• Published 6th Jul 2022
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Remnants of chaos - L Morning Star

  • ...

2- Captain to the end

I don't know how much time passed and I didn't care

I was happy and satisfied

Behind me there were dozens of corpses of ponies or horses, whatever

I was quietly eating my pieces of fresh meat until my ears caught something

Without thinking much, I focused my energy on my snout until a black sphere formed and I threw it in the direction of the sound.

At first it had been difficult for me to learn the skills of zorua but with so much time and so many targets to test my skills on it was almost like a game



When I turned around I realized that it was a mare and his daughter, I think it was called filly

"Fuck I'm lucky"

I laughed internally seeing them lying there, it seems that I missed the shot or at least part of it, the filly looked almost unharmed but the mother had bruises and several wounds that were still bleeding, she did not seem able to move

"He should have protected her with his body"

I approached them showing my fangs ready to kill them


The ground suddenly shook as a building collapsed on our street

It wasn't until the smoke cleared that I finally realized that it wasn't just the building that had fallen but a giant more precisely a NERGIGANT

My eyes they opened like plates

It's true that this one was obviously smaller and thinner than the original but it was still a FUCKING DRAGON and it was dead

"Coff Coff"

"Nice shot captain"

"thank you radiant"

From the remains of the building came three ponies with golden armor and quite beaten, it seemed that they had not rested in days, one of them the one with a horn and stood out from the others for its more elaborate armor

"What an idiot, it's like saying "look, I'm important"

On a battlefield, the last thing you want is to attract attention.


The mare in front of me said desperately, which immediately caught the attention of the guards

"ANOTHER MORE, is it not over?"


The captain gave the normal-looking pony a death glare.

"spoke of the beasts"

The soldier quickly defended himself

"At least this one is small"

said the pegasus

"It doesn't matter let's finish this quickly we must help the princesses"

I knew this was going to get ugly so I decided to use one of the strategies I had come up with while experimenting with my illusions

Regardless of what the soldiers were doing, I simply walked past the dead bodies and debris on the street as I trotted in the direction of the defenseless mare.

"I got this"

The pegasus reacted immediately, fearing for the lives of the civilians.


The captain yelled, he seemed to be the smartest, too bad it was too late for the impulsive pegasus

Radiant was already right on top of the fox beast ready to hit him with the full force of his momentum, but when he made contact he didn't feel anything, he simply pierced the fox which soon vanished.

While the guard still hadn't recovered from the surprise of my illusion, I discarded my rock transformation and threw myself straight at his neck, while my fangs shone and were reinforced with the [bite] skill, not even his armor could help him, the metal was I bend and crack under the powerful bite

With a crack in his neck I put an end to his life



The captain's horn quickly ignited and a lightning bolt went my way.

Immediately use [Quick Attack] to speed up and dodge it

I could see behind me how a huge crater was formed where the lightning hit

"That explains the death of the dragon, he is the only threat, but first I must kill the other one"

With my plan of action defined I used the [Quick Attack] boost to close the distance between me and the guard and when I was close enough I decided to combine [scratch] to ensure the kill as quickly as possible or so it would have been if it weren't for the damn bubble that appeared in the middle, after the impact I was forced to take distance again

"Thank you Captain"

"There is no reason, just be careful, it is much stronger than it seems"

Said the captain as he pointed to a part of the bubble that was cracked

The normal pony stared at the crack in disbelief before focusing on me with a serious look.

"This... will be complicated"

The bubble finally disappeared, but no attack I decided to wait

Instead the captain decided to prepare some spells with a flash of his horn made six spheres of light appear that shone around him.

"They look like a spell from dark souls"

Unfortunately my assumption ended up being wrong when he sent two of the spheres towards me and I dodged again but the spheres followed me and as if that were not enough there were two more in the direction in which I was fleeing

"I see can control their direction and make them fly in formation"

After a quick thought that would not have been possible if it weren't for my pokemon reflexes, I divided into five zoruas

The captain no longer knew what to do, he had no way of distinguishing which was the real one from the false hacique, he only sent each sphere against the closest fox to them

When the spheres impacted they created a larger smokescreen than it should have been.

The captain just nodded at his fellow guard and he quickly got the message.

The captain got closer and closer to the fog until a blur came out of the side of it

The blur ignored him as he headed off in the direction of his partner.

The guard couldn't hide his smile as he quickly got on his hind hooves and assumed a fighting stance.

