• Published 10th Oct 2022
  • 2,681 Views, 63 Comments

Royal Friendship - Nova Star Sparkle

The Light, the Shadow and the Dawn. Three divine sisters who have prevailed over heaven and earth since time immemorial. Still, even they can't prevent everything. Yet no one can deny that they wouldn't be concerned about the world they have created!

  • ...


Author's Note:

Another chapter in my story, which I am enjoying very much at the moment and which I would like to finish as soon as possible so that I can get back to "The Alicorn Book". Writing several stories at the same time just confuses me too much in the long run.

Also, this chapter is the first time I used an AI writing program for my grammar after translating and correcting it myself (Deepl Write). So I would be very happy if you could give me some feedback on the quality in the form of a comment. If it works, I will try to use it more in the future. I'm not bad at English, but it's still not my first language and I still make mistakes that are obvious to people who grew up with English.


Only seconds passed before the first reactions began to manifest themselves. Much to my happiness and joy, they weren't verbal steps that the mares made towards me, but physical ones. Very cautiously, Applejack was the first to lift her head higher, going so slowly that there would be more than enough time for me to reciprocate. I did not, however, and just waited in silent anticipation.

Applejack's action was also copied slowly by Rarity, then Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and finally Pinkie Pie. The pink mare, however, jerked her head up so quickly and directly towards my eyes that I was worried her neck might break. Fortunately, it didn't and I let out a relieved breath that although I didn't need it, helped to dispel my unease.

Even after less than an hour with these mares, it was clear to me that Pinkie Pie was not to be questioned. She definitely embodied the aspect of an alicorn's ability to accomplish things that simply should not be physically, mentally or otherwise feasible.

I flashed the five girls an encouraging and very kind smile as far across my muzzle as I could. Now that they were all looking me straight into the face, neither their nor my true emotions were hiding from each other. Therefore, a moment later, I inclined my head slightly towards them again in thanks as they regarded me with a mixture of surprise, admiration and respect.

"I do thank you from the bottom of my heart. You don't know how much it genuinely means to me that I was able to gain your full trust so quickly. Thank you also for accepting my offer to try a genuine friendship. Besides my sisters and the well-being of all our subjects in Equestria, this is the most precious gift I have ever received."

Rarity and Rainbow started to open their mouths for something to say in reply, but I stopped them with the lift of one of my gilded front hooves before they could get to it.

"No, I beg you. Don't tell me it's a given or that I shouldn't expect anything else because I am who I am. For you know as well as I do that that would be a denial. Your trust, despite me offering to meet my eyes, to actually do it, is not a self-evident thing. I am well aware of the struggle it requires."

Everyone nodded wordlessly, accepting what I just said. Silence fell again for several seconds before surprisingly it was Fluttershy that spoke up. Although with great uncertainty in her voice and very quietly, she nevertheless was able to express herself without her voice trembling in front of me.

“Miss Twilight Sparkle?" Well, at least it was a start, that she didn't address me as princess or goddess anymore... "May I ask a question?"

"Sure, but still it's only Twilight for you all. Friends don't use Miss; Lady; Princess or Highness, just the basic names," I smiled warmly. "By the way, you are more than welcome to ask me more than just one question. I'll be happy to answer them all for you, no matter how many there may be."

I pointed my head more towards the rest of the ponies. "The same goes for the rest of you as well. I came here to forge a friendship and the more we learn about each other in the future, the better that will be able to work out. I will not keep secrets unless you are to ask a question that I cannot reveal for the betterment of Equestria and its safety."

Fluttershy very carefully nodded she had understood, giving good honor to the 'Shy' in her name. "Ok, I have this question. You see..." Fluttershy drew in a deep breath then exhaled." "I have this question, you see. I - I"


"Y-Yes Twilight?" Fluttershy had slumped at my friendly but stern voice and now looked at me with nervously wandering eyes and legs trembling slightly with fear.

"It's all right, there's no need to be nervous my dear," I began in my melodic voice. "I know that receiving any kind of attention is an insane stress for you. I can only imagine how much of an effort it must be for you to even have the courage to ask me something. In any case, you have my respect for that. But please look at it this way - even if it may sound a bit strange. Yet, if I really wanted to hurt or punish you or any of the others...wouldn't I have done that already?"

