• Published 5th Nov 2021
  • 2,335 Views, 102 Comments

Survival of The Free World - BiasedAmerican

With the Cold War Escalating in 1980, it all started in Korea. Will the remaining Free World survive in this alien world they've landed upon?

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In Position

Meanwhile in Ponyville a day later....

Twilight walks up to Fluttershy and asks her, "Hey Fluttershy, have you seen Pinkie Pie anywhere? I haven't seen her since yesterday. I'm kind of worried because we don't know what she'll do. After all, the Gala is tomorrow. And Rarity is having a meltdown trying to figure out what she should wear. But she managed to get us dresses before she chose hers."

Fluttershy replied quietly, "Well, that sounds like Rarity. I wonder what she chose for me, and I don't know where Pinkie Pie is. I was going to ask you." With Fluttershy still remembering the 'metal birds', she started to worry about mysterious flying objects being connected to Pinkie Pie's disappearance. She spoke out to Twilight when she was just about to leave, "Twilight? Do you think the metal birds have something to do with Pinkie Pie going missing? I'm also getting worried about her too."

Twilight had completely forgot about the 'metal birds'. She then began to be in a scared state thinking that they had something to do with Pinkie Pie going missing but more exaggerated. "I may not know where they came from, but they cause an awful loud noise." With her still thinking on what she could do, Fluttershy waited for her response. Twilight jumped in excitement for figuring something out, "I can use the loud noises and possibly ponynapping of Pinkie pie to justify to investigate where these metal birds come from!"

Fluttershy began to smile because they finally were able to do something about the loud birds. "Then we'll be needing the help of the others, we don't know if we need the elements of harmony once we get Pinkie Pie back."

Twilight ran off while yelling, "You go to Rainbow-Dash! I'll tell Applejack and Rarity! If she isn't busy that is."

A few hours later....

Twilight entered the farm as fast as she can, causing her to be less aware of her surroundings. She trips and accidentally falls on Applejack, she then began to talk quickly. "Pinkie was abducted by the metal birds and we need your help in taking her back and finding where she is!"

As surprised as she is, Applejack replied. "Well, I thought that little critter got lost somewhere in Ponyville somehow. But if she's been abducted, then I'll be happy to help!" Twilight smiled, then Applejack began to speak again, "If you get off of me." Twilight smiled awkwardly and began to get up and walk slowly away.

A few minutes later....

"Rainbow-Dash!" Fluttershy yelled, "Pinkie pie has bee-" Rainbow-Dash cut her off. She then spoke, "Abducted by the metal birds? Yeah I kinda noticed. And you're about to ask me for help?" Fluttershy nodded. "Well, why wouldn't I? She's my friend."

An hour later...

Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow-Dash, and Applejack were headed towards another village. After a few conversations with the inhabitants, the four gathered that there were mysterious creatures capable of making loud noises that can be heard from miles away! And also the same description of metal bird sounds they too had heard, but here it was more constant. Then luckily enough, a metal bird was heard and Rainbow-Dash, dashed towards the sound. Twilight yelled, "Wait, Rainbow! Stop!" Without hearing Twilight, Rainbow rushed towards the sounds of the metal birds. She saw it. She was just about to reach until what seemed to be the bird noticing that she was chasing the thing. Rainbow was exhausted and the bird flew off twice as fast than before, she began to think that they were being watched by the birds. She landed back to the village exhausted, she then asked Fluttershy, "Do you know what those things are?" She then looked at Twilight, "Do you? They flew faster than me, even if I tried my rainbow boom!" This worried the four, but nonetheless they heard explosions that shocked them. They began walking back towards Ponyville in fear that they might be endangering the inhabitants of the village.

Meanwhile an hour earlier...

General Parker was overseeing a military war game going on, to get the troops back on their feet. Then Reagan approached behind him with 2 guards. "General Parker, how are our boys doing?" General Parker smiled with the reassurance that their troops are doing better than anyone anticipated. It's probably because the fate of humanity rests on them. He replied, "Mr. President, our troops are doing better than expected. I know that these boys are going to protect us to the end, and with morale being at an all high. We'll never be seeing the end." Reagan smiled back, expecting that his only defense if everything else fails, would be exhausted for teleporting to another world. But strangely they weren't, they were working harder as ever.

30 minutes later....

Several Leopard 1's began firing. The commanders were especially surprised because the crew were hitting their targets precisely. Even the infantry were hitting their targets with a %75.9 of hitting their target. With the best of the best being the First Armored Division of the United States.

(First Armored Division during the war games preparing for the eventual First Contact)

Meanwhile the P.O.V. of a German tank squad leader. We were what was supposed to be an ambush of the natives. "Elias, bring the tank around. Gunner, aim at that target, 247!" I then switched my radio to connect to the other tanks, "Gunther, take your tank and Tobias's to defend our flanks at direction: 152. They'll overrun our tanks before infantry gets here. Weapons free, whoever hits their targets the most will a round of drinks on me!" The crew began firing precisely, even making me surprised. Then I noticed that there were figures miles away that looked like ponies, I then reported the tanks to halt their fire and contacted HQ about what we were seeing.

A few hours later in the briefing room...

We all began talking and saying what the native military power was going to be, although not always accurate. It did give the troops hope because all of us thought that they'd be behind the technology level of pre-Cold War. General Parker walked into the room, the entire room became quiet. He yelled, "Tomorrow we begin what we've been practicing for! We will show these natives that if they decide to mess with us, they'll know very well what they will receive. Now, make me proud! The fate of humanity rests with you, make us all proud!"

Tank Platoon Leader Adler, outskirts of Canterlot, Military Time: 1858 Hours

After a few hours, we were briefed and our units were already getting into position as reinforcements. We were then briefed on the departure of the Diplomat. It was the Vice President, George Bush. The fly boys were already getting their engines warmed up while the rest were trying to hide their equipment in their designated spots. For example, a German tank commander ordered his tank to stay at the edge of a forest line, covered in bushes and what they can gather to camouflage the tank. We all heard a voice on the radio, "GALA IS IN 3 MINUTES! THE DIPLOMAT WILL ARRIVE IN 2. STAY READY TROOPS!"

With it getting dark, I'd get down from my cupola and talk on the intercom, "Platoon, activate night vision. It's going to be dark." As expected, the tank platoon would all have their night vision turned on.

Meanwhile in Canterlot, the Castle, Time: 6:59

Twilight Sparkle rushed to meet the Princess up the stairs while she was greeting the guests. When Twilight caught up, she yelled and spoke quickly. "PRINCESS! PINKIE PIE HAS BEEN ABDUCTED BY THE METAL BIRDS! WHEN WE TRIED TO SAVE HER BUT WE HEARD MASSIVE EXPLOSIONS AND I MIGHT HAVE AN IDEA ON WHO IT IS!" Princess Celestia tried to calm her down but she realized what her student was talking about might have something to do with what she knows very well. She teleported Twilight to a statue, Celestia was shocked and her jaw dropped. Luna ran into the room and tried to check on the same thing but Celestia and Twilight were there first. Luna said, "No, it can't be... if it isn't Discord, then who is it?!" Then a guard walked in, telling the three to go look out of the castle. All they heard was a weird sound that kept getting louder and louder.

Everyone's jaws dropped and many were panicked as to what they saw.

To be continued.....

Author's Note:

The next one will be worked with 3 people B)