• Published 17th Jun 2022
  • 3,343 Views, 59 Comments

The Guardian Of The Forest - StormHoof32

A young mare stumbles upon a mystical glade hidden deep within the forest, and discovers its lonely inhabitant.

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The Snow Is Quiet But That's Okay

Softly, little shadows made their way across the wall of Berry Snowdrifts bedroom. She was laying across her bed with her head in her hooves as she stared out her window, watching the silvery glow of moonlight as it pierced the snow dusted canopies of the forest that her cottage was situated near. The storm the weather team had brought in was now in full swing and it was officially her favorite time of year.

With a happy sigh, she sipped from the steaming mug she was holding in her magic. There was nothing she loved more than hot chocolate while watching the snow. As the moon rose higher however, she knew that she needed to get her night started. She hopped off her bed, now empty mug in tow as she made her way into her living room. This was a rather modest place if she had to say so, and she did say so any time she had guests over.

She had a nice loveseat that was in front of her cobblestone fireplace and the glow from the already burning fire filled the room with much needed warmth. She had a few candles burning and with a smile went around with one and lit a few more. Her living room table held a few and was situated between the loveseat and the window to its right. She took another look outside as she passed and smiled at the brief aurora she saw in the sky.

She didn't live incredibly far north like ponies in the Crystal Empire, but she did live very well away from others. It wasn't necessarily her fault. Ponies in her old village just didn't trust that a unicorn could live peaceably with them. Yeah, that might sound weird to most ponies, but not to Berry. Her old village was pretty old fashioned and they considered themselves out of the jurisdiction of the crown due to being in the north.

As far as they were concerned they were a village for earth ponies only. She shook her head at the thought and began sliding her boots and scarf on. She knew that wasn't the only problem, she sighed and looked up at the little mirror she had hanging near the front door. She originally got it so she could check how she looked before going out, but she really didn't get out much anymore so it didn't see much use outside of looking at her ears.

They each gave a little flick, the little tufts of fur on top moving as they did. Although it hadn't been very long that she'd been out here, she was pretty much use to it and chuckled at her reflection. Pretty silly joke for the universe to allow the birth of a batpony but give her a horn instead of wings. Still she was content and she gave herself her patented award winning smile before she grabbed her harness.

She made her way outside and into the quiet cold as she hummed a little tune to herself, swishing her tail back and forth as she got herself hitched up to her cart. One last trip for firewood is all she'd need as far as she could tell. It was only her second winter in the cottage and her first was a little more brutal than she would have liked. Especially considering she had to go out in the dead of winter to find more wood.

Now though she had a veritable stockpile and if she was being honest she really didn't need the extra load of wood. But she learned her lesson, it's better to have too much than to have too little. She pulled and checked the tightness of her straps and once satisfied she made her way to the edge of the forest and the well worn trail she had made over the past summer. It actually took her some of spring going into summer but she wouldn't complain.

The end result allowed her ease of access with her cart and made carrying wood a cinch. Sometimes while walking the trail she would let her mind wander too. Often times daydreaming of what deigned to flitter through her mind, and what did was not very exciting to be frank. No, she usually thought of what her family was probably doing in the village. Unlike the rest, her Mom and Dad still visited her often and made a lot of effort to bring her supplies and goods that she needed to survive out here.

She was proud of them and that they were able to still help the village without completely forsaking their daughter. She couldn't wish for better parents and it was a thought she enjoyed. One of many she used throughout each of her nights to bring a smile to her face when the quiet of the snow presses in from all angles.

After all nothing is quieter than the gentle snowfall in the forest. Nothing could be heard with exception of her cart and her hoofsteps, crunching in the snow. Or at least that's what she thought until she stopped and cocked an ear. Something else was drifting almost imperceptibly through the almost still night air. Ahead of her she could hear what almost sounded like someone singing. She raised an eyebrow at this, because who in their right mind goes out singing in the forest in the middle of the night? It's unthinkable!

She snickered at that and thought curiously about what she was hearing. She wasn't one to shy away so she kept on ahead and followed the sound rather than her trail. Normally this would be very bad and could easily allow a pony to get lost. But she had been all through these woods and she highly doubted that it would happen. She carefully unstrapped herself from the cart and pulled it off to the side of the trail path. Once it was secured she turned toward the voice and followed it into the snow covered brush and trees.

As she got closer and closer, it rose in volume and she began to make out words, somepony was singing of time lost. Of those who came before and of years of history gone by. It was a melody that seemed to strike a chord deep within her chest and with every note, her heart beat in rhythm to it. It was unlike anything she had ever heard and as it got steadily louder, she emerged into a clearing.

