• Published 14th Sep 2022
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Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale - BronySonicFan

Living in Maretime Bay, our Pony BESTIES are having a ton of fun together! And with so many Mobians in the crew: Adventures, wacky situations and tons of more fun are guaranteed!

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53. As The Misty Clears - Part 1

In the middle of a hill, behind some bushes, and not so far from the Crystal Brighthouse, Misty was having an internal crisis.

She had on her right hoof a puppet of herself with an 'evi' face and with the necklace Opaline gave her.

"Get dragon fire for Opaline!" Misty said as her puppet with a slightly deeper voice. "Evil laugh!" she added, as her puppet started to actually laugh as evil as Misty could make it.

Then, she brought with her left hoof another puppet of herself, one with a more friendly face and without the necklace.

"No! Be loyal to your friends!" Misty said as the left puppet with a high pitched tone. "Happy laugh!" she added, as she started to laugh more nervous than happy.

It was clear that she was starting to doubt between remaining loyal to Opaline, and therefore Eggman, or if she should remain loyal to her friends, despite being spying them for quite a while now...

However, as she kept laughing nervously, a voice behind her startled her. "Hey, Misty!" Sunny greeted happily, and Misty got so nervous that she quickly shook her hooves and removed the puppets. "What you doing?" Sunny asked with a smile.

As she did so, the rest of the Mane 5 and Team Sonic arrived as well, although Zipp and Knuckles seemed to have a raised eyebrow at her attitude.

Misty got even more nervous at the rest arriving, so she quickly started to hide her puppets with some leaves in the ground. "Uh... Just, uh..." she said nervously, getting up from the floor and grabbing a bit of grass with her hoof. "Admiring this grass!" she said, still nervously, before smelling the grass she grabbed. "Mmm! Green!" she added with a sheepish smile.

Of course, this made everyone but Izzy look at Misty with weird expressions, and Knuckles even glared a bit at her, feeling like something was definitely off with her.

"No inner struggle between good and evil over here!" Misty added again, still with a sheepish smile.

"That was... utterly specific..." Sonic pointed out, rubbing his chin and raising an eyebrow.

Then, Misty's necklace started to act up right in front of the rest, startling her and making her panic.

And so, the necklace opened to show Opaline's face coming out. "Misty, where are you––" she tried to ask, but at this, Misty quickly grabbed her and putted her back in the necklace.

Opaline grunted at this, while Misty looked around nervously, and the others were completely confused by this... They either didn't knew who came out of the necklace, or they didn't noticed, but instead felt confused on why her necklace was moving and making this weird sounds.

Well, everyone expect for Izzy. She just kept smiling.

"I'm... cleansing it's... uh..." Misty started to say, as the necklace moved around and tried to call Opaline again. "Energy?" she added nervously.

"Love a good energy cleanse!" Izzy said with a smile, before bringing some brushes and put on sparkling eyes. "Can I help?!" she asked excited.

However, Misty kept struggling with keeping the necklace in place. "Nope!" she replied with a smile, still grunting to hold the necklace. "All good!" she assured, before grunting again. "I got it!" she stated.

But the rest didn't seemed to believe she got it, not even Izzy this time around, who seemed to whimper and put on a sad and confused look as well.

As for the rest, they seemed startled at her attitude, and now Pipp was glaring at her as well.

"There's something strange about that necklace..." Zipp pointed out with a concerned expression. "You've been acting kinda weird lately..." she added.

A few days ago, Sparky was giving Hitch and Knuckles some trouble around the Station.

The three of them had toilet paper around, with Sparky holding a piece on his hand and running around happily, while Hitch and Knuckles had toilet paper all over their bodies, as they chased down the baby dragon.

Unknown to them, however, Misty was hiding inside of an old and rusty clock, walking around the station and sticking to the walls so she wouldn't rise suspicions, as she smiled inside the clock and wrote down everything he saw on her notebook.

Another day, Sparky was near a garbage can, sipping happily a smoothie.

However, he didn't noticed that Misty was sneaking behind him and over Knuckles' desk, as she was wearing a classic black thief suit; with the cape, the mask, and even the little hat.

She prepared herself and jumped, hoping to catch Sparky... But instead, she landed on the trash can.

Misty got dizzy eyes at this, while Sparky kept happily sipping on his smoothie. However, he looked to the trash can and noticed Misty, feeling confused on how she got there in the first place.

Another day, Knuckles was alone at the station with Sparky on his head.

The echidna seemed to be wearing headphones and listening to music as he also cleaned around the messed up station.

