• Published 10th Oct 2022
  • 2,680 Views, 63 Comments

Royal Friendship - Nova Star Sparkle

The Light, the Shadow and the Dawn. Three divine sisters who have prevailed over heaven and earth since time immemorial. Still, even they can't prevent everything. Yet no one can deny that they wouldn't be concerned about the world they have created!

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Past and present


Twilight briefly surveyed the glorious feats of Equestria's most important figures. Their deeds forever engraved and on display for all eyes to see. It was one of the greatest honors to be depicted in one of the windows of Canterlot Castle. Alone for the fact it was the hearth of Equestria. The place where thousands of ponies daily walked along and could see the great colorful glass panels and the things they told in beautiful silence. As only those who had performed a truly extraordinary and universally beneficial deed for Equestria were depicted in one of them in perpetuity.

Of course, there were windows for the coronations of each of her two sisters and Twilight herself as a princess. Yet she had seen these ones enough times in the past centuries to recreate them blind and from memory alone. And while it was truly a breathtakingly majestic sight for the rest of the ponies in her kingdom each time, Twilight herself rather enjoyed the deeds of others on display.

The most recent among these windows, her two sisters and she had unveiled only yesterday in the southern wing on the almost other side of the castle during said celebration. Which had been in full swing until recently. Yet that was currently only a minor side thought for the lavender alicorn. Presently, she was all too happy to recall the event from the window she was standing in front. The happy moment had taken place at a time so long ago.

It had not been a ceremony for her ponies, but one for another land beside Equestria. The window depicted a young minotaur with nevertheless stocky dark brown-haired torso, blond hair and only a simple red cloth tied around the hips as clothing. The minotaur was kneeling in the stained image of the window with his left knee on the floor. His right hand faithfully placed over his heart. His head was equipped with two light gray, yet long and slightly curved forward and very pointed horns. Both reverently lowered before the absolute majestic creature facing him. Although it could not be seen in the glass window, it was not difficult to imagine how nervous and tense the boy must have been that very day.

He was after all currently kneeling before the most powerful of the three purest beings that had and probably would ever roam Equus. The other figure opposite him was also almost three times his size and none other than Twilight herself in her full, radiant presence as an alicorn.

As Twilight remembered, she was in the epitome of expressing her heartfelt gratitude to the young Minotaur for his selfless deeds, which had saved the lives of hundreds of ponies and Minotaur’s alike. In addition, to pay him the highest honor that his nation knew. It was on the same day that she had made him a Deimos Lord. A rank that was awarded on average only once every 250 years and thus only worn by a small circle of dignified ever.

For the Minotaur, named Zutnof, it must have been the most important, beautiful, but equally frightful day of his entire life. And also, for Twilight, as well as Celestia and Luna, who were not pictured in the window, but nevertheless had stood behind the youngest and largest of their kind, it had been an extraordinary day as well. It was the first time one other than the two of them had granted such a high title to someone not from their own kingdom and they had been incredible proud of their third sister said day.

The young Minotaur had endangered his life to the utmost on that day and just barely escaped his ultimate demise. He had faced the great danger, for his good but still very inexperienced fighting skills rather well and marched victoriously out of the confrontation – or rather limped out of it, but that was of no consequence here.

Twilight had been seriously surprised that Zutnof could still walk at all after all that happened. According to statements, the poor guy had suffered some hard hits, but still didn't give up his fighting. Not many would have dared to do what he had accomplished that day, and even fewer would have been spared in the end as good as he had been.

Some would accuse the young taur of just being damn lucky and not skillful. But Twilight herself knew that it had been his special talents in the areas of perception and quick decisions that really saved his butt. In the end, it was his special insight and quick decision-making that helped him defeat the threat of Sirius Blackstone - one of his country's most feared and ruthless minotaur’s.

Sirius Blackstone was a minotaur and illegal substances trader who had been running most of the minotaur lands for nearly two decades with iron hand. As the Minotaur had such a high influence, even in the highest ranks of business and politics, nothing could ever be proved against him and his minions. Not even the alicorns of Equestria were able to hold something against him in the six months they knew. All three of them had had a rather good assumption what he had done, but even they couldn´t accuse another country of things they couldn´t flawlessly proof. It all had brought the Minotaur Kingdom on the verge of ruin. Yet bravely, as Zutnof had been on that day, he confronted the hideous Minotaur almost entirely without outside help and ended his reign of terror for good.

Upon catching wind of the deed, the leaders of his country had sought out the royal alicorns of Equestria and had requested to bestow upon him the aforementioned honor of rank. For it had been a tradition since the first communities of life on Equus that the sky goddesses of Equestria bestowed the highest of the highest honors by proxy for the respective lands. A law that had been requested not by the princesses of Equestria themselves, but by the surrounding countries ever since the beginning of their time on Equus. A task the three had accepted with due respect.

Whoever received a rank, distinction, title or the like from an alicorn was, beside his new title, also regarded as an utmost respected personality among his people. They were remembered and honored even after decades - in rare cases even centuries past their death. Something many whished, but very few ever accomplished. That was why it had been such a great honor for Zutnof to kneel before Twilight that day and to pledge his eternal allegiance to his people and to the alicorns of Equestria alike.

After the ceremony, the poor mino almost immediately fainted at the festivities that were held afterwards for him. The same second as Twilight had summoned Zutnof to join her in a by guards secluded area of the ball room, so that she could congratulate him once again in more privateness and person.

Only after several hours and two vain attempts to awaken him, at which point he almost immediately fainted a third time. The palace guards were able to calm him down and successfully reassure him – that Twilight Amicitia Aurora Sparkle, yes the same Princess Twilight Amicitia Aurora Sparkle merely wanted to talk to him. And not, I underline NOT intended to throw him into the deepest corners of Tartarus – however one could think of such a thing 2 hours after receiving the highest title of one's own country from that very mare. It probably was just the impressive influence of us alicorns on the rest of the planet's inhabitants by just being present. Well, shucks.

Twilight had found it hard to keep from smiling right from the start and after the young minotaur had tried to stutter some words several times, but had failed hopelessly every time when he stood in front of her. She, too, despite her high self-control and centuries of perfected princess mask, could no longer hold on to herself. She had started to first giggle mischievously and then to burst out laughing.

It had not helped the young Mino at first and even worsened his condition in the short term. However, immediately after he realized that the Star Goddess did not want to laugh at him, but with him. It vanquished all his fear and worry almost immediately so that he had joined in to the laughter of the, for him imposing and majestic alicorn. It had taken almost a reliving quarter of an hour before one of the two no longer had to laugh too hard to be able to form basic words.

Their laughter back under control, the two had an extensive and friendly conversation, in which both parties got to know each other a little better. Many facts about the other land unknown so far, were exchanged and more. Zutnof realized that Twilight was perhaps an alicorn. Literally the most powerful, majestic creature on Equus. Also an ancient and immortal species no less – according to many tales and stories, possibly even the oldest of the entire universe. Quiet, in every sense a god, as many said.

