Comments ( 10 )

Entertaining concept, and great set-up, but the actual sex scene is extremely disappointing. There is barely any detail on it. Now what is mentioned is nice, but over all, it could stand to be filled out and extended into a longer, more descriptive story.

When I was writing that scene I worried that there was too much going on, so the discriptions where kept as they were as I mentioned the sex possitons by name.

Can never go wrong with large breasts, and that's a simple fact of nature.

No you can't, you also can't go wrong with other varying sizes of breasts either.



Ponies of culture... I salute thee.

11113431 ok for a moment there at the end i thought she was going to run right into the portal in front of the school she did hear twilight say it was a portal between her world and there's if you ask me that would have made a better ending.

It can make for an alternate ending, but she was proposed a good time at the start by Luna. And I felt ending it there was a better choice. That and pending on how Button acts at school, his mother now has a new means of threatening to embarrass him if he acts up. Walking the halls nude.

Hot fiction!!!

I'm glad you enjoyed it.

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