Misty, who was hiding behind Hitch's desk, decided to take advantage of Knuckles hearing music to take Sparky away from him.

"Here I come, rougher than the rest of them. The best of them, tougher than leather" Knuckles started to rap, as he brushed the floor, while Sparky on his head wore sunglasses and bobbed his head as the echidna rapped.

While he did so, Misty tried to approach and grab Sparky... but that ended up making her face get hit by the brush, because Knuckles was twirling it around as he cleaned.

"You can call me Knuckles, unlike Sonic I don't chuckle, I'd rather flex my muscles" Knuckles kept singing, as he twirled the brush again and hit Misty on her flank by mistake.

This made the unicorn to yelp, and to rub her slammed back with a painful expression, before getting hit by the brush on her face again, as Knuckles spun on his place while extending the brush.

"My heart is nails, it ain't hard to tell, I break 'em down whether they're solid or frail" Knuckles rapped more, as he then grabbed a vacuum cleaner and ride it like a cowboy.

Sparky on his head laughed happily as they both moved around the station with the vacuum cleaner, while Misty panicked and threw herself through the window, landing in a bunch of bushes outside the station.

"Unlike the rest I'm independent since my first breath. First test, feel the right, than the worst's left" Knuckles finished rapping, as the station shone bright by how clean it was left.

Meanwhile, Misty popped her head out of the bushes with a dizzy expression, also having some leaves on her mane.

Finally, Hitch was putting all his pens in a perfectly manner, walking away with a satisfied look.

However, as he did that, Misty came from below his desk and moved one of the pens, hiding again with a mischievous look on her face.

All of what I just told was recorded by Zipp on her phone.

Yes, even Knuckles dancing around the station.

Hitch looked at Zipp's phone with shock, since he didn't expected Misty of all ponies to move the pen like she did.

"That was you?!" Hitch asked Misty with shock and anger.

Misty looked at him a bit scared, as she gulped and smiled sheepishly. "Pretty funny, huh?" she said, now laughing nervously and looking around helpless.

Of course, Hitch only looked at her with a frown. "Yes. Ha, ha, ha..." he laughed falsely, also rolling his eyes.

"I don't know how to feel about the fact that you recorded me" Knuckles told Zipp with a frown.

"I thought you said you hated that song?" Sonic asked Knuckles confused, even if he did wanted to mock him up for singing that out loud.

"Oh, I do hate it. But it's also to catchy to ignore" Knuckles pointed out, still frowning.

"Whatever you say, Knucklehead" Sonic mocked up, and Knuckles rolled his eyes.

"You know, I would normally say she's just overreacting over stuff as always... But I gotta agree with Zipp this time around" Tails commented with his arms crossed. "You are acting weird, Misty" he pointed out.

"Right–– Wait! What do you mean I'm overreacting as always?!" Zipp asked Tails with a frown.

"Do I tell you the truth or are we still friends?" Tails replied with a bored expression.

"Regardless of her antics, Zipp's right" Sunny pointed out as well, as she started to approach Misty. "Why don't you just take it off for a little bit?" she asked.

As she said this, she slowly approached her hoof to Misty's necklace, which startled the unicorn, as she stepped back with a jump. "No!" she shouted, holding her necklace with a hoof and smiling sheepishly again. "I-I can't take it off. It's... It's really special to me" she said nervously.

The rest just stared at her even more confused than before after she did that, and Sunny's eyes widened at how she shouted when denying to take off the necklace.

"Now, if you don't mind, I've got errands to run!" Misty stated, as she quickly turned around and ran away without explaining further.

Both Sunny and Tails raised their hoof/hand at her, but no word came out of their mouths as Misty ran away.

On the other hand, Zipp seemed to suspect something over Misty's necklace, rubbing her chin with a hoof as she glared at Misty's figure, that became less and less visible as she trotted away.

Several minutes after running away later, Misty finally stopped.

She was sweating a lot and panting heavily, but she also sighed relieved after running away from the rest. "That was too close!" she said with a concerned expression.

"Misty!" Eggman's voice startled her, and she jumped on her place, falling backwards over a bush.

Misty got herself out of said bush, with leaves once again on her mane, and she groaned frustrated, before shaking her head to remove the leaves and look at the robotic ladybug on her ear with a frown. "Dad–– I mean, Ivo–– I MEAN! Doctor!" she complained.

"Oh, uh... Sorry, kiddo" Eggman apologized. "I just wanted to check if you were alright. Those punny ponies and those rodents almost caught you this time..." he pointed out with a concerned tone.

"Don't mention it..." Misty said with a nervous tone and look. "No, seriously. Please don't mention it anymore, specially to Opaline!" she begged.

