• Published 17th Jun 2022
  • 3,343 Views, 59 Comments

The Guardian Of The Forest - StormHoof32

A young mare stumbles upon a mystical glade hidden deep within the forest, and discovers its lonely inhabitant.

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To Start, A Blue Flower Made Me Laugh

Author's Note:

Wow, I mean seriously wow. You guys are amazing. I never thought that this story would be so popular that it would sit on the featured page for two days in a row. Seriously that blows my mind and I couldn't be happier with how this story is turning out.

That being said This chapter was really fun to write and I hope you all enjoy it as much as you did the first chapter. I didn't mention it before but please if you notice any spelling errors, grammatical errors or punctuation errors please let me know.

I am a firm supporter of constructive and plain criticism. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and I don't really see it as my job to tell any of you what you can or cannot say. That being said, please let me know what you think and things that could be improved upon. It's how I grow and get better as a writer and I appreciate everything that helps me in that goal.

Sorry for the long winded note, Enjoy the chapter everyone!

You know when I think back on some of the moments I encountered when I first came to Equestria, I never thought that a hilarious blue flower would be how I was introduced. Ah, you look confused. That's pretty normal and I can understand why, so how about I explain it like this.

See for a long time in my own world I was seen as a seer. At least I was seen as such by the people and for a long time I was fine with that. The place I came from was a world of strife and warfare and a lot of bad things happened. Now this story isn't really about that so let me just say that once I helped a boy become a king, suddenly my name was far more famous than I had ever planned on it being.

And then I made a mistake that cost a lot of us many things. You may not know this but I went about a painstaking way of faking my death. At the time it seemed to be the right thing to do and thinking back on it, I think I was only running from the problems I caused and the memories of my own mistakes. It didn't mean that I didn't want to fix them more than anything though.

What I did would be pretty normal for what in my world were called the Fey. Curious creatures and people the Fey, they live within a world of magic and mystery and were known quite often for their trickery and deception. As cunning as the most intelligent creatures and mix that with magic? Yeah, you get the picture right?

So as I was saying, the Fey. I was born part human and part Fey, that's why I was able to use magic where other humans couldn't. When everything fell apart I left that world behind and sought to enter the world of the Fey and through it a mystical garden known as Avalon.

I don't know if it was a mistake on my part with the magic I cast or if maybe the very nature of Fey magic caused a divergence, but I never made it to the garden. Instead I awoke in a very strange world that was filled with the most pure and good magic that I had ever felt. The very air itself was practically saturated with it and as soon as I entered the world I landed in a patch of a peculiar and funny little flower.

I’m sure you've heard plenty these days about Poison Joke right? Haha, I thought so and you're right to laugh. My first experience was an enlightening one because it transformed me. In hindsight I can laugh and think of it as a fond memory, but when it happened I was confused and just didn't understand what was happening.

There's actually another name for the Fey folk that humans often called them by. They used to call us fairies or the fairy folk. I know it's rather silly isn't it? Still, It just so happens that the Poison Joke thought it would be hilarious to turn me into a literal depiction of what humans considered fairies to be. It shrunk me down to the size of a candle and slapped little dragonfly wings to my back.

And that's how I spent the better half of my first week. I discovered that due to my own personal brand of nature magic, the flowers effects would wear off after a time. My problem was that I was fascinated by them at this point and I just couldn't stay away. You see I love nature to a degree that many could not understand, which is why despite human people being omnivorous I chose to be a vegetarian.

Ah I see why you would be concerned but rest assured humans did not partake of equine flesh. To humans equines were nothing more than unthinking creatures that were used as beasts of burden. I was actually quite gifted at conversing with them and you'd be surprised the personalities they had. I met an old Percheron stallion once who spent the better part of a day telling me about how he and his old master had gone into battle and vanquished many a foe. Fiercely loyal, those Percherons.

Sorry got a little off topic, as I was saying I was fascinated by these little flowers that seemed to ignore any of my spells and changed me on what seemed to be a whim of their own. I couldn't make heads or tails of it but it did give me quite a laugh on the day I met her. Remember when I spoke of an adorable bookworm Princess? Haha yes you're correct, she found me a week after my arrival and seemed shocked to see a human messing around in a patch of what she called Poison Joke.

Now this was my first time meeting what anyone from my world would call a sentient pony. And anybody else would be shocked or surprised to at least some degree, but remember I'd spent years by this point conversing with the creatures of my world. As far as I was concerned all of them were sentient and had personalities all there own. So I simply waved to her.

"Hello there, these flowers are beautiful aren't they?" That's the first thing I said to her and she stopped and looked at me as I cradled a bloom and once again was shrunk to small size. At that point I flew up to her and booped her on the snout. What's wrong with booping a Princess on the snout? It's not like I knew she was a Princess, plus as far as I'm concerned it was funny. Watch.

