• Published 6th Jul 2022
  • 1,619 Views, 42 Comments

Remnants of chaos - L Morning Star

  • ...

6- Request for help

The moon was beautiful that night the streets although empty were what allowed the stars to shine and be seen from all corners of Canterlot giving a few lucky ones a real wonder, nights like this she would be full of inspiration determined to give her dear ponies a work worthy of his adoration always striving even when it seemed that his work was already unbeatable, but not tonight or the night before or the night before that the night sky had been as still and repetitive as it had been when he went to his banishment

Lately not even nights like this could inspire her enough and almost nothing did now less than ever, once again she lifted the paper that had been with her for three days and reread it for what was perhaps the hundredth time

“I will have done the right thing?”

His gaze left the window and went to the bed that occupied most of the room where he rested a body with multiple cables and tubes scattered throughout the different parts of his body connecting him with multiple machines that continuously emitted noises for unknown reasons, the new technologies had puzzled her as much as they had impressed her on the one hand she did not like being totally ignorant regarding the operation of the vast majority of everyday accessories on the other hand their usefulness was undeniable

"Do you think I could have found another way?"

He asked staring at the comatose body that could barely breathe on its own hoping that by some miracle it would answer him, but as always there was no answer

With a sigh he looked away and put the letter in his saddlebags and left the room.

"I guess I can't wait any longer"

"Everything alright my princess?"

The princess turned to see her new captain of the guard, chosen not because of his experience or because he was a descendant of the nobility, but because of how ruthless and calculating he was when making decisions, which was a trait that very few possessed in the world. this was or at least for now

"All right Captain Night Fury, although I will need you to prepare my carriage I need to go to Ponyville"

“Princess with all due respect, don't you think you have more important things to do than pay a visit to that little town? We have much more important things to worry about like finding a competent replacement for Raven ever since he quit everything has been chaos I don't even know how he managed to get here."

Although it was obvious that it annoyed him, it did not take him long to comply with his orders

She was woken up by the abrupt contact of the carriage wheels with the ground, slowly pulling herself together she hadn't had a proper sleep in a long time

"We have arrived at ponybille your highness"

He was able to hear one of his guards and once made sure to use a camouflage spell so that the fatigue marks wouldn't be visible when he left his chariot.

He immediately frowned, where before there was a town full of kind and caring inhabitants, now it seemed like a ghost town even if it was just the early hours of the morning in the streets there was not a soul, several businesses had closed and some houses had had what to sell

“Please find the other elements and inform them need to be meet up in the library”

“Understood your highness”

As soon as her guard left she walked to the library entrance and knocked.


It didn't take long for her to hear hooves approaching the door, but to her surprise the one who received her was a yellow pegasus who looked at her in surprise.

"Oh princess, it's good that you're here, did you finally receive the letter?"

Although I was a little confused at first, it didn't take long for me to respond.

"Thank you very much Fluttershy, but I'm afraid you haven't received any letters from you recently and you came for other matters"

"Oh sorry, but I don't know if this is a good time, please come in and I'll explain everything"

As soon as I enter I notice the obvious disorder, the shelves of books were empty and they were scattered on the floor or piled on some tables.

"I apologize for the mess, but I don't know how they organize them on the shelves and I'm afraid of causing more problems"

He was about to say something until he heard hoofbeats coming down the stairs at high speed.

"Princess Luna!"

As soon as she saw the mare she recognized her, although she almost failed to do so, the mare had always been concerned with making a good impression so as not to embarrass her or her teacher now she seemed to have aged several years despite having been seen only a few a few weeks, her eyes had large bags under her eyes her fur was disheveled and faded plus the smell that covered her told her she hadn't bathed in days

"Twilight you should be resting"

The mare just ignored the pegasus

“I'm sorry, I must have fallen asleep, I haven't finished my research yet, and besides, I don't know what happened to-mm! “

Luna put a hoof on her snout allowing the mare to breathe again

"Although your investigation is important, that's not why I came here, there is another matter we must take care of now."

Before that the mare seemed to react

“Did you come to help us? Do you know anything about Spike?

The princess had to take a moment to reply.

"Something like that, but we'd better wait until everyone is here."

Before her answer the pegasus looked at her confused

"But you said you didn't get the letter. How do you know about Spike?"


“As I said, I think it would be better if everyone heard this”

With a blaze of his horn the door opened allowing the visitors to enter.

"Princess, I have gathered the elements as requested."

“Thank you very much, soldier, you can leave now”

After a bow, the guard left.

"Princess, how good it is to see you!"

The princess was surprised by the sudden contact from the mares it was something she would expect from Pinkie, but not from Rarity, although she returned the hug anyway.

“The same for you my dear friends”

"Tell me princess, do you have news about Spiky, the poor guy has been missing for days and we haven't been able to find a trace of him?"

Rarity asked as soon as she broke away from the hug, she looked at her with desperate eyes just like everyone else, she had never seen her so unconcerned about her appearance which was barely better than Twilight's.

"If I do bring news about Spike, though, I think we should all sit down for what I'm about to say."

That caused a lot of worried looks, but they obeyed anyway.

“Two days ago one of the remnants was here”

With that simple sentence all the mares panted except for one

“Remnants you said?”

The cyan pegasus gave him an incredulous look.

“Really Rarity? Haven't you read the newspapers? That's what everyone calls… you already know what”

"I... haven't been out of the house much these days, I'm sorry"

That made him remember the state in which several of his friends found themselves and he immediately felt guilty.