Fluttershy's eyes grew wide with surprise as she realized and she straightened back up to her full height. "You're right, I really haven't thought of it that way. You've only shown us kindness and been nothing but accommodating since you showed up. How could I ever have thought that you could mean me any harm? I´m sorry!" Fluttershy lowered her gaze, but moved her eyes up again as I began to speak.

"The answer you seek is deep-seated fear and insecurity my dear Fluttershy," I replied with a friendly chuckle. "Also, I won't deny that you probably still see me as a goddess, as many do. I won't deny that either, because given what I am and what I can do with my powers, nothing else simply holds true. If you wish, I will be more than happy to personally help you overcome them as soon as possible. At my age, even without having studied it, one learns quite a bit about it and how to help out."

"Not that I haven't studied it anyway, of course," I muttered only to myself.

"I can also get in touch with psychologists from Canterlot for you if you prefer. I can confirm from my own experience with some of my close allies that they do indeed know what they are doing. They will certainly be able to help you."

Fluttershy nodded gratefully relieved for my understanding. "I will have to think about it carefully if I really want to, but thank you for the offer."

I smiled in consent with a slight nod of my head.

Fluttershy took another deep breath as she held her front hoof in front of her chest and at the same moment moved it away from her in a gesture while exhaling. She repeated it four more times, then finally found the courage to get her question out.

“Is it really true what the ponies say about alicorn's? You don't have to answer my question if you don't like it or if it is to remain a secret but I would be intruded to know."

"What exactly?" I asked, cocking my head.

"That you, as an alicorn, literally can't be killed or hurt in any way. It's something I've heard so many times, but I'd like to have it confirmed by someone who knows the true answer."

"Let me answer that with a question of my own," I began. "Can you erase basic concepts like light, shadow, emotions or magic? Not just hurt them, but completely wipe them out from ever having existed anywhere and in any time?"

Fluttershy perked up her ears in surprise. "No, of course not. How could anyone do that, even with unlimited power? They are fundamental concepts. The things the universe was built on and holds it together in the first place."

"Volla, you just answered your question," I grinned, giggling again as I saw the other mare's lost glances.

"Let me explain. My sisters and I are not only very good at what we do, we ARE what you know us to be in essence and soul. I am magic, and in order to really kill me, you would have to wipe out the very concept of magic itself. Levitating things, casting spells and rituals, transformation, transfiguration, to name but a few".

"We're not completely invincible, though, even though the legends of the alicorns make us out to be. As far as we know, it is technically possible to harm an alicorn, but not even our closest ally has the ability to do so." I grinned broadly over my muzzle. "He is, to put it mildly, known to be the second most powerful being in the universe after an alicorn. And I think that is a fair indication of how hard we really are to hurt."

"That makes sense. Thank you for answering my question, Twilight," Fluttershy replied kindly. She then bowed slightly, with a friendly smile on her face as well. I nodded in acknowledgement, surprised that she had accepted my answer so easily. Fluttershy didn't even seem very surprised, and neither did the other four mares.

But since I was an alicorn, I figured they would probably believe anything I told them about myself. After all, we didn't want to be worshipped as goddesses any more than we already were, so our subjects didn't know much about my species for obvious reasons.

Before I could say anything else, or ask if there were any more questions I could answer, Rarity raised her voice.

"If I may, from what you just said, you said that you embody all the magic in the universe itself, embodying it at the deepest level in your essence and soul."

I nodded at Rarity, "Yes, that's what I was referring to."

"But if you are the physical essence, how do the Elements of Harmony work? I mean, how can the elements seek and find new bearers each time, when one of the six essences is bound to your soul? The strongest of them, no less."

I winked at the mares, but especially at Rarity. "Well, has it ever struck anyone in all these years that the Elements of Harmony just happen to be there when they're needed most? Or that I have overseen and watched the selection of the newest bearers each time? Or that at any one time there were only representatives for five out of six of them, and it was never the essence of magic that received a new bearer. To me, all of this is consistent with a being who is in control of gigantic powers that defy the laws of nature and are eternal. Wouldn't you agree?" I left it at that. I was sure it wouldn't take them long to see the connection.

Rarity's eyes widened as wide as plates, and when she spoke her voice was low and incredulous.


“You are the element of magic at its very essence, now I see. That is why the Elements of Harmony are always present when needed, because you are the one who ensures it. That is also why only five of the six change, while the sixth remains eternally faithful to its bearer. As an alicorn you are eternal and therefore never will there be a need for magic to seek a new representative. If the physical embodiment cannot die, then it doesn't need to be replaced."