Nevertheless, she was much more than just an alicorn goddess and a royal princess. The mare was also good-natured, righteous, funny, highly intelligent and caring. Yet she could also be strict, very forthright and decisive if the need arise. She also had a rather poor record of being calm under stress, yet with three thousand years worth of life experience even that came to pass someday. That were all points that the young minotaur deeply respected and not just because his counterpart was one of the three regents of the largest, richest and most powerful kingdom of the entire planet Equus.

After that much hour long talk about their different nations, the two had still further discussed how they could expand the friendship between the two folks. A point that Twilight had determined more. As it was a fact to say, that she was like the guiding avatar of the mentioned aspect.

But even these memories of Twilight, were more than 300 years old. Zutnof had long since handed over the task of keeping the peace in his country to his descendants. Nevertheless, the ties between the two kingdoms remained as strong as ever and the general well-being in the realm of the Minotaur’s had continued to rise ever since.

Three century’s…and nothing at all had changed about her. She remained looking as impressive, young and full of live, like she did for countless of generations - Some would say immortality was a curse, but that was plainly wrong. Neither immortality nor mortality were a curse or a blessing, it was what you did with it that really mattered. And having a literal eternity to live, she could make decisions that would last for centuries or even millennia and witness the effects of her actions with her own eyes.

Though, she had become almost lost in old memories again, so Twilight shock her head and turned her body away from the stained glass window.

Letting her sharp eyes roam over the currently entirely empty hallways. Twilight was able to see that the corridors were really absolutely devoid of any other creatures, not just subjects – even those who worked inside the castle for the royal princesses had gone home for the weekend. Except the secret guards no one knew off, that were positioned inside their castle off course. One couldn’t let the royal place entirely unguarded after all.

The numerous, elaborate and gold ornate decorations along the walls and ceiling nevertheless made the hallway appear in a light worthy of that of royalty. The moonlight streaming through more of the windows at the sides of the hallway also helped to make the image even more impressive.

Briefly reflecting, Twilight perfectly timed the last 43.572 seconds to 7pm. The time when her loyal, long-time Seneschal and, from her point of view, also good friend, would trot around the corner of the corridor. Ready to consult with her about the evening's plans and appointments, such as the evening court. A point that Twilight still had to discuss with him. After all, it would be extremely rude off her, to abandon her planner and disappear from the castle without a word.

Being the faithful seneschal of one of the royal princesses was a great honor and it was aposition that didn´t let any wishes unfulfilled. Not only because it was probably the best paid job in the entire kingdom but one got a livelong status of honor throughout the kingdom in performing his tasks.

In total there were three seneschal, one for each of the alicorn’s. Each one not only the head of planning for the princesses and third in general power in Equestria. But also the pony that was in power leading the cavalries and royal guards in second. There was only one other being that was above them except the divine alicorns of Equestria.

This special person was loyal without fault to the alicorns and would obey every single command they gave him - no matter what it might entail. Over the centuries of his service, this had earned him the fearsome name of Warlord, and anyone who encountered him for the first time knew exactly why he was given that name. His real name was known only to a few and those who knew it did not reveal it. That was solely at the disposal of Warlord himself.

The long-time servants and guards of the castle knew, however, something that not many others knew. The two meter humanoid, with it´s incredible pack of muscles, armor and other gear. Consisting of a long sword, dagger, sniper rifle, bow, two small caliber weapons and other things made out of indestructible alicornite and using magical energy to function...was a rather nice guy and posed no real danger to equestrian inhabitants or allied forces.

His solemn oath, sworn to the goddesses of Equestria, sealed his duty to do everything possible to safeguard them, their subjects and allies. To neither harm nor allow them to be harmed.

However, if one were to attempt to attack the kingdom and its allies without compassion or out of pure hatred, merely to do the worst to them. Oh it would have been better to have left said undone, for Warlord had absolutely no problems or hesitation in putting an end to it all. No matter what that goal entailed.

After all, one didn't get the nickname Warlord just for petting his enemies. You needed special conditions for it and every enemy that had only the single reason to hurt and enslave Equestria was no more after Warlord took the case into his own hands – literally.

Yet Twilight didn’t want to think about that at the moment. There were far busier things to take charge off for now.

Exactly 40 seconds later, she could hear hasty hooves trotting down the hallway. They were accompanied by a steady hard clank of metal on stone floor with each approaching step. One of her personal ‘dawn guards’ seemed to be accompanying the stallion today.

Just a few seconds later, Hard Rock rounded the corner. His gait hasty and a bit of a stumble.He was after all of a rather advanced age. He also seemed to be slightly out of breath.

Fairly sure, he had forgotten the time of day and therefore was a bit late coming out of his office. But as punctual and loyal as he was, he didn't want to be late for his service to Twilight a second more than absolutely necessary.

A truly noble gesture in her eyes, though she wouldn't mind waiting a few more minutes if it meant Hard Rock's health wasn't at stake. After all it wasn’t like she was actually in the need of counting her own remaining lifetime…

With a quick strengthening spell of her own, she helped her personal assistant to regain his Energy. It caused Hard Rock to look up in surprise and smirk knowingly thankful in the direction of his princess.

Despite his advanced age, his dark gray fur; crimson mane and tail were still quite colorful and only at the tips already completely white. His deep blue eyes were also still quite brite, indicating that although physically the stallion was no longer the youngest, his mind was as quick as ever. Yet his eyesight had lost a lot in the interim and he had to wear glasses with high diopter values for about two years in order to still be able to see everything sharply.

Hard Rock and his Pegasus’s companion Swift Blade - one of the youngest of her guards in the castle, were still only a few meters away from Twilight, as the alicorn mare raised her gold-tipped hoof to calm her accountant right from the start. Hence he could apologize for being a mere 27.9 seconds late for his duty to her.

Twilight herself was always precise on the point, but she was also an alicorn. A being that had stamina, strength and abilities way beyond that of mortals and so it wasn´t really a challenge for her to be on the point. It rather was harder for her to not be.

"Easy, easy! There's no need to rush in like this. Remember your own health, will you? If you collapse right here before me from exhaustion, it won't help anyone," Twilight quipped with a broad grin on her muzzle.

While the old earth pony stallion slowed his gait and then as every evening bowed deeply to Twilight once, the Pegasus guard also halted and saluted to her dutiful. After which he also made a bow and returned a polite greeting to her.

"Your Highness!"

His armor, held in a lightly colored purple hue and discreetly illuminated by the moon furthermore, was as pristine and highly polished as ever. The young stallion, definitely put a lot of emphasis on making a fabulous impression as a palace guard.

Twilight was deeply pleased. Even though she suspected that he had taken extra good care of his armor today after being told that he would step in front of her - Princess Twilight. Not only one of his Princesses but also his direct Boss. And as every other pony in Equestria he valued the royal alicorns deeply.