"I got your back, Misty. Opaline won't find out. But you have to be more careful from here on. We don't wanna risk nor your alibi as our spy, nor our intentions. Just stay hidden, alright?" Eggman instructed.

"Okay..." Misty replied with a down expression.

As the conversation ended, she looked up again, and then, she felt surprised when she saw an orange tree with some black berries, ironically called Shadow Berries.

"Oh, Shadow Berries! They're Opaline's favorites!" Misty said with a smile.

After that, she went over and tried to climb over the tree to grab one of the berries, but her necklace kept making her getting stuck on one of the tree branches, which made difficult for her to actually grab the berry.

So, she went back to the ground and removed her necklace, placing it over a rock in hopes that it'll be there by the time she grabbed the berry.

"Don't. Move!" Misty said to the necklace, before turning around and going back to the tree.

However, as she did so, Tails' hand grabbed the necklace, and he hid under a bunch of bushes after that.

"Aw, man... I hate to do this to Misty, but... Zipp is right" Tails muttered with concern. "Something's wrong with this thing, and I'm gonna find out what it is..." he stated.

Meanwhile, Misty went back to the tree and managed to grab one of the Shadow Berries, smiling as she walked back to the rock where she left the necklace.

"She's gonna love me for at least five minutes when she sees these!" Misty said happily with sparkling eyes and a chuckle.

"My god, Misty...." Eggman spoke suddenly through the ladybug, but this time he didn't startled her. "Once you get here, we're doing some family therapy on how wrong that statement is..." he stated with concern.

Misty rolled her eyes and shrugged, but as soon as she looked at the rock where she placed her necklace, she gasped in horror when she saw it was gone. "Necklace?!" she called out in panic. "Where are you?! I said don't move!" she shouted.

Then, she moved some leaves in the ground, even throwing some in the air, but not looking at her necklace around, she started to tear up in panic.

Back in the Crystal Brighthouse, Tails managed to return with the necklace without being noticed by Misty.

So, he went over to his area of the bedroom and started to make several analysis to the necklace. However, his computer just sent an 'Error' message, which confused Tails. So, he tried to make the analysis again, but the message appeared again.

Seeing that this was more complicated than just analyzing the necklace with his computer, he decided to get his hands dirty. That's why, he putted some brown gloves over his regular ones, as well as some googles, and then he grabbed the necklace with hand. Then, he grabbed some tweezers and used them to open the 'eye' of the necklace.

However, this seemed to do nothing for a moment. Emphasis on that last word, because as soon as Tails turned the necklace around to see the back part, some kind of purple laser came out and hit a pencil, that first turned into a darker one before just falling out as a pile of dust.

At this, Tails' eyes widened, so he closed the 'eye' of the necklace, and quickly went downstairs, removing his brown gloves and his googles in the process.

Once he was down, he placed the necklace on a table in the living room, with everyone else already gathered around it.

"So?" Sonic asked Tails with a raised eyebrow.

"Let's just say that this thing is magical, and... It's completely out of my league..." Tails replied with concern. "Not only my computer keeps sending an 'Error' message, but the necklace itself seems to have some defensive mechanism that puts my live in danger..." he explained.

"I'm telling you: Something's not right with this thing!" Zipp said with a frown, as she touched the necklace with her hoof.

Then, Izzy came by and putted some googles before checking the necklace closer. "On the one hoof, it has signs of something evil!" she said, now grabbing the necklace and staring at it with a frown.

"Say no more!" Knuckles shouted with a frown, as he raised his arm and charged his fist with electricity... just to be stopped by Izzy and her magic. "Aw, come on!" he complained.

"On the other hoof, it's super shiny!" Izzy added with a smile and sparkling eyes, as she stared at the necklace.

Of course, this also made her let go of Knuckles, who landed facewards on the ground with a grunt.

After this, Izzy decided to put the necklace just for the sake of using it... But that made the necklace's eye open again, which made Izzy's eyes go from their natural purple to red.

This made everyone feel a bit nervous, as they all started to sweat and looked at each other.

"Um... Izz?" Sonic decided to call out, approaching her and bopping her cheek a few times. "You okay, buddy?" he asked with a sheepish smile.

However, Izzy's forehead got a bit darker, and the unicorn mare started to laugh sinisterly, which made the rest panic, and Sonic stepped back several steps after that.

Then, Izzy caught a microphone that came from... I don't know... Pony heaven? The point is that she grabbed a microphone and removed her googles. "Hey, I'm Izzy. Here's a stupid poem!" she said suddenly with a frown, startling her friends since she never used that word before.

