• Published 11th Feb 2022
  • 551 Views, 6 Comments

Meet The Ponies - Pyrotf2

Pyro in mlp and the rest stop him from burning it down

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Welcome to Not Pyroland

Pyro woke up slowly, groaning. The first thing he saw was a small purple-and-green, reptilian thing leaning over him. The second thing he saw was his flamethrower, propped against the wall. Ignoring the weird reptile thing, Pyro rushed over and grabbed it, frantically inspecting it to see if it was clean. He was only interrupted when the dragon (for that was what it must have been) breathed a green spurt of fire right next to him, a letter appearing out of the fire. Pyro looked back confusedly to find him reading the letter. "Dear Twilight, we have sent over military forces to apprehend possible hostile. Detain it until they arrive. Your faithful teacher, Princess

Spike didn't know what half those words meant, but got the gist of it: Don't let this giant, mumbling monster leave the house.

To his dismay, the Pyro went to do just that. It looked at the stairs, and as if deciding that they were too small for it, it swung over the railing of the second floor and dropped down, making a small noise of pain as it landed. "Hey!" Spike said as he rushed down the stairs. "You're not allowed to leave!"

Pyro tilted his head, raised his flamethrower, and clicked the trigger. A roar of flame engulfed the dragon. Pyro stopped after about a second, as he didn't want to waste good propane, and left,leaving a blackened but otherwise unharmed Spike to stare after the thing that had just breathed fire from the machine it held. How did Pyro know he wasn't killing the dragon with fire? To be honest, he had no clue. He assumed dragons were resistant to fire because that was the way it worked, both in Pyroland and the Demoman's various mythologies and drunk stories. As he walked, he noticed he was next to a farm. On the farm were apple trees, and on the trees were ripe, delicious-looking apples. Pyro's stomach rumbled as if to remind him that he hadn't ate anything in a while. He reached out over the fence to touch one, when… "Hold it right there!" a voice came from behind him.

Pyro swiveled around, staring. Here was a bright, colorfully orange pony, with an accent reminding him of the Engineer and a cowboy hat on her head. She had a small mark on her flank with an image of three apples, so Pyro assumed she owned the place.

Now just what are ya, and what in tarnation are y'all doin' with mah apples?" Applejack questioned angrily. The strange thing in front of her mumbled something in response. "I don't know what yer' sayin', but it sure sounds like you were about to steal an apple. From mah farm. You got any money to pay for that?" she asked,scaring Pyro.

He frantically shook his head. Applejack relaxed a bit. "You ain't from around here, are ya?" she asked, calmer. Pyro nodded his head, calmed by her sudden change of demeanor. "Lemme show ya around, seein' as you seem to be some sorta' smart." She trotted off down the path, and Pyro reluctantly followed. "So, what's that fancy machine you got there?" Applejack questioned. In answer, Pyro raised his flamethrower and pointed it at the sky. A column of flame issued from
the end, leaving Applejack to stare. "Well, I'll be jiggered," she said.

"You're a right proper dragon, you are! Wait until I show Big Mac that," she chuckled. Pyro giggled a little as well. If this was what every pony here was like, he could get used to this. He had also completely forgotten about the fact that the military was looking for him.

*TF2niverse, 2Fort*

After a few hours of careful preparation (being that it was the end of the day, and everyone's guns needed cleaning), the rest of RED Team, as well as Pinkie, Twilight and Rainbow were ready to go back through the portal. While the rest of the team weren't looking, Medic slapped the Sandvich out of Heavy's giant hand and placed a Dalokoh's Bar there instead. Heavy looked at him angrily; after all, Sandvich was delicious! "Herbivores," Medic whispered in response to Heavy's unspoken question, and Heavy nodded, understanding.

"Let's GO, mates!" the Sniper yelled, causing the two to look up guiltily. To their surprise, most of the team had already left, and the
three ponies and Sniper were staring at them expectantly.

"Doctor! This way!" Heavy said, shoving the Medic out of the way to get to the portal, which somehow fit him in.

"Right," the Medic said after brushing himself off, and jumped in. The Sniper followed suit. Finally, the three ponies looked at each other.

"Hurry up, slowpokes," Dash said, flying into the portal. Pinkie bounced in soon after, and Twilight followed, nervous.


Pyro surveyed the barn in which he was currently housed. The Apples had no spare rooms, but it was fine by Pyro. After all, he'd slept in worse. He heard a knock on the door of their house, and curiously wandered over to the barn door, and peeked through. He saw a white pony in what looked like a guard uniform discussing something with Applejack, who nodded nervously and pointed to the barn. Pyro stiffened. He had to go. NOW. He found the back door and rushed out, quietly shutting the door behind him. He heard the guard's shout of dismay at sighting him, but didn't care. He ran as fast as he could down the path, the guards in hot pursuit.

Fortunately, he hadn't even put down his flamethrower for a minute, so it was still ready. Pyro turned around, running backwards, as the ponies began to get a little too close for comfort. He hated doing this, it wasted valuable pressure in his tanks. Pressing a small button located next to the flamethrower's trigger, he released a compression blast, knocking all of the ponies into the sky and fences, incapacitating most. He then turned around and continued running.He didn't stop for one second until he reached a forest. It was a dark, creepy forest, a major contrast from the sunny day he had just left. Pyro wasn't really concerned, as he had heard none of the 'creepy stuff in the forest' stories, and wandered in. Little did he know he was being watched. "Hostile has gone into Everfree Forest. Risk pursuit, or abandon mission?" A guard with binoculars said to his captain. "Abandon mission, we can't risk anypony in there," the captain Shining Armor answered, surveying the forest. "It'll have to come out eventually, and when it does, it will tell me where my sister is."


Scout woke up to see a small, purple dragon glaring at him, book raised threateningly. "Whoa, what-!" Scout said as he jumped to his feet. Then he realized how small the thing was. "Ha, you ain't scary," Scout lied as he tried to brush off the incident as trivial.

When he picked the thing up, and it yelled "Put me down!" Scout nearly dropped it, then set it back down carefully.

"What the hell are you, anyways?" Scout said cautiously.

"Aye, that be a dragon, mate, I always told 'ja they was real and…Scotland… Lake," Demoman finished, sitting up a little before slumping back down .

"Does he always do that?" Spike asked after a pause.

"Yeah, he's drunk. REALLY drunk." Scout answered.

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