• Published 23rd Sep 2012
  • 7,406 Views, 109 Comments

A Place to Call Home - starshine_dash

So what happens when I fall asleep one night and wake up in Ponyville?

  • ...

Training Day

It appears I had decided to join at the right time. After Discord's little play date, a whole slew of new recruits for the royal guard and general army had signed up, so I only had to wait a week for basic. In that time I learned how to fly thanks to Spitfire, who was taking some time off the Wonderbolts after having her uniform turn puce and foal-puke green during her show. I only managed the basics, but I could get off the ground on my own and glide for miles.

Once basic started I had no time to myself. I managed three to four hours of sleep a night, when I was allowed to. Some times we were kept on our hooves for over 48 hours to train us for situations in which we would need to be on guard and ready for long periods of time with no rest and only minimal food intake. Frankly, it was Tartarus. The upside was that every fiber of muscle in my body was taut and ready for action, my wings were powerful and my flight agile. I learned how to fight with spears, longswords, and even the uniquely pegasus wing blades. The long months passed in training until I woke up one morning to find the Skyguard commander standing over me, eyes narrowed. I immediately leapt out the other side of the bed onto my hooves, a salute crisply given even as I tried to recover from the unfortunate startled flare of my wings, "Sir!"

"Recruit. I never did catch your name," he said, never changing the intensity or impassivity of his gaze.

"Sir, Tara Watson, sir!"

"That's no pegasus name! What is your name!?"

I stared at him blankly, my eyes flickering back toward my own flank a bit. I had managed to get my cutie mark by using pegasus magic to repeat my performance as a streaking comet to break through a line of unicorns all reinforcing each others shields. I managed, but if Shining Armor had been there, I probably would have bounced off and found myself the newest brick in one of the walls of the castle.

"Star Shine, Sir!"

"Starshine what? What clan?!" he said, stepping over my bed and getting right in my face, "You know me as Commander Iron Wing! I am Ironwing Dash! Head of the Dash clan, fastest fliers in Equestria and the only family Commander Hurricane ever trusted to deliver his orders on time, without fail!"

"I don't have a clan, sir. You know that, sir, Captain Armor told you."

His impassive glower turned into a full glare, "The only pegasi without a clan are traitors and failures. Are you a traitor!?"


"Are you a failure!?"

"No, sir!"

"Prove it. At the HQ there is a missive that needs to be delivered to the commanding officer of the 105th "Undying Bulwark" division. They're on the border of the Mino-Griffon empire, three days flight, non-stop. Find them, deliver the message, get his response, and be back here in six days."

I blinked as I processed his order. I opened my mouth to ask for clarification but was swiftly interrupted by his shout. "DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?" Royal Canterlot Voice and everything.

"Sir! Yes, Sir!" I shouted back, spinning around to quickly don my armor, going from my usual shade of color to the white standard of the guard before jetting off in the direction of the main building of the headquarters. This was going to be a challenge. I'd never flown three days without sleep before, let alone six. Perhaps I could grab some rack time while the 105th put together his response, but given the flight time requirements, I doubted I'd get more than an hour. I grabbed a set of secured saddlebags, some fruit leather, and a camel's back with enough water to sustain me on the flight there plus a bit before I left base in the direction I extrapolated from the map.

The long hours of flight drifted by as I flew, concentrating on keeping my speed high and my energy use low by catching thermals where I could to gain altitude and only flapping when I felt I was getting behind or there were no thermals to use. I flew straight and true, my exhaustion stuffed into a little corner at the back of my mind with self-doubt and oh-celestia-i-need-to-pee. Nearing the end of day three, and just as I spotted the camp, I was overtaken by a shadow. I looked up and spotted a flight of griffon's closing in from behind and above, a classic dogfight maneuver. They may never need planes to fight the war in the sky, but they still had many of the same tactics. The one advantage I brought to the table during training for combat in flight was my near obsession with dogfights and planes in general. I sincerely hoped that the griffon's wouldn't notice me, but being clad in gold armor and with a bright white coat against a rapidly darkening green background was not in my favor. Maybe they were just scouts, with orders not to engage.