"Perhaps Eggman's conquering the world today because... IZZY'S FREAKING SWEARING!" Sonic said with panic, shaking Tails violently. "Well, 'stupid' is not swearing, BUT STILL!" he pointed out, freaking out again.

"Earth pony smell and pegasi stink!" Izzy started to recite, while getting closer to Pipp's face with a frown, which made Pipp feel nervous. "They all take baths in the kitchen sink!" she kept reciting, now walking literally to the kitchen's sink and jumping over it, splashing some water in the process.

Then, she got off the sink and walked madly towards her crafting corner, while Knuckles sat down on the floor and rubbed his head in pain. However, it didn't took long for him to notice Izzy's strange change of attitude, and he frowned with worry as he stared at his girlfriend. "What the..." he muttered concerned.

"Also, crafting's totally lame!" Izzy added, as she smashed a horse made with pallets with her hoof.

At this, both Sunny and Knuckles gasped, but the latter did it in a very dramatic way, almost sounding like a girlish cry and not a gasp.

So, Knuckles approached Izzy, who was still smashing the pallet horse, and removed the necklace from her. "Keep my girl's innocence away from your bucking magic!" he shouted, as he launched the necklace to the other side of the Brighthouse.

Once Izzy recovered her regular eyes color, as well as herself, she looked at what she did and gasped. "Sylvie Stickerton!" she cried out, as she hugged the now destroyed horse and tears came out of her eyes, while Knuckles hugged her with a worried frown, and Izzy buried her face on his chest.

"Its like it turns you into the opposite of who you truly are!" Sunny said with concern and a frown for a moment.

"We gotta get that thing out before it ends on anyone else!" Sonic said with a frown, also pointing at the necklace.

However, said necklace opened its 'eye', and it started to float on its own, staring straight at the Mane 5 and Team Sonic.

This made them gasp in horror, and sweat nervously, as the necklace moved around the floor like a snake preparing to catch their prey.

At this, Knuckles stood in front of his girlfriend with a frown, while Izzy hid behind her boyfriend and hugged him from the back. With the rest, Sonic, Sunny and Zipp were standing in front of Tails, Hitch and Pipp respectively, all trying to stay away from the necklace.

Finally, the magical object stopped moving, and it stared straight to Knuckles.

"That thing is some kind of Anti-Sparkle!" Knuckles cried out with panic.

Then, the necklace jumped and tried to land on Knuckles' neck. So, the echidna gulped, but then frowned and prepared to hit the object... Just to feel surprised when Hitch got in the middle instead, as the necklace landed on the Sheriff's neck.

"HITCH!!!" Sunny cried out with panic and worry.

Then, Hitch's eyes got red, and his forehead also got darker, as he smiled mischievously. "Rules? Who needs them?!" he declared with glee.

This made the rest gasp in fright, and Knuckles even got a twitchy eye after hearing that.

"Hitch... Don't you dare to––" Knuckles tried to say, with his eye still twitching.

"Pipp!" Hitch called out angrily, as he walked towards the younger pegasus, who gulped nervously and stepped back, also covering her face in case Hitch was going to cross a line. "Do more littering!" the sheriff instructed, as he brought a trash can and threw some litter in the floor.

Pipp kept sweating nervously, so she did what she was told to and started to throw litter in the floor.

"Yes! More!" Hitch instructed with an evil smile, as Pipp threw some more littler. "YES! MORE!" he instructed once again, and Pipp desperately threw litter in the air, while Hitch laughed like a maniac.

As this was happening, Knuckles stared at all the litter in the floor with shock and a twitchy eye, before he started to growl madly, as his eys turned red because of his powers. And then...

"You... TRAITOR!!!" Knuckles shouted with rage, red thunder coming out from his body.

Then, the echidna removed the necklace from the sheriff's neck, and stared at it with anger, as he prepared to smash the necklace into pieces, just for the necklace to get free from his grip and then get on his neck.

At this, his powers dissipated, but his eyes stood in color red, pretty much because of the necklace.

Everyone else gasped, and Izzy even tried to approach him, but Tails stepped in and hold her back, both afraid and sad that Knuckles had the necklace now...

But any kind of fear and worry went away when Knuckles fell facewards to the ground again, just that this time around it made him snore loudly and lay in the floor without moving.

The rest blinked a few times, looking at each other and everything, before looking back at Knuckles, lying on the floor.

"... Well... I was not expecting that kind of response..." Sonic said with a cringed expression.

