• Published 14th Sep 2022
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Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale - BronySonicFan

Living in Maretime Bay, our Pony BESTIES are having a ton of fun together! And with so many Mobians in the crew: Adventures, wacky situations and tons of more fun are guaranteed!

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80. Friends Forever

In the Crystal Brighthouse, Sonic was at his side of the bedroom.

He was holding the Blue Chaos Emerald in his right hand, and he stared at it for a few seconds. Then, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes, focusing on triggering his electrical powers to affect the Emerald.

His powers seemed to be doing something at first, because the Emerald was genuinely glowing, but it eventually began to fade away, even though Sonic's powers were still afloat. He tried his best to keep the Emerald glowing, but when it stopped doing so, he groaned frustrated and frowned, as his powers deactivated.

He's been trying to trigger the message that Longclaw left for him, the one where she reveals his ancestors come from Equestria. However, no matter how hard he uses his powers, the message simply won't show up.

"Was the message a one time thing only?" Sonic questioned concerned to himself. "Why would Longclaw leave a message for me, and then never let me hear it whenever I want ever again? That makes no sense..."

Saying that Sonic missed Longclaw was just a soft way to put it. She was the whole world to him, the one that loved him and raised him like a son despite being a different species. She taught him to walk, to control his powers, to talk, to read, to write... She meant everything to him, and one day, she was gone forever.

That message she recorded in the Chaos Emerald seems to be all he has left to physically interact with her in some way... But as much as he has tried to trigger the message, it simply won't work.

This had him depressed. That's his only way to at least see her from time to time, and it turns out he can't trigger it anymore? Why would Longclaw do this? Why would she make a message and record it, just for him to be unable to see it and hear her voice, see her face ever again? What was the point?

"Why did you do this to me, Mom?" Sonic mumbled to himself with disappointment, but also with anger.

"Sonic?" Sunny's voice suddenly called out, and it pull the hedgehog away from his thoughts.

Sunny went into the bedroom looking after Sonic. The entire group was preparing to eat their dinner, cooked by Knuckles, but since Sonic was taking too long, she came to see what's taking him so long.

Yet she could already tell she came in a bad moment, judging by Sonic's slight frown, as well as the fact that he's holding the Blue Chaos Emerald AND the fact that she and everyone else already know he's been trying to trigger Longclaw's message again for the past few days.

"...This is a bad moment, isn't it?" Sunny asked with a cringed expression.

"...Maybe..." Sonic replied, then looked away. "I suppose you and everyone else are already waiting for me, right?"

"I–– Yeah," Sunny went straight to the point. She has learned to be direct and not mess around when Sonic's mad. "I wanted to check on you, but again; it seems I came in a bad moment."

"Eh, it's fine. I'm starting to think triggering that message is a lost cause, anyways," Sonic shrugged. "I'll be down in a minute, or maybe two. I... I wanna calm myself down before I get really mad and say something I don't want to..."

Sunny understood that, but instead of leaving, she decided to stay, sitting down next to Sonic since he's on the edge of his bed, and she wanted to cheer him up a bit, even if it won't work.

"...You miss her that much, don't you?" Sunny asked, trying to approach the matter as careful as possible.

"Everyday, at all times," Sonic replied with a sad smile. "It almost feels like I can't let go just yet. No matter how many times I tell myself is for the best, I... I simply can't do it..."

"...I understand," Sunny said, sighing sadly as she spotted from the corner of her eye the framed picture of her as a filly, riding over her dad's back that was resting over the nightstand besides her bed. "My dad died after I turned 19. Ever since, I have tried to stay as positive as when he was around, but... It not always works. Sometimes, I just want to curl into a ball, cover myself with my sheets and––"

"Cry until no tears can be dropped anymore..." Sonic finished for her, and she looked over at him surprised, a surprise that faded away when she remembered they have gone through the same kind of lost. "After Longclaw died, I used to cry under the borrowed sheets Tails gave me whenever I stay on his workshop. It was the only way I could release my sorrow so I wouldn't be harsh on people... Not again, anyways."

"You started doing that before or after you, uh, tried to finish Eggman?" Sunny asked.

"After," Sonic replied. "It also happened after I hurt someone else, someone I used to care for, but now days I know she hates me..."