Swift Blade’s entire armor was made of star steel, enhanced by spells cast by herself. Each of her own guards wore one of these in fact.

Luna and Celestia had their own special metal variants to craft the armors for their guards from. Yet technically it was the same element. Just with different additives to give it a unique and suitable appearance for each of them three.

To say it clear, her sister Celestia ones had a very much brighter shade of orange color. Luna’s was way darker than hers and almost resembled a deep black.

While technically everyone could forge these kinds of metal if one had at least a remote talent for forging. It was only the royal certified blacksmiths that were allowed to craft the material into armor and weapons of all kinds. And then only the royal guards of all there princesses had the privilege to wear these same gear in return.

Using the metal for gear and weapons of your own design uncertified was a reason of great crime. At the very least it could get you into prison up to a year or in front of the princesses to justify your actions.

Yet, the alicorns were no monsters, they did make exceptions if you had valid reasons for using these three kinds of special metals. So it was better to ask first and use it then if you got the validation. Therefor it came that only twice a pony got into prison because of using it illegally and not wanting to let the case slide. But even that only for a month.

The single reason behind the special status and legation of Star steel for example, was that it was almost 20 times as durable as forged steel and therefor to impenetrable for common means – as silly as it sounded.

One single pony with ill means and a full set of star steel armor would be a terrible danger. That was then the reason it was by default not allowed to craft the metals into gear without permission.

One also shouldn´t try, as the princesses quickly found out if you did, even if no one knew how they did so – it was probably thanks to some alicorn ability.

The armor clanked lightly as the stallion bowed to the alicorn princess. In total, the armor carried more than 50 helpful spells on it’s frame. Every one of which Twilight had perfected herself, placing the strongest ones in the course of a day there herself after all the needed equipment for her guards had been finished by their blacksmiths.

The whole procedure of forging, fitting each guard and putting the finishing touches on it, had taken several weeks, many sleepless nights for the fitter and smiths, hundreds of ponies and a lot of work in general. Yet in the end, Twilight was pleased and delighted with what a fabulous job the royal smiths had done. Manufacturing nearly 17,000 pieces of armor at a stretch in three shifts a day was a rather unusual task. Also one not received from the royal house every day, but it had been absolutely worth it. Not just moneywise.

Her Personal Royal Guards, spread throughout the kingdom now possessed the highest level of protection that their princesses, to whom they had sworn allegiance, could possibly bestow upon them. Although most of them were stationed in Canterlot, there was still a good amount of them in Cloudsdale and Ponyville.

Most runes, distributed among the armor, were tasked with giving the royal guards an advantage against their opponents. Such as improved endurance, speed and agility.

The armor by itself, consisted of several perfectly intermitting parts that left no space for attack in between. The main part was a gracefully decorated breastplate, reaching over the entire chest and upwards, even over parts of the back where it did join the next plate of armor.

On the front of the armor of Twilight’s guards - as on the other two bodyguards of her sisters - was a gemstone shaped in the image of their respective cutie marks - always engraved in two borders. The inner and first made of platinum, the less practical of the two, but all the more impressive looking as a results. The outer, which doubled as a stabilizer for the gem, was entirely made of Obsidian and locked the gem firmly in place.

Furthermore, the stallions and mares of her guard wore leg and hoof covers made of the same material as the entire rest of the armor. Leaving only the ends of his dynamic pegasus legs bare in the before her presented case. But even that weren´t uncovered entirely, the undersoleof each of his four legs was further enforced and protected by a horseshoe each. Enabling the guards to walk at virtually any ground without difficulty and further strengthening there already powerful hits.

A short sword, also adorned with some gems and runes, hung on the side of his flanks, fastened just in front of the base of his wings. The stallion's flanks, as well as the back rest of his body, were also wrapped in individual segments of guards armor. The individual pieces so finely fitted into each other that the gap between them was invisible to the normal eye of other ponies and creatures. That were if you weren’t an alicorn or used a high version of magicalenhanced vision.

In fact, the gaps between the individual pieces were so minimal that even without enchantments, the armor effectively protected the wearer from the effects of any magic. As the magic had no way to possibly penetrate to the body and star steel by default granted extremely good protection and steadfastness from magic, heat, and cold anyway – as well as physical forces.

Stars steal was the third most hardest element native to Equus, after Shade and then alicornite in both it’s unrefined and refined form. Therefore it was almost entirely impossible to damage the metal before the magical wards were even applied. With them applied it was an entirely other thing.

Most of the guards, thanks to the armor, would not even notice or be hurt if they were hit by a creature up to about the size of a medium dragon.

There was only one thing strong enough to bypass the armor and it’s protecting wards. The overpowering magic of an alicorn could still fairly easy overcome the natural magic protection of the armor and even the affixed spells "only" protected against about 70% of all spells available to an alicorn.

Still, even though the equipment fitted together so perfectly, mobility was not limited in the instance of combat. That was also due to several enchantments that Twilight had designed herself and had them engraved by the castle's magic smiths there, since no alicorn magic was necessary for that.

The helmet, which was also a crucial part of every royal guard's armor, was currently hung safely attached to the other side of the stallions flanks. The helmet, when put on, did not leave more than the eyes and nostrils uncovered.

The crista on the top of each helmet, completed the look of every royal palace guard. It consisted of reddish hair for the normal guards, the commanders possessed a white crista and officers a black one. Only the captain of each of the three groups of royal guards owned a fin of two colors - the largest part of it was golden and showed only at the tips the respective fur color of the princess, whom they served. In addition, the size of the fin was about 50% larger than every other fin of the guards.

And although it sounded rather unexpected to be true, but all the individual used enchantments had been listed in a book and could be freely consulted in the Canterlot library. And while some feared that this might give the enemy or misguided mages an advantage it was still something that held true for more than 1.200 years and was not a fact one had to worry about. The last significant battle between Equestria and another nation was several generations ago, and the pony kingdom enjoyed also unbroken internal peace ever since.

Alone for the fact, because the ponies and other nations knew that it would in general be a bad idea to turn against Equestria. The far strongest, greatest and oldest kingdom on Equus, that furthermore had been ruled for millennia by the same immortal and incomprehensibly strong beings. Ruled by alicorns caring above all means else for the safety of their ponies and lands and would do literally anything to protect them.

The will of the alicorn's alone was enough to hold others at bay.

In the end, peace was always the better idea, because no matter who won in the end, both sides had lost something. For a war always brought destruction, suffering and sacrifice, and that was not worth it in any case. Whereby in the case of a war with Equestria...well the winner was determined from the start.

