• Published 7th Aug 2022
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BitHub: Where the world builds software, and where Twilight Sparkle makes life more complicated for herselves.

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sparklelabs / thaumics

History for thaumics / experimental_logs / midnight_notes.txt

-o- Commits on May 1, 2016

Establishing midnight_notes
tsparkle committed 6 weeks ago
Not showing 1 other changed file with 8 deletions.

- 1 + Against my better judgement, this file will be used to communicate with the entity known as Midnight Sparkle. Who clearly is a distinct enough individual to get her own BitHub account.
- 2 +
- 3 + She also apparently caused me to dream of her erasing my friends from existence while proclaiming that she wants to claim all magic for herself. Her interest in this field of study could be said to be... significant.

-o- Commits on May 2, 2016

Allow me to clarify
msparkle committed 6 weeks ago

- 4 +
- 5 + Look, that wasn't what I meant to do. Just because I can reach you in dreams doesn't mean lucid dreaming is easy. I was just trying to establish a connection, hash things out after the Friendship Games, let you know about the somnambulism. (I'm calling it somnambulism, anyway. You're asleep, your body's walking. I'm just the one steering it.)
- 6 +
- 7 + Unfortunately, our respective mental images of each other bled into our behavior. You were a disgustingly normal teenage girl more focused on her friends than what really matters, and I was a crazed madwoman whose scientific repertoire began and ended at destructive testing. With minimal actual testing. Which is reductive but, I have to admit, not exactly inaccurate.
- 8 +
- 9 + So after that disaster, I decided the best way to get in touch with you without traumatizing you was through something equally private, but where we could both actually be rational.

And now what?
tsparkle committed 6 weeks ago

- 10 +
- 11 + Okay, you've made contact. You exist, and you can at least put on a facade of rationality and not wanting to destroy the universe to access and study a new one. Also you can control my body while I sleep. I suspected as much—how else could you type those commits?—but the confirmation is still more than a little concerning. All established, all taken into account, all filed away in the list of things I need to not think about to put on my own facade of almost functional humanity.
- 12 +
- 13 + So what do you actually want? Why go through all this trouble?

-o- Commits on May 3, 2016

Sparkle Labs application
msparkle committed 6 weeks ago
Not showing 4 other changed files with 62 additions & 13 deletions.

- 14 +
- 15 + Careful with all those repressed fears, Twily. It gets cramped down here when you treat your subconscious the way you treated your closet back when you refused to clean your room properly.
- 16 +
- 17 + But that's besides the point. I want what I've always wanted: To understand magic. Since you're on board with that goal and we've established what happens if I overstep my bounds, it behooves me to play nice with my only intellectual peer. Hence why I already made a few contributions tonight.
- 18 +
- 19 + Heh. "Behooves." We really should investigate Pinkie Pie more. That girl's cheer is an epidemiology paper waiting to happen.

Fine. For now.
tsparkle committed 6 weeks ago

- 20 +
- 21 + I'm going to grudgingly go along with this, on the condition that we don't drive me to collapse. I've already been noticing greater fatigue and muscle soreness during the day. Just because my mind is getting rest while you're in the proverbial driver's seat doesn't mean my body is. You've demonstrated that you have access to my memories, so you recall the incident in seventh grade. We won't get any work done from a hospital bed.
- 22 +
- 23 + Yes, I did back then, but this time we'll actually have visitors other than family and Moondancer.
- 24 +
- 25 + Speaking of memory, you should also recall Sunset insisting that studying Pinkie Pie never ends well.

-o- Commits on May 4, 2016

msparkle committed 6 weeks ago

- 26 +
- 27 + Fine, fine, I'll be gentle with the meat body. But do you have to bring up the golden girl? Seeing how much you fawn over her in your dreams is bad enough.

tsparkle committed 6 weeks ago

- 28 +
- 29 + I sincerely have no idea what you're talking about. Sunset's a friend, which is weird enough as it is.
- 30 +
- 31 + Besides, this document looks insane enough as it is. I don't need you turning it into some weird autobiographical gossip column.

-o- Commits on May 5, 2016

Suuuuure, Twily.
msparkle committed 6 weeks ago

- 32 +
- 33 + I know the gigabytes of evidence of your attraction to the male form are causing some bias, but we both know you're paying more attention to the expatriate horse than the rest of her hangers-on. Sexuality is a spectrum, Twily, not a hard binary.
- 34 +
- 35 + Honestly, this makes for an interesting psychological study. Would being attracted to the hero who thwarted your scheme for world destruction be considered a form of Stockhorse Syndrome? Not that it was your scheme, per se, but still.

Less-than-friendly reminder
tsparkle committed 6 weeks ago

- 36 +
- 37 + The only thing keeping me from racing to Sunset and begging her to take me to Equestria to get you magically extracted from my mind is my own goodwill. You have provided some helpful insights, but you are not indispensable to my research.
- 38 +
- 39 + It was my mind first, Midnight, and so is any ruthlessness you display. This is your first and only warning: Lay. Off.

-o- Commits on May 6, 2016

Holy neutrinos!
msparkle committed 6 weeks ago
Not showing 34 changed files with 1,072 additions & 298 deletions.

- 40 +
- 41 + Who cares about that, we just confirmed the Many Worlds Theory today! With our own counterpart! Who performed time travel! Which is possible! Questionable taste in women later, science now!

Showing 1-10 of 64 commits