"Who?" Sunny asked again.

"...She's a princess, too. I... snapped at her after Longclaw died," Sonic replied. "Well, I snapped at almost anyone. The 6 months following Longclaw's death were just me being a grumpy hedgehog that threat you like trash simply because I had no better ways to release my anger. Knuckles and Amy offered me to train so I could release my anger in a fight, and while I eventually accepted the offer, it took me a therapist and Tails slapping me to realize what I was doing."

"And what happened with that girl you also threat badly?" Sunny asked one more time.

"She hates me," Sonic replied with a chuckle. "I... I tried to make things up, but she doesn't want to. I don't really blame her, though, since I said really rude things that a simple 'sorry' can't fix. Maybe she'll never forgive me."

"Never say never, Sonic," Sunny told him with a smile. "Maybe not in the near future, but I'm sure she'll accept your apology someday. No one can stay mad forever!"

"With her attitude? I wouldn't be so sure," Sonic replied with a shrug. "It's fine, though. You can't get along with everyone, but you don't really have to."

"I'll usually disagree, but Opaline is a pony that hates everypony because they're not Alicorns, so..." Sunny said while making circles with her hoof, also smiling sheepishly.

"No exactly my point, but eh, I guess it works, too," Sonic smirked.

"At least I'm trying to help!" Sunny pointed out with a smile. "For example, do you feel mad still?"

"No... I'm still frustrated I can't trigger the message, though," Sonic replied sadly. "Like, your dad left you a message you can watch at anytime with your projector. Why did Longclaw made a message for me too, but I can't watch it as well? Sorry if it comes out as me complaining or being rude, but... I just wanna see her and hear her voice again..."

"I know you're just sad that you can't trigger the message, Sonic," Sunny assured him with a smile, even placing a hoof on his shoulder. "Really! I know you'll like to see her again, even if it's only through a message."

"Still, I shouldn't be complaining about this with you," Sonic pointed out. "You're here to cheer me up and make sure I'm fine, while all I do is complain about this message because... Even if I don't show it, I'm jealous of you, Sunny. You can watch your dad's message anytime, and I can't even watch my mother's..."

Sunny was surprised to hear that Sonic was jealous of her. She has heard that from many ponies, actually, but that is because they're jealous she got Alicorn powers. That's probably why they only liked her as an Alicorn that one time, because they wanted to feel they were special since they thought she was special.

Sure, she is special, but because she's who she is, not because of a horn an a pair of wings that technically do not exist, they're just projections that come and fade away when she wants them to.

Yet the reason Sonic's jealous of her... Is because she can watch a death familiar she was so close with through a recorded message that he left for her, while he cannot even trigger it anymore. This is... New for her, but she also feels bad for something that not even her can control... Or can she?

An idea suddenly popped into her mind, and she smiled widely, then looked over at Sonic. "You're trying to trigger the message from the Emerald itself, right?"

"Yeah," Sonic replied, then raised a brow. "Why do you ask?"

"I'm thinking... If the Emerald are part magic, can't I try to use my own to trigger the message?" Sunny suggested with a smile, but Sonic didn't shared the joy she's having.

"What?! Are you nuts?!" Sonic exclaimed with panic. "I mean, I appreciate the offer of help, I really do! But, you think you can handle their power? I know Shadow and I've been training you, but there's no guarantee that you won't have another 'Chaos Pocks' situation! I... I don't want that to happen to you, ever again."

"I know you're worried for me, Sonic, and I really appreciate it!" Sunny said with a smile, also giving Sonic a big and tight hug. "However, I'm a grown mare. I can take care of myself, thank you. And, I'm pretty sure that I can handle the power of the Emeralds!"

"But what if you can't?!" Sonic asked with panic.

"Well, it's worth the shot," Sunny replied. "We'll never know until we try."

Sonic really disliked this idea, but he knows Sunny: When she gets an idea about something, anything, she won't stop until said idea is put into test. He probably hates that of her because, well, he's the exact same.

Groaning, Sonic rubbed his face with a hand, then deadpanned at his sister figure. "Fine! But Imma help you out with my own power, because I seriously don't want you going Godzilla fused with Chaos again!"

"Be my guest!" Sunny pulled her tongue out playfully, making Sonic roll his eyes in annoyance.