"BUT WHAT AN IDIOT, even if I'm a sorua any pokemon has supernatural strength"

And he wasn't wrong but what he didn't count on was the guard putting his left helmet on his face while simultaneously putting the right one on his head if he stood on a single helmet using his strength and experience to control his center of gravity and power change your address

By the time the zorua understood what had happened, he had already crashed into the wall of one of the buildings.

The captain wasted no time and quickly sent both the spheres that hit him like a beam of energy that had a direct hit

The strong attack had brought down the wall and part of the building on the fox, narrowly causing the building to collapse.

It wasn't until five minutes had passed that the guards finally heaved a sigh.

The battle had cost them too much, not only this battle but all the ones that happened since Discord was released, since then they had been fighting against all kinds of creatures without any rest even now they had to keep moving

"Was over?"

The captain turned to see the mare looking at him with hopeful eyes.

He honestly had forgotten they were there, hoping it wouldn't show, he just smiled at her.

"Yes, little one, everything is fine-"


He couldn't finish as he was quickly pushed by his partner who luckily hadn't let her guard down.

A portion of the debris vanished as a blur shot in his direction much faster than before.

However the guard was ready, it was not the first time that he had to fight against an opponent faster than him, after all the fox even with his speed increase was still slower than a pegasus

The pony was ready to deflect him again to finally get this over with.


But when he managed to grab the fox it exploded


The captain did not understand what had happened, his ears did not stop ringing, his sight was red, he felt that he had been hit with a giant hammer in addition to being covered by a thick liquid

As the censors returned to him he could notice that the liquid which also covered his vision was the blood and the remains of his friend now shattered

"tap tap tap"

The unicorn, despite his injuries, quickly turned around but saw nothing.

"tap tap tap"

Once again he heard it and he moved hoping to find the creature, he knew it wasn't dead and now he was alone.

Even with his years of experience he couldn't help but panic he had never faced such a monster before.

"!This thing is smart!"

The discovery of him did not serve in the least to help him calm down on the contrary it only scared him more

"tap tap tap"

"behind me"

The unicorn quickly turned around and unleashing the full power of his magic he searched for something to grab onto.

It was the most stressful three seconds of his life.

Until by some kind of miracle he felt it

The captain could already feel victory as he lured the creature

When he was in his sight and could see how he wriggled trying to free himself, he crashed him against the floor, against the walls of the buildings, dragged him all over the street which cracked from the amount of pressure exerted until finally only a deformed mass remained. of meat, he was so happy to survive the horrible experience that he almost laughed until he


The captain immediately straightened up to find out what had happened to the filly.

And saw her run towards the mass of meat


I scream with agonizing pain

Only then did she realize the shape of the corpse (or what was left of it) resembled a pony.

He, who swore to serve and protect all ponies, had killed an innocent

Her shock was so much that at no time did he realize what was being done to him from behind.

He couldn't do anything when the creature pierced her chest with one of her legs sinking her slowly.

The last thing the captain would see would be the face of the fox

and her smile

"Ca- coff coff cadance"

The zorua began to bury his claw deeper in what he said his last words almost causing him to choke on his blood

"I am sorry"

And life left her body

"Well...that was dramatic"

The zorua took her claw out of him and backed away from his body halfway to the filly until she almost fell face first in the street

"That damn unicorn, really hurt me"

He could feel his blood on his muzzle and a sharp pain in his chest.

"I really hope I don't have anything broken"

He thought as he approached the filly and gave her a look

She was paralyzed with fear

"Come to think of it maybe I can have some fun with her after all she's only a head smaller than me"

As he pulled me closer I could see the look of terror on his face which again only gave me more pleasure.

I was about to unleash all my desires on her until it was all over

It was a blink of an eye

And a wave with the colors of the rainbow

And everything returned to normal, the sky returned to its natural color, the flames died out, all things transformed into sweets returned to their natural form, everything except the corpses

Look at my body all covered in blood and intestines of ponies

And I vomited, in less than ten seconds I had emptied all the contents of my stomach, among the remains I only saw red, some pieces of bone and an eye of a pony that I had killed before

The view didn't help me feel better

I looked once more at the filly and this time I felt no pleasure, the way she looked at me made me feel disgusted with myself, it was the same look that the first pony I killed gave me

I ran

And I ran, as fast as I could without paying attention to my injuries, the time or my direction

I just ran through the city, through the field and through the forest until finally both physical and mental fatigue got the better of me and I passed out.