See? Hilarious how your pony faces scrunch up when I do that. Now where was I? Ah yes, the Princess seemed a little huffy after my joke but that changed pretty fast when right in front of her the effects of the flower wore off. She seemed at a loss for words and then out of nowhere she just kind of exploded with questions. Who explodes with questions on someone they just met? It's rather rude if you think about it, but alas it was something I was use to from home so I did try to answer her as best as I could.

As a matter of fact, would you like to see how it played out? What do you mean how? I have magic, I can cast a spell that will let you experience it from my point of view. As a matter of fact I think I might tell my whole story like this. I don't know why I didn't think of it before. What do you say, want to give it a try?

Wonderful, well then lets see what we can do here.

"How did you do that?!?!" The purple horned and winged mare asked. Her wings flared out as she bounced around, looking over him and trying as she might to puzzle it out. He laughed and responded with a carefree nature. "How did I do what?"

The mare stopped and just looked at him, her left eye twitching slightly as she went completely still. Merlin laughed again and booped her snout, once again causing her face to scrunch up and her to adopt an annoyed expression. "Stop doing that, it's weird." She replied, using her hoof to rub the spot on her nose that he had tapped. Merlin's hand reached out and this time he ruffled her mane causing her to pull back and huff in annoyance.

"Look can you please be serious, how did you negate the effects of the Poison Joke?" she asked as she brought a flower to them in her magic. That stopped Merlin in his tracks and he watched it float there in a lavender aura. He could feel waves of magic coming off it and it felt divine. He smiled and snapped his fingers, and instantly the flower disappeared from her magic and reappeared floating in front of him.

This was a simple form of magic he enjoyed using that combined science and magic. His experiments with memories from a future version of himself from an alternate timeline was immensely helpful in that. And he smiled as he flexed and altered the molecules of air around the flower, making it float around her head as she stared at him in wonder.

"I don't understand, how are you doing that? You're not using any magic, I would have been able to tell!" She yelled as a few strands of hair popped out of place. Her eye was twitching a bit more now and he was beginning to find it endlessly hilarious.

"Who says I'm not using magic? I'd say it's a matter of perspective wouldn't you?" He replied with a grin as he sent the flower back to the plant it had been plucked from and in another feat of magic that the mare couldn't wrap her head around, he reaffixed it to its stem. It was as though it had never been plucked in the first place. With a gentle smile he turned and strode to the edge of the clearing and looked out into the trees.

"I could teach you a bit about it but I'd like some questions answered first if I may." He said as he closed his eyes and allowed the voices of the trees to fill his mind. Their melodious cacophony used no words but spoke volumes to the joy the trees in this world felt at simply being alive. It was a truly wonderful feeling and he allowed himself to revel in it while he waited for her response.

She stood just behind him as she watched him warily. He knew because he could feel her eye's on him and he could feel how nervous she was around him and his strange magic. He cleared his mind and gave a soft laugh before he spoke again.
"The magic I use is a form of nature magic mixed with science if you were wondering. I'm not sure how advanced your kind is yet so you'll have to forgive me if I use terms that might seem strange." He explained.

He looked around and caressed a leaf that was hanging low from a tree branch. "All things in the world have a will and energy that they possess. For some of us it is a simple matter of feeling the energy that is put off by the world. While many can feel it, very few can actively manipulate it." He said, moving from the leaf to a branch that had fallen. "Take this branch for example, though it has fallen from the tree and is no longer living, that does not mean that it doesn't still have the energy that connected it to the tree. In this altered state its energy has simply changed."

He picked it up and allowing it to float reaffixed it to the tree. "This process is the act of isolating that previous energy and manipulating it so that the branch no longer has a difference in its output. That allows it to be placed seamlessly with it's previous counterpart and breathes new and yet old life back into it."

He turned to the now stunned mare who looked as though it was something that had never occurred to her before. He was so fascinated by her magic before because what she was doing almost by instinct was the same thing he did. The only difference was that hers bore color whereas his did not. "It is the same principal with my levitation. I am simply altering the ambient energy in the air and using it to essentially carry an object. If I felt so inclined I could in fact alter the energy of the given object to simply make it lighter than air. I and many others call this act of altering or changing energy, spellcasting."

And at that, she broke. Multiple more strands of her mane popped out and her eye hit maximum levels of twitching. With a laugh Merlin poked her cheek and with a confused and terrified shriek she jumped into the air and vanished in a flash of lavender light. Merlin stood there with a smile and looked toward the direction of her particular magical energy as it made incredible waves across the world.

"Poison Joke huh? Ah what a wonderful joke indeed." He laughed as he fell backwards into the flower patch before rolling around in joy. This world was a wonder to behold and with the revelation of flowers that played pranks, he felt giddy at the prospect of what could possibly lay in store for him out there.