• Published 17th Jun 2022
  • 3,343 Views, 59 Comments

The Guardian Of The Forest - StormHoof32

A young mare stumbles upon a mystical glade hidden deep within the forest, and discovers its lonely inhabitant.

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Enjoying Rainbow Skies And Butterflies

Merlin's vision swam as he tried to get his bearings straight. It had been a very long time since anyone had been able to knock him off his feet, and to do so would require an extraordinary amount of force. When his vision came to, he found it to be filled with the colors of a rainbow and upon closer inspection it appeared to be a mane attached to a sky blue pegasus.

She stood up and brushed herself off while continuing to ignore the lecture Twilight was currently giving. Merlin sat up and looked her over and proceeded to check himself for any injuries. Nothing was broken, of that he was sure. The rainbow mare that Twilight had twice now referred to as Rainbow Dash was now looking him over. She had a look of curiosity and walked around him in a circle before stopping in front of him.

"Sorry about running into you like that, but I gotta be honest. You're pretty tough if you can take a hit from me like that and not end up with at least a few scrapes and cuts. And from the looks of it you're completely unharmed! What gives?!" She said as she huffed in exasperation. Merlin chuckled and stood to dust himself off as well. Rainbow hadn't been expecting his height and staggered back a step.

"I believe it would take a lot more than that to harm me. Though I must say you're pretty fast if you can hit me with that much force." Merlin replied as Twilight huffed in annoyance at the fact that nopony was currently listening to anything she was saying. Celestia and Luna sat there giggling away the whole time, as if it was something that was a common occurrence around here.

Before Rainbow could reply another pegasus came rocketing out of the blue and landed next to her. Based on figure alone, this was also a mare. Her coat was yellow and she had a fiery tail and mane that was swept back. She also had on a pair of goggles that she was currently sliding up to her forehead.

"Sup Dash. Enjoying your day off I see." She said with a laugh as Rainbow's ears flicked back in annoyance.

"Yeah yeah. It was going great until you showed up." Rainbow replied as she bumped shoulders with her. "That reminds me, What's your name big guy?"

Merlin smiled and gave a flourishing bow and said, "My name is Merlin. It's a pleasure to meet you Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow smiled and turned to her friend. "This here is Spitfire. She used to be the Captain of the Wonderbolts until I took over for her last year." Spitfire gave her own little bow and when she came back up she shot a wink at Rainbow. Rainbow wasn't sure what was going on, and look of confusion on her face was evidence of that. Spitfire didn't mind though and shook her head.

"I couldn't help but notice you guys all standing around over here, so I figured I'd drop by and give Dash some grief." She explained as she wrapped a wing around Rainbow and pulled her close. She blushed slightly and tried to pull away, but Spitfire was having none of that and pulled her even closer.

"Aw come on! You promised you'd stop with the mushy stuff!" Rainbow complained with a huff as she resigned herself to her cuddly fate. It wasn't necessarily a secret that Rainbow and Spitfire were together, at least to most ponies. Merlin however found this development not only hilarious but informative.

"I don't think she's got the message quite yet. Maybe she needs some loving motivation." Merlin said, keeping his face of his mirth and choosing instead to adopt a pensive expression. Spitfire grinned fiendishly as she wrapped a hoof around Rainbow and pulled her face to the side where she succinctly placed her lips on her cheek. Rainbow's face erupted with a fiery blush that almost matched Spitfire's mane in it's intensity.

As embarrassed as she was, Merlin could tell she was pretty happy about it and at the end of any day, that is what mattered. He laughed and they continued to poke fun at each other for a bit longer before Spitfire mentioned that both her and Rainbow had someplace to be. Something about a Wonderbolts meet and greet, so with that they said their farewells and went on their way.

"I think your friends are rather fun." Merlin said as Twilight led them to the edge of town. She smiled at that and spoke more on the things that her and her friends would get up to when not saving Equestria from evil. A lot of it was silly shenanigans but it was enjoyable to listen to and he certainly didn't mind.

He chose to remain silent and listen to her talk as he watched the scenery around them. They had entered a rather wooded area and there seemed to be farm more an abundance of animals here than anywhere else he had seen. Just ahead rested a small cottage that was surrounded by honeysuckle and many other nectar producing flowers. They were arranged in a wide array of colors and were currently being frequented by a few humming birds.

They flitted to and fro as they went about their meal while small creatures roamed about beneath them. Merlin felt an almost pure joy upon seeing this place and the harmony in which the animals lived. Squirrels playfully chased a few rabbits while a raccoon proceeded to a stream nearby so it could wash some seeds it had found. So enraptured by this that he failed to noticed his entourage meeting with the owner of this place.

He knelt down in the middle of the garden out front and watched in wonder as the creatures in this area went about their lives. Some seemed curious about him and would come close to give him a sniff or two. Without warning, he began to speak in a strange language and almost all sound seemed to stop. Even Twilight, Celestia and Luna went quiet as he spoke. There was a quiet gasp from behind him but he paid it no heed as he continued his speech.

