• Member Since 6th Aug, 2018
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago

Shadic Midnight Blitzer

Writing occasionally here, posting art on Twitter and Deviantart, and posting music on Youtube. Still somehow finding myself stuck not knowing what to do lol XD

Comments ( 91 )

Excellent, will read when I have free time!

this is gonna be fun to read.

“Well Midnight, you know the drill, let’s go out and run for a full hour to reduce this drag that my body still has.” The mare said, glaring at her body. My eyes unintentionally hovered over her large DD cup boobs that were nicely contained in her sports bra as well as her large heart-shaped ass that was equally as curvy as her bust size. My face turned red for a moment, which she thankfully didn’t notice. I decided to say something to try and boost her morale.

Yup, that would cause drag.

“Look Midnight, I understand that you’re trying to help me, but you have to understand that when I’m flying these tits get in the way! And while I’m happy that you’re noticing mares now and that you find me hot, well it just feels weird having my brother look at me like that. And I’m sure that you feel weird too sometimes.”

That was honestly something I always wondered. How can you find your own sibling attractive? You live with them. So that means you know all their bad traits and habits.

“Yeah… I wished they were here.” Lightning said as she softly grabbed me by the shoulder to pull me down so that we could go outside. “Dad’s still in the mental asylum and mom… well… nobody’s seen her since the changelings attacked Canterlot…”

Equestria has a mental asylum? Hell, most of the villains should be in there.

As we continued to jog through our neighborhood, another fellow female jogger was running by when she spotted us and gave me a wolf whistle. I simply blinked, wondering why she did that, before turning around, immediately regretting my decision as I saw her large bubble butt jiggle with each pace of hers. My cock, which already was being squeezed due to the fact that my leg would brush against it each time I took a stride, only became even harder. Thanks to my enchanted boxers it remained invisible, but upon seeing me nearly trip the jogger simply grinned before continuing on, knowing that she had just left me with an erection.

Damn, she basically blue balled you.

Now, I don’t think Lightning hates her body entirely. I think she loves it, after all, how many mares could say that they had DD cups and a large sexy ass? And Lightning’s exercises did leave her with an athletic body everywhere else, making her the envy of those types of mares who had to sacrifice their curves in the pursuit of strength. It’s just that her dream career was in the Wonderbolts, and she doubted that they’d accept someone with her ‘drag’ into their ranks, even though I repeatedly told her that her top speed was well enough to beat most if not all the Wonderbolts, except for Rainbow of course.

Ah, the irony of this world.

What’s the irony?

“Well I wondered when you’d realize today, but considering that you haven’t, I’ll tell you what it is. I decided that since we barely have any time at home to attend to our… personal needs… we will be celebrating our birthday in this pool club I just found. It opened about a month ago and people say it’s the best place they’ve ever been to. They like how all the girls are sexy, maybe we could uhm… find somebody to satisfy your urges?”

They’re twins?

“Yep. I did say it’s a pool club. Hmm, I hope I can find a bra my size in the time we can. The last bra I had was when I was still a D cup. Oh, where in the world did I go wrong?” My sister asked herself as she began to wonder what decisions she might’ve made that caused her to suddenly fill up by two cup sizes.

Grown up? Just a guess.

Five seconds later I found myself groaning on the floor having tripped on my boner as I realized how screwed I was.

I just got that image in my head and it’s hilarious.

(1) Yep! :rainbowwild:
(2) well Midnight is a Hyper Stallion so his hormones are higher, and well Lightning's pranks aren't as child friendly as they were before, and she's hot. Hormones don't exactly help Midnight deal with the situation
(3) it's more for the insane than those who did wrong
(4) yeah Midnight is very blue! XD
(5) the irony is that other athletic mares envy her large tits yet she wants to lose a cup size.
(6) yes they're both 20
(7) ? Didn't quite understand
(8) XD

now i'm wondering if a little foal will come down the line.

That's one of the routes! A pure incest route. Though I'm leaning towards another route.


