• Published 21st Dec 2021
  • 1,579 Views, 17 Comments

I'll Help You Fly - Quoterific

Sunny invites Hitch home so they can play together after school.

  • ...

There For Support

“Unicorns always use their horns to fry your brains! That’s what we were taught at school, Sunny! And school never lies!”

“That’s not true! Dad said that unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies were friends! He’s done his research!”

“Yeah, right! By that you mean sitting in that lighthouse all day, looking at old scrolls.”

School had ended at Maretime Bay and two colts and one filly decided to have some time together. It was another lesson on how to duck and cover in case of oncoming pegasi flying above you and using your desk as a shield to protect yourself from a unicorn’s laser. All the fillies were enjoying their lesson, wearing fake pegasus wings and horns, running around the classroom and making wooshing and shooting sounds. All except one orange earth pony.

Sunny went along with the games and mock demonstrations because was taught to her by the school. However, that didn’t mean she wanted to believe that all pony races are enemies. She believed that one day, just for one day, earth ponies, pegasi and unicorns can come together. She believed that pegasi weren’t going to swoop down and ambush them. She hoped that unicorns didn’t shoot lasers out of their horns or can read minds. She just put on a fake smile and laugh and went along with the classrooms charades.

Sunny Starscout, along with her friends Hitch Trailblazer and Sprout Cloverleaf, were heading to Maretime Bay’s lighthouse where Sunny and her dad lived. Sunny was engaged in an argument with Sprout over what they were taught at school that day. She was adamant that a filly shouldn’t use their chair to swat away a pegasus.

“Well if there was a unicorn or pegasus in Maretime Bay, we will be ready for them!” Sprout puffed his chest out and smiled proudly, “Mum always says that to be scared is to prepared! She already has her next line of protection gear ready for the next show.”

Sunny just rolled her eyes. What ideas was Phyllis putting in her son’s head? On the other hoof, it was better not knowing for her own sake.

“Hitch, help me here,” Sunny pleaded with her other friend. The colt looked between the two of them.

“Well, it is what we’re taught at school, Sunny…”

Sprout’s smile grew wider, earning a glare from the filly.

“But we can still play the game your way, Sunny. I don’t mind at all,” Hitch countered. Sunny smiled at her other friend. Hitch has his own dreams of being the next sheriff of Maretime Bay, but he has always been the only classmate to play along with Sunny’s dreams and beliefs that all races can coexist. Sprout just sighed and rolled his eyes at the two of them. Sunny liked Hitch being a compromising, but down to earth kind of friend.

“Urgh! There’s no point arguing with you, isn’t there?” Sprout huffed in annoyance, “You’ll want us to play your cute silly games about friendship and trust. Well, I don’t have time for that.” Sprout turned around in the opposite direction and trotted away from the two ponies. “I’m off to do my homework on why pegasi nets are a useful tool.”

The two of them watched Sprout go before continuing their walk to Sunny’s home.

“One day, just for one day, I will show every pony that all ponies, no matter what they are, can live together.” Sunny sighed and looked up at the sky. She could almost picture it, seeing pegasi fly happily across the bay. Unicorns helping earth ponies levitate heavy equipment. Earth ponies showing the other races around the bay and town.

“That is a big task, Sunny,” Hitch frowned as Sunny continued to daydream, “It will be a big change that not every pony will accept.”

“It will work,” Sunny gave Hitch a determined face, “I can make it work. It has to. You will be the sheriff you wanted to be, and I will be the one who unites all the pony races. Just you wait and see.” She stomped the ground with a hoof, a strong look of sheer determination.

“Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer, eh?” Hitch raised an eyebrow, “That actually has a good ring to it. However, it won’t be easy being a sheriff to a load of scared ponies whilst believing that something as big as all races coming together will work.”

“But it has to!” Sunny whined.

“If you say so,” Hitch shrugged but smiled.

“You can be the sheriff that convinces the citizens of Maretime Bay to believe and show that not all pegasi and unicorns are bad,” Sunny countered.

“And I will have mortgages to pay and a stomach to fill,” Hitch countered back, “It won’t be easy.”

Eventually, they reached Sunny’s lighthouse home. Opening the door, Sunny allowed Hitch entrance first and closed the door. The picture hanging next to the door picturing Sunny with her dad, Argyle, became titled, but that was quickly fixed with Sunny readjusting it.

“Dad, we’re home!” Sunny called out, but there was silence in the house.

“Must be your dad’s shopping trip,” Hitch said, “He must get the supplies ready for a long night up in the lighthouse.” Sunny nodded.

