• Member Since 8th Nov, 2014
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Pony with a Pen

Sometimes, I wonder what it would be like to not write about ponies. When I have those moments, I write about ponies.


No one is quite sure why "A New Generation" turned out the way it did, though evidence points to Applejack and her... less than charitable views on certain topics.

Set after the end of Season 9. The timeskip is non-canonical in this story.

Cover image is an edited version of the A New Generation poster with a vector Applejack found on the internet. If you know the original source of the Applejack image, please post it in the comments and I'll update the description.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 46 )

I'm sorry, this just isn't funny.

This feels less like a story and more like an anti-G5 rant, with the characters acting as the author's mouthpieces rather than their canon selves.

I've actually enjoyed G5 so far, but I found the initial reactions to the movie's synopsis humorous. Before the movie aired, I recall seeing tons of people worried that Hasbro had gone woke and were going to ruin the brand. From there, I considered how the main cast would react to being told all their progress was being undone in the next series, and what might prompt the studio to make that decision. All of them being obnoxious jerks off-camera (and ponies secretly loving it) is where my twisted mind and lowbrow sense of humor went.

Eh, not to you, but it's likely you and I don't have a very similar sense of humor. Judging by the like/dislike ratio, this isn't a story suited for Fimfiction, but I don't think it's particularly worse than some of the one-shot comedic s*** I've written before. (Such as this one or this one)

It would appear I missed the satire then. My apologies.

The amount of people who dislike this story ratio is really weird to me because I laughed and smiled SEVERAL times throughout the story. Idk why, probably because it felt so much like a drunken rant I would have with my high school buddies, and they would be just as drunk back. Plus it was just... Idk funny. Keep up the good work.


I'd be really curious to know the age split between the likes/dislikes here. I suspect the likes skew older.

Personally, I got a good kick out of it. I will say I expected something much worse and different from the title and cover though.

No worries. If you didn't like the story, then you didn't like the story. When it comes to my comedic tales, I almost never keep ponies in-character. I like the juxtaposition of something so cute and innocent with the outlandish and stupid. However, I can understand why people seem to be taking this as some sort of screed against G5—especially since racism is a rather hot topic. Live and learn.

I appreciate that, as you seem to be one of the few! :rainbowlaugh: Some stories on this site simply don't find an audience due to the nature of the story, but I certainly don't regret writing a story that's enjoyable and funny. (IMO)

Glad I'm not the only one :raritywink:

It's a possibility, though I'm always willing to acknowledge that my work simply may not resonate with people. I'm not nearly as connected with the readership here as I used to be. Most of what comes through the Featured Box these days doesn't interest me, but there are still tons of people reading those stories, so what do I know. :applejackunsure:

Just like the good old days, love and tolerate.

:trollestia: Wait until they get a hold of a FanFiction catalog
:flutterrage: I want to merry Discord in my shed!
:ajbemused: No I ain't getting plowed by Big Mac's tool
:rainbowlaugh: Rainbow Factory? :rainbowhuh: Really?
:raritystarry: My Spikey Wikey ? Precious Scales! Foals?
:pinkiehappy: WoW chainsaws and sharp objects !
:twilightsheepish: Spike why are you not complaining about this?
:moustache: Not only I get Rarity in most the fics but I get all the mares!
:facehoof: Spike's such a horn dog :raritywink: Don't worry darling, I see you're romantic with Princess Celestia...
:trollestia: I write most of those myself...

Even I have my limits—I think that might be too much craziness, even for me! Wouldn't mind seeing someone else write it though, lol.

11239676 I wouldn't call those one-shots "comedic shit" seeing as how popular they seem to be.

I'd be more than happy to write this! :rainbowlaugh:

I initially downvoted this because I saw how many downvotes it has.

I regret that decision and upvoted the fic. I didn't realize it was satire. I like your sense of humor.
Have a follow (and an upvote)!


This was funny! A true "Friendship is Racist" experience, while Twilight is just absolutely done with everything.

And the like/dislike split really is something.

Ah a story perfect for the Read shelf for stories I don't know if I "like".