Still, he let her made her Alicorn form appear and then surround the Blue Chaos Emerald in her magic. Followed by this, Sunny made a small trial of magic come out of her horn and touch the Chaos Emerald, while Sonic did the same by extending his hand and releasing part of his electrical powers over it.

Yet this didn't seemed to be doing what they wanted it to do. Instead, the Chaos Emerald's energy started to fight back by using Sonic and Sunny's bridges of power to pass its own to them.

This made them panic, and they tried to cancel what they were doing, but the Emerald reacted even faster than them and interacted with their minds, making their eyes go fully white and remain freeze in the exact same position. Whatever Sonic was going to say, since he opened his mouth, died out when the Emerald took over him.

Sonic and Sunny blinked and shook their heads, feeling dizzy about what just happened.

However, once they came back to their senses, they both gasped as they realized that they were no long in the Crystal Brighthouse, but instead in a strange and dark place where they seemed to be standing over invisible water.

Sunny had no idea on what's happening, but Sonic did: This is the very same place he was transported months back, when Eggman almost crushed them along Pipp, when the Chaos Emeralds entered his body and brought him to this place so he could met his parents and talk to Longclaw again before defeating the Death Egg Titan...

His eyes widened at this reminder: He managed to talk again with Longclaw once he reached this mysterious place, and if he was back here, then it means...

"Uh... What's going on?" Sunny asked confused. "Where in the Tartarus are we supposed to be?"

"...The place? I don't know how's it called, but... I've been here before..." Sonic replied.

This made Sunny's eyes shot open. "You have?!"

"Yeah," Sonic replied with a nod and a smile. "Remember what happened when the Chaos Emeralds entered my body right before Eggman's Death Egg Titan crushed us with Pipp? About how I talked with Longclaw and met my parents?"

"Yeah... What about it?" Sunny questioned confused.

"This is the place, Sunny," Sonic replied.

"Oh..." Sunny said at first, then her eyes began to open up little by little. "Oh... Oh! Oh my pony! A-Are you saying what I think you're saying?!"

Sonic was about to reply, but then they both saw a pair of lights showing up in front of them, so they covered their eyes with their hands and hooves. When the lights dissipated, though, they both gasped loudly with wide eyes: Longclaw and Argyle appeared right there in front of them, almost flesh and blood.

"Mom!/Dad?!" Sonic and Sunny said together with disbelief, but the former more so with joy as well.

With no hesitation, Sonic boosted and hugged Longclaw tightly once again, while Longclaw herself giggled and hugged the Blue hedgehog back as well. He missed to do this so much, like he cannot even describe.

Sunny, however, was hesitant on approaching Argyle. Sure, it looked like her dad, but was it really him? It could be an illusion, or a trap. Argyle himself noticed the doubt in Sunny's eyes, but he also saw that she wanted to cry so badly, so he smiled tenderly and slowly began to approach her.

Sunny, by instinct, took a step back, yet she didn't kept going as she saw her father approaching her, little by little, with the very same smile he never tried to hide because, well, he never stopped smiling to her.

Her heart was racing like a marathon right now. She had her dad in front of her, yet she had no way to assure it was him. Still, he approached her with the same smile he died with. He kept walking and she kept staring, her lips trembling and her ears lowering back. She was also breathing a bit heavily.

And when Argyle finally got in front of her, he simply sat down and grabbed Sunny's cheeks with his hooves. The touch of her father's firm hooves on her cheeks made her gasp, and tears immediately rolled down.

"...D-Dad?" Sunny called out with disbelief, also sobbing as she moved a hoof to her dad's chest.

"Hello, Sunny-bunny," Argyle greeted her, still with the same smile. "I'm happy to see you again!"

That's it. Sunny couldn't take it anymore. She simply burst into tears and wrapped her hooves around her dad, hugging him tightly and feeling his fur once again after so long. She didn't cared if this is a trick or not anymore; the simple fact she was hugging her dad again years after he died was beautiful and amazing on its own.

Her tears fell like a storm down her cheeks, but a smile also was formed by her lips. And how couldn't it? She had her dad with her again! Or so she thinks. Maybe she should ask him, but for now, she'll just enjoy herself.