He spoke in the old Fey tongues, and he did so because all creatures of the animal kingdom would be able to understand him. For the language of the Fey was the language of nature and magic. All the animals in the garden had stopped what they were doing and listened intently as he told them that he wished them no harm and of how he wished to befriend each of them. He spoke of spring and the smell of fresh roses as he sought to bring a certain air of comfort to this area.

It wasn't as if it didn't already feel cozy but now it felt almost magical. The animals and other creatures scattered around began to gather where Merlin sat and then he finished. It now felt quiet but it was peaceful and enjoyable in its serenity. One by one the animals came up and began swarming around and over the now happily laughing man. Squirrels, birds and lizards happily climbed all over him and a big bear that made itself known as Harry, curled around him.

He could hear their cacophony of voices as they all connected with him. They spoke in much the same way trees did, in that they used a lot of emotion and feeling to convey their thoughts. What he felt now was a cloud of joy and it made him smile wider than he had all day. His enjoyment was broken slightly however by a butter yellow pegasus that was now standing in front of him with a look of wonder. She seemed shy and apprehensive but the animals around him would have none of that.

He felt a sudden outpouring of feeling towards the mare and the general sense of it was that they were telling her it was ok and that he wouldn't do anything mean. What surprised him though was that she nodded in reply to them and looked back at him through a part in her long pink mane. Celestia and Luna were quite beautiful but this mare here held his gaze like no other. She had a subtle yet all encompassing beauty to her that didn't need to be stated for it to be known. She had a soft gaze and with a few deep breaths she came out from her hair and spoke in one of the softest voices Merlin had the privilege of hearing.

"Um, I don't mean to interrupt such a wonderful moment but I was wondering what language that was? If you don't mind that is." She asked bashfully. It was almost enough to melt Merlin's heart in an instant.

"I'd be happy to explain but first allow me to introduce myself. I'm Merlin, it is a pleasure to meet you." He replied with a soft smile. By now he had adopted a completely unmoving posture so as not to disturb his new animal companions.

"Oh, that's a lovely name. I'm Fluttershy." She said quietly as a few of his new friends went from his lap to hug Fluttershy's hooves.

"What I spoke was the language of the Fey, which are my people. They are a people of magic and nature and they exist in balance with nature itself. That language is what I use to communicate with the trees and almost any living thing. I take it despite recognizing it as a different language you all understood it still?" He explained as he looked toward the others who had taken up spots next to their shy and quiet friend. They nodded as he continued.

"That is why I used it. If there is any language that the animals of the world would understand it's that one. It seems it's rather universal in the sense that it works in this world too. Not to mention the fact the creatures of this world seem to have far different personalities than what I'm use to from my world." He said, picking up a twig as he tried to move as lightly as possible. With a careful swish, some blades of grass severed themselves from the ground and grew legs and arms. They proceeded to fight each other in front of them.

"Your animal friends seem to have a great care for you. They truly love you dearly." He explained as he once again looked toward Fluttershy, who was now smiling happily as her animal friends swarmed from him to her. Now that he was free of their warm embrace, he stretched a little and began conducting the little blades of grass in a large mock offensive that was being led by one Major Acorn. Many a brave blade would fall that day.

Fluttershy was not only happy, but also intrigued by Merlin. She watched as he played with grass and he could feel a sense of awe and wonderment from her. It had started as a trickle and was starting to pick up pace as he explained more about his people and their love of nature. Of how that love of nature impacted his own and why he much preferred the creatures of the forests rather than actual people. He spoke of the difference this world made and the fact that for once he didn't mind being out and about.

This world was so absolutely peaceful that he was comfortable here. There weren't any villages being massacred by their own people, or kingdoms falling due to the mistakes of foolish kings. It was a world worth living in and to him that was worth more than anything. But despite his love of nature he had never found kinship of his own. Something that despite his gentle and happy demeanor, was still drifting around inside him. After all, all creatures both big and small hear the call of nature.

Which is why despite carrying on their conversation, a small part of him found itself entranced by Fluttershy. A mare whom nature trusts. And in one small infinitesimal moment the world seemed to tilt and change. To anypony else it would have been unnoticeable. But to Merlin it was everything. In that one moment many things seemed to fall into place at once, like puzzle pieces being slotted together.

Merlin, despite having just met Fluttershy today, he now had a crush. And he had no Idea what to do about it.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait everypony! I've been a little busy lately with work. I recently got my dream job of being an HVAC instructor and I love it, but it can be a bit hectic sometimes. Now this doesn't mean I'll stop writing, but it does mean that chapters will come out more than likely between a week to two weeks depending on my mood.

I hope that's not too much of a problem and I hope you all continue to enjoy this story! Once again, if anyone finds any errors or punctuation mistakes please let me know so I can fix them and make this story a better read over all. Thank you all so much!