But how came it, that it was no problem at all that all the enchantments that were placed on the armor of Equestria's guards were at the free disposal for every creature? Well, in the end the enchantments turned out to be very strong and effective, but at the same time they had no chance against alicorn magic and would break instantly if they were not personally applied by an alicorn directly. On the other hoof, there were specially crafted runes etched on the weapons of the royal guard that could likewise counter the illegally placed enchantments with ease.

It worked like this. If the charms were not placed on a registered weapon, armor or item by Equestria´s rulers, the runes would lose their effect as soon as they were hit by one of the mentioned weapons. The registration itself was straightforward and for it´s effectiveness extremely simple. To complete every piece of armor Twilight cast the final enchantment on each piece with her alicorn magic. That in turn gave the equipment its unique alicorn magic signature, which in turn acted as a magical sigil.

A simple and effective system that was also the only thing that couldn´t be faked or broken with magic or other means. It gave everyone free access to potent and effective protection, yet prevented them from using the enchantments to successfully attack Equestria and its elite.

That said, Equus, and even Equestria to some extent, had become a much friendlier, harmonious and peaceful planet with all its kingdoms in union. All of it for the last hundreds or thousands of years - given the kingdom you talked about.

Indeed, even black wizards had become rarer and rarer over time, and the darkest days of Equestria's beginnings, shortly after its founding, were long since past. The kingdom of ponydom now flourished in its almost second millennium of pure harmony. It was mostly due to the royal Alicorns leading the country with faith, but the will of all the individual ponies in Equestria also contributed greatly.

Even necromancy was not generally forbidden or allowed anymore. The once dark art was by now used exclusively for many good purposes. Except some very rare cases of misguided attempts lead by some crazy ponies to use it for terrible reasons.

Since the power of the soul surprisingly turned out to be an extremely potent source of energy for cures and care of rare and sometimes nasty diseases. It got quickly well known for being something other than the synonym for terrible, darkness and misguidance. Even against those illnesses, that no one had ever heard of before, could easily be trifled with. The last belonged to the rarity with the collected knowledge of three ancient beings as regents, but it came to be.

A shift that had surprised even Twilight at the very beginning. She herself was honest, at first the lavender alicorn mare had not been particularly eager to learn about necromancy. Yet now even she was fascinated by the principles. As time got by she got rather fast intruded by the basics and soon intended to learn everything there was about it – even if she would never be able to cast them for herself.

The reason for that was very simple. As an alicorn was incapable of using any kind of dark arts, due to its own pristine powers. There abilities were even so different in contrast to these darker powers, that Twilight – or her sister destroyed corrupted energies and objects merely on contact with their own powers and body.

Still, all these things considered, it was possible for Twilight, or an alicorn in general to learn the knowledge of necromancy. Thus, she was capable to inherit the knowledge and pass it on to later generations for even better results.

It had perks for a kingdom being ruled by the same immortal beings. For they had a knowledge, skill and wisdom of hundreds and thousands of years to fall back to.

On top, alicorns had a photographic memory. So they never forgot the facts, that were truly crucial to let their kingdom blossom.

Likewise, it was still a subject about which even she, as the avatar of magic and the well-read alicorn – most interested in any kind of magic, knew relatively little about.

And that meant something if she, as protector and mistress over the concept of magic, could reveal little about an area of magical arts. A fact, which bothered her only slightly however - time, she certainly had enough to acquire and implement the knowledge into her being.

The art of necromancies was a weird kind of magic. It contradicted the natural rules of magic, as necromancy used completely different foci of the magical arts. However, her own existence as an alicorn also contradicted just about every known rule, so theoretically she herself was not in a good situation to complain. Taking into account that she would, which she didn’t.

Yet necromancy was one kind of magic, that if taken with skill and care, led to truly magnificent and fruitful results in the long run.

Necromancy, sometimes called the dark art, at its genesis from the basic essences of the universe, was known to all as an "impure" magical art. For where there was light, there had to be shadow. Even if the alicorn goddesses of Equestria represented a beacon of unattainable strength in the universe and led the general balance of cosmic forces more and more towards the direction of peace and light.

Nevertheless, Twilight was rather happy as she thought about what had happened in the last hundreds of years. The image of the concept of necromancy had slowly began to be changed over time, and necromancy was now a topic that was addressed at least once in the higher schools and grades.

Those who performed exceptionally well could even be taught some of the simplest basic spells of necromancy by their professors.

Of course, one needed a certain qualification, knowledge and also the approval of her – Princess Twilight Sparkle herself. For she was and remained in every respect the mare that decided which magic may be practiced and taught and which was not. Even if the latter part contained only very few spells, there were still some that fell under said category. There was no denying her, if she forbid the teaching of a certain art or spell it had to be followed. Yet that wasn’t a problem. With her thousands of years of knowledge and experience very few ever ignored her decisions at all. It just kind of made the most of sense for the alicorn of magic - a three thousand year old being, to choose which magic was to be called save and which not.

In most cases, the forbidden spells contained those that had the unpleasant side effect of killing the one who cast them. Not exactly a practical thing, if one was allowed to say so and rendering the spells entirely useless. Luckily it was a kind of spells that had ceased to be created almost 800 years ago and there had never been a mentioning of another such created spell ever since.

How were such spells even be created in the first place? In order to discover new spells – after first establishing the basics, the old try and error method had to be used. For that was how every new spell was invoked and tested for the few first times if it had nothing to do with alicorn magic.

How an alicorn invented a new spell however, was a totally other thing for that matter entirely. It was something that also couldn´t be fully explained thanks to their entirely unique powers. Once a spell was created by Twilight or one of her two sisters - it simply worked on first try.

The best explanation they got for that was that, as an alicorns abilities worked without fault that was also the reason they could create a perfect version of every spell they thought off.

As a try and error method always had a chance of going not as intended, it was the reason why most laboratories and facilities specialized in developing new spells were built to be fire and explosion-proof as well as highly robust in general.

Yet Twilight was still - even after so many years of being alive, lost for the simple reasons why to create such spells.

Why and better yet how, did someone create a spell that killed the one that cast it? What reason was there for some spell like that to exist?

Most of the spells even accomplished little more than that. Yet were described by their creators as the greatest achievements of the pony age.

Twilight still hoped that the creators of such spells would try them themselves and not use innocent ponies to help them. Yet her hope was most likely short lived and more than one pony had over the hundreds of years fallen victim to these stupid mages.

It was also the single thing that could make Twilight as an alicorn truly mad and she sweared as the single most powerful user of magic in the cosmos, to those ponies. If she EVER bucking found out where they had lived, she would go back in time, literally strip them of their magic for all eternity and bring them to justice by her own design.

For an alicorn that still didn´t mean she would kill them herself, for an alicorn never did such a thing. But whoever really knew the cunning mare, knew that she could practically lecture someone to death and if that didn´t work, there was still her good ally and friend Warlord.