The concepts interesting and I went into having viewed previous comments so with the foreknowledge that its not just an attack on gen 5. Its not the overall idea that warrants mixed feelings but just certain aspects of it all. Like it feels like Applejack would probably have some pending charges against her with some of the stuff shes done and that was supposed to be only a brush of the outlandish things she pulled. Then there is the fact that everypony is racist but there isn't evidence of it and that seems off. If there was evidence that doesn't get mentioned the polls would be more skewed a racist Equestira would favor their race to an extent logically, granted there is probably leeway to be given in that Applejack would be the most openly and ponys would be drawn to her as a rallying point but still feels off.

I'd say my biggest issue overall is Twilight and it comes in two factors. The first is my biggest issue with things overall and that's that she gets to be the "high horse" when its heavily implied she is abusive to Spike in this universe. This could work if there were some way to preestablish a certain level of hypocrisy from her but as is there is not. At the climax she just judges herself superior and by all accounts it seems like she is genuinely not of the thinking of the others.

The other issue is for any of this work at all Twilight has to be ignorant of it all and that's just pretty unbelievable with how hands on Twilight would have been in some of these situations. I suppose however this could be worked around if Twilight was portrayed as not friendly with Applejack.

The story is presented in away that major events are true to canon. The logistics of that are dubious but workable. Its stated that fighting off Nightmare Moon really bonded them and Twilight is a princess who most likely ascended. I'll assume the show got picked up after the NM incident and the pilot was a scripted retelling followed by an actual reality show where cameras are just always around after that.

So Twilight would have to be aware of Applejack's misadventures and possibly have to clean up after them. It could still be reasoned she would have AJ in her circle of friends based on being a bearer of harmony but it just feels off for her to actively be friendly and then get all uppity about it like its news to her.

I gave the story a Thumbs Up though because I don't think its a bad story or a bad concept. I'm just meh about enough things I can't say it was good.

I am amused but I have a very sick sense of humor.

Do it. DO IT! (Also, I appreciate the encouragement, but I refer to the stories as s*** because they're intentionally ridiculous lowbrow nonsense. Personally, I think they're pretty funny, and I certainly didn't slack off while writing them.)

I appreciate that you gave it a second look! Thank you for being open-minded and upvoting/following.

If you ask me, it's an achievement. I've finally written something that actually makes people think, "Wow, I think I may actually hate this author." Regardless, I'm glad you enjoyed the story!

That's wwaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy more thought than I put into it. Still, I appreciate the upvote!

However, if I had to think things through, I'd probably say that:

  • The reality show started before the Nightmare Moon incident—Nightmare Moon and all the ensuing adventures were unplanned and merely a happy accident for the producers. (Twilight was still Celestia's pupil, so she was notable before becoming an Element Bearer.)
  • Twilight—in this very silly version of events—is utterly blind to her hypocrisy, cruelty, and arrogance. She is focused solely on her interpretation of friendship.
  • The others are mostly unaware of Applejack's actions, as the majority of them were done in secret (except for the camera crews following them around). Anypony who is aware of what was really going on is hesitant to bring the subject up, much like how I probably wouldn't mention if a relative was part of a race supremacy organization.
  • Since nearly all of Equestria is "racist," Applejack is beloved (as the second poll shows) because of her apparent dislike of nearly everyone. Even the police/guards turn a blind eye to her antics, since she shares at least some of their disdain for other creatures.

This was like a weird fever dream from start to finish. The meta satire is top-tier.


Satire is definitely the wrong genre to post on Fimfiction, but I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it, lol.

Never let the dream die, my friend!

I came and saw the ratio is 26-26

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

Guess this story isn't going to make it into the Featured Box, then. Pretty sure the ratio needs to be positive for that to happen.

Oh, well. Where it really belongs is with me, in the trash. lol

Wait hold up. It's 27-26 in favor of likes.

Meanwhile, in the animation studio…

Why’d you stop there?

I think one of the upvotes is mine, so it may not count. I need MOAR. (But not really. I've already had stories Featured before, and I write for fun, not for recognition. I just think it'd be hilarious if a top story was about G5 being purposefully racist because of Applejack)

It seemed like the best place to end the joke, and Rainbow Dash's comment is actually a spoiler for the new film. Hopefully you've already seen it, but if not, I just spoiled the last scene. Sorry!

