked me with guiding you, considering this kind of work isn't even the duties I perform. My job would usually be something like protecting you from any big threats that would harm you and cause big problems for everybody else, not help with smaller problems. But if the Lord wills it, then I shall perform it." Meekha El explained.

"So you just go along with whatever your leader says without question? Even if you don't know what it's for?" Twilight asked again.

"While we may not know the purpose of our duties sometimes, we do know for sure that whatever the reason the Lord has, it is a good reason. And even if the duties might not sound good at first, it will be soon after we perform them. It's sort of like you with the former Princess, Celestia."

"Uh...well, I guess I can see what you mean. But bad? Whaddya mean? You don't mean that you've..."

"Destroyed other creatures? Yes, we have. We've destroyed demons, help destroy cities and kill thousands, I didn't really participate in all of them, but still. But it was all for good reasons, those we destroyed have already caused plenty of destruction so I guess we were doing a favour. "

"Yeah, but thousands?"

"Look, Princess. Things my kind has done things that might sound bad, I never really wanted to go with them since I don't believe the Lord's creations should be destroyed for the mistakes of a few, but it is what it is. And we are not here to discuss the morality of my kind, we are here to help you, and you should be the one we focus on right now." Meekha El reassured.

"Just don't let your kind destroy Equestria just because some jerks caused bad things to happen." Rainow told Meekha El sternly, causing her friends to chatter in agreement.

"Yeah, sounds mighty wrong fer ev'ry creature in the world ta die jus' because some easily fixable mistakes took place." Applejack backed up her pegasus friend.

"Haha, don't worry. There's been nothing that would cause your entire world's destruction...not yet anyway. I have appreciated the beauty of this world, and my fellow angel who's also very of very high authority seems to have taken a liking to your world, so I'm sure you'll be fine." Meekha El reassured.

"Speaking of your kind, you still haven't answered my question. What are you supposed to be?" Rainbow asked.

"I told you, I'm the Archangel. It means I am the Chief of Angels and their commander." the creature explained.

"Well, I admit. You're not exactly what comes to mind when I hear the word 'angel'." Rarity said.

"Ya got that right." Spike added, looking at Rarity.

"Yeah, we get that a lot, don't worry." Meekha El said.

"By the way, are you a guy or a girl? 'Cause I honestly can't tell." Rainbow asked, looking closely at the creature.

"Um...neither." Meekha El answered, this time being the confused one.

"Oh, so you're non-binary? Well, I haven't really met any non-binary creatures that much but I'm sure..." Twilight said in a friendly tone.

"No, I am not non-binary! I mean I literally do not have a gender, because me and my kind are above such things, it doesn't exist where we live, and we do not need to have one in the first place!" Meekha El explained in an oddly frustrated tone.

"But the, how are we supposed to address you. I don't want to call you an 'it'." Twilight said.

"Well, most refer to me in masculine terms so you can address me as 'he'." Meekha El answered.

"Okay, I'm glad we got that out of the way."

"Yes, I think we have conversed long enough now. I will leave you for now, report back to the Lord, and I will meet you again when you need me, which should only be in a few hours. Oh, and I should probably warn you. The entity known as Satan or the Devil is roaming your world at the moment, and he is never good news. He can appear as anyone, and he may not seem like a threat at first, but trust me when I say that nothing good will come of his presence, so keep a wary eye out." Meekha El explained before disappearing into thin air, leaving his peers as confused as they were when they first encountered him.

"What? Wait! What do you mean?" Twilight asked desperately at nothing.

"Did he seriously leave us without explaining something like that?!" Rainbow Dash yelled.