As known, he was a generally friendly guy, yet only to those who deserved it. And Twilight didn´t consider ponies that created spells with the single intend to kill the caster as such. Warlord likely would also have the same opinion as her and manage the case by his own design in her stead. While she knew perfectly what that meant…she also knew he was a trustworthy guy that made his job fast and without suffer. Even while being against killing, it gave her the peace to know she did the right thing.

Such a necessary was sad, as even as a literal god, an alicorn couldn´t save everypony or creature – well they could but that was in some cases rather a matter for the side. Some of them had to either save themselves or be done with it. As dark as it all sounded.

Shacking her head Twilight got back on track with her own thoughts. She never liked to talk about death and avoided doing so if possible. Mainly because she couldn’t ‘really’ understand what it meant. Not because she didn’t knew what the word death stood for, that was silly. But because an alicorn was immortal without fault and therefor would never actually experience it in the first place.

Either way, among the spells to be learned of necromancy were, for instance, the power to use one's soul to help others or to strengthen them at short notice.

The basic necromancy spells up to level two out of six, could even be used danger-free and without much knowledge or general high magical strength of the caster. All given that a pony did not actually had to use it’s soul to cast such spells, but only went into oneself to generate a deep inner peace. Which, in turn, produced different effects depending on the application and what one focused on.

The advanced and heavier practices from level three to six were not directly open to the public of Equestria - at least at the moment. They were even so restricted that other than herself (and her sisters obviously) there was currently only one other pony that knew how to cast the two highest level of said spells. Two for level five and one of the design of level six. More, even for him – or rather his soul to great of a strain to be able to learn and cast.

To be allowed to cast, one had to make a direct request to Twilight herself and describe the exact motive, which was also checked by her at least three times a year at unspecified times. That was necessary as, well you just had one soul and it was your entire being and who you were. Serverly damaging it, simply said killed you. In addition to this, several physiological, physical, spiritual and emotional tests had to be submitted once at the beginning and every two years thereafter. If one failed to pass said test they were stripped of the right by Twilight to use more than the two basic levels of necromancy. Or in specific instances the third.

Trying to spoil her – the mistress of magic, afterwards and still intending to use the acquired knowledge was also a task one should better never even think of. She would knew faster than one could even begin to perform ones magic. Twilight was magic after all.

That all sure was a lot of work for something that sounded so simple on first glance, but Twilight did it out of pure love and care for her dear ponies. For as long as necromancy was still a delicate and little researched subject, she would not change her mind very much. Nevertheless, she had made up her mind to check the progress completely at least once a year; to compare it with the last year and to reconsider changes and easing.

Yeah, that was still the best idea to ensure I´m able to protect my little ponies from hurting themselves. They might be very smart and independent in their own decisions, but still…there´s a reason we have me, the supreme master of magic. If not even I would use every kind ofmagic there is without being careful, than others shouldn´t even get the idea to be able to use it in the first place. And that’s considering my alicorn magic doesn’t make mistakes while casting…I do it for their own good.

Twilight was almost lost in her thoughts, but she composed herself. She had always done the best with her abilities to protect the inhabits of Equestria from dangerous or unknown magic’s and that gave her peace. Shacking her head, she focused back on the scene before her.

The two stallions were still in their bows and had lowered their heads in deference to Twilight. They would not rise until they were prompted to do so by her - their princess.

Twilight smirked, she wouldn´t want to let the both of them wait any longer, their bow already lasted about 10 seconds and by now the stallions would soon begin to fear they had displeased their princess in some way. A silly thought yes, as if two so loyal and grateful stallions could ever displease her. For that it would need MUCH more, but sadly it was a truth, that all ponies were rather fast in worrying that they had displeased the royal alicorns of Equestria.

That probably was the thing she all three had still to work the most and hardest on. If Twilight remembered correctly – and she did with her photographic and undeceivable memory, able to remember everything for eternity rather well. Than it was a fact there had been only five instances ever where someone had angered or displeased her. And each time they had done so it had been justice to be furious at them. They had…No, I won´t think about them anymore. It´s the past and what happened to them so long ago was unfortunate but necessary andentirely their own decision.

Tipping her head slightly to the two stallions as well in greeting, Twilight returned the address in an exceedingly smooth and majestic voice. She knew that most creatures were cautious around her and the other alicorns, even if they never had a reason to. For that reason her sisters and her had found a simple solution to ease the minds of their subjects. Their ever kind and motherly voice when addressing them was the final product of it. Something that had worked rather well since their descend from their true Home – the astral heaven.

"Please arise you two and stand to attention and likewise a good evening Swift Shield. To what do I owe this delightful encounter?"

While Hard Rock rose and already began going through the first items on tonight's to-do list with his eyes, Swift Shield also stood up with another salute. His head was held proud, but his gaze lowered and not meeting hers for that would be an insult to the crown. One was only permitted looking a princess directly into the eyes when they allowed it. An also hundreds of years old law that to this day held still strong.

As he did so, Twilight's keen eyes did not miss the slightest movement and so she spotted the stallion trembling slightly with tension. He was still visibly a little unsure in her direct presence. Understandable – he was still young and rather inexperienced in the arts of being a royal palace guard.

The young Pegasus had completed his training as a palace guard not half a year ago - and had also done so extremely well. Twilight knew that from her own observation. The princesses themselves frequently observed the training of the next generation of guards and the commanders reported to her and two sisters almost daily about the most reliable and promising new recruits to protect them and their country.

Speaking of that, the second – the protection of the country was the main goal for the princesses. It was after all matter of fact that an alicorn didn´t exactly need extra protection from other ponies, as they were themselves more than suited to defend their lives.

His good training and excellent competition was also the reason why he had already graduated to become one of Twilight's ‘star guards’. Even though normally one had to have at least 5-10 years of professional experience for even remotely of a chance. Well the young Pegasus, was extremely promising as said.

Swift Shield saluted another time.

"Your Highness. I was sent to you personally by Commander Comet Starshine to ensure your highness safety. He ordered me to ensure that your majesty safely makes it through the entire night." The young stallion afterwards paced nervously on his hooves and the feathers of his wings also rustled softly back and forth.

Continuing to smile amiably, Twilight returned Swift's comment.

"Thank you Lieutenant. I'm sure Commander Starshine had only the best in mind when he sent you to me. Both concerned for my safety and to improve your own skills. Regrettably, however, I must say that your services are not needed today."

Turning her head slightly to the left to her accountant, she also faced Hard Rock. Upon which he looked up, intuitively knowing as usual when the lavender alicorn was focusing on him.

"And also your efforts will not be needed today. I have already informed Luna that I will be heading to Ponyville. I do have some private business there. Luna will take over my duties for me until then. Please refer to her for anything you need to know. Also let the other members and ministers know to, that their princess is not available for the moment and they are to refer to my sister Luna."

Hard Rock and Swift Shield had no time to respond anything as Twilight was blessed with a sudden idea and continued to speak.

