• Published 7th Aug 2022
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BitHub: Where the world builds software, and where Twilight Sparkle makes life more complicated for herselves.

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sparklelabs / thaumics

History for thaumics / experimental_logs / midnight_notes.txt

-o- Commits on June 1, 2016

Camp Everfree prep
tsparkle committed 11 days ago
Not showing 3 other changed files with 17 additions & 4 deletions.
- 196 +
- 197 + I realize it's a bit late to ask with the trip coming up this weekend, but just to be sure, you'll be okay with not being able to get to the lab for a while, right?

-o- Commits on June 2, 2016

msparkle committed 10 days ago
- 198 +
- 199 + What do you take me for, Twily, some kind of science addict?
- 200 + ...
- 201 + I'm going to leave that there as a reminder that even my intellect isn't flawless. Yes, I'll be fine. Go have fun at summer camp; I'll be along for the ride whether I want to be or not. Better that we recapture some of the childhood we spent in the library now than when we're in our forties and embarrassing our grad students.

-o- Commits on June 5, 2016

Initial post-geode assessment
tsparkle committed 7 days ago
Not showing 29 other changed files with 538 additions & 217 deletions.
- 202 +
- 203 + Okay. So. We have a lot to unpack. To review, in roughly chronological order:
- 204 + 1. Sunset doesn't snore, but she does sometimes snort or whinny in her sleep, and she can forget how many legs she has when she wakes up. (Before you say anything, this is important xenopsychological data for transmutation-induced body dysphoria.)
- 205 + 2. You genuinely are a science addict and literally cannot go two nights without revealing yourself and prompting an incredibly awkward conversation about our mental cohabitation.
- 206 + 3. Our friends are far more understanding than you give them credit for, especially Sunset.
- 207 + 4. Magic does appear to exist in our world, or at least did at one point, going by what I have tentatively dubbed the "Stump of Harmony."
- 208 + 5. We're not the only example of magic addiction; I hesitate to even write this with only two data points, especially in light of the above point, but it's possible that all humans exhibit this sort of behavior when exposed to magic. Which may have some worrying implications for our friends. (And yes, as per Point 3 above, they're your friends as well.)
- 209 + 6. We now have an on-demand source of magic we can use for testing purposes without needing to bring in the entire Rainbooms. Though at least soundproofing the garage lab proved useful for keeping Mom and Dad from worrying in general.
- 210 + 7. For you, telekinesis has to be a privilege, not a right. And I'm never watching another Space Wars movie if they're going to give you ideas. (This doesn't have any scientific import to it, but it bears repeating. I still can't believe you tried to to do that to Gloriosa!)
- 211 + 8. I have a boyfriend somehow? Still not sure how that happened. Or how Timber feels about you existing. (Yes, that one doesn't have much scientific import to it either, but I can use all the help I can get there and Cadence isn't available until this weekend at the earliest.)
- 212 +
- 213 + Anything you'd like to add?

-o- Commits on June 6, 2016

msparkle committed 6 days ago
- 214 +
- 215 + Seriously? That's your takeaway from all of this? Not that you've been taken in by half a dozen madwomen with all the self-preservation of lemmings? (And yes, I know those lemmings were forced off that cliff for that documentary THAT'S NOT THE POINT!)
- 216 +
- 217 + Their archnemesis was right there, puppeting the girl they thought they knew, and they just... just brought her in as one of the girls! Oh hey Midnight, long time no see, how have you been, thanks for not tearing apart reality this time, no offense, hyuk hyuk hyuk.
- 218 +
- 219 + It makes no sense! I am a threat to them and everything they hold dear! Shimmer should've blasted me with sunlight the moment she realized you weren't the one taking water samples from the lake for the sake of having something to do! And yes, I realize that she can't do that now, but I didn't then! I always figured she just didn't want to alarm the rest of the group with her unfathomable power.
- 220 +
- 221 + But she just... Well, she clearly wanted to punch me in the face, but she actually talked to me. She actually listened. She actually believed me enough that she talked to you about it in the morning.
- 222 +
- 223 + And you, you blithering idiot, actually confirmed it! And she, even more idiotically, just accepted that we've actually come to a mutually agreeable arrangement! And then the OTHERS found out and it was just a good feeling jamboree up until the random mishaps started escalating.
- 224 +
- 225 + How is it that out of all of you, only Rainbow Dash had the presence of mind to even suspect I might be behind that?
- 226 +
- 227 + And then! Then! When we trailed Timber to that cave and Gloriosa went full war dryad and you got knocked out, then Sunset literally trusted her life to me! Me! The one who tried to blast her to leptons for daring to stand in the way of my quest for knowledge.
- 228 +
- 229 + How does anyone ever possibly trust anyone after something like that? This isn't the Prisoner's Dilemma, this is doing a lion tamer act with some random big cat you find on the savannah and having it work! Your friends are crazy, Twilight. Everyone at this school is crazy!
- 230 +
- 231 + By the way, Timber's still not the one you dream of.

