• Published 6th Jul 2022
  • 1,619 Views, 42 Comments

Remnants of chaos - L Morning Star

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1- Uncontrolled chaos

It all started like a normal day, I was playing my new video game.

I know I shouldn't be slacking off, especially with several exams so close, but I didn't worry, I was sure I would get a passing grade, it wouldn't be good, but it wouldn't be bad either, so I didn't see why bother.

I know I sound like a first-class lazy person, but the truth is that rather than blaming my laziness, I would say that it was a lack of motivation, I had nothing that caught my attention, no work, no romances, I don't even have hobbies, furthermore, I just do anything to kill time.

Until that day came

Everything was calm after spending two hours getting more and more frustrated at not being able to kill that damn boss, I don't even know why I keep playing these games, the only thing I manage to do is fill myself with stress, but I finally came close to doing it, this She was the good one, the damn one was one shot away, she just had to avoid ruining it (as always) and she would have won if it weren't for the fact that in a second the power went out

"I'll shit the bitch!"

I screamed loudly and would have continued cursing into the air if I hadn't realized that no voice was heard.

I tried to get out of bed, but I couldn't get up either, I couldn't even feel my body

I don't know how long I was in the dark, but it was enough to calm me down.

I tried everything, but I couldn't move or feel or hear, and all I could see was darkness.

The view remained the same, I don't know how long until some light began to filter into the darkness


The sensations returned slowly, the touch, I felt my body again, but something was different.

I decided to ignore it for now and continue focusing on the sensations, the hearing, there was a lot of noise like explosions and I think I could hear screams in the distance.

Once again, I decided to ignore them, so I could focus on what was next.

My sight

When I opened my eyes, all hell broke loose

He could see buildings falling or rising in some way, different strange animals running as if they were chased by death itself, he could also hear the screams and roars of what seemed like monsters because he was sure that there was no animal that roared like that.

"And that's it, what's new, old man?"

It was then that I heard a voice that I thought was funny, I was about to say how old-fashioned it was to use that phrase until I saw it.

A strange creature, a kind of chimera that I'm not even going to try to describe and next to it a fucking pinky demon from the game 'Doom'

The sight shocked me, so much so that I didn't even realize when the demon left.

"Ahem, ahem"

I looked towards the source of the obvious fake cough, only to jump when I noticed how close the Chimera was.

I tried to run as fast as I could, so fast that I didn't even care that I was on all fours, but I didn't move, everything stayed the same.

I looked down to see what was happening and was shocked again by the way the ground was moving like a treadmill.

"Click" A snap of the chimera's fingers snapped me out of my trance.

"Alright, I don't have time for every shock or problem you might have" The chimera reached out with one of its arms and grabbed my hair, I grunted in pain, but the chimera just looked amused as I squirmed.

"Okay... What was it like?" He scratched his beard with his paw as he tried to remember what he had to say. "Baa, who cares? I'm Discord, and you're going to spread my chaos and destruction."

"Of course not, go to hell, you mangy dog son of a...!"

And I continued spouting rudeness that would make Eminem blush. I admit that insulting a supernatural being in such a way without knowing what it was all about didn't seem like the best idea, but in my defense, I was on the verge of insanity due to the sheer ridiculousness and illogicality. Of the situation, also in my country shouting insults until your lungs bleed is usually the traditional way to de-stress

"Yeah, well, it's not like I'm asking you." Not wanting to wait any longer, Discord placed a finger on my forehead and I immediately felt a cold sensation run through my body from head to toe and then the sensation turned hot, then itchy. , I didn't have time to process all the sensations that came over me when Discord let go of me and kicked me like I was a soccer ball.

"And that's it, what's new, old man?"

I don't know how, but as I flew out, I noticed what I think was a slime right behind Dyscord.

From the air I could see everything, it was a city that looked like it was from the Middle Ages, I think, I couldn't see very well, what I could see was the obvious destruction, but I didn't give it too much importance.

My eyes were glued watching the ever-changing sky that looked like the most elaborate kaleidoscope ever created.


The pain of the fall brought me back to reality.

Do I sound like a stuffed animal?

He has lost both literally and figuratively

I had no idea what had just happened, on the street a few meters from where I fell there was a building on fire which instead of being consumed began to extend to the sky, further down I could see a small rainbow that was walking and everything that I touched it turned into candy, behind me a giant chocolate fountain and I don't mean that it was dripping chocolate, but it was literally made of chocolate

Curiously, it was the least conspicuous thing on the street.

Luckily for me, there was a puddle near me, maybe from the fountain before the change.

I approached him and could understand why it was so comfortable to be on all fours.

Looking at me in the reflection, there was a zorua

My mind practically exploded, restarted and shorted again

Why a zorua?

Of all the questions forming in my head, this was the only one that came up... for some reason


My thoughts were interrupted by the unexpected scream.

With no other options than to stay on the street until I went crazy, I decided to get closer little by little to the origin of the voice.

Afraid of every corner, I advanced until I found the origin.

Around a corner was a strange multicolored horse, face up, its hind legs trapped under the remains of a giant spiral paddle.

The view would have shocked me if it weren't for everything I just saw.


I shook my head

This is not the time to think, it is the time to act, no matter what, as long as I was a thinking being, it was my duty to KILL no matter what happened...



That's not what I'm supposed to do... Right?

For some reason I felt that what I had just said made no sense

He is stuck, helpless, I must TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE OPPORTUNITY"

There was something strange, I could feel it, but no matter how hard I thought, I couldn't put my finger on what it was.

But I was right, I had to finish it

I slowly approached the stallion, I reduced my stance as much as I could without limiting my movement, it looked like a predator stalking its prey, I couldn't even hear its screams anymore.

Apparently he was a mediocre hunter, since he turned to see me, at some point I must have made some noise.

The expression on his face was one of pure terror.

And from what I could sense, mine was pure fun.

With a smile that almost knocked my snout out of square, I launched myself aiming for its neck, but it blocked me using its pathetic paws that were still free, it only served to prolong its suffering, I tore them off in the blink of an eye and feasted on its body, I don't even remember it well, it was like I was in a dream, things just happened and that's it... and it felt good

When I finished, I was far from satisfied.

What am I supposed to do now?

And as if it were a sign from heaven, I heard it


I couldn't help but smile again.

"It's time to spread chaos"

Author's Note:

This is my first story please have mercy