• Published 7th Aug 2022
  • 1,875 Views, 85 Comments

Merge Request - FanOfMostEverything

BitHub: Where the world builds software, and where Twilight Sparkle makes life more complicated for herselves.

  • ...


sparklelabs / thaumics

History for thaumics / readme.txt

-o- Commits on May 1, 2016

Establishing midnight_notes
tsparkle committed 6 weeks ago
Not showing 1 other changed file with 3 additions.

4 - -
5 - - Look, Twily, do you want to have a virtual slapfight over two lines of text for the rest of your life, or do you want to actually resolve this problem? I'd like to get something productive done here.
6 - -
7 - - Even if I trusted you, why are you communicating with me through bit commits of all things?
8 - -
9 - - Based on past experience, you can ignore emails, text messages, sticky notes on the computer... I didn't even bother with social media. We both know you only made a MyStable account to humor Rarity and Pinkie Pie. The only ways I can communicate with you that you can't ignore are dreams and messing with the sanctity of a readme file that you don't plan on letting anyone else read.
10 - -
11 - - I can make something in experimental_logs. But I am still cleaning up this file.

-o- Commits on June 12, 2016

sshimmer committed 3 minutes ago

- 4 +
- 5 + Special thanks to Midnight Sparkle, without whom none of this would be possible. <3

Showing 11-12 of 12 commits

Author's Note:

Why git commits of all things? Because if my job demands as much time that could be better spent on horsewords as it does, it's giving something back whether it likes it or not.
(And no, you can't see multiple pull requests' detailed changes on a single file at once, but I have to make some adjustments for the sake of narrative flow.)

Also, the idea of a less hostile Midnight Sparkle continues to fascinate. Some credit definitely goes to Ninjadeadbeard's exploration of the concept.

Thanks for reading. As the description noted, this was a very experimental approach. I hope it worked out well enough.

Comments ( 42 )
RB_ #1 · Aug 7th, 2022 · · ·

FOME, I read horsewords to get away from the staleness of sifting through Github repos, you can't just dump something like this on me!

Jokes aside, very cute story, and certainly one of the most unique presentations I've seen. Good luck in the contest!

Absolutely exceptionally fun. I'm not as experienced with Github as many folks I'm sure will be but this was still coherent and great fun.

Also yay for polycules!

Not sure what I was expecting from this piece, but surprise Sciset is best Sciset.

As someone who has tried and utterly failed to understand Github and coding over the years, this was fun.

thank you for it and best of luck in the judging

I fully approve of this type of experiment. This was much more enjoyable than my experiences with Github.

I dunno if I'll try this type of notetaking myself, but I must say, you pulled it off extremely well and made it engaging. You are a brilliant mad genius and the idea of Nice!Midnight coexisting with SciTwi is an awesome avenue to explore :twilightsmile: How many storylines do you have, btw?

Good luck in the contest!

This was so good. ^^ Like with so much of EQG, Twilight's dual persona was woefully unexplored. Seeing Midnight Sparkle brought to life like this was a real joy :)

bit rebase mares-gone-wild
bit commit
bit push --force

Best use of bithub I've ever seen.

Such a clever idea, and good character work to go along with it! I’m typically not a fan of the text-message format but using the BitHub repo just oozes SciTwi’s character, and the pure effort you must have put in to get the formatting right gets a thumbs-up from me.

A good story indeed, even for someone like myself who doesn’t ship them :)

The Twilight/Midnight conversation was wonderful, and in an innovative format (for fiction, I mean).

And while the Twilight/Sunset conversation was in a more familiar style, it was just as good -- if not better.

I guess you mean Ninjadeadbeard's


Just checking.

Hmm, so Sunset got an account too! :heart:

I guess it's just a private repo for the two of them, instead of unleashing this onto the world. I wonder if Moondancer and others are following Twilight on Bithub...

This was great! Almost made me feel like I was at work, but then I got invested. You scoundrel.

The Sciset shipper strikes again! Fun Midnight Sparkle. Me likey.

I don't even know what GitHub is or does, but I was able to understand this story well enough to figure out what was going on. So I'd say you'd succeeded.

11324211 11324952 11324293
Very glad to hear this made sense to those less familiar with the service...

11324196 11324316 11324477 11324794
... and was still an enjoyable read for those too familiar with it. :derpytongue2:

Oh, I stopped trying to keep track of all the different offshoot timelines I've created long ago. It's more fun to just make them on an as-needed basis.

But yeah, I can't recommend GitHub as a journal service.

The writers' failure to explore the material's deeper implications just mean that I have more opportunity to do so.

The key was remembering that the [mono] tag exists. [code] wouldn't allow any additional formatting.

I try not to be obnoxious with my OTP, but I still have it.


As has been noted, this is at least semi-canon.