My hopes were dashed as I heard the whistle of an arrow pass within inches of my head. I turned back to see them diving on me, the leader reloading their crossbow. The other two seemed content to cover their flight lead. I quickly ran through the situation. I was flying alone, the camp ahead was populated entirely by unicorns so I wouldn't be getting any additional air power there. I had three opponents armed with single shot crossbows, diving on me from above and behind. I snapped my wings and pulled into a hard climbing turn into them. While I appeared unarmed, the magic in the armor enhanced the natural ability I had gained to gather the latent static electricity in the atmosphere and use it to attack my enemies. I had been building up a charge for days, storing it in my wings to ease my flight and now that energy would be put on the offensive. The griffons attempted to pull out of their dive and remain behind me but only one of them proved agile enough to avoid completely overshooting. His wings had to hurt after that and I saw another arrow shoot passed my head. They weren't kidding around. I fought for altitude, then closed my wings, losing all of my lift and rapidly beginning to drop.

Rolling over and facing toward my first opponent, I opened my wings to halt my fall and clapped my forehooves toward him. Trying to dodge lightning when you aren't a pegasus is a difficult proposition at best, and the bolt struck my opponent directly in the chest. He squawked softly before he fell out of the sky, trailing feathers and smoke. I felt another bolt clang off my armor and cursed myself for my distraction. I dove for the forest canopy and pulled out just above, screaming for the camp. Once I got in sight range, I pulled into a roll and waggled my wings, hoping that whomever was on watch would recognize the signal: Pegasus coming in with company. I was passed the camp without seeing if I was given a response in less than a second before I pulled back into another climbing turn.

I glanced over my shoulder to see one of my pursuers explode in a cloud of feathers as a spell turned him into a plucked chicken, sending him crashing into the forest below. The remaining pursuer dodged between spells and took aim at me once again. I rolled inverted, tucked my wings in, and dropped. Once I was below, I clapped my hooves again and sent another burst of electricity streaking toward my opponent. It struck his wing and caused him to roll away. His flight was awkward and wobbling, but he remained airborne until he was out of sight. I circled once to make sure they were the only griffons in the area before I landed in the camp. My legs were shaking and it was all I could do to salute the commanding officer and hoof over the message before I staggered over to a log, sat down, and began to ravenously eat the remaining fruit leather I had brought with me.

"That was some impressive flying," came a voice from my left. I looked up and saw a unicorn standing there, levitating out a bowl of warm vegetable soup which accepted and tried to eat a little more gracefully than I had been.

"I wasn't expecting a flight of griffons. I got lucky..." I said before I saw my reflection in the bowl of soup. There was a small cut on my cheek, apparently one of the bolts from the griffons had come a little closer than I thought. I thought back to the fight and realized that what I had done. I dropped the bowl as my eyes began to water, "I... I killed one..." I squeaked out before I began to sob into my hooves. Military training can prepare you for a lot, but if you ever stop to process it, like I just did, that first kill can stick with you. I hadn't intended to murder anypony or griffon in this case, I simply reacted on instinct. At the time, it was them or me, and I wanted it to be me.

I felt a comforting hoof on my shoulder and looked up to see the commander standing there, "The first time is the hardest. It doesn't get any easier. Let me give you some advice, kid: If it ever does get easier, retire."

I sniffled and nodded, not trusting myself to speak. He levitated a scroll into my bag and I stood back up, saluting and taking back off into the air. I could cry the rest of the flight, but I wasn't going to fail. Stupid ego.

Three days later I landed back in Canterlot at the training headquarters and reported to Commander Iron Wing. My face was grim, exhaustion both physical and emotional evident in my stance, but I managed a salute anyway, "Commander."

He returned the salute and nodded so I dropped my hoof down and stood as much at attention as I could after hoofing over the response. He looked it over as he sat back at his desk before reaching a hoof over to a small chess board and moving a rook into check with the king. "Hmph, Checkmate."

I blinked before I lost all sense of military decorum. "A CHESS MOVE!? I flew for 6 days, fought off three griffons, KILLED ONE all for a Celesita-damned chess move?!" my wings were flared and I was leaning over the desk at him, "Do you have any idea what that does to me? Do you have any idea how I feel after that?"

He looked at me impassively before looking down at his hooves for a moment, "There weren't supposed to be any griffons in the area. You should be proud you managed to react fast enough and well enough to survive an ambush like that. I regret that you had to get into combat at all. This was supposed to be a test of stamina and speed. I know how it feels, though."

He sighed. "I'm an old warhorse, Starshine. I've killed more ponies and griffons that I'd care to mention. I remember my first one like it happened an hour ago. It will never leave you, but the best thing you can do is remember, learn, and move on. I don't like killing, and I try to avoid it whenever I can, but sometimes you just operate on instincts. Yours kept you alive. Grab a shower and some rack, and I'll speak with you again tomorrow."

I nodded and left his office, making my way back to the barracks. I stood in the cold shower without really thinking about anything, letting my mind go numb before I staggered over to my cot and collapsed, embracing the darkness.

