• Published 10th Oct 2022
  • 2,680 Views, 63 Comments

Royal Friendship - Nova Star Sparkle

The Light, the Shadow and the Dawn. Three divine sisters who have prevailed over heaven and earth since time immemorial. Still, even they can't prevent everything. Yet no one can deny that they wouldn't be concerned about the world they have created!

  • ...

Deity and mortal in contact


I trotted deeper into the tree and quietly shut the door after myself. After a few more steps I heard several voices coming from the living room. Unlike before, however, they no longer sounded amused and cheerful, but rather concerned and caring. The voices were also quite over lapsed and repetitive. Therefore, I couldn't really tell who was saying what, especially from here.

"Rainbow? Oh my goodness Rainbow!"

"Rainbow?! Hey Rainbow, whatever you're doing under the couch?" That voice sounded deeper than the previous one and was also quiet and a little skeptical. So my best guess fell on the orange earth pony mare Applejack.

"Why won't you talk to us and tell us what's got you so spooked?"

"You're all pale. Was it so terrible what caused the noise at the door? Oh no, that something is not here in the house, is it?"

That was only some of the things I could pick up and that last voice had also sounded quieter and more timid than the others. Pretty surely, then, the buttery yellow Pegasus Fluttershy. 'Poor thing,' I tossed back and forth in my thoughts. She must have suddenly become quite scared after Rainbow Dash had rushed in so quickly. Of course, I couldn't blame her for that. I had noticed right from the start that this Pegasus mare was highly reserved and easily frightened when I met her for the first time. The fact she didn't faint immediately upon meeting me in person for the first time and when I informed them that they would all be publicly honored by me later for what they had done had been truly quite a surprise. Getting her out of her comfort zone involved a lot of empathy, a gradual approach and a steady demeanor. Things I had fortunately learnt pretty well thanks to my long life and accumulated experience of interacting with all our ponies. But still, I would be as sensitive in my approach as I possibly could. I still remained to be an alicorn and even some of the boldest ponies had become too intimidated by my mere presence to speak out clearly anymore.

Rainbow Dash herself, however, was known to claim never to be afraid. So her panicky attitude and, based on the questions, apparent refuge under the couch didn't help to really soothe the others.

"HA Rainbow. You're acting almost like you've seen death in person."

Said last voice had been somewhat deeper than the others and had now an undertone of amusement. As I recalled, it matched to one hundred percent that of the orange earth pony mare Applejack. She, just like the white unicorn Rarity, of all five struck me as one of the most rational. I also concluded from the manner and tone of the statement that it had been intended as a joke. Yet, thinking about it, it was indeed a possibility that Rainbow Dash may have had such a thought like the other mare had implied.

With a soft sigh, I rounded the corner to the room the five mares were gathered in, halted in the frame and raised my voice. Meanwhile, I had bent my head down a little to fit through the door and not get caught in it with my horn. While the doors in the library were quite grand by pony standards, they were still not alicorn level. Also, due to my excessive size, a wide shadow now fell into the room and even dimmed it a bit since most light had come from the hallway behind me. In the living room itself, only some candles were lit for reading and furthermore, for a cozy atmosphere, the small fireplace in the far left corner on the wall.

My soothing and yet quite certainly familiar voice caused half the mares' bodies to flinch marginally in abrupt fear. First and foremost that of the cyan Pegasus, of whom I could only see the flank peeking out from behind the couch. But even that shred of what I had been able to see of Dash so far now scuttled away beneath the back of the furniture with a startled yelp.

"Well, it really depends on how one sees and perceives it my dear ponies. Judging by her reaction, I strongly assume she currently surmises something like that. Yes!"

Nearly in perfect sync, the heads of all four mares shot around to face me, and after about a second in state of shock, all of them simultaneously dropped into a full bow so violently that the off-white unicorn - er Rarity, smacked her nose with an audible 'thump' on the ground.

Ouch! My nose wrinkled in sympathy for what I had unintentionally provoked. But I was also awed that despite the spike of pain, Rarity didn't flinch beyond a slight twitch and never let out a noise. She definitely had quite some discipline.

Uuuuuhhh, what else. Why do I still harbor the hope that one day it won't be just like that with our dear ponies?

