• Published 5th Nov 2021
  • 2,336 Views, 102 Comments

Survival of The Free World - BiasedAmerican

With the Cold War Escalating in 1980, it all started in Korea. Will the remaining Free World survive in this alien world they've landed upon?

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Scouting Parties

"Alright!" The General said to the newly gathered Recon Squads, "you're being sent to scout the hostiles outside our base, in case they attack or more forces gather with them. So get in your hell's and move out!" The General ordered.

The squads ran towards their Huey's as the propellors started up. As they got in, one by one, the Huey's began to lift off to their designated spots on nearby mountains, hills, or forests.

A day later..

Meanwhile in Canterlot, one of Luna's Royal Guards ran up to Luna with a scroll, stating, "Princess! We have reports of New Mareland's troop movement, we didn't order them to switch stations. Only our Garrison stays at New Mareland, and reports of Human troop gathering at their base in huge numbers." He reported.

Luna thought and said, "I fear that our subjects are getting ready to attack the Humans. First the Griffons, then the Dragons, and now our subjects? War is brewing, and find search the castle again, we're still getting sightings of humans soldiers hiding, although we have no proof than mere eyesightings." Luna ordered. She looked to the corridor on her left, as the guard left. Nothing was there, but behind cover, a French and American soldier are hidden, holding their breath and their rifles. After a certain amount of time, they heard footsteps walking away, then the Portuguese soldier aimed his FNFAL over cover to check if it's clear, he signals the American and he too gets up.

"That was close." The American stated, followed by the Portuguese soldier nodding. "But why the hell did doc place us here?" The American added.They both checked the big hallway Luna was in, and it was clear, then the Portuguese man got in his radio to report on what they overheard.

Meanwhile, one of the recon squads were touching down on their designated spot, the Sergeant opened the door and yelled, "Move!" As they all got out. The private slipped on the helicopter and fell down on the ground, the Sergeant picked him up and they ran towards some rocks overseeing the entire enemy force.

As they all lay down behind the rocks, the Sergeant signalled the squad rifleman who was special enough to be given a M82 to watch the skies for anyone headed their way. As they were, the Huey left to head back to the airbase.

While on the ground, Princess Ember arrived with her two guards, and immediately stated to Gruff, "We're being watched, they already know we're here."

"Yeah yeah, I know. I'm just wondering what this Jet Set would make us do next." Grampa Gruff asked.

Jet overheard this, and walked up to them and said to Ember, "Well, if you're so worried of being watched, send a dragon to go an kill them. If your dragon fails us, we're not going to give these humans any breathing space to get ready to attack us."

Ember groaned and pointed at the mountain where the recon squad was located, the fire dragon who was escorting her flew immediately towards the mountain.

"We've got a bogey!" The sniper yelled.

"Shoot when you can! Corporal, break radio silence and tell command we're being engaged, rest of the squad, support the marksman when you can!" He said as he aimed his M16 over the rocks, trying to find the bogey.

The sniper fired a shot, only grazing the dragon's arm, the dragon didn't know where they were, but he surely does now. The dragon began to go twice as fast, directly towards the squad.

"Squad, head into the what cover you can find, we'll fire on him when he's on top of us!" The Sergeant ordered. They then began to run behind trees, tre trunks, other rocks, and bushes. The dragon then arrived at their former location, giving above the small clearing, then a scream was heard, "Light him up!" Multiple gunfire of a variety of calibers were heard, and the tracers were all headed to the dragon. Then a loud shot from the M82, aimed at the Dragon's head, the bullet went straight through the scales that the Equines thought impossible to penetrate, the jaw of the dragon broke off.

Meanwhile on the ground, the loud gunshot was heard, and Ember's face was covered with nothing but terror, her invincible flame dragon was missing it's lower jaw and had multiple holes in it's wings as it fell straight down to the ground, making a loud thud. "No!" She screamed.

"Those humans are more powerful than I thought, we need to attack now!" Gruff argued.

"I agree, Ember?" Jet asked. Ember was in tears, for she had sent the closest thing to her that was a brother. "Fine!" She grunted.

"I guess we are all in agreement, Gruff and Ember, tell everyone to charge, we're not letting these humans get any breathing room!" Jet yelled.

Meanwhile in New Mareland, the squads were just getting dropped off by their transports. Especially Roger's Huey, they were dropped off in the middle of the street, attracting a lot of attention. Rogers got off first and raised his weapon to look for any armed hostiles, and his squad followed suit. As the Huey left, Rogers ordered his squad to ask for directions.