“Mark my words, Hitch! I will be the one to restore friendship back to the land. I will be the one to show, with my hoof to my heart, that it can be better than what we believe in today.”

She went over to her toybox and got out a pair of fake wings and a horn headband.

“Where did you get those?” Hitch’s eyes widened, “If ponies saw you running around Maretime Bay with those things on, it will cause a mass panic!”

“That’s why I only wear them at home,” Sunny smiled at the fake items, “Just don’t tell any pony, okay? Dad helped me make them whilst he was doing some research on the so-called ‘Element Bearers.’”

Hitch looked between the fake horn and wings and back at Sunny’s begging face. Then he simply smiled and nodded. He placed a hoof to his lips and did a zipping-up motion.

“You promise?” Sunny asked.

“My lips are sealed,” Hitch smiled, “I’m your friend remember?” Sunny just beamed at that comment.

“I can picture it now!” Sunny said as she put on the fake wings and horn, “Pegasi flying around buildings, smiling and waving to those they fly by. Unicorns running with earth ponies, helping left things with their magic!”

She took out a stool and placed it in front of Hitch. She jumped onto the book tower and puffed out her chest.

“All pony races, living together in peace and harmony, just like the ponies of old- Woah!”

Unfortunately, She jumped onto the stool a bit too far, causing the stool to lean forward and topple over, sending Sunny crashing over to the floor. Hitch was quick to help his friend up and dusted her off.

“Hehe, oops,” Sunny chuckled sheepishly. Hitch covered his mouth with a hoof to try and hide his mirth, causing Sunny to puff her cheeks. Hitch then looked back at the fallen stool and an idea came to his head.

“Here,” Hitch lent her a hoof, “Let me help you fly.” Sunny gave Hitch a confused look as he placed the stool back upright. He then sat down and indicated Sunny to hop back on. Reaching back, she made Sunny lean onto him, front hooves on either side of his shoulders. Sunny got what Hitch was doing and relaxed with one hind leg outstretched back. Hitch then got Sunny’s fake wings and made them flap up and down. Both friends laughed as Hitch continued to help Sunny ‘fly’.

“Can you imagine how cool it would be to fly like a pegasus?” Sunny giggled from on top of Hitch.

“I think I would prefer all four hooves on the ground,” Hitch chuckled. They continued in that position for a while, Sunny happy pretending to fly and Hitch being happy to support his friend.

“Would it be awesome to have both wings and a horn?” Sunny asked next.

“Did your dad say there once was a pony who had both?” Hitch asked from below her.

“Yes!” Sunny’s eyes lit up, “She was a purple pony called, um… Twilight Sparkle and she had both wings and a horn! However, she was a unicorn before, and her job was to study friendship!”

“Sounds interesting,” Hitch thought out loud.

“Then she got her wings and became the Princess of Friendship, and with her friends, became known as the Bearers of Harmony!” Sunny finished her short story of the ponies of old.

“Imagine just sprouting wings or of a sudden,” Hitch chuckled, “That would be a sight to see.”

“Or suddenly having both,” Sunny added, “And becoming a princess!”

“All right, Princess Sunny,” Hitch laughed, indicating how sunny wore the two fake appendages.

“Yes!” Sunny shouted out loud, “Princess Sunny Starscout! Reuniter of the three tribes, restoring friendship across the land!”

“You really think that will happen one day?” Hitch asked.

“The earth pony from Maretime Bay,” Sunny continued, “With her sheriff friend by her side. Together, they will befriend pegasi and unicorns, and I will become a pony with wings and a horn! Just you wait and see, Hitch!”

“That will truly be a day I will remember,” Hitch chuckled again.

“So will you help me on my quest?” Sunny looked down to find an uncertain look on the colt’s face. That was replaced by a genuine smile.

“What are friends for, right? I’m you’re only friend that believes you around here.”

Sunny beamed and reached down to hug her friend.

“We will make this work, Hitch. I know we will.”

Author's Note:

I really enjoyed the G5 movie, even if I don't have Netflix. Hitch is my favourite out of the five and I'm happy others have come up with G5 fanfics. I decided to have a go at a short but sweet slice of life type of story for my G5 fanfic.

I hope you enjoy this one with me. I wanted to go for cute, supporting and comforting on a cold winter like the one right now in the UK.

Comments ( 17 )

Awww😍This was just adorable. Thank you for another cute little story:twilightsmile:


Thank you for your compliment ^^

“Well if there was a unicorn or pegasus in Maretime Bay, we will be ready for them!” Sprout puffed his chest out and smiled proudly, “Mum always says that to be scared is to prepared! She already has her next line of protection gear ready for the next show.”