"That is indeed true," I confirmed. "But I will go one step further and shall now tell you the complete mystery of the Elements of Harmony. Not only the parts that have been written down in books for centuries and can be consulted. It's also the things that no one but three royal alicorn's and a trusted ally ever knew about."

I pulled one of the cushions from the couch with my magic and multiplied it five more times for the rest of the mares, then placed all six cushions between us. Then I walked over and lowered my hindquarters onto one of it, gesturing with my right hoof for them to join me.

"It would be best if you sat down for this, as you may be knocked off your hooves in a moment."

I laughed briefly as Applejack gave me a sceptical look.

"Believe me, my dear, the possibility exists."

Nodding, Applejack sat down with the rest of her friends, who by now had already complied with my request.

I began, "You may have guessed it yourself, but I am not merely the essence of magic in my soul. It makes too much sense that if I created one of the Elements of Harmony from tiny pieces of my alicorn soul, the other five wouldn't be any different.


"Told ya," I chuckled as I carefully used my magic to help Rainbow Dash back onto her hooves, after the cyan pegasus had fallen backwards in astonishment. I took extra care to follow exactly what my magic was doing, even though I didn't expect it to do anything unexpected. But I wanted to avoid a repeat of what had happened before.

After my magic had released her, Dash rather embarrassingly dusted herself off, wings flapping. It took her much longer than it should have, and I was sure I had a good idea why. She was trying to hide her ashamed face behind her wings, waiting for her cheeks to regain their natural color.

"Okay, wow," Rainbow Dash finally said after folding her wings neatly back to her sides. Her cheeks were no longer flushed. "You were definitely right, that did knock me out of the horseshoes - well, if I was wearing any, that is, because they pull me down too much when I fly and do my awesome stunts." Rainbow Dash spread her wings wide as she jumped up from her pillow and began to strike several poses.

"You mean your reckless and neck-breaking attempts to set a new record for getting splattered on the floor?" asked AJ sarcastically.

The orange earth pony mare also raised an eyebrow as she looked at the posing Pegasus. Rarity just rolled her eyes at Dash. Pinkie giggled as usual and cheered loudly for Rainbow and Fluttershy... well, she was Fluttershy and didn't react at all - at least not verbally. Still, she gave Rainbow Dash a faint smile and just watched as her long-time pegasus friend enjoyed the metaphorical spotlight.

Rainbow Dash dropped to all fours again. "Ge'ez thanks, AJ. No need to be more specific." She rolled her eyes and fell back onto her pillow, crossing her front hooves and snorting in offence.

I chuckled and held up my hoof as a cover. The perfect moment to lighten the mood. "I think I'd better not say anything more about it. But I am well aware of the stories about Rainbow Danger Dash herself."

"Wow, I even have my own nickname already? So cool!" Rainbow's wings once again spread wide, mesmerized, and she stood there trembling with excitement. Meanwhile, a wide grin spread across both cheeks, her eyes practically turning into stars. She wouldn't make such a bad alicorn of the Stars herself...

"Sugar cube, I don't honestly think that was meant to be a compliment...", Applejack tried to retort, but the cyan pegasus nearly burst with glee at the thought of her own nickname. With another sceptical look, Applejack simply dropped the subject under the table and turned back to me.

"How is it that so far no one realized that you personify the element of magic with your essence, Twilight? Over all the centuries since the existence of the Elements of Harmony, shouldn't a pony have picked up on that eventually?” Applejack lifted her hoof and pointed at my flank. "I mean the Element of Magic is a pink, star-shaped, six-pointed gem. It's almost an exact replica of the one on your hip, Princess, and there are five smaller white stars surrounding the larger one. A large main star for the leading element of harmony and five smaller ones for each of the other elements. How could the ponies never have made the connection?"

Applejack then sheepishly kneaded her front hooves on the ground. "In retrospect, it all makes incredible sense. Yes, I know I didn't see it myself, let alone would have. But then again, I'm not one of the smartest ponies in Equestria, nor have I studied such things in depth.

I nodded in agreement. "From a purely visual standpoint, you're right, Applejack, but there's a simple reason no one ever noticed. Several, actually, when you get right down to it." I winked at the orange mare. “Also your far from dumb Applejack, in fact no pony - no matter how cunning or well-read - had the slightest chance of figuring it out. Why I will explain now."