"D-Dad... I-I can't believe it..." Sunny said, braking the hug and looking at her dad with teary eyes. "I-Is this really you? A-Am I not dreaming? A-Are we not dreaming?!" She asked Sonic.

"No, sis... This is real, more real than you think," Sonic replied with a smile. "He's real, she's real..." He pointed at Argyle and then at Longclaw. "This is really happening!"

"You must be Sonic, right?" Argyle asked the blue hedgehog.

"The one and only!" Sonic replied with a smirk, extending his hand to the stallion, as he smiled and stretched his hoof with Sonic's hand. "It's nice to finally meet the real savior of magic in Equestria."

"Please, I just did what I could to lead Sunny into bringing ponykind, but the credit goes to you two and your friends," Argyle stated with a smile.

"Are you kidding me?! I just did what you always said was the right thing!" Sunny told her father with a smile. "I spread the magic of friendship as much as I could across Equestria, and while some ponies are still hesitant to it even now days, I couldn't have even done it if you never taught me all I know!"

"What she said," Sonic smirked and placed a fist on his hip. "Besides, I wanted to thank you, anyways. If not for you and your knowledge, Sunny wouldn't even had liked other races to begin with. Because, what's the chance the very same pony that wanted peace and harmony back being the very same pony that turns into a FREAKING ALICORN?! It can't be that high."

"Sonic!" Longclaw scolded him.

"I'm sorry, is speaking facts being a crime? Because if so, well, I declare myself guilty!" Sonic replied smugly.

Sunny rolled her eyes, then smiled at Longclaw. "And you must be Sonic's mom! Or mother figure. Eh, same thing," She then squealed. "Oh, I'm so happy to finally meet you! Sonic has talked a lot of you and how many he has learned from you!"

"I bet he did," Longclaw smiled, then smirked as she looked at Sonic at the corner of her eye. "Have you ever told her about how you used to stick feather around you and pretend to be a bird when you were little?"

That made Sonic's eyes widen and his face blush in bright red. "MOM!" He exclaimed in anger, yet Longclaw turn her head 180 degrees away in a mocking way, frustrating Sonic a lot.

"Oh, he has told me that, among other embarrassing stuff," Sunny replied playfully.

"Yeah, yeah, we're not gonna talk about this..." Sonic deadpanned. "However, I must ask... Why?" He turned to Longclaw. "Last time I was here, the Emerald wanted to boost my spirit and hopes by making me talk to you again, as well as meet my parents. Why am I here again? And why are Sunny and Argyle here as well?"

Hearing this made the two adults look at each other for a moment, then nod, and then look back at their kids.

"...You two have grown into amazing people," Longclaw began. "Sure, you had struggles to overcome in the way, but don't we have all?"

"You both were talking about how much you missed us," Argyle continued. "And the Chaos Emeralds work in mysterious ways, remember? Maybe they wanted to grant your wish of talking with us one last time."

"A last time?" Sonic and Sunny both asked concerned.

"Wait... Y-You're saying that we... That we won't talk to you ever again after today?" Sonic asked, his ears lowering as he looked at Longclaw.'

"B-But there's so much we need to talk about!" Sunny said to Argyle with panicked and wide eyes. "I-I haven't been able to control my Alicorn form to a 100% yet, a-and even if I'm training daily with Sonic, I-I still don't know how to make so many things, o-or how to accept the fact that you're gone, o-or..."

"Sunny, my girl, my beautiful Sunny-bunny..." Argyle call her out with a smile. "It's okay, really! You two have learned how to move on your own... You just need to let go one more time."

"Yet we know it's easier say it than do it," Longclaw recognized. "I could never move on from your parents death, Sonic. Lying to you about them became painful, like if I was betraying myself and betraying them... But I knew I had to do it in order to raise you to be the man you are today."

"I went through the same with your mother, Sunny," Argyle confessed to Sunny, who's expression said she wanted to cry again. "Even if I can see her everyday now... I still can't stop and think what could go different to avoid her death... But what can you really do to avoid dead by giving birth? Not much, that's all I say."

Yet none of the words they were sharing seemed to be any comforting for either Sonic or Sunny. If anything, they looked more depressed than before entering this strange realm to talk with them. Noticing this, the parents knew they needed a different approach, so the stallion went straight to the point.

