• Published 5th Nov 2021
  • 2,334 Views, 102 Comments

Survival of The Free World - BiasedAmerican

With the Cold War Escalating in 1980, it all started in Korea. Will the remaining Free World survive in this alien world they've landed upon?

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The Curious

"So why are you here?", Bush then replied with a serious tone. "Survival."

Luna then barked out, "What do you mean survival? You ruined our event!"

"It was the best way we could've gotten your attention, with full support from our president. And when I mean survival, our species is at the brink of extinction. A dreadful war has broken out that forced us to to to evacuate to your lands. We didn't know that this world was inhabited until we found your roads."

Celestia spoke out, "So you learned from our existence from kidnapping one of my subjects? And elaborate on this war you say lead to you to evacuate to our lands without notifying us."

Bush sighed and the two officers were holding back their tears so they tipped their heads downwards to hide their guilt of losing their world. And what was it for? To protect ego's that was the expense of billions? They tried their best to hide their tears. Celestia didn't know why their heads were looking downwards, she had a lot of suspicions and thought they might be planning an attack on her.

(The Marine officers with their heads facing down.)

She then spoke out to address the Marine officers, "You two! Why are your heads down?" They didn't listen to her so they kept their heads down. She then spoke out with a louder and aggressive tone, "Answer me! Why are your heads down-" she was cut off by Bush. "Ma'am, they've been through a lot, our world has been torn to pieces and billions of our own people and families have been lost. Let them be." Celestia still couldn't believe that they destroyed their own world, a few seconds after they raised their heads with their eyes red and tears going down their faces. She then felt guilty for forcing them to raise their heads while they were mourning their families and friends left back on their home world.

Luna barked at them, "How can you possibly destroy your own world? How can one war destroy billions? We barely have millions in Equestria! This story is most unlikely-" Celestia cut her off, she then scolded Luna by saying "We don't know if this is true or not, but if this is true. Then we would be seen as the aggressors, they've just been through a tragedy. If they are able to destroy their own world, then we wouldn't want to escalate things with them. Either we may have more power than them, or not. We must respect them, they've been through a lot. Possibly more than what the history of Equestria has been through." Luna's pride was smashed after hearing this, she didn't realize that she was acting as the aggressor.

"The war lasted for 5 years, an entire continent was lost within 2 years. The soviets never stopped to think all the damage they've done, we fought tooth and nail to defend Europe. But this didn't come cheap, we lost millions of our own. What's left of us out of 4 billion people on Earth, only less than a quarter survived. We are what's left. We seek shelter in your world to ensure the survival of Humanity. No matter the cost, we will ensure the safety of our people. If your people decide to threaten us, we will make sure than we will fight to the end if it comes to this." After this speech, the entire room went quiet after hearing the fate of Earth.

"If this is true, then you have our condolences. But if you decide to ponynap one of my subjects, then we were forced to think you as hostile. Now onto the topic of strange things occurring that might be you, the strange metal birds and explosions being heard in the distance ." With Celestia still holding firm, Bush was trying to understand what she meant by strange events she was talking about. One of the marines whispered into his ear saying, "I think she might be talking about our jets and weaponry, they still don't know what we're capable of." Bush then realized what she was originally talking about, then said. "The 'metal birds', yes that was us. And for anything else strange occurring, I cannot disclose that information with you."

Celestia started to become intrigued on why and how they destroyed their own world over a single war. Twilight's curiousness got the best of her and asked, "What was this war? And why did it start?" Bush looked at her and told her, "This war was known as the Third World War, NATO and the Warsaw Pact had been at each other's throats for decades after the Second World War, but this one, no one expected what would've happened. We wanted to defend the free world, so we had an alliance known as NATO. And why it started you ask? The North Koreans attacked South Korea for the second and last time, it sparked the war, causing millions to die in the first few weeks. We fought hard with everything we've been training for, over 40 years of preparations was finally put into use but we wished we never did have to use them." Bush kept talking about the War and the Generals, Twilight, Luna, and Celestia learned that Humanity was in a desperate situation and that they've been through worse situations they have been in. They looked to the Marines in the room and saw that they are still holding after all that they've been through. Twilight again asked if there was devastating wars that the United States has endured before the Third World War, Bush told her that there were 2 other World Wars before. She began to think, 'These people must be hungry for blood, but if they were. Then why am I still alive, having a civilized conversation with them?' After a few minutes, they began to work things through but they never talked about the firearms the United States has, so it gives an advantage to them.