"routes"? You mean multiple endings? Why!?

there are no multiple routes, that term is what I coin the multiple ways I see this story going, but only ONE will be chosen as the final product. It's how I speculate and brainstorm ideas. Will the story end with Midnight finally resolving their forbidden feelings? Or will it end with a foal? You don't know, and in a way, so can't I. I allow the story to flow, and there's multiple ways that the stream of time will go, but only one will be chosen.
it depends on how the story flows. I have no true end game idea, just a bunch of potential endings that could be possible but only one will become real.

well why not show all of them.

because again I'm going to let the story flow naturally.
Hmm... maybe as an epilogue or bonus? I could do that.

7. Isn’t growing up how they grew?


I see. Interesting mindset for making a story.

P.S. Do you notice that everybody is disliked?

Also, what’s with all the dislikes?

I have no idea, however once more people upvote the dislikes become inconsequential.
The problem is when the story has around 50:50 dislikes, but I don't see that happening. I try my best to write quality stories.
Also you should've seen just how rough A Change In View went. There were more dislikes than likes for a good amount of time until eventually the upvotes won.

they're jest mad beacuse of the wifu stuff. haters gonna hate as they say.

I meant in the comments.

But anyways I think the upvotes are clearly overpowering the downvotes. So things will improve.
You should've seen how A Change In View went though, or even more, The Equestrian Manhunt. Oh my, it was just so hectic, especially with the latter.

ah, probably some singular guy who wanted to 'express his rage' by disliking every comment until he reached the limit. Just ignore it, it doesn't matter much.

So, what fetishes does it have this time? Besides incest.

I have no idea, I will probably figure it out once I get deeper into the story. Incest will most likely be the only one though???

Interesting and the start, classic!

Heh now I wonder

You think this Blitzer could be friends/meet hanzal too?

Theoretically yes but the focus is the siblings and the Dazzlings.

awesome story mate keep it up cant wait for the next chapter story:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Was just wondering anyway. Or how his sister would react towards hanzal

Idk, again focusing only on siblings and Dazzlings.

Sorry, just found it an interesting thought

(Nani kana? Nani Kana?)

ok buddy! DUDE!

The story starts out promising, giving us a little hint of what's to come in the future, which is great, not to mention also makes it clear what the story could be about, despite being in the story summary.

At the moment, the foundations of the story are set correctly, giving us another type of past that we are used to from Midnight, and Lightning. Even more so making it clear that his mother could be alive somewhere, but especially his mother, who is in a mental hospital.

I liked that it was mentioned how each one had to "suffer" to say the least, according to their situation regarding puberty. Which is good.

The little winks and especially the approach and sexual interest, at least on the part of the brother, are felt, by his sister, not so much. so I could say that in the next chapter there may be something more.

To conclude, I can say that the story promises something fascinating, and I am certainly hooked on the first few paragraphs. Having said that.

A good chapter and I can't wait for the next one.

Thank you!
I like to view this story as a AU to Let Our Values Endure, helped inspire me. Some things are different compared to what's planned, others are grown up version of their interaction and yet others are even spoilers.
Yeah, both Midnight and Lightning find themselves a bit agitated by their bodies. As a Hyper Stallion, Midnight has a lot of difficulty controlling his urges (especially around his hot sister) and as a mare with huge tits Lightning thinks that it will get in the way of her Wonderbolt career.
As more chapters are posted the question and degree to their interest in each other will be challenged, especially when the Dazzlings appear!
Thank you again and I hope you'll find the next chapter interesting!
Actually I have a question for you, I'm going to send it in Discord alright?

“Anyways… My name is Moonlight River, proud dancer for the Truly Bare club. Can I assume that you and your sister will be going to the club today?” The thestral mare asked. After hesitantly giving her a nod the mare formed a proud smile.

Haven’t you used this character before?

Yep. Both in "What Do you mean We Can't Eat Nuts!?" and "Wolf Tamed". This Moonlight is different compared to the two, a major one being that she's not a Lunar Guard due to the fact that there was no need to increase the army.

A gorgous mare and Blitzer can't get a break, can he? I mean, his sister is almost like moonlight in build and...Libido

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