Argyle grabbed Sunny's chin and lifted it. "Sunny, my daughter. I know you feel alone most of the time, that ever since my death, you haven't been able to move on and continue with your life, that you struggle to find yourself when you feel so lost... But you are not alone. You've never been, not even when nopony in Maretime Bay believed us."

"...I'm not?" Sunny asked confused.

"Hitch was always at your side," Argyle reminded. "He never believed in you until a Unicorn show up along Sonic, true, but he eventually did and apologized to you. And now, thanks to your efforts, you've got lots of new friends at your side. Izzy, Zipp, Pipp, Misty... All from different races, all your friends you can always relay on, as your family. Remember what I told you, in my message with the blanket?"

"You... you said that family is a fancy word for ponies that always stick together..." Sunny replied, then her eyes widened. "...And my friends are always with me, no matter what... Because they're my family... Why do I keep forgetting that? I have them at my side, forever and ever."

"You've got them, the same way they've got you," Argyle stated, still smiling. "And if that's not enough, you also got a brother! Well, two, actually, yet they care so much for you I'm honestly happy to know that you're in both really good hooves and hands!"

"Yeah... I... I'm really lucky to have them in my life," Sunny accepted with a smile, not only referring to her friends, but also mainly talking about Sonic and Tails, as she looked over at Sonic happily.

Sonic smiled back, but then he felt sad again when he remembered this is the last time he's talking with Longclaw forever. It was just really heart-braking for him.

"And us being death in live doesn't really mean we're dead," Longclaw called out, making Sonic and Sunny turn around to face her. "We may. Not be with you anymore in the living world... But we'll always be with you."

"Right here," Longclaw and Argyle said in unison, pointing at Sonic and Sunny's chests respectively with smiles.

Sonic and Sunny knew what their parents meant, so they smiled sadly and decided to hug them tightly one last time before getting sent back to Equestria. They know perfectly that they have each other, but it doesn't makes saying goodbye to those that forged them into the people they are today any easier.

Still, they know they have to be strong in order to make them proud, to show that all they always fought for was worth it, that they're worthy successors to keep the peace in Equestria going.

And with that last hug, they were covered in a flashlight, leaving this reality forever, and therefore, unable to speak with Longclaw or Argyle ever again. However, the two adults know their kids are in good hands and hooves, and they are positive they'll overcome all the challenges t come like they've been doing so far.

Sonic and Sunny's eyes stopped glowing in white and made them feel dizzy.

In the process, their power deactivated, Sunny's Alicorn form disappeared, and the Blue Chaos Emerald stopped floating, landing back in the ground after bringing Sonic and Sunny back.

The two of them looked around confused, as if they have forgot for a second what they were doing here in the first place. However, when they finally remembered they just talked with their parents for the last time in their lives, depression attacked and made their ears go flat against their heads.

Even with their advice, letting them go was hard. The second, third, fourth... It didn't mattered which number of time they were saying goodbye to them, it was always so hard and painful to do so.

"...I... I think we should go with the others," Sonic spoke after a while. "They're waiting for us, you know?"

"...Yeah," Sunny nodded. "Let's go."

With that being said, Sonic made the Blue Chaos Emerald go back to the crystal protecting the Emeralds, then both of them went downstairs to reunite with their friends. After all, they've been up here for about 15 minutes ever since Sunny arrived, and their friends were probably feeling worried for them.

Once they went down, they found the others sitting in the living room, talking to each other.

Since they were all waiting for Sonic and Sunny to come down, they all agreed to not eat their dinner until they finally show up down here. Even Team Dark was waiting, although Shadow was a bit annoyed.

However, the group didn't took long to notice that Sonic and Sunny arrived, but they all could sense the gloom and the sadness surrounding them. Izzy could even see that their sparkles were dull and dark, a big contrast to how usually sparkly and shiny they are most of the time.

"Uh, guys? You two okay?" Tails was the first one to call them out.

It seems that the two of them were in their own little worlds, because they snapped back to reality after the young fox called out to them.

"...Kinda..." Sonic replied with honesty. He was good at lying, but he also knows how to act in order to fool the rest, and not being his cocky, happy self wouldn't help into the lie.