With everyone being curious on why there are different types of species that are sentient, Bush asked. "So, we noticed that there are different types of ponies? If you don't mind telling us what these different types are." Celestia was about to speak but Luna cut her off because she was interested on how these creatures would react. "There are the Earth Ponies, like Twilight Sparkle," She pointed her hoof at Twilight. "Then there are the Pegusi, unlike the Earth Ponies, they have wings. And lastly Unicorns," She pointed her hoof at her horn," These horns give us the power to use magic. But I forgot to mention that Alicorns like me and Princess Celestia are royalty." Bush gave an interesting look as one of the officers on his side started to take notes down about the different types of species.

Celestia told Twilight to talk outside of the Conference room to talk. Celestia ordered Twilight to learn about the war and history of Humanity to better understand them. Twilight went ahead with her request. Celestia told Twilight that they recently received a threat from an anonymous source targeting Canterlot, she thinks that it might be the humans or someone else. But they didn't have intentions to steal or destroy anything for now. For now, they would be studying off of each other.

A few hours later...

One of the officers went towards the Marine with the radio, and informed him to report back to base about the information of the natives and the different species that they have under their empire. With some mentions of a weapon called the Elements of Harmony. But for now the United States rules the skies.

A few weeks have passed and Humanity is still kept a secret and the remaining military personnel have been training non-stop ever since their units have been re-activated. Out of everypony in Equestria, only Celestia, Luna, the Generals, and Twilight Sparkle know the existence of Humanity. Twilight hasn't been able to find anything on Humanity in any library, but since she heard that Humanity might be building a library, she instantly became interested. She tried her best to keep Humanity a secret. A projector with several reels of the First and Second world war of footage of military marches to limited combat footage. She wasn't allowed access to the knowledge on how firearms work or how powerful the modern weaponry that Humanity has now.

Celestia received a note about Twilight's brother and Princess Cadence's wedding about to happen a week later. With also a special request to give Twilight a special invite to his wedding a few days before the wedding. Celestia requested for Humanity's security to protect Canterlot if anything were to happen. Reagan accepted the request and sent 4 squads consisting of 1 Delta Force and 3 squads of regular infantrymen. A few weeks before, a F.O.B. was established at the outskirts of Canterlot to provide immediate support to Canterlot if needed. This made Celestia trust Humanity. The Royal Guard was informed that unknown support would arrive if Canterlot was in immediate danger, so they US forces would coordinate with Equestrian guards.

While this was all happening, Fort Liberty has been expanding. There wasn't enough space to allow the troops and civilians to stay in the same base. So Reagan with the approval of Congress, ordered Fort Liberty to create F.O.B.'s (Forward Operating Base) to spread out and to expand the size of Humanity's gains in this world. But every F.O.B. was hidden out of sight, and some of them completely impossible to find if it weren't the intel to guide US forces to find the bases. Currently there are 5 F.O.B.'s that are close enough for Fort Liberty to supply them instantly.

Soldiers have reported that a dark pony have been appearing in their dreams and looked most likely like Princess Luna. Most of the time when she appeared she was hiding somewhere to stay safe from most of the soldier's nightmares when they re-live battles that they have been in. She always flinched when she heard a gunshot or an explosion, only a few soldiers offered to help her get to safety but they woke up whenever they attempted to help her. This brought some tension between the United States and Princess Luna, although Celestia isn't aware of this yet.

(Nightmares of Bundeswehr Soldiers defending Berlin)

Author's Note:

This one was kind of short and I had to do some revisions because I made this at around 5 AM.