"Hard Rock why don't you take the next two, hmm no rather three days off and go visit your sister Melody for a change. That would be the perfect opportunity in my opinion. I heard her two filly’s are supposed to start school soon and they can't even wait until that time is upon them."

Nodding slightly, Hard Rock put his clipboard away and turned his full attention to the alicorn princess. His smile was broad and sincere.

"Your Highness! I am fascinated every time how it is possible for you to know all of that. At times I almost believe you to be omniscient. But there is no such thing as that - right?"

Even though the two had known each other for many, many years. It seemed that Hard Rock was still not completely sure what he knew of his alicorn princess and what not. The alicorn’s were after all kind of known as gods on Equus and most also believed such rumors. The alicorns never in any way forced others to acknowledge them as deity’s, but they also never denied it. So it was up to everyone to form own conclusions.

Laughing, Twilight responded to her faithful Senegal’s statement.

"No Hard Rock. I am almost certainly not omniscient or even omnipotent. I just possess an extremely good grasp as well as good communication." Twilight smirked anew. "Well that and a mind that can´t be fooled or does forget things on top of the fact an alicorn has incredible strong abilities does help as well. Still, there is relatively little that you couldn´t ask me or that I am prevented from accomplishing. There are several advantages to being a princess and an alicorn."

Her response seemed to have been enough for the older stallion, as he only briefly nodded once.

"As you wish. I will visit my sister then. You are right, I have not seen her for some time and a visit is long overdue."

"Give my regards to her and your family as well," Twilight interjected while she began to turn away from the older stallion.

"I will, your highness. I'm sure they will be very pleased to hear a friendly greeting from one of our princesses. For I know one thing, my two nieces are infatuated and fascinated by you and the things you have done already. Even with their rather young age they know a lot of the deeds the Star goddess and her two sisters have done.”

Hard Rock turned beat Red. “Well…that´s also probably my own fault as I told them all the things about you and you'r sisters once they asked, but anyway.”

Hard Rock rubbed his fore’s together. “No matter how much I told them about our three royal regents, the stories of the sole and mighty Star Goddess has enraptured their interest by far the most. They talk about how powerful, beautiful, impressive and majestic she is by no end. Even while I still doubt a bit they even fully know what all of these words mean. In my sister's letters, she hardly writes of anything else when she talks about the two of them and what they like to become one day."

The older stallion, fell silent in response and seemed momentarily caught before pulling himself together. "Ehh, I hope you know what I mean Highness. It´s not that we don´t talk about anything other than you in our letters. Yet...I…I should stop talking – Yeah! Telling you more kind of makes it even more awkward for me."

Hard Rock had shrunken quite a bit in the last few seconds. Whatever his problem with his statement was, it was a seriously embarrassing subject for him. Twilight found it more amusing than odd, but she wouldn´t press the matter. There were things she didn´t have to know…or understand.

Turning back to him and with a reassuring hoof gesture, Twilight steadied the stallion's nervousness. "Don't worry, I'm well aware of what you mean," she joked. "I can well understand it too, the three of us have an impressive effect on many and that effect is even greater for unicorns."

While she said that Twilight quickly remembered back.

The family Rock had been serving the princesses for several generations and most of their work had been dedicated to herself. Twilight took it upon herself to know at least well about the families most closely associated with royalty. Even though she kept a certain distance for several reasons to her ponies. She didn't want to meddle too deeply in the lives of others unless invited to do so.

Smirking and with another slight bow of his body, Hard Rock looked up at her. Although he was relatively tall even for an earth pony and his advanced age usually made him standing a head length above any other pony. He still came just to the bottom line of Twilight's belly and at all times had to crane his neck high to be able to look the alicorn into her bright and caring eyes.

"Sorry no your highness. Interestingly, it is my younger niece who is more intrigued with your presence. I would like to emphasize once again; she is very very interested in your deeds. She sees your highness as an idol and would like to become just like you one day in about 15 years, when she is 20 herself, like you.” Hard Rock now looked even a bit more embarrassed than before.

“Even though, unfortunately, I don't think that will be a known possibility – or is right in the first place. I just don't know how to tell her... like how do you explain to your five year old niece that her idol is actually much older than she looks... and that significantly so."

Nodding her head in sympathy, Twilight returned Hard Rock's remark. While bowing her head gently a bit before the older stallion.

She stopped about one fourth of the way as that indicated a friendly gesture. By Equestrian law a princess was not allowed to bow her head more than that in front of anyone else than other dignity’s. She never understood why such a law was made by the ponies, but it was one that was older than the three of them wandered physically on Equus. And as no one had ever complained about the law either and it didn´t give her any disadvantage, for her that eliminated the problem entirely. She followed it and that was all that counted.

"I regret no, becoming like my sisters and I will not be possible in any way. We are truly unique and special beings. All of us three embody fundamental aspects of reality and forces. Some would say we were born from them, but I would rather go for the fact that we are like the mothers for said forces. Our existence dates even further back than the explosion that sparked the universe, and not even I know a spell or force that can bypass said rule.”

Twilight giggled into her hoof. ”On top of that your fairly right, we would have to at least add six to eight zeros to my age to even come close to my actual time of living.”

“Still - Sunny?", enquired Twilight curiously. "I must confess, though I already knew they both had an affinity for me. Still, I didn't expect her to be the one who expressed the most interest. Well, you never cease to learn, do you?", Twilight joked.

A new sudden thought, made Twilight continue while Hard Rock stayed silent. He always had a pretty strong sense whenever the alicorn princess still had something to say and highly respected it.

"Hmmm, now that I think about it. How about the weekend after next. Do you and your family already have something for that night or could we have a nice dinner together on that day? If so I'd like to invite you and your family to the castle's banquet hall for that very evening, to have an extensive more course dinner together in friendly company. And who knows, maybe I might be able to think of a few cool 'alicorn only things' to show and teach your two nieces in the process," the princess winked at the earth pony stallion.

"Izzy may even manage to get into my private school of magic if she is of age. The magical abilities of your blood line have piqued my interest more than once over the decades. So it could well be that Izzy has some talent as well, and I would love to find that out sooner than later. After all, it' s my field of expertise and I’m the headmare for magical studies. Besides – I think at least one of them is definitely willing to learn from my 'old', 'boring' self," Twilight quipped.

"For even if she's not a unicorn. There's still a lot I can teach her. I´m an alicorn and the one of magic no less and that means I have vast expertise in all three fields of pony magic. Earth pony magic has more potential as most of our ponies even know. I'm aware that’s a rather sad thought but we slowly get to it and bring the secrets of terrestrial magic to the light", concluded Twilight as she scratched her chin, partially in thought to herself how to best grab the problem.

However, as she looked back at Hard Rock, she met an extremely puzzled and also a bit horrified face of an old stallion that was lost for words. In the corner of her eye she could also spot Swift Shield, who had been standing at attention next to the much older stallion all this time with the same wordless expression but no horror in his case.