"I mean, if that thing is an Anti-Sparkle, and Knuckles is usually a guy that likes to work constantly, no matter what kind of work it is... Yeah, him being lazy totally suits this change of attitude..." Tails pointed out.

However, the necklace seemed to agree that this was too lazy, because it got out of Knuckles on its own, before landing on Pipp's neck.

This made everyone else gasp, and Sonic even got a twitchy eye, while Knuckles stood up from the ground suddenly and looked around with a panicked expression. "What the heck just happened?!" he shouted in panic, but then he noticed that Pipp had the necklace now. "Oh..." he said with shock and terror.

Pipp, on the other hand, yelped and tried to get the amulet off her neck, but she failed miserably, because her eyes turned red, and she gave an evil laugh. "Anyone for a song?" she asked maniacally, before bringing out a four-base metal guitar and play a lough solo with two big speakers, which made all the glass shatter.

At this, everyone covered themselves from the sound, except for Sonic and Knuckles, with the latter just staring with a mix of a blank and confused expression at Pipp, while Sonic covered his mouth while his eyes sparkled and his cheeks showed a slight shade of red.

"... Okay, but hear me out––" Sonic tried to say, as he pointed with his hands together at the still possessed by the amulet pegasus.

"No... Sonic, just no..." Knuckles immediately replied, still staring at Pipp.

As for Pipp herself, she smashed the guitar into the ground, breaking it and giving another evil laugh, before taking off the amulet and twirl it a bit just to toss it away, turning her back to normal. "Huh?" she gasped, bringing out her compact mirror and seeing her reflection, just to feel utterly shocked at seeing her messed up mane. "What just happened to me?!" she asked to the rest in panic.

"I discovered I like sides of you everyone else considers questionable..." Sonic managed to reply with a sheepish smile, while Knuckles looked at him with pure anger.

"... I'm sorry, what?" Pipp asked confused.

"Tails..." Knuckles called out with anger.

"I'll do it..." Tails replied with a bored expression, before fly a bit in the air, and then use his powers to create a bat.

The next thing that happened? The entire Brighthouse shook for a reason, and a loud 'bonk' sound was heard.

"OUCH!!!" Sonic shouted in pain inside the building.

"NO HORNY!" both Tails and Knuckles said with anger.

Meanwhile, not so far from the Crystal Brighthouse, Misty was looking everywhere for the necklace.

Even Eggman decided to help by sending the robotic ladybug to take a quick fly around the forest near the Brighthouse, using the small robot's scanner to look for the necklace. Yet, he had no luck, so the ladybug flew back with Misty.

Speaking of her, she got her head inside of a log to look after it, but of course, it wasn't in there, so she grunted as she pulled her face away from the log and took a deep breath to catch her air. "It can't have just disappeared!" she pointed out with concern, before noticing that the robotic ladybug came back. "Did you got any luck, dad–– I mean! Doctor!" she quickly corrected herself with a sheepish smile.

"I'm afraid I didn't, Misty..." Eggman replied with concern. "You shouldn't have removed that thing!" he pointed out.

"I know, I know! Please don't rub it in my face!" Misty begged with a desperate and concerned look. "Oh... Opaline's gonna be so mad!" she cried out, covering her face with her hooves.

"Not if we can find that damn amulet in time!" Eggman stated with a confident tone.

However, before any of them could say anything else, they heard Izzy’s indistinct shrieking coming from the Brighthouse. So, both of them looked at the building, noticing one of the windows broken, as well as Izzy's figure running by, some green substance splatting on the window, and a blue blur passing at super speed.

With that, the ladybug stood on Misty's ear again, as Misty herself covered her mouth with her hooves. "Oh no..." she muttered with panic.

"So those fools have your necklace... I don't like where this is going..." Eggman said with concern.

"Me neither!" Misty said with more panic, if that was even possible. "That necklace was specifically made for me because I have no magic nor Cutie Mark! But if those ponies have magic, and Tails and his friends have pow––" she tried to add, before her eyes widened. "I NEED TO GET IT BACK!" she screamed, before quickly rushing towards the Brighthouse.

Misty slammed the door open, and her panic escalated to levels she never thought even existed.

There was a weird smoke around the Brighthouse, coming out from the necklace that was over the living room's table, while the entire place was a mess.

If this wasn't enough, Izzy was stomping on one of her crafts with an evil smile, while Hitch came out of a pile of trash and threw litter all around. In a couch, Knuckles was just watching TV, as he carelessly scratched his belly and ate some junk food from a bag, not even caring about all the mess around.