True. Mind, G4 tried to dabble in the same topic in later seasons- emtomophobia was shown to rampant in Equestria, for instance.

dude tbh I have three nieces and only 1 of em remotely likes Rainbow Dash. 3/4 of us dislikes Fluttershy and 2/4 of us have Applejack as our faves. my nephew, on the other hoof, is a depressed Pinkie stan because he relates.

I like this story, also I'm surprised you didn't make a joke about Applejack's song "Racist barn, racist barn, 1234" :ajsmug:

This was one of those unique little stories that you really just need to read for yourself.

A good satirical piece of dark humor.


The idea of a reality show [especially one called friendship is magic]based around pre pilot Twilight doesn't make sense. She's reclusive and only into studying magic it would never get greenlit for anything.

Like I said blind hypocrisy is fine just sort of needs to feel established

I for one would sellout anyone i knew to be doing that kind of stuff. But thats not the point. For some of Applejacks actions to fail [the bomb specifically but racewars to if there were actually attempts instead of just being brought up] dont exactly fail unless some ponys find out. I can admit this may just be me being a nit bitpicky.

This is kind of what i was trying to say at one point Applejack being a rallying point but i think it would make most sense if the rest of the pole was more evenly split by race with Rarity having a halfish of remaining votes signifying unicorns support her, Shy and Dash splitting the pegaus vote but in favor of Shy to imply some bigotry at Dash. Pinkie gets shafted by not being as racist as AJ. Then Twilight getting less votes than AJ in the other poll to siginify everyone hates Alicorns [except Luna goddess of wet dreams.] I just feel like it would reflect and justify the world building.

Also this might be an important note idk but I had been awake for like 30+ hours when I read this and commented my review so take that for what you want. After sleep and this discussion I'm feeling a bit more like i lean towards genuinely liking this story but I'm still gonna leave it where it lies on my bookshelf of uncertainty.

Unrelated but i also read the story about Starlight and Spike you had mentioned truly fabulous.

Most cartoons tend to tackle prejudice as a more general subject, rather than delving into specifics. I find that approach works best, rather than trying to tie it too closely with what it represents. Being hateful is bad, regardless of the reasons why, so using changelings was a good choice for the writers.

Glad you enjoyed it!

The poll numbers don't line up anywhere close to how the fandom actually feels, trust me. lol.

As a general rule, I don't like puns. There are times where they're genuinely funny, but that has more to do with comedic timing than the quality of the pun. (In my opinion) However, that is a pretty hilarious one you have there!

Thank you, glad you enjoyed it!

Eh, if you're being nipicky about a story entirely reliant upon comedy, that means the jokes didn't land for you. It seems you're not the only case where that happened, so I have no grounds to say that you're wrong or "just don't get it." You were looking for a more consistent world-building and characterization. I did not provide that. It's a fair criticism, and I appreciate that you communicated it to me. :heart:

However, I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed Starlight Buries a Stick in the Mud! Though it never made the Featured Box, I think that's probably my best comedic story,

The joke lands and I find it funny its just that even in a work of satire I'm somehow tethered to suspension of disbelief, that's probably a personal problem now that i think about it.

Interesting. Perhaps I have the two (storytelling and comedy) more separated in my mind. With comedic writing—whether writing it or reading it—I tend to disregard most of my usual storytelling concerns. As long as the joke is funny and it doesn't detract from the rest of the humor, it's fine. In my stories, satire tends to be something I hit on tangentially rather than intentionally and consistently, so looking for deeper themes in my work is often a fool's errand. Something like Gulliver's Travels manages both satire and storytelling much more deftly.

I essentially min-max my efforts to focus exclusively on humor. Not a great strategy, perhaps, but one I prefer for writing fiction about colorful ponies. :rainbowlaugh:

I've never actually read Gulliver's Travels so I don't know anything about that. But I just looked at what else is in the Read bookshelf and I think its 4 satire pieces. I may have a problem I didn't recognize before.

Beyond that I have to agree there is no no right or wrong way to write about colorful ponies, well as long as your intentions aren't solely based in getting recognition that I imagine can be be formulated so that certain things are right or wrong but I'm straying again.