The pegasus guard had been silently waiting for his turn to speak. But now he sparked an equally surprised expression on his face. Also his muzzle stood slightly open.

"A-but your highness. I could never accept such an offer. I am just a normal attendant working for royalty in Canterlot castle and you - you are one of our beloved princesses of Equestria. Practically omnipotent and all knowing I-".

Hard Rock was abruptly interrupted by a lavender golden plated hoof settling forcefully over his muzzle, but not hurting him while doing. Heavy amounts of pure godly magic flowed from the hoof and eased his mind while lovingly forcing him to stay silent.

Twilight's voice was louder than normal and determined to a degree that made the fur stand on end all over both stallions' bodies.

"Oh no no no! Not another word of self-deprecation. You are one of my most longtime friends and by far loyalist serving members. Moreover, your entire family line has served the royal house and primarily me, for quite a few generations. All with devotion, trust and great honor. If it is inevitable, than as a princess, I insist that you accept my invitation. Merely for me to be able to repay a small part of the gratitude back to you."

All was now completely silent. Both ponies gazed deeply into each other's eyes. One pair determined beyond all means, friendly and caring. The other also friendly, old but still sharp.

Finally after a few seconds Hard Rock lowered his gaze and fell into a low bow, his nose almost touched the ground in the process.

"No need to worry, your majesty. There will be no need for that. If it is so, then my family and I gratefully accept your grand hospitality to dinner in your castle."

Twilight extended her hoof under the chin of Hard Rock and lovely tapped it to the base of his muzzle to ease him to stand. She then help the old stallion stand up with some of her magic.

"Oh, and one more thing. Call me Twilight, simply and plainly Twilight when we are seated together at dinner. I insist on it and will not be dissuaded."

With a last small bow but no more words, Hard Rock agreed to the request.

Turning her head back to the Pegasus stallion, he sprang even more to attention and returned another salute to her. Yet the friendly expression he received from the majestic alicorn opposite him melted away his tension entirely.

"Sorry to have let you wait so long Swift, but truly an excellent conduct lieutenant. There should be more of your kind among the guards.”

“Now please see Luna and report to her. She should know by now that I will be traveling to Ponyville. As long as I am gone, she is the one your getting your commands from. Also the pony who will be running my Star Guard here at the castle for me."

"T-thank you, your highness. I am honored by your compliment - truly."

The poor stallion's entire body trembled with respect and fried from the praise of the alicorn mare. Twilight couldn't help but feel a slight smirk cross her muzzle.

Well, it´s not the best first meeting someone has managed with an alicorn. But at least he didn´t faint on the spot like so many others did. He´s rather strong and confident. That much´s clear. Twilight pondered in her mind while she set up an even more calming smile for him.

"Don't think any of it, lieutenant. Something like that needs to be acknowledged," Twilight confirmed with a slight nod to the young guard.

She was about to turn away in order to make her way to Ponyville, but was stopped by Swift Shield once again boldly speaking up. It surprised Twilight a bit as he had been incredible reserved just some seconds ago to even look her in the eyes.

Yet she welcomed it. Twilight loved it when others got their wits and spoke their mind in front of her – the alicorn princess. She liked to hear the opinion of others and it was also a thing she considered necessary as her position as the alicorn of harmony and friendship.

"Pardon me princess. Permission to speak freely?"

Twilight turned back to him and gave her consent with a short nod of her head.

"Your highness! You can't just travel to Ponyville without protection. The small village may be indeed quite safe and serene and the ponies from what I have heard are very accommodating and helpful. Besides, the last danger reported there was a long time ago. But Ponyville is right next to the Everfree Forest. That’s by far the most dangerous forest we have in Equestria."

Twilight smirked. "You're partially right about that lieutenant. The Everfree forest is a certainly very dangerous place for all creatures not native to it, no matter their kind. Yet it is by no means as dangerous as it once was.” Twilight paused what she intended to say to ponder about something she just noticed.

“Hmmm. However, now that I think about it, the forest is by now even a relatively minor threat to ponies, as long as you don't anger the forest itself. It´s not just a rumor, but the forest really has a mind of it´s one. It knows if somepony is respectful of the flora and fauna and will favor the one that respect it’s presence. I won´t deny to have had a hoof in it myself – but that just so by the way.”

“Furthermore, I would be significantly less concerned about my personal safety. An alicorn is incredibly resilient and better armed than it appears at first glance. I think we all know rather well what kind of powers the three royal sisters really do hold if they wish to express it – and I’m one of them. Nevertheless, I thank you for your care, but prefer to travel alone."

With a salute, Swift Shield quickly took his departure from Twilight with a quick march down the hall. If the alicorn wished it to be like it was, then it wasn´t his place to argue about that. "All right Highness. If that is your wish, then so be it." After a short time, he disappeared around the next corner.

Hard Rock had also turned away from Twilight in the meantime and began to trot back to his office as well. But not before he bid farewell to the lavender alicorn with some final words. "Goodbye your highness. May you arrive safely in Ponyville and good luck in your affairs."

"And you travel safe and sound to Appleloosa. Don't forget to give my regards to all, I will see you in three days then. Tell your sister, Saturday after next at seven o'clock just before the gates of Canterlot´s castle. The royal guards will permit you to enter the castle unhindered and escort you as far as the dining hall. I will already be there to welcome all of your family."

"I won't forget and thank you again - Twilight." Hard Rock´s reply came still a bit shaky, but it was after all only the first time he addressed her as simply Twilight and not by one of her royal titles or anything else.

After Hard Rock also turned the next corner, Twilight also made her way at a slow walk to the grand castle gates facing south. Every guard or servant the star alicorn passed either saluted or bowed to her and Twilight, friendly as she was known to be, greeted just about every single one back by name or nodded to them.

Soon she passed the gates and greeted the four guards stationed their as well with her friendly attitude.

Leaving the castle grounds, she spread her two massive alicorn wings wide. They shone in even more magnificent colors in the bright moonlight than they did in the day. She was after all a dawn and night attuned alicorn like her sister Luna and her powers were greatest in the dark times of the day.

With a few strong wing beats, she catapulted gracefully high into the sky heading for Ponyville.

Some ponies were still trotting along the streets of Canterlot. As the alicorn flew overhead they looked up and soon began waving and shouting joyfully after her.

Something that filled Twilight's heart with a warmth she never thought possible and she spontaneously activated her horn with a single bright thought. As she overflew the outer walls of the noble district of Canterlot, stretching once around the castle of the city, behind her. Each of her strong wing beats generated streaks of multicolored magic in the air and late twilight of the day, slowly moving across the sky like auroras.

It was certainly a very fitting phenomenon for someone who was named Twilight and Aurora by two of her names.

Her million of stars also now shone even brighter in the sky and soon they began to surpass even the mild light of Luna’s moon. The mild white starlight shining down on the peaceful Lands of Equestria a symbol of her mistress' protection and care for all ponies and other creatures that were keen to follow the ways of harmony.