Then, Pipp came over and laughed maniacally, while Sunny rushed to one side of the living room and grabbed some pictures, before throwing them into the floor. "Who..." she started, before tossing the figures of herself and Team Sonic that the latter group gave to her as a birthday gift, with a Misty figure included as well now, from the shelf they were on. "Needs..." she kept saying, before tossing some more pictures into the ground. "Teamwork?!" she finished with anger. "It's everypony for themselves!" she stated with a frown, before grabbing the picture she took with Sonic and the rest of the Mane 5 the day they finished the Brighthouse and tear it apart.

Then, in a corner of the room, Tails seemed to be quite busy with something, until he finished it and started to laugh like a maniac, standing up and turning around, showing off his red eyes and a really sinister smile that could only compare to that old 'Tails Doll' tale from Mobius.

"I finally have it... The key to rule the entire world!" Tails stated with a smile, laughing sinisterly in the process.

After saying this, he putted on what seemed to be some kind of backpack, and once he closed it with a brooch on his chest, he pressed the button that formed on it, which made his backpack turn into 7 large and mechanical tails, which only made him look more sinister, as he started to spin his natural tails, while 5 of the mechanical ones moved and formed some kind of throne for him, with the remaining two showing a pair of lasers.

"From now, you all shall adore me as... TAILS NINE!" Tails stated with another maniac laugh, as he started to fly around and shot lasers at a blue blur running really fast all around the brighthouse.

Then, we have Zipp, standing over a chair in the living room, and also wearing a tiara. "I'm the heir of the Zephyr Heights throne!" she stated with a more dominant and confident tone that would make her mom proud, if she wasn't possessed, of course. Also, Hitch kept throwing litter around. "Bow down before me!" Zipp demanded with a sinister smile.

However, her smile faded away when the blue blur snatched her tiara, and she touched her head, before panicking at noticing the tiara wasn't there.

"My... My tiara..." Zipp muttered in panic, as she got down from the couch and started to look for her tiara all around the floor, even throwing more litter in the process.

"Yes... YES! MORE LITTER! MORE!!!" Hitch said with glee, as he laughed maniacally, while Zipp kept throwing more litter, desperately searching for her tiara.

"Where is it? Where's my tiara?!" Zipp cried out with panic, a panic that turned into rage as she frowned in anger.

However, it didn't took long for her to hear a maniac laugh, so she turned around, just to find Sonic, standing over the second floor, as he laughs maniacally while twirling around Zipp's tiara in one finger.

Wanna know how maniac Sonic's laugh sounds? It's literally like hearing DC's Joker coming out and possessing Sonic.

"Oh? What's the matter, pretty girl? Are you looking for this?" Sonic asked with a mocking tone, as he moved the tiara with a hand and smiled really sinisterly.

"Hey! That's mine!" Zipp complained with anger.

"Oh, really?" Sonic asked, as his sinister smile grew wider. "Then go and get it, Zephyrina!" he stated with another maniac laugh, before throwing the tiara in the air, as it landed right in the top of a lamp, very high in the ceiling.

"Hey!" Zipp said with a frown. "You shouldn't have done that, you blue rat!" she added with rage.

"And what are you gonna do about it, your highness? Cry about it?!" Sonic mocked her up with a sinister smirk, before bursting out laughing once again. "With those chickening wings of yours, I doubt you can even reach me!" he added, pulling out his tongue and showing off an eye, before running away.

Zipp growled even more, as she flew to the ceiling and putted her crown back, before looking down at the blue blur running around once again. "You'll regret messing with the future Queen of Zephyr Heights!" she stated with anger.

However, she barely dodged a laser that almost hit her wing, and she looked at who launched said laser with more anger, while Tails, the one that launched the laser with his mechanical tails, looked at Zipp with a sinister grin.

"Oh, don't worry, Zephyrina. I'll make sure that blue pest is gone... When I'm done with you first!" Tails said with a twitchy eye and a maniac laugh.

After this, he started to launch a bunch of lasers towards Zipp, while the pegasus dodged them all with a confident smirk, even laughing at Tails' failed attempts as she did so.

"Is that the best you can do, you dwarf fox?" Zipp mocked up, as she kept dodging the attacks.

"You laugh now... But once I robotize you, the one bowing before me will be you!" Tails stated, as he kept shooting lasers while laughing maniacally.

Meanwhile, in the floor, Sonic went over and threw some litter in Hitch's way, making him trip and fall over his face, while Sonic laughed at him with joy.

Then, the hedgehog moved over to Izzy, who was using a her magic to tear apart some masks she made, before getting her face covered in glitter, which was thrown at her face by Sonic, who once again laughed and enjoyed messing with her, before going over with Sunny, as he simply putted a foot right where she was about to run.