"We just, uh, had a little moment upstairs," Sunny said with a sad smile. "Nothing to really worry about."

"...Yeah, I'm not buying it," Zipp deadpanned.

"Me neither, you two are upset or sad over something," Amy agreed with Zipp.

"The thing is, what are you two upset or sad about?" Hitch questioned.

Sonic and Sunny looked at each other for a moment, still with their sad expressions. While it's true that they've been all into crazier adventures and have accomplished all kind of stuff, there was a limit for how credible some things are, even for their world. That's just how nature works, you know?

So how are they going to explain they talked to their death parents? Well... Just doing it, I guess.

"...We... had some kind of spiritual talk with Longclaw and Argyle," Sonic replied first. "For the last time. Which only makes us sad and concerned because, well, saying goodbye again after so many years is not any easier than the first time."

"And it... It hurts," Sunny added, almost at the edge of tears. "It hurst to know that we lost them, that we'll never feel their warm ever again. Even with all the things we have lived and all the adventures we've been through, the pain of loosing the most important figures in our lives remains there. It may not come to surface all the time, but it exists, and... It burns our souls."

After hearing this, and the way Sunny said it, the others got worried for their friends. Even Team Dark seemed concerned for them, but Shadow was mainly worried for Sunny and her way to say what she said.

So, decided to help them out, the rest huddled around and started to talk between them for a second. This left Sonic and Sunny confused, and it also confused Team Dark since they were not part of the huddle, but they decided to let the group be and tell what they have to when they're done.

Eventually, they separated and all nodded with smiles, then looked back at Sonic and Sunny.

"Guys, come over here," Pipp called them out first, and while Sonic and Sunny were still confused, they obeyed and approached the rest, sitting down on a couch with the others surrounding them.

"Look, it's completely fine that you two miss those that helped to forge the people you've become today," Tails started ti explain with a smile.

"And it's also totally fine that you have to let out the pain in ways some might not understand," Izzy continued with her usual cheery smile.

"However, it's fine you do that so long as you always remember that you're not alone," Amy added.

"You guys have us, your friends, your family, right here with you!" Misty said with a smile.

"And you can all relay on us anytime!" Knuckles added with a smirk.

"You don't have to pretend your happy when you're not," Hitch pointed out with a smile, while Sparky on his back nodded in agreement.

"But if you guys need a shoulder to cry whenever you are not feeling in the mood, well, feel free to always come to any of us!" Zipp finished with a smirk.

Just by hearing the incoming music, Team Dark knew what was coming, although only Shadow seemed really annoyed by this fact, because Rouge chuckled at his attitude, and Omega tilted his head confused.

Izzy, Hitch, Zipp, Pipp, Misty, Tails, Knuckles & Amy:
We are, we are
Not your ordinary fami-mily
But we can all agreed that
We are, we are
Close as close can be

So it don't matter what it looks like
We look perfect to me
We got every kind of lover
We're so lucky indeed
They can keep on talking
It don't matter to me
'Cause we are, we are family

Izzy, Zipp, Pipp & Amy:
We are, are, are, are

Hitch, Tails & Knuckles
We are!

Izzy, Zipp, Pipp & Amy:
We are, are, are, are

Hitch, Tails & Knuckles
We are!

Izzy, Zipp, Pipp & Amy:
We are, are, are, are

Hitch, Tails & Knuckles
We are!

We are, we are family

So what?
We don't look, we don't act
We don't walk, we don't talk
Like you do

So what?
If we hang, just a hang
Ain't no shame
We gon' do what we want to

'Cause we come from everywhere

Searching for ones to care

Somehow we found it here

We found us a home

Izzy, Hitch, Zipp, Pipp, Misty, Tails, Knuckles & Amy:
We are, we are
Not your ordinary family
But we can all agreed that
We are, we are
Close as close can be

So it don't matter what it looks like
We look perfect to me
We got every kind of lover
We're so lucky indeed
They can keep on talking
It don't matter to me
'Cause we are, we are family

As the song went on, Sonic and Sunny started to slowly smile, also remembering some of the best moments they all shared together, like their first Nightmare Night with magic; Zipp's Flight School; their first T.U.E.S. Day together; their first Equestria Games; their adventure to put together Sunny's family blanket...