Her eye's widened at what was before her, as it should not have been possible. But here in front of her was a beautiful moonlit, lush and growing Glade. The trees within its embrace were full and greener than any she had ever laid eye's on. The grass and flowers that bloomed seemed to wave in a nonexistent breeze that gave the whole area an almost ethereal aspect to it. Little white and yellow lights seemed to float in innocuous patterns as they lit up the area around them.

And there in the middle of this heavenly place was a short yet humble tower. It had a few bits that seemed to be crumbling away but otherwise it seemed whole. Vivid spiderwebbing vines climbed its surface and sought to cover it from the world and in a single window she could see a flickering of light. With a quiet gasp she realized that this place was lived in by somepony or something. If this were any other moment she'd be terrified but for some reason she only felt a sense of calm and appreciation for her surroundings.

It was as if this place took all her nerves and negative feelings and washed them away beneath a stream of warm water. That was another thing she noticed upon stepping into the Glade. It was pleasantly warm compared to the cold of winter that gripped the rest of the land. She she inched closer to try and get a view of who might be inside, she saw a shadow move across the window. She quickly darted into the shrubs near the tower and hid. She heard the door open and somepony step out, but it sounded strange. Their steps seemed off, as if they were walking on two hooves instead of four.

With a hesitant peak out, she came face to face with a very strange creature indeed. It was tall yet thin and had a long white mane and beard that seemed to almost touch the ground. The creature was wearing what looked to be dark green robes and it knelt down, bringing itself face to face with her.

"Hello my little pony. Would you like to come inside for some tea?" he asked in an unmistakably male voice. He seemed very genuine about it as he gestured to the open front door where the smells of tea and baking bread came wafting out. She looked at him and back at the door before looking back at him and nodding. She followed him inside and as she did she closed the door behind her.

"Feel free to take a seat in front of the fire if you would like, though I imagine it probably wouldn't do much good. Damn clearing keeps everything at an almost perfect temperature." He said with a chuckle as he grabbed the teakettle from the fire and began filling two cups. As he did he stayed quiet and focused on what he was doing. He placed the warm cup of tea in front of her and then made his way over to what Berry recognized as a bread oven, but it too looked different than what she was use to. It looked almost ancient.

He carefully removed a steaming loaf of bread and placed it on the table between them where he set about cutting it into slices. Berry watched with fascination as he used what looked to her like claws to hold and grasp things. With a smile she picked the knife up and cut herself a slice, looking at him with a cheeky grin as she had done it with her magic. He smiled back and snapped his fingers, causing the knife to vanish from her magic and reappear in front of him. It was now floating in midair without the aid of any magic.

Berry stared with her mouth hanging open as he gave her a wink and whisked the knife away to a sink in the corner. She continued to stare for a moment more before taking a sip of her tea and looking once again in shock. It was her favorite mint rose tea. She looked up at him in question and he smiled before taking a sip of his own.

"If you're wondering how I knew it's your favorite, I could feel it. Just like I can feel the fact that you are mute and cannot speak." He said, his eyes gaining an almost sad look to them. Berry for the third time tonight was shocked and now it was beyond what she could comprehend. This strange thing already knew this much about her? She had never met him before and yet he knew without asking that she couldn't talk. He looked at her with kindness before he spoke again.

"Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you or anything, If I was I wouldn't have offered you tea. No, Instead I think I'd like to have a talk if you don't mind." He explained, taking another sip from his tea and a few bites of bread before continuing.

"I've been alive for a very long time, and as sad as this may seem, I've had very few visitors over the long years. In fact I think you're the first to have found me in well over five thousand years. I think the last one was this adorable bookworm of a princess who just happened to stumble upon me while I was originally erecting this tower." He explained as he gestured to the tower around them. "She was a mare with a lot of questions, I can tell ya that much."

He laughed and drank the rest of his tea in one final sip before eating the last of his slice of bread. Once he was finished he cleaned up and brought the kettle back over the fire where he took a seat next to her.

"So, you don't mind hearing my story right?" He asked, looking at her questioningly. She didn't mind and she smiled at him, lighting her horn she spell wrote for him in the air.

'Please I'd love to listen'

He grinned and nodded, "That's a neat trick, believe it or not I knew the mare responsible for it's invention. Id get comfy though because this is a long story. Ah before we begin I don't think I got your name?"

She giggled and spell wrote for him again.

'I'm Berry Snowdrift, Pleased to meet you'

"Haha, it's my pleasure to meet you as well Berry. My name...is Merlin."

Author's Note:

Trying my hand at some other story ideas that have been knocking around my noggin for a while haha. Hope you guys like this one. It'll be fun and It'll be one the first ones I'll have written where it won't be rated Teen or above while not being garbage! Hooray!!!!

Anyway I hope you guys like the first chapter and I can't wait to get more out. :)