In consequence, Sunny tripped and landed in a bunch of ripped pillows, while Sonic chuckled lowly, before he simply walked by Pipp and grabbed her bandana, extending it long enough not only for Pipp to complain in pain of her bandana being extended, but also when he let go the bandana, it slammed Pipp's face, and she, of course, yelped in pain.

This only made Sonic laugh even more maniacally, however, as he grabbed his head and laughed, laughed, and laughed more, while his forehead darkened, and everything that could be seen was his sinister smile as he kept laughing, and his now red eyes because of the effect of the necklace.

Misty was perplexed by everything going on around the Brighthouse, but it wasn't only how badly things were with the Mane 5 and Knuckles... What sacred her the most was how Tails was acting and talking like Eggman would do, while Sonic seemed to be completely insane and cruel with his own friends, and he was enjoying it.

Eggman himself also felt horrified by this. He was kind of surprised that Knuckles just turned into a lazy man, but considering how much he likes to work, it was also predictable. Yet, the fact that Tails was acting like him... He could definitely tell why Sonic wanted to stop him so badly. Not that, he would stop doing what he does, of course, but still... He has a new light now on why he does so.

But Sonic himself was his biggest concern... He turned literally into a Speedster Joker that loved to mess around with anyone around him, for no reason whatsoever. He simply liked to see them in pain... And that was no good.

"Let's see: The sheriff applied to the rules is now corrupted, the art lover hates it, the sweet pop star is now rude, the useless without friendship is now useful without friendship, the one who hates being a princess wants to be queen, the guy who loves to work is now lazy, the smart and kind one is now like me... I never thought I would say that... And the blue rat went from being Spider-Man with speed to the bucking Joker with The Flash powers..." Eggman pointed out.

"Oh no!" Misty cried out after Eggman said all of this, before looking at the necklace on the living room's table. "What are you doing to my friends?!" she asked with concern.

"Misty, listen carefully..." Eggman called out through the robotic ladybug, as said machine flew from her ear and stopped right in front of him.

However, as he was about to speak, Misty had to duck down at Sonic passing by, but Eggman's ladybug didn't managed to save itself, as it got hit by Sonic, and once it felt to the ground, it broke, before getting smashed by Izzy, as she was stomping over more of her creations.

"No!" Misty cried out when the ladybug got destroyed.

Unlike the necklace, the ladybug was a gift from Eggman, a little companion for her that would help the doctor to keep and eye on her and make sure Opaline's cruelty isn't getting the best of her... But now, that gift was destroyed, all because of Opaline and the necklace she gave to her.

But no more. Misty was tired of this. She reached her limit, and she wasn't allowing Opaline to hurt her, Eggman, or her friends.

So, with a determinate look, Misty hopped inside the Brighthouse, dodging some kind of cloud tentacles that came out of the smoke made by the amulet, while Izzy laughed maniacally and stomped on her craft. As Misty dodged another one of those tentacles, Hitch kept tossing litter in the air, and Knuckles kept eating snacks and watching TV.

Misty was getting closer to the necklace, when suddenly, a last tentacle headed towards her, with Opaline's laugh being heard on the background.

Yet, this did not intimidated Misty, as she jumped over the tentacle and the drifted in the floor, before stopping right in front of the necklace and grab it with her hoof. Then, she putted the necklace back, as it finally closed entirely, with all the smoke going into the necklace.

This made the Mane 5 and Team Sonic's eyes go back to normal, while they all gasped and looked on confused at what the heck where they doing. Sonic even stopped running and tripped on the floor.

"Whoa..." Sunny groaned, as she shook her head and looked around confused, also blinking a few times. "I do not feel like myself..." she confessed, as she stared at the scissors on her hoof and the picture she was about to cut.

"Aw, man..." Sonic groaned, as he stood up and looked around at all the mess made. "Uh... Did we threw a party with alcohol again? That's the only explanation I find for all of... this..." he pointed out.

Tails, on the other hand, was having a hard time staying on air, because of the seven mechanical tails around him. "W-What the heck is this?!" he asked confused, before pressing the release button on the backpack, as it fell with a loud thud in the floor, while Tails himself also landed.

"Gosh..." Knuckles complained with a cringed expression, while his face started to turn green. "I-I don't need what the hell I ate, but––" he tried to add...

However, he couldn't because he immediately rushed towards the bathroom and closed the door, while throwing up sounds were heard from there.

"I don't think any of us is feeling as themselves..." Sonic pointed out, as he scratched his head sheepishly and shamed, because he started to remember what he did while the necklace controlled him, and he wasn't any proud about it.