* End of Chapter Two *

Author's Note:

You have no idea of how great if feels to have exactly 11k words on the point. While it botters me a great deal, that not every chaper has a round number I´m not gonna chance it in retrospect. (I already do it and you can believe me it´s sometimes rather stressful to find 40/50/60 words just for a round number) :D

I thought it to be neat to have specific magic colors for the capabilities of the magic of Equestria. So here you go!:twilightsmile:

The specific kinds of magic:

[The "colors" of magic do not necessarily define the appearance when casting each type, rather they are just a simple categorization for better differentiation and classification. Nevertheless, both "white" and "black" magic often exhibit the associated coloring when cast. It is also possible for a spell to contain the properties of more than one type of magic at the same time. Few spells can be clearly assigned to a single type - most, as suspected, to the white and black type].

  • White [Deity Magic]: Peace, Harmony, Truth and Hope - most pure form of magic - can only be used by gods, solely to cast good. Cannot be learned by others who do not possess the required skills to begin with. This type of magic is without flaws and always produces the exact desired result without generating side effects. White magic is universal and thus includes any positive effect that can be brought about with other types of magic.
  • Black [Diabolical Magic]: Casting wicked spells and negativity - exact opposite of white magic - can be used only for the worst, but in theory by anyone, since the magic is so corrupt. A god with the abilities of white magic, is not able to use any black magic and completely destroys any evidence of black magic when trying.

    Still, they can learn the concept in order to better combat the dark arts. This form of magic is an over-arching term for everything that can be classified as dark arts and includes far more than just necromancy, the latter is just the most widespread known form of black magic when asked.

    Unfortunately, it lends necromancy a bad reputation, one that is increasingly unfounded. Necromancy is now widely studied and taught in Equestria for healing and support purposes.

  • Green: Enhances prosperity, luck and fertility - one of the most difficult arts to learn. A certain talent is needed to be able to cast it successfully. However, should one master it, much good can be done with it. Due to circumstances that have not been clarified to this day, it is almost completely impossible to do harm with it. It is therefore considered one of the safest types of magic.
  • Blue: Healing of mind, body and soul, forgiveness and tranquility - After white magic the purest and safest of all positive magic forms. Due to the relatively simple structure, it is the most widespread form and is actively learned at schools, universities and also privately. It is almost exclusively possible for anyone to learn this type of magic and gives help in a variety of situations.

    The strength and abilities of that kind of magic are strongly related to one's own limits - the stronger someone is, the better he can use the magic as well. The only real limit this kind of magic has is a fatal injury, poisoning, etc. (Only white magic can really bypass the limits of life, death and reality. Black magic also to a certain degree -> see Necromancy).

  • Yellow: joy, friendliness, friendship, reinforces good character traits - brings out the best character traits of a person and amplifies them. No new traits can be obtained through yellow magic, they must already be present. The individual bonds between friends benefit the most from it, as the description of the most important characteristics already suggest.

    Due to the close connection to emotional bonds and emotions, there are very few spells that can be truly learned. In most cases, this type of magic works intuitively and by itself between the different parties.

    It is thus one of several types of magic that do not necessarily need to be learned in order to exist and function -> Friendship or harmonic energy, as a special and incredibly powerful form of magic, also falls to some extent into the yellow category, although in most cases it is to be counted among the divine (white) magic due to the extreme power it possesses.

  • Red: Courage, confidence and strength - is mainly used to support oneself or others and to generate confidence, courage and strength. The magic reduces anxiety or suppresses it completely. The increase of trust among each other also plays an important role, which means that both effects occur almost exclusively together.

    Finally, someone can be strengthened with red magic. Both the caster and others on whom the spells are cast can be strengthened. Some spells even exhibit all three characteristics at the same time, one of the best examples being "The spell of faith". A spell that grants the one it is cast on a decent power boost in combination with higher trust in allies and reduced fear. Red magic is closely related to orange magic and in many cases overlaps with it.

  • Pink: Love, sex, passion, beauty and romance - most often used in love spells or potions. In most cases, it is used to present a distorted image of reality

    -> Love Spell: Changes the feelings and emotions of someone who is under its influence. For example, to establish a relationship with someone with whom none would otherwise come about. Of all the magic colors allowed, this is the one that is most avoided, as it is often known as "the magic of seduction". It generally has no good name therefore.

    In addition, using pink magic does not make one a favorite among others, which discourages most from ever using it. The only known intuitive use, is the natural bonding of two people in love/passion/etc., as this is often also described as a magical moment.

  • Violet: spiritual enlightenment, creativity and wisdom - this magic type is a very difficult one. On the one side, it is extremely popular, and on the other, despised by some. [It is however never permanent and the effects eventually wear off and disappear completely. Again, only white magic can cross these boundaries and create a permanent effect].

    With Violet magic it is possible to give oneself or others a higher imagination, intelligence, or otherwise mental strengthening as well as abilities. Hence, the participants of contests where such things matter are always scrutinized for indications of this type of magic - all of which is the part that is despised.

    The exact opposite of this is respect, as it can be used to give others a better impression of things. Thus, it is possible for a professor or otherwise very intelligent person to explain, show, and make others think about things with ease that they would not otherwise be able to comprehend.

    The permanent effects suggested by white magic users can include anything that could be associated with the above topics and only knows the limit of the caster's own imagination - which in most cases doesn't present a limit anyway. If even gods who can work this type of magic don't know the answer, no one probably does.

  • Orange: energy, ambition, success and motivation - is very related to red magic and overlaps in many ways, which makes most spells that contain orange magic also contain red and vice versa.

    The most popular spells of this magic color include general strengthening spells for physical powers or similar abilities. Improved self-esteem, which in turn encourages one to take more risks that lead to success - motivation is so closely related to success that it is listed as a separate item, but in the end it accomplishes the same goals.

  • Brown: Stability, Humility and Mental Strength - Stability alludes to a person's intellectual strength, so again it is a strengthening/improvement of the mind. Unlike purple magic, however, it does not strengthen a person's mental abilities, but rather consolidates the ones they already have.

    In most cases, it involves the reduction or suppression of effects that are primarily psychological, such as depression, loneliness, etc. Consequently, very often this magic works passively, for example, between couples, friends, married people and does not need to be actively cast at those occasions.

    Humility is another aspect that is triggered by brown magic. Virtually no spells exist that can enhance said effect, which means that a modest and helpful person natively has increased amounts or capabilities of brown magic.

--> To conclude, most colors of magic, therefore, also occur passively and naturally and do not have to be caused by spells first - even though it is also possible to do so in most cases. Love, for example, is a great indicator of pink magic, modesty one for brown, or friendship with others a good one for yellow. Whereby it must be mentioned once again that many of the colors overlap or work together in their effects, creating even superior effects.