"It's not right, it makes sense that they don't want to know more about those things"

Once they finished their talk, the princess continued

"Apparently Spike had the misfortune to meet this remnant"

"What does it mean? What happened to Spike? How come I didn't know about this?! And how do you know this?!!”

Seeing that her friend was about to collapse, the others soon intervened.

"Calm down Twi sure is fine right princess moon"

Pinkie said although it was obvious that she herself had a hard time believing those words, proof of that were the tears that they consumed and failed to contain

"Yes, Twilight, in fact, it was the same one who informed me"

Twilight had a lot of questions, but she managed to fortify herself enough to ask what she thought was the most important.

"He's fine?"

Luna wanted to say yes, she really loved him, but she couldn't lie to him.

"Right now... I can't be sure."

"What does it mean?"

Instead of responding to the princess, I levitated in her direction the same letter that she had received days before, as soon as the paper was within her reach, she wiped her tears and read faster than she had ever done in her life, when she finished reading gave the princess a look with which he seemed to blame her for everything as if he had suffered the worst of betrayals

"Luna tell me you didn't do it, tell me you didn't let him do it!"

Her friends didn't understand what was going on, but none of them dared to interrupt.

"Try to stop them, Twilight, I sent more troops to guard the borders and-"


The mare couldn't take it anymore and began to cry, letting go of the letter which a pegasus soon picked up and read again


"What's going on? do not leave us with the doubt”

“HIM, he decided to go with the remnant”

There was a moment of silence in which the mares tried to process what they had just heard until the yellow pegasus could no longer contain her doubts.

"But why? And why does Twi say it's his fault?

Why did Spike find out that the remnant was here looking for a map apparently he was looking for a specific place so he decided to follow him right after he sent this letter to the princess as soon as they left she knew where he was all along time! ”

Once again all eyes in the room were focused on the princess.

"Spike was the one who had this idea besides his own volunteer I had nothing to do with it"

“He could have told us something! Why do you wait until now to tell us?"

For the first time, the princess's posture faltered and none of the ponies missed it, once Twilight recomposed herself, she did not hesitate to ask with a penetrating look.

“What happened to Luna? We deserve to know!”

The princess took a deep breath knowing that what she would say would not end well and answered

"I don't know, the letter specifies that if a day goes by without sending any letter, I should send help"

"And how long has he not answered?"

"Since two days ago"

“Then why hasn't he sent help?! WHY DIDN'T YOU LOOK FOR US BEFORE?"

Twilight was beginning to get exasperated by the way the princess always seemed unflappable as if nothing bothered her or mattered to her.

"I already did Twilight, but your last letter said that you were entering the badlands which is a very wide territory even with the guards that I have sent it will take weeks to find your trail if there is any"

"You didn't have the right not-"

That was finally done by the princess I don't take it anymore


The princess took a second to recover from her outburst.

"You don't get it, Twilight, your predictions were wrong since the fall Discord , the remnants haven't weakened in the slightest, on the contrary, they've gotten more cunning, smarter, and much stronger with each passing day and when Spike informed me that it was possible for some of them to gather together I just didn't know what to do if those things regrouped and made an organized attack on Equestria there would be little or nothing we could do."

She tried to justify herself, but the same look of disappointment was still in the eyes of the mares, one of them finally couldn't take it anymore



The incredulous ponies shouted in unison at what they had just seen, but the most shocked was the one who received it, she had prepared herself for some kind of attack, but I never expected that the one who launched it would be the kindest and most shy mare I had ever met.

"Come on girls Spike needs us"

He didn't even look at her or any of the ponies that came out of the library, although Pinkie seemed to want to say something, but she didn't say anything, she just left with the others.

"Sorry sister I'm failing everyone"

"Hears! What do you think you're doing?!"

The princess would have continued with her self-contempt if it weren't for the screams, it didn't take long for her to leave the library to see how the elements took her carriage away from her guards


That catches everyone's attention

“Let them take it away”

The soldiers wanted to protest, but when they saw the hard look their princess was giving them, they didn't dare to do so, they simply took off their ties and let the other Pegasi put them on themselves.

"Shy are you sure you can?"

Rainbow still had her doubts, but she kept them to herself when she saw the look on her oldest friend's face.

"Forget it"

Without goodbyes or other words, as soon as they all got into the carriage they left.

"Princess what should we do now?"

Luna didn't even look at him

"Bring me a pen and paper, there is still a pony I must report to."

Deep in the Mountains colt in what remains of one of the mountains a figure rested on a field of corpses they were all her soldiers she was supposed to guide them make sure they took them home to their families! and even so they had not taken long to fall, she could not do anything, her only consolation was that she had the person responsible just below her, a horrendous and enormous creature almost 8 meters tall, bipedal, without fur or nose and with two horns it seemed to her hear him call himself a tyrant

He subconsciously laughed at that, as if this creature was worthy to rule

“Any final words?”


“Mercy, MERCY? You dare beg for mercy after what you've done?!”

She used her magic to wrap around the last of his arms and wrung it out like a wet cloth.


She just reveled in hearing his screams and when he was done she went on to the next and the next never going so far as to give him a kill this thing deserved to suffer HE HAD TO SUFFER

When she finished she was completely bathed in the blood of the beast which was nothing more than a meat paste, for hours she just stood there looking at what she had done until a regretful flash above her head caught her attention, quickly I catch the piece of paper before it falls to the ground and gets bloodied

Despite its state, it took only a few seconds to recover and start up.

"I will kill you, every last one of you, until there are none left."

Author's Note:

Sorry for the bad translation