"Yeah, I don't feel like myself, either..." Misty said with a down expression looking once again at the necklace, hating on how it made so much trouble to her friends. So, she looked back at them with a smile. "Come on. Follow me" she told them.

The rest just looked at each other confused, before looking back at Misty and following her.

Right then, Knuckles came out of the bathroom after being done with his throw up, before noticing the rest leaving, so he quickly moved to leave with them as well.

Later on, the group followed Misty to a cliff that lead to the ocean.

"You were right, Zipp..." Misty said, as she looked at the mentioned pegasus. "This necklace is bad news!" she added, taking off her amulet.

After that, she decided to simply drop the amulet, which fell to the sandy beach on the ground and shattered into pieces, also giving an electrical magic discharge... Before shooting out a dark magic laser into the sky, as everyone gasped in surprise, while the laser got bigger.

Eventually, it faded away, and the group looked nervously at each other after what happened.

"Well..." Sonic spoke after a fe minutes of silence. "That was... something..." he pointed out with a concerned look.

Then, Sunny turned to Misty with a smile. "So, how do you feel?" she asked her.

Misty herself took a second to look at the sun setting in the horizon, before smiling brightly. "I feel... good. Lighter. Happier. More like... me!" she answered with a smile as she placed her hoof on her chest.

"That's amazing, Misty!" Tails said to Misty with a smile, side hugging her, while Misty blushed slightly, but also smiled back.

"So, really, who gave you the necklace?" Zipp stepped in with a raised eyebrow, but she was also smiling. "Was it an heirloom? A birthday present? Did you find it in Bridlewood?" she asked several times to her.

"Trust me, you do not wanna know" Misty answered with a smile as she walked off, while Zipp immediately went after her.

"Come on, give me something!" Zipp begged, while Tails walked beside her and rolled his eyes, also shacking his head and smiling at her attitude, while everyone else followed behind. "It's definitely not pegasus jewelry. Critter jewelry? Do critters make jewelry?" she asked many questions.

"Zipp, what did we talked about bombing at somepony with questions?" Tails asked with a mocking smirk.

Zipp groaned in annoyance at him, but still answered. "Be polite and not intrusive..." she replied with a bored expression, while Tails nodded satisfied with this response.

Then, Hitch suddenly stopped as he held up a crumpled up paper that he kept, before giving a sinister smirk and toss the paper into the ground and walk off.

However, it didn't took him long to come back and pick up the litter before catching up with the others.

Both Opaline and Eggman were staring down at Opaline's boiler on her castle.

They stared at the image of the now destroyed amulet, as Opaline was grinding her teeth madly, while Eggman simply kept staring at the boiler with no comments to make.

"I'm gonna have a serious conversation with that young mare when she gets back..." Opaline stated with anger boiling through her skin.

Meanwhile, Eggman simply kept staring... He was sure about one thing now that the necklace was broken: Misty seemed to have chosen her side, and unfortunately for him, they're on opposite sides now...

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Okay, this is my longest TYT episode so far... And it came out on the first try, WHOO!

Now, there's a lot I would like to say about this chapter, and maybe it helps you guys to get some stuff.

First of all, no, writing Knuckles as a lazy guy when he's "evil" is not bad writing. Knuckles genuinely shows he enjoys doing stuff in general as long as he's busy, and it shows if you read my previous stories.

Second, Sonic being totally insane and, as Eggman stated, a Joker with The Flash powers fits more with the way I imagine an evil Sonic: He still makes fun of everyone, but he enjoys doing harm and even killing if the chance presents.

Third, Tails pulling out a Nine, but acting like Eggman, is accurate even in the games' canon. After all, if Tails never met Sonic, or if he met Eggman instead, I'm pretty sure he would be the Bowser Jr. of Sonic, or even take Metal Sonic's place.

Finally, you guys might be wondering why this Episode is still not teasing Season 2. In fact, if you read carefully, this episode is labelled as "Part 1". Heck, it even teases a continuation for the next episode, not for my Season 2.

Well, that explanation will be better integrated on this blog post I made, but let's just say that I decided to divide the tie up with my Season 2 in two parts. This episode is part one, the next one will be part two.

Now, before you ask how am I going to do next Episode when it comes out after Make Your Mark: Chapter 4... I have one answer: Fanfiction works like that. My story, my rules. I'm "the god" of this stories, so I can make the changes I see necessary.

Anyway, I hope you guys liked this episode, and I'll see you next time with part 2. Also, please red the blog I posted, it has info you should definitely read. Bye!

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