"Firstly, every time I have been asked about it, I have never openly confirmed or denied that I myself physically embody the element of magic, either in the flesh or in my alicorn essence. I suppose that put most off the track and out of any interest in investigating further."

"The really curious would try to find out more, but if I can say that we alicorns are really good at something, it's keeping things that should be secret. Just think of what that alone could have caused - not to mention all the other secrets we have to keep for the safety of all our subjects. It's not always an easy task, and we sometimes feel guilty about what we can't reveal, but so far we've always been right. Any secret kept would have caused much greater damage if it had come to light. Of course, I can't prove this to you now, but I hope you all trust me?

I waited a moment to see if there were any objections, but I only received short, understanding nods.

"Unfortunately, however, there will always be at least one pony who wants to rebel against the system and who would certainly have found my soul-bound involvement as an Alicorn to be highly unfair."

"The aspect of magic is by far the strongest of the six, and it binds the other five together. Moreover, without the element of magic, none of the other elements would function at all. If these sporadic individuals knew all this, they would surely accuse me of taking the best for myself, of not trusting my subjects or something like that. It not only sounds sad, it is the case. Some are so incredibly myopic that they cannot see the big picture. As long as they can oppose it, that's their policy. I sighed at the thought, but refused to be discouraged. It was just the way some things were.

"The most important thing, though, is this," I said as I lifted my hoof with the bottom facing up. Above its sole, a glowing magical hologram appeared, showing only my element of magic in the centre. One by one, the other five soon followed as I spoke, slowly circling around the large replica of my symbol in the centre.

"As I mentioned before, the essence of magic is not only by far the most powerful, but also the link between all the other essences. Therefore, I would say that even those who suspected that there was a secret to the Elements of Harmony would come to the conclusion that I keep the identity of the bearer of magic secret for the sake of security. In my opinion, this is the most logical line of thought based on the facts that have been made public. If something terrible were to happen to one of the Elemental Bearers, it would be tragic, but a new bearer would be found quickly. However, the element of magic is also very unique there, as it is known to require extraordinary skills to wield. Replacing the bearer of the Element of Magic would be even more difficult than the other five combined.

I nodded at the younger mares, indicating that I had nothing more to say. They were now free to ask me their questions, if they had any.

"That was some pretty amazing stuff you told us, I'll give you that, Twilight," Rainbow Dash said. The pegasus mare then raised one of her wings and pointed in my direction. "Would you mind giving me a minute to process all this? You have to admit, it was a lot, and so many secret and unbelievable things, too. Before I can do anything else and have any questions, I need to really take it in."

I smiled kindly as I nodded. "Of course you do. Take as much time as you need, I'm in no hurry and have no appointments to keep. We have all night if we need it."

Thankfully, Dash glanced at me briefly, then turned her eyes back to the pillow at her hooves. Meanwhile, deep in thought, she began to nibble at the tips of her wing feathers. It was actually quite cute, ignoring the fact that Dash was an adult mare.

"Why did you come here at this time? You said there were more reasons besides the fact that you wanted to thank us and become our friend," Fluttershy suddenly asked me in a dreamy voice from my left. The butter-yellow Pegasus mare had been looking up at my muzzle and deep into my encouraging eyes ever since I had started talking about the Elements of Harmony and my deep soul connections with them. Fluttershy, however, began to look at me so intently that I felt she was beginning to lose herself in the depths of my friendly eyes, while her gaze seemed to drift further and further into them. It was then that I remembered a critical fact about my Alicorn persona.

Oh shit!

Waking up to what was happening, I blinked slowly and just as carefully averted my gaze from hers, trying to break visual contact as gently as possible. Cutting the connection too quickly could have consequences, and I certainly didn't want that.

A few blinks of her own brought Fluttershy back to reality, and she blushed slightly as she noticed me looking at her with intense curiosity. She was completely unaware of what had just happened. I would bring it up later, though, as it was of the utmost importance that the girls knew about it. But I would wait until Dash had emerged from her thoughts and everyone was listening to me again.

I gave Fluttershy another encouraging wink to dispel her sense of embarrassment, for so far I was the only one who knew what had transpired and the natural enchanting effects and more that we alicorns had on our subjects and other creatures.

There was a clear reason, apart from the laws that forbade direct eye contact with an alicorn, why almost no one had ever looked me straight in the eyes. They reflected not only the kindness and confidence I always exuded, but also the direct and immensely powerful arcane wisdom of the realms I embodied. Such infinitely deep, unprotected, vast insight was something that the mortal mind failed to fully comprehend, becoming more and more confused and lost the longer it looked.