More and more events they all've been through together played in their minds as their friends kept singing, and little by little, that sadness they felt at first was fading away and shifting into happiness.

Okay, so the links in our chains
Make us strange
But really, they make us stronger

And I wouldn't replace not a thing
Mother or father
'Cause we

'Cause we come from everywhere

Searching for ones to care

Somehow, we found it here

We found us a home

Izzy, Hitch, Zipp, Pipp, Misty, Tails, Knuckles & Amy:
We are, we are
Not your ordinary fami-mily
But we can all agreed that
We are, we are
Close as close can be

So it don't matter what it looks like
We look perfect to me
We got every kind of lover
We're so lucky indeed
They can keep on talking
It don't matter to me
'Cause we are, we are

Family (family)
(We are)

We are, we are family

Now that the song was done, Sonic was smiling brightly, and Sunny teared up, even cleaning away a tear.

"You guys..." Sunny smiled. "Oh, how am I supposed to feel sad when you do stuff like this?! I feel so happy and joyful right now! I really needed to hear something like that..."

"Yeah... I mean, I know braking into a song is the norm around, but I still find a bit strange that's what put me in the mood," Sonic said jokingly with a smirk. "Still, Sunny has a point: We really needed to hear all of that. Thanks, guys. For being there for us 'till the end."

Followed by this was, as you might be expecting, a group hug of the Mane 6 and Team Sonic. Sure, Team Dark was not a part of the hug, but they were still there, smiling and also glad to see that Sonic and Sunny seemed to feel better after feeling so sad about what happened to their parents.

However, Shadow still frowned slightly and looked down in concern, because all this wholesomeness wasn't a factor that could stop him from having a bad feeling that something big and bad would happen...

Sage and Eggman were at the top of a mountain, looking through a whole in it.

"The crack has been completely opened by an absurd amount of power discharge!" Sage analyzed in awe. "This actually saved a lot of time. Even if Sonic and company arrive here, I calculate we can take the Prism off the ground by sundown if we start right away."

"Excellent!" Eggman cheered with a grin. "Sage, take the drillers and Big Arms inside. We must find and take the Paradox Prism off the floor before sundown!"

"Yes, father," Sage nodded, before snapping her fingers.

This made the drillers to get inside the cave, as well as the Big Arms. Eggman got on his Eggmobile again, and entered the cave as well, being followed by Sage.

Once inside, they saw nothing but darkness, so Eggman had to turn on the lights of his Eggmobile, while Sage made her own body glow as well to illuminate the cave.

"Gosh, it's pretty dark in here... I can't see anything!" Eggman groaned as they kept descending.

However, something called Sage's attention, and she stopped. "Wait..." She said, and Eggman also stopped moving.

He looked confused at her before looking on the same direction, noticing that there was a small crack with a light that changed between red, green, blue and yellow... the same colors that form the Paradox Prism.

"Sage, take that wall down!" Eggman instructed.

Sage nodded, and by moving her hand, the driller robots began to create the crack on the wall bigger, and then one of the Big Arms approached and destroyed it with a single hit.

After the wall was down, Eggman grinned sinisterly while Sage gasped in amazement: the Paradox Prism not only looked just like the picture of that book, but it was also brighter and bigger. It was stuck to the ground, but knowing Eggman, he'll find a way to get the Prism out of there.

"Sage... We hit the jackpot!" Eggman cheered with a maniac laugh that echoed around loudly.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Wow... 80 Episodes of Tell Your Tale now done... What a journey!

With this, we have officially come to the end of "Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale"! Honestly? I'm really happy with how this slice-of-life series went! Regarding the Season 1 episodes I used, that is.

From the 70 canonical episodes, I only used 66, while making 14 original chapters. That's actually a really good mix! I was planning on making more, but I don't want to extend myself too much, and since I'm not making Chapter 6, there's no need to adapt those other 4 episodes.

I really don't know why, but I'm not as sad as I thought I'll be when saying goodbye to this series. Maybe is because after 80 episodes, you actually start to wish we reach the end... That's pretty much what I did, but it's still a boomer this is the last Slice of Life thing I'll be writing for the saga before going into Season 4 and Project Endgame.

Thanks for reading this humble series! Now let's move to the Epilogue! :twilightsmile:

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