“Your divine majesty Princess Twilight Amicitia Aurora Sparkle! We are so honored that our everyday selves are blessed by a visit of your radiant grace," they greeted me in chorus with a normality that still soured my heart even after so many years of existence.

Like I had already experienced hundreds of times in my life, the five other mares in the room with me behaved no differently than any other of our pony’s. They saw me and went straight into a reverent bow before me as I was an alicorn, of royalty and one of their regents. But what they added afterwards was much worse for what I had in mind and knew about the five of them. Yet even that, in principle, I had heard several times before from other subjects.

"We are aware that we are not deserving to dwell in your divine presence, but we do hope that your highness will allow us to do so. We pledge to do whatever your divinity ask of us without question. Whatever it may be. No matter how unusual. It is our deepest desire and urge to fulfil it.”

Soaking up the greeting and worship, I continued to spin my thoughts. While simultaneously folding my wings fully back to my flanks and stepping to the side to let the light stream back into the room. If my mind wasn't completely mistaken, then even they apparently considered me to be a goddess. Accordingly, I had to approach them with caution and precision so as not to trigger unwanted effects from them.

Well, great…juuuuust great!

It was all understandable. Given my abilities and the widespread belief among our ponies about their alicorn princesses. But still, something I would rather not hear, especially from these five. I much preferred it if we didn't have to start from such a position, but whatever. I could still work with that. If I can run a kingdom for more than three milenia I also will be able to connect with these five. That's something I can manage.

Putting on my very best relaxed and friendly smile, I began to address the mares bowing to me.

“If so, then I have a single request. Just a single, important thing that under no circumstances do I want you to ignore."

The mares' bodies tensed even further in reverence at what I was about to request of them which didn't escape my notice. So I tried to sound even more friendly and affectionate than usual. Something I had not thought to be possible myself. Of the three royal sisters, I was the one who was the most loving to our subjects. Celestia wasn't bad at it either. My natural affinity with the elements as an alicorn, however, made me a true professional at spreading harmony and peace throughout Equestria and also all of Equus.

Kind but still firm voice activated I spoke. "Please rise! All of you, and without repetition that you do not have the right to do so. You have. There is no need to bow to me today, as all of you have been declared extraordinary heroes of Equestria. You have earned your respect - mine as well." Then I started to giggle but quickly suppressed it after, as it was likely to cause further panic among the mares. "Besides, while we're on the subject. I'm by no means here as a princess or regent on royal business.”

I firmed my body and stood as straight as I could. “Hence my second command. Please treat me like any other pony... I'd honestly prefer it a lot more. After all, I am only here to thank you once again in person for what you have recently accomplished, not to be a princess."

I paused. "Call me Twilight. Plain and simple Twilight - not Miss, Lady, Princess, Highness, Divinity, Mistress, any other of my titles or the like. Just! Twilight! Or if you do wish by the rest of my name. You are more than welcome to choose that for yourselves, I’m fine with it."

As I spoke, one by one the girls began to look up at me and slowly rose as well. They had sworn not to contradict me and to do whatever I demanded, regardless of how outlandish it sounded. Therefore, they promptly complied.

Even Rainbow soon dared to come out from behind the couch and stand with the rest of the four. Yet she remained half-hidden behind Applejack, still regarding me with an uncertain look. With a single glance I quickly knew that she had all her muscles tensed and was ready to bolt back to her hiding place at any moment.

Apparently, despite my very calm and friendly voice and the fact that I said I was only here for purely friendly, personal reasons, she didn't quite trust the situation. I could relate, even if I didn’t intend to come around as imposing and commanding, I was still two and a half times her size. Also royalty and an alicorn no less. With a smirk I secretly had to muse to myself how truly ineffective a simple soft canvas couch would be against an alicorn, should it come to the worst.

Without giving any of the five a chance to say anything to me, I continued. "What you have done recently, not many would be capable of. Possibly no one currently other than an alicorn. Yes, not even the most gifted magicians, guards or warriors."

"I have to praise you also from the elements of harmony. They consider you most capable and harmonious as they like to put it themselves. According to them, each of you would be perfect as the newest bearers of them, an opinion I myself also share with my ‘friends’. However, I wish to get to know you better in person first to be sure that it is the right decision we make.

More I didn't say and allowed the other mares to say their pieces. I was already eager to know what they would respond, even if I didn't show it visibly. Only those who had looked very closely would have seen the feathers of my wings quivering ever so gently in anticipation.