Not even we knew what would happen if a mortal soul was exposed to the direct effects of our arcane alicorn knowledge for too long. But I really didn't want to find out the hard way here and now. In fact, I didn't want to find out at all! For whatever might happen would never be worth the risk of inevitably shattering another's spirit. Especially one as gentle and innocent as Fluttershy. There was no doubt that my divine powers would be able to restore even a broken mind, as some of my abilities could even affect time, but it was still far better not to let it come to it.

A mental note made sure that I did not forget to point out the five mares later, and my focus shifted back to Fluttershy and what she had asked. "That's right, thank you for reminding me, Fluttershy. But shouldn't we wait for Rainbow to listen too? It would be a shame if she didn't hear about it. It's probably something none of you would ever think of, but you'll be trilled anyway. I tilted my head to the side again, questioning.

"Oh, well, she's always preoccupied and bored anyway, unless it's something about the Wonderbolts," Applejack said with a laugh. But I could tell by the way she said it that there was no serious malice in her words. Still, she wasn't going to deny me the hard truth. "So I would be relatively unconcerned for her. As usual, we'll sum up everything you say for her neatly and succinctly. We're used to that from her by now."

Pinkie added something to Applejack's statement. "But if you ask her to really listen to you, she'll fulfil her loyalty element."

I was about to ask how Pinkie had already figured out that Rainbow Dash embodied the harmony element of loyalty, but then I decided against it. Either it was another one of Pinkie's natural hunches or, as I suspected, it was quite obvious which of them embodied which element.

I chuckled. "Well, if she knew what she was about to miss, she'd be annoyed that she hadn't listened to me, but as far as I'm concerned, it's all right to start now."

I sat more comfortably on my cushion, hooves tucked underneath me, and fanned my broad wings out to my sides in a relaxed manner. "You may already know this, but my birthday is in a few days, and it will be a very important one, marking a significant milestone in my life in Equestria." I paused and scratched my chin thoughtfully. "Just because I'm interested, but do any of you even know how old I am? Even if you do not, please do not be discouraged, for very few in our castle in Canterlot actually know the age of those to whom they have sworn their eternal loyalty and service. I may look twenty-five, but I certainly am not," I chuckled.

At first no one dared answer my question, but then Rarity took a metaphorical step forward.

"Considering that you may be the youngest of the three Alicorn siblings by a few years, but Equestria has enjoyed its uninterrupted peace for more than a thousand years, after a tumultuous age at the beginning. I would estimate you to still be a little over sixteen hundred years old, then."

I laughed again. "Well, that wasn't so bad, and your logic was reasonable. However, I have to be honest with you, as you weren't even close to my age, because believe it or not, I'll be celebrating my third millennium very soon."

The mares' muzzles fell open and they stared at me for at least a minute in complete surprise.

Three...thousand...years... More than twelve times longer than the oldest known earth pony had ever been.

"Ok, wow, you really have kept up. What moisturiser and anti-aging products do you use?" Applejack joked, winking at me.

"Well, eternal life, virtual invulnerability and a body that constantly reverts to its most flawless state and requires no external nourishment helps a lot. I don't even need any creams or other remedies to maintain my royal beauty," I replied to the orange earth pony with a good-natured wink of my own.

Applejack chuckled and winked at Rarity. "I know at least one pony who might be quite jealous of you now, Twilight." Rarity blushed and rolled her eyes, but smiled anyway.

"Oh hush, how could I ever be jealous of someone who simply has unique biological abilities? I wouldn't mind having a body that stayed pristine all the time, of course, but that would just be unfair to Twilight."

A small but delightful round of laughter ensued, and we all joined in wholeheartedly until we finally calmed down enough for me to continue.

"That little joke aside, the reason for my anniversary is the same reason I came here today. Not only do I want to form a friendship and get to know you better, but I also want to invite you to a private celebration at our castle. Normally, only noble guests with the necessary privileges show up, along with a few of their friends who also have the right to be invited. As a princess, however, I am free to choose who I would like to invite to parties and events at the castle. It doesn't matter who I invite, because as an Alicorn I am above the law, as long as I don't commit any serious crimes. Something that is probably impossible for me to do anyway.