Deep breaths, Midnight.
tsparkle committed 6 days ago
- 232 +
- 233 + I figured it was bad when I woke up in your cold sweat, but I see we have even more to unpack than I thought.
- 234 +
- 235 + What you observed is friendship in action, Midnight. I guess you've been glossing over most of the last month, because the girls have been showing me that unbelievable forgiveness this whole time. It's just who they are. Especially Sunset.
- 236 +
- 237 + I never bothered trying to convince you to change your mind about her; I thought you were just being stubborn about your first impression being wrong. (A lot like how you're insisting they should have tried to destroy you because that would fit your expectations, actually.) But I'd assumed you were at least paying attention to them as she was there for me, and I apologize for that.
- 238 +
- 239 + The Sunset I've seen in these past weeks isn't some unapproachable angel. She's not impossibly pure or filled with divine serenity. She snorts at dumb comedies. She always leave her queen's rook exposed in chess. She makes angry horse noises at her guitar if she can't get a riff right. She's as human as you or I am, even if she was born a unicorn. And she made a mistake as big as ours.
- 240 +
- 241 + She understands us, Midnight. I think she even kind of envies us. She never had a chance to make friends with her shadow. I'm glad I did. And I know she'll be happy to get to know you better as well. I propose we work on more ways to allow you to communicate with everyone without me going unconscious. Agreed?
- 242 +
- 243 + Also, what do you mean Timber's not the one I dream of? If not him, then who?

-o- Commits on June 7, 2016

You absolute sap
msparkle committed 5 days ago
- 244 +
- 245 + I'm crying. You're actually getting me to tear up reading this dreck. This shouldn't be possible. None of this makes any logical sense whatsoever. The shadow archetype isn't even an accepted psychological concept anymore!
- 246 +
- 247 + But that last question... Ugh, if it weren't for that, I'd still be going in my arbitrary skepticism spiral, I just know it. It can't be possible because I say it's impossible, and clearly I'm the ultimate authority on everything that can and cannot be.
- 248 +
- 249 + Your question on line 243 demonstrates something undeniable: You can be incredibly dense. Therefore, so can I. Confronted as I am with such irrefutable evidence of my own obliviousness, I must accept it and look back on what I missed. At which point it all became obvious. Looking back, I want to smack myself for my own irrationality. Not that our friends are any better, but at least they can accept new information that runs counter to their expectations. Some of them, anyway.
- 250 +
- 251 + The big problem was one of my own assumptions. (Sound familiar?) You may not have been judging me solely by my utility in the lab, but I was. After all, if I wasn't helping you, why would you keep me around? It clearly wasn't worth the risk. Liking me as a person clearly couldn't be part of it.
- 252 +
- 253 + I... think I may have inherited some issues you're moving past, Twilight. I wholeheartedly support getting me to interact with the others more. At the very least, I'll pay more attention while you're with them. I've clearly been missing a lot.

Glad to hear it
tsparkle committed 5 days ago
- 254 +
- 255 + I'm very happy to hear that, and I'm sure the others will be too. But you still didn't answer my question. And given how my apparent density was critical in your personal epiphany, I'd really like to know what it is I'm missing.

-o- Commits on June 8, 2016

Wow, Twily. Wow.
msparkle committed 4 days ago
- 256 +
- 257 + You're serious?

Tell me already!
tsparkle committed 4 days ago
- 258 +
- 259 + Yes! And I'm not the only one! You saw Sunset break up the betting pool over it yesterday when I asked everyone. So what, oh wise Midnight, am I overlooking?

-o- Commits on June 9, 2016

For the love of...
msparkle committed 3 days ago
- 260 +
- 261 + Go back and read what you wrote about Sunset around line 239. Think about who you catch yourself staring at. Consider the last time you so much as sent Timber a text message.
- 262 +
- 263 + Twilight, I'm not saying this to tease you or taunt you because you think you're romantically undesirable. Timber's a walking, blockheaded counterexample there. But if you had more of a crush on that girl, you'd turn her into a neutron star. Your endocrine system may be infatuated with the first cute boy who swapped mineral fun facts with you, but your heart belongs to the angel who smacked some sense into me.

Showing 51-60 of 64 commits