"Excuse me! Ma'am? May I ask, where is the Mayor's building? We're kind of lost." William asked innocently. The confused mare pointed right, as she couldn't speak out of shock.

"Much appreciated." William said as he whistled to his squad who were too asking the populace for directions. "Due East!" William yelled as his squad ran East.

As they ran, they all expected to have many eyes on them and they were nothing but all true. Many ponies were staring at them, wondering if they were the creatures they read on the newspapers on the attack on Canterlot. "Hey! Stop right there!" A pony guard yelled, chasing the squad. The squad marksman signalled his squad to keep going as he aimed at the incoming guard. "Stay back!" He yelled. The guard didn't budge, "Stay the fuck back or it's your kneecaps that you're going to have to pay!" He yelled. The guard didn't budge, until the marksman fired two shots into the guard. Both bullets hit exactly the two front kneecaps, forcing the guard to fall. The marksman then ran to catch up with his squad as most if not all of the ponies ran in panic, screaming, away from the humans.

As they got to the Mayor's office, the Royal Guard questioned Rogers, "What do I owe the pleasure to the humans causing a ruckus?" He asked.

"We need entrance, New Mareland is going to attack us, like you just heard a minute ago!" Rogers argued. "Fine, but I'll have to speak to Princess Celestia." The guard replied.

William butted into the conversation and said, "Look, if you won't let us in, the human race may die, and if that happens, the Princesses' would have to look for someone to blame, the same person who won't let us into the Mayor's office!" He argued.

The guard let a reluctant sigh and let the squad into the building. As the doors closed behind the squad, multiple New Mareland troops covered in Greenish tainted armor arrived to talk to the Royal Guard garrison, asking the squad leader, "Have you seen any creatures?" He asked.

"No, but I heard some commotion two blocks down." The guard replied, tricking the New Mareland troops to keep following the street.

The Marksman sighed in relief as he watched from a window inside the mayor's office, he looked straight towards and saw a CH-53 land on top of one of the roofs, allowing the KSK soldiers to dismount from the helicopter and into the two story library.

"What're you think they're raiding the library for?" Marksman Eddie asked. William kneeled down to look out the window and answered, "Probably getting books on magic."

"William! Get down here and get that radio working!" Rogers yelled as William activated his backpack radio. Williams climbed down the ladder and Rogers immediately got on the radio, "This is Delta 3-7, we've got nothing on Fort Liberty. But surprisingly a lot of books on humans, only the basic knowledge we gave them."

Nothing but static came from the radio, until the radio bursted into life saying, "Fort Liberty is under attack! All units not in the area, you are clear to engage hostiles that aren't the Equestrian Royal Guard, those ponies in green are hostiles. Communication would be halted from Command until the attack is over. Create as much problems as you can for the enemy, friendly air calvary will be sent to carry your squads to enemy capitals, orders from Commander in Chief himself, godspeed."

"Things are going to shit sir!" Eddie said as he broke the window to aim his modified M14 marksman rifle and fired a few rounds.

"I hear that, anyways, we're going to torch this place to the ground, we're going to leave a message. And we're going to regroup with some IDF and KSK squads and we're going to hit any military installation in this city. Come on, let's move!" Rogers said as his demolitions expert Alejandro planted C4 bombs throughout the entire building. As the squad ran out, Rogers screamed at the Royal Guardsman, "Move away from the building!" The guardsmen were confused until the last Human soldier was running out frantically, then the guards ran across the street, blocking traffic.

"Blow it!" Rogers yelled as the squad ran through crowded streets. Alejandro pressed the trigger, and a giant inferno erupted from the Mayor's office, causing unmeasurable damage to the building, but also scaring the bystanders to panic.

Meanwhile in the War Room in the White House, "Mr. President, we should consider giving the natives a warning to turn back now." Schmidt warned Reagan. "And why should we?" He said.

"To have proof that we're victims, of course." Schmidt answered. Reagan smiled and chuckled, "I like your thinking, doctor. Parker, get on the intercoms outside the base and set them on full volume and give these natives a warning." Reagan ordered as he walked out of the room to see the battle from a distance.

"Schmidt, I don't know where you get these ideas, but if you wanted to perform an autopsy on their bodies or study their magic via interrogation, this is your lucky day. We'll try to bring some alive." Parker said as he looked down on the giant light map table in the room. Schmidt chuckled and left the room to prepare his lab, now laughing maniacally. "That guy scares me, and I've known him longer than anyone!" A German officer in the room said out loud, making the entire room laugh.

Author's Note:

If you think this story is too American or patriotic, just take in mind that I'm listening to "Ain't I right" in the making of these chapters.