Unfortunately, I still was quite sure that they would try to explain to me why it could never be allowed for them to treat me like an ordinary pony. In their view, I was, after all, one of their rulers. An eternal, immortal alicorn and, as I had already realized from the way they spoke to me, an almighty goddess from their point of view.

They were right, yes. Yet to form a true bonding friendship such things only stood in the way more than they helped. I might never had many, or even any, ponies in my life I could call real friends – sad yet true. But I was the embodiment of harmony beside other things. I were well aware how a friendship bond worked, how it initially formed, what it meant and the benefits of it – at least in theory.

The orange earth pony with the blonde mane - Applejack, was the first to open her muzzle and speak. I had even expected that from her. From what I had already ascertained from the elements and my observation. The orange mare embodied the essence of honesty – or strength as it had once been known. The elemental essence that always had been the most straight forward, confident and well…honest of all.

"Your Divine Highness, we could never -"

"Oki, doki, loki Twi Twi. Pleased to meet you. Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie, but you probably already knew that. Nice of you to come visit us in Ponyville again so soon. Do you want some pie or tea? We were just about to put on some more. What's your favorite? Oh never mind, forget what I said silly filly. I will get both! Now move your flank over here first and sit with us for a while and make yourself comfortable. I- mmmmph."

Completely horrified, Applejack had jumped forward and thrown her hoof over Pinkie's muzzle while pulling the pink earth pony mare back into line with her other front hoof at the same moment around the pink mare’s neck. For while Pinkie had been talking, the energetic mare had leapt joyfully forward and been only a horn's length away from me with her last hop.

"Pinkie! You can't just talk to the heavenbound goddess of knowledge like that!" Applejack shrieked in a high-pitched squeaky voice, which was increasingly overlaid with profound panic as she spoke. Quite possibly the rest of Pinkie's friends would have said something too to the pink party pony, but my very voice prevented any further comment. The tone of my voice was level and low, but in the total silence that reigned in the room now that I had started speaking, my voice echoed like the loudest scream ever made.

It also caused all eyes to once again lock on me, having wandered to Pinkie and what she had just been doing.

"Hm, now that title you Just mentioned is definitely new, even for me. Is it one that's used a lot here in Ponyville?"

It was Rarity who shakily replied to me. Any sign of the amiable atmosphere I had been trying to establish had vanished. She'd fallen right back into the normal formal routine that I was pretty much always greeted with as a princess. It didn't require a professional to see that her entire being was imbued with deepest fear and dread in regard to me.

"Y- Yes your d- divine majesty. Indeed, it is a v- very widespread and honored title we have given your royal highness. We felt it would suit someone like thee, seeing as your graze have been so very generous in gifting us with such a formidable library and amount of ancient knowledge in it. Entirely unwilling to demand anything in return from any of us devoted subjects. How else could we better honor a refered goddess?"

Fluttershy also contributed a bit, which, given the visible reactions from the rest of her friends, seemed to surprise even them. "W- we are nevertheless v- very grateful for it and hope that the title does not displease your graze. Should that be the case, we will inevitably ensure that your regality never hears of it again. We couldn't be any more pleased that our little insignificant village, and we for that matter, have been given the privilege of receiving such a selfless gesture from someone of your status Lady Twilight."

"Very interesting!," was all I let out in a deadpan tone to the two mares words. My voice was absolutely serene and, thanks to my princess mask, betrayed nothing of my true emotions or thoughts.

I was deeply furious.

The mares all looked at me warily. None of them could even begin to tell from me what I was really thinking. Yet in the face of what Pinkie had just so irreverently spoken to me in regard of my royalty, surely none of them were expecting anything very gentle....

Slowly, one by one, the five mares began to back away from me with slow steps. All the while, more and more insecurity and dread started to show in their eyes. Soon the first mare began to bow to the ground in submission to me until her nose made contact with the ground without words. It just took some seconds and the rest of them followed silently.

Soon the mares' eyes were all directed on the floor. Their bodies trembling with anxiety for the punishment that was about to be inflicted on them by me for their terrible inability to properly appraise me as the true deity I was.

There was no sound in the room other than the soft, nervous rustling of pegasus' feathers and hooves scraping the ground. Even a pin dropped would have sounded like the explosion of a ton of dynamite.

* End of Chapter Five *