A bonus grumpy sleepy Sunset Shimmer? I'll take it!


Spellfire Goggles UR

I'll take this too, thanks! :raritystarry:

I know nothing of github, but this was delightful.



Just wrapped this up, and definitely got a chuckle and a smile out of me (especially the comments from all of my fellow programmers, I didn't know there were so many on this site).

Thanks for the fun read!

fun little story

Another excellent take on this concept. Honestly, FOME, it's incredibly impressive how you can take the shimmer and sci-twi ship and make it sail in so many different ways, each one unique and clever in it's own way.

Will you do a sequel? This is going to be a fun concept if you keep this up!

Have no clue of this computer speak, and am happy that at least this story dumb it way down for the rest of us non code nerds.

This was so very in character for Twilight. Who else would communicate with their personal demon through a Github repo? Also, formatting the story must have been a huge PITA, but it turned out so authentic that I felt like I was back at work already🙃

Ow my eyes. Reading this on mobile is a nightmare.

Work never ends, sprints are forever

According to a tweet from Ishi Rudell, Timber is “17–18”, presumably at the time he and Twi meet. Assuming they meet during the summer break between Twi’s junior and senior years, which seems most likely, that would make him anywhere from the same age as, up to a year older than, her. (A senior in high school generally is 17 to 18 years old, though of course Sunset is an exception, being a couple of years older according to another tweet from Mr. Rudell.)

If I'm honest, I wanted more discussion about the science of magic.
Comeone pone, I know you digi-hang with a physicist.

This was a fantastic read!

Thanks for the fascinating read.

- 5 + Special thanks to Midnight Sparkle, without whom none of this would be possible. <3


this was an absolutely delightful piece. loved the format, loved the characters, loved what the story did with the fascinating idea of Midnight Sparkle learning to share a body with Twilight. this was definitely one of my favorites from the contest, thank you so much for it!

Aw yeah I love fic that uses unusual formatting AND a cool take of Midnight Sparkle made this excellent. Had a lot of fun reading.

Whoops, missed this one last year. Good thing I found it now, thanks to evelili's comments about this inspiring her.

Good stuff! And Sunset's utterly take-it-in-stride reaction to Twi nervously admitting a crush was hilarious.

Also, the gift horse line? Intensely cheesy, to be sure, but also pretty much perfect in context and in chatacter!


Fun presentation and I quite liked the story! I'm always a fan of Midnight Sparkle and she was a delight here. Though I must say, I'd love to see what that version of Legend of Everfree looked like.

I've gotta say that I had way more fun with this than I ever expected to. Comedy/Drama-tagged stories seem to run the risk of leaning too heavily into one aspect and leaving the other feeling hollow (doubly so when the Romance tag is thrown in there as well), but you strike a fantastic balance between the two genres here. It’s a nice little character piece and, for all the lack of Big Drama™, I was kept hooked just from wanting to see the next interaction between the two.

I’m also an absolute sucker for stories delivered in a unique format, and this absolutely delivers on that front. But more than that, you use the formatting of the story itself to enhance the narrative, and that’s just… chef’s kiss. From Twilight’s initial gush-then-rein-herself-in to the obvious difference in narrative voice between her and Midnight, it’s really clear you’ve used the oddities of the story structure to such great effect.

Hell, using the timestamps in Sunset Shimmer to piece together that Midnight pushed her commits during the wee hours, Twilight then checked them as soon as she woke up, then panicked over it until Sunset woke up much later, misspelling words and all, that’s absolute genius, and shows a real dedication to both the medium you’ve used and how they’d impact each character. Wonderful.

The only thing I can even think to complain about is that some of Twilight’s commit messages are atrocious.

…and are pretty much on par with some of the commit messages I’ve written over the years.

…okay dammit I’ll give you this one :rainbowlaugh:

And finally, aww, a happy ending. Sunset gets her own Bithub account <3! For real though, it’s a great kind of happy ending – pretty subtle and tells the reader more with what’s not written. It’s sap that you need to pay attention to in order to appreciate, and left me with a smile. Thanks!

Read this months ago but neglected to write a review.

This was a really fun story that made good use of the format, and it made a lot of sense as a way for Twilight and Midnight to interact. Also some cute SciSet.

I appreciated the switch to text messages near the end, and the use of a reversion at the end ('coz otherwise git would have been just a gimmick in the opening chapter). I have no memory of this Midnight Sparkle character. What was she in?

Midnight Sparkle is human Twilight's contribution to the Equestria Girls trend of "the villain is a human hopped up on way more magic than she can handle," first seen in the climax of Friendship Games and tormenting Twilight throughout Legend of Everfree as an ambiguous blend of externalized trauma, malicious tulpa, and lingering dark magic corruption.

Huh. Looks like I forgot to watch those. :derpytongue2:

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