Above all though I'm very happy I read this story mostly because more than reading or writing stories I enjoy getting to talk about stories and this conversation has been very enjoyable but its probably reached its teetering point where there's nothing more about the story to be discussed. Until next time [I do hope there will be a next time] fare thee well and enjoy those special dreams Luna sees fit to bestow upon you. :trollestia:

I just realized that the reason Pinkie Pie is smiling while reading the script is probably because there aren't any mentions of alicorns.

:pinkiehappy: Yes, I want to see Spikey kiss Rarity's cutesy wootsy face!
:rainbowwild: Dragon Pegasus breathing fire doing a Rainboom? Awesome!
:flutterrage: Discord get back in the shed! I'm not done with you! Please I want cute little baby fluffy bunnies
:facehoof: Spike . . . I should of fixed him when he was a dog
:moustache: Can't fix what's not broke :raritywink: Woof
:trollestia: Scribes at the ready "Twilight awoke one stormy night..."


:flutterrage: Discord get back in the shed! I'm not done with you!

Well, he's fucked.

I thought I wasn't going to like it, but I did, and read it all the way to the end. This isn't bad, and I like the criticism and jabs at both G5 and the fandom perception of the FIM characters.

It didn't have me rolling on the floor, but I liked it, and that's good.

This explains... SO MUCH, about my dreams, damnit LUNA

Glad you enjoyed it :pinkiesmile:

:trixieshiftright: Such highly inappropriate behavior for a princess! I hope she doesn't stop...

Me either

With the logic of the season nine writing I am not terribly surprised. Good story

Yeah, though I've enjoyed pretty much everything MLP-related, Season 9 wasn't the strongest narratively. Regardless, I'm glad you liked the story!

An interesting story for lack of better words.

I will freely admit that when I saw some of the early artwork releases for G5, I was worried that it was going to be a cheap rehash of G4. I am VERY glad that it's not.

I don't exactly like some of the extreme stunts AJ pulled, and I don't entirely like the idea of Twilight being abusive. She can be strict, short-tempered, maybe even a tad hypocritical, but actively abusive not so much.

All that said, I firmly believe that Equestria is FAR from utopic in terms of equality, tolerance, etc. Just look at how quickly Cozy Glow and company split the tribes with a few whispered words of malicious gossip. The unification was a band-aid and generations of peace/prosperity a balm, but the metaphorical wounds never fully healed.

G4 as a whole was imperfect, it had it's good moments, and it had some pretty sucky moments as well. I blame some of that on what I tend to phrase "too many cooks syndrome".
G5 thus far has been treading a pretty solid "mediocre/slightly above average" rating, at least with MYM. With only one TYT it's a little early to say. The movie was a lot of fun, but now that I think about it, perhaps it set a little too high of standards for the actual show.

I sometimes come back to see story and try to understand why people dislike it so much and I think I got it. The idea was solid and great but since there was no AU tag it was hard for people to see this cast of characters as flanderization. The general idea was absolutely done well in my opinion but I think what keeps getting people is the concept or portrayal of how this is seen more of hate of the movie. That's just what I'm thinking is the issue, again good story but an AU tag might've helped things a bit.

That's an interesting take, and I can see where you're coming from. For me, the "AU" tag is meant more for stories where the universe itself is altered or deviates from canon, which I didn't intend for this story to do. Regardless, I appreciate the insight and I’m pleased to hear you think the story’s concept was executed well.

I’m really not sure where G5 will land in the greater scheme of things. So far, it hasn’t had a “wow, this is why I’m a brony” moment. G4 had highs and lows, but so far G5 has felt like a slowly downward trending line. I doubt it will ever reach a point where I’m unwilling to watch it, but I find myself less and less excited to watch it—which in my mind is the greatest loss. I really like pony. I have for years. The thought that new content is being produced, yet it no longer excites me, is sad.

Well this is why it's critical that we keep creating art and stories. And If you need reading material I'd be happy to share some of my own work or give recommendations.

That being said, if you are truly tired of pony or have a bad experience with some of the more problematic fans, absolutely NO pressure, several of my favorite writers on this site left within the past 6-12 months because of the self-called "TRUE fans"/hatedom/nazi-bronies/etc.

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