Then I raised my hoof. "But wait, it gets even better." With a burst of magic, I materialised five rolls of parchment, rolled up and tied with red ribbon, in front of me. I then floated them to the hooves of each of the mares and placed them there.

"This special invitation is no ordinary one, for not only has it been written by an alicorn princess and personally signed by me. It further designates you as guests of honor on my behalf, and you will be personally announced upon entry, before any other attendees at my birthday party. No doubt some nobles will not appreciate this and complain, but this is still my birthday party.

I weighed my head from left to right as I continued. "Although we love all our ponies equally and would leave no stone unturned for their welfare." My voice lowered. " Yet those who insist on brushing against my fur and constantly get on my nerves by claiming to be something better...Well, I don't need or want to be around those ponies and they shouldn't have the privilege of access to private events either."

As I lifted my muzzle, I noticed some doubt in the eyes of the other mares, and I knew immediately where it was coming from. My sweet, soothing voice would surely help to calm their nerves in a moment.

"You're probably afraid that if you accept my invitation, with all its benefits, the nobles will push you around and humiliate you, aren't you?"

All four of them nodded sheepishly at me, as I had so easily seen through their doubts. But they were sitting in front of an all-powerful alicorn mare, thousands of years old, who was also incredibly cunning. Harmony also had a strong emphasis on emotions and feelings, and I was clearly its mistress. So it was incredibly easy for me to relate the emotions I saw to the thought processes, as it was one of my natural talents.

"I wouldn't worry about that at all. As an honored guest of a royal alicorn, any individual offence against any of you will be dealt with as harshly as it would be against me. Even if you do not know the laws of Equestria by heart, you should have some idea of how bad an act it would be to attempt such a thing.

We alicorns tend to be very peaceful and wish nothing more than to bring peace and harmony to every corner of the universe, especially me as the Alicorn of Harmony. But in no way do we allow ourselves to be pushed around and insulted. We stand above such base acts and will deal with them fairly, but harshly and swiftly.

The mares' worries melted away instantly, and Rarity's magic and Pinkie's mane had already seized the scrolls in front of them when Rainbow Dash's gruff voice made them stop.

"Hey, where did that scroll come from?" With her wing already reaching for it, Dash glanced around the group, finally settling on my mischievously twinkling eyes.

"Well, I think it's best if your friends tell you themselves. Once they've done that, and you've made up your mind, I have something very important to tell you myself. Especially the last part you should listen to carefully, because it has to do with Fluttershy's past behavior and it is very important for me that you know about it".

* End of Chapter Seven*

Comments ( 7 )

Nice pic, I like it

Thanks, it certainly is an awesome pic and the sole reason the Story came to be in the first place. It however wasn't created by me as I do not possess any skill in drawing (at least I think so as I never intended to give it a try). There is far more awesome art from the artist that made this cover and was gracious enough to give me the permission to use it.

Comment posted by protator deleted Sep 15th, 2023

Ohhhh now I understand. Let me clear it up. I gave the alicorns the title of high princess to set them apart of all other royalty in all of Equestria and the other kingdoms and make them special. They dont have any daughters or sons yet but as they could someday have (they have eternal life and infinity is a damn long time), that would make their foals either prince or princess. Thats why I have the title of high princess reserved only for alicorns. I hope that clears it up for you.:twilightsmile:

If I would have any idea what I could write as bonding adventure for these six I would write it but I don't have. Sorry! And I did wreck my brain for hours. But I kind of dug myself into a hole. What evil is there that an omnipotent alicorn with limitless power at its disposal and flawless magic couldn't defeat while not even looking?....well buck:rainbowlaugh:

If they go onto an adventure Twilight would have to hold back completely in actually engaging in any fight and let the others do the work. She can strengthen them with her powers but that would be it. If she did engage in a fight the fight would be a onehit, as it should be clear by now that an alicorn is stronger than any threats the universe holds.

The prologue also wouldn't be finished after this chapter, there is still one mayor thing that I want to write (it would make a good setup for going onto an adventure and help in fighting evil, very much in fact).

If you got a decent idea for an adventure I could use I wont deny it. I am well aware that adventure spices up a story and pure Dialoge gets boring after some time. Unfortunately I believe myself to be a rather unskilled writer in adventure considering what others can do and did.

And another story completed, I hope to see this updated in the future.

Also this is the 900th story ever added to my "completed" libary! 100 away to 1000 which is going to be a huge major milestone for me.

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