Just wait until a certain unicorn comes in in the future Everything Will Change

Aww this is a pretty cute story and it's always sweet to see sunny and hitch how much their friendship is so much to each other I'm just surprised that Sprouts hangs out with her but I think he only hangs out with hitch but he always wants to be with sunny wow but anyway this was a very cute story and yes Sunny's dream will come true in the future keep up the good work

Heehee cute.


Thank you very much ^^

This is really cute, showing Sunny and Hitch's friendship as kids. It took Hitch awhile, but he eventually helped Sunny just like he said he would here.

Such a cute little story between friends. :rainbowkiss:

Me before seeing the movie: Meh, Hitch looks like your typical idiot male character you see everywhere these days. He's going to be the butt of jokes, and just thrown in to make everyone else look better. He'll probably worship Sunny and be a completely spineless simp for her, like Spike with Rarity.
Me after seeing the movie: Casually jumps into the screen, scoops up Hitch, and walks away This is mine now.

Hitch is best pony.

The picture hanging next to the door picturing Sunny with her dad, Argyle, became titled, but that was quickly fixed with Sunny readjusting it.

Won't be the last time this happens.

“Where did you get those?” Hitch’s eyes widened, “If ponies saw you running around Maretime Bay with those things on, it will cause a mass panic!”

If you are lucky.
If you are unlucky you will end up with an angry mob...

“Yes!” Sunny shouted out loud, “Princess Sunny Starscout! Reuniter of the three tribes, restoring friendship across the land!”

Sounds ambitious! But should it work out the reward would be great.

Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.


Hitch is best pony.

Your thoughts on that one?

Before reading: I wonder if they were specifically playing out the historical story of how Shining Armor and Cadance collected the falling Crystal Heart and Spike? A soldier/law-stallion and his princess.

After: Sweet, but draws a bit too much of its spoken lines and dreams for the future very directly from the movie.

P.S. To aspiring writers: This would be expected and usually even required when repeating (with or without modifications) the specific scenes from the original work(s).

“Unicorns always use their horns to fry your brains! That’s what we were taught at school, Sunny! And school never lies!”

Well your does. :twilightangry2:

Sunny went along with the games and mock demonstrations because was taught to her by the school. However, that didn’t mean she wanted to believe that all pony races are enemies. She believed that one day, just for one day, earth ponies, pegasi and unicorns can come together. She believed that pegasi weren’t going to swoop down and ambush them. She hoped that unicorns didn’t shoot lasers out of their horns or can read minds. She just put on a fake smile and laugh and went along with the classrooms charades.

They can shoot stuff from their horns but can't read minds. :duck:

“Well if there was a unicorn or pegasus in Maretime Bay, we will be ready for them!” Sprout puffed his chest out and smiled proudly, “Mum always says that to be scared is to prepared! She already has her next line of protection gear ready for the next show.”

You won't need protection! 😡

“Urgh! There’s no point arguing with you, isn’t there?” Sprout huffed in annoyance, “You’ll want us to play your cute silly games about friendship and trust. Well, I don’t have time for that.” Sprout turned around in the opposite direction and trotted away from the two ponies. “I’m off to do my homework on why pegasi nets are a useful tool.”

Jerkface. 😒

“One day, just for one day, I will show every pony that all ponies, no matter what they are, can live together.” Sunny sighed and looked up at the sky. She could almost picture it, seeing pegasi fly happily across the bay. Unicorns helping earth ponies levitate heavy equipment. Earth ponies showing the other races around the bay and town.

And it will Sunny. :twilightsmile:

“That is a big ask, Sunny,” Hitch frowned as Sunny continued to daydream, “It will be a big change that not every pony will accept.”


“Where did you get those?” Hitch’s eyes widened, “If ponies saw you running around Maretime Bay with those things on, it will cause a mass panic!”

Which would just be embarrassing to watch. :ajbemused:

Unfortunately, She jumped onto the stool a bit too far, causing the stool to lean forward and topple over, sending Sunny crashing over to the floor. Hitch was quick to help his friend up and dusted her off.

Oofity. 😣

“Did you dad say there once was a pony who had both?” Hitch asked from below her.


Hitch: welp i guess something kept that dream alive

Hitch wasnt Against friendship
He just didn't think it would work
But now he sees its power

Hitch is my favourite out of the five

I also love Hitch! He’s also my favourite out of the main 5!

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