I woke with a start in the middle of the night, having just relived the encounter for the third time. I primarily kept count because I always had a 90 minute cycle to R.E.M. sleep. I had gotten roughly four and a half hours of sleep but I was sick of the dreams so I got up and went for a walk. I was standing along one of the fences, staring out across the distance toward Ponyville when somepony landed next to me, "I couldn't sleep either, my first night after."

"Commander," was all the greeting I could offer.

"Well, it is technically tomorrow. I've watched you closely through your training. You're a pegasus now, though you were a human. Pegasi have a long history of strength, honor, and loyalty, and you've demonstrated all of those qualities in abundance. I wasn't lying when I said the only pegasi who did not have a clan were failures or traitors, though it takes severe failure to be cast out of a clan. You are neither. That's why, starting now, if you agree, you will be an official member of the Dash clan, with all the rights and responsibilities that come with it."

"I know that the battle I got caught in wasn't your fault. I understand that. I don't think I'll ever get over taking a life, and I don't want to, honestly. I just hope I don't have to take one again. This is a side of Equestria I had hoped I wouldn't ever see."

He nodded simply, continuing to wait for my answer.

"I'll join your clan. It'll be interesting to see how Rainbow reacts."

"My niece has always been a little quick to overreact, but she's as loyal as they come."

"Yeah, you kind of have to be to be element of it, I guess."

He chuckled, "Indeed. Well, try and get some more sleep. Just... don't do what I did and crawl into a bottle for a few years. It never ends well," he said simply as he walked away before flying off. I stood there for another few minutes before returning inside and trying to get some more sleep.

Three more days passed, and I attended the graduation ceremony. Everypony else was cheering happily and glad they finally passed. I was the only one who was simply going through the motions, my graduation having been earlier, in blood. I received my posting orders, and found that my request had been granted. I was to be posted in Ponyville as bodyguard to the Element of Laughter with the side orders of keeping things in order as much as possible and reporting regularly on the condition of the elements to Commander Ironwing. The commander also pulled me aside and told me to have his niece write him more often. Once everything was taken care of, I dawned my armor for hopefully the last time and took flight toward Ponyville. Normally I would have taken the train, but the distance was easy for me now and I could glide most of the way. I only wore my armor because it was easier to wear than carry.

I landed next to the main door to Sugarcube Corner and walked in, looking around as sternly as I could muster. Mrs. Cake smiled at me. "Hello there, can I get you anything?"

"I'm looking for one Pinkamena Diane Pie. Is she here?"

A pink head poked out from the kitchen, followed shortly by the rest of the pony attached to it. She walked over, looking a little nervous and probably wondering what this royal guard was doing asking for her by her full name out of nowhere. "I'm... Pinkie..."

I jumped forward and grabbed her in my hooves, pulling her into a tight hug and planting a kiss on her muzzle as she squirmed in shock. I stood back and started to laugh as she smacked her lips and stared at me in confusion. I took off my helmet, which broke the illusion. "Hey Pinkie, I'm home!"

"Tara! Don't do that! Also why are you still a pony? You only said you were staying in Canterlot for a while to do some research!"

"Well, yeah, when you suddenly become a pony, you gotta figure out how the whole thing works. As for the how I'm still a pony, that's a long story, and it's Starshine now, Starshine Dash."

"How'd you get into the Dash clan?" she asked incredulously.

"Rainbow's uncle is the Skyguard division commander, and was apparently impressed with me," I said, keeping my final test to myself for now.

"Oooo! Neat! I can't wait to see how she reacts!"

"Me either. First, though, I want to drop off this armor and the rest of my gear. After that we can go find the rest of the girls and see how they react. I..." I trailed off briefly as I felt the pendant around my neck twitch. I could feel something poking at my mind again, "I could probably also use some food that's not military, so..."

"Oh yeah, I can only imagine! Here, have a cupcake!" Pinkie shouted, handing me a cupcake she pulled from nowhere. I accepted it and scarfed it down in one bite, almost moaning in pleasure at the flavor. I had forgotten that food could taste this good.

"Well," I said, after I swallowed, "It is definitively good to be back. You gonna tag along? I have an idea of how to let Rainbow know I'm back." I grinned mischievously.

"You know it," she replied with an equal grin.

We left the store after making sure that Pinkie could take the day off and made our way to my house which stood, surprisingly unmolested, where it had since Luna had brought me here. I stepped inside, and was immediately glad to be home as I shed my armor and flopped onto the couch for a minute to relax after my flight.

"So, here's what I wanna do..."