• Published 23rd Sep 2012
  • 7,406 Views, 109 Comments

A Place to Call Home - starshine_dash

So what happens when I fall asleep one night and wake up in Ponyville?

  • ...

The Everfree

I hesitated as we started to leave my house. My sword still rested by the door and we were going to one of the most dangerous territories in Equestria. I decided that while the ponies could defend themselves with hoof and horn, I needed something, so I picked it up and slid the scabbard over my shoulder. I exited my house and locked up to see the mares looking at me with various emotions, "What? You ladies have your magic, your flight, your stare, your sheer bucking power, or your random party supplies to defend yourself with. I'm pale and squishy!"

Applejack rolled her eyes and started to walk off as the rest looked between each other shrugged, "Zecora doesn't really live that far into the forest. The odds of us encountering anything-"

I cut Twilight off, "Please... never tell me the odds. Ever."

She looked at me confused and then shrugged, "Fine, I'm just saying that no-"

"Don't even finish that sentence! Are you trying to jinx us?" Pinkie asked, coming to my defense.

Twilight put her face against one hoof and made a soft ugh sound. I put out my fist and Pinkie met it with her hoof and a smile, "Look, Twilight, I have a few superstitions, and telling me the odds or saying... that... is like... telling an actor good luck instead of break a leg, okay?"

"I don't get it, but if you feel the need to be over prepared I'm not going to stop you. I've been guilty of that once or twice myself."

"Only once or twice?"

Twilight sighed and picked up the pace as began to move off towards the woods, staying on the dirt path that lead into the darkness. It was surprisingly dark for the time of day, but I suppose that was to be expected given the fact that the trees overgrew the path completely and blocked out all the light they possibly could. A few glimmers of sunshine managed to penetrate the canopy and catch the pollen and other particulate floating through ear, giving the forest an eerie quality. The lack of birds and other noise did little to help my nerves as we passed deeper into the wood.

I shrugged the sword to a more comfortable position and took a deep breath, letting my senses extend out into the woods around us. I could feel several presences, but they all seemed to be keeping their distance and observing. While that didn't help my anxiety, it at least gave me an idea of what was out there. Something extremely dangerous, and a few things that are just there on the alternate plane. I also realized I could feel the ponies around me as sheer power in physical form. It must have been the elements, though I doubt Twilight's strength would dim at all. I opened my eyes and immediately lost everything. I could remember the locations, but if they moved at all, I had no idea where they would be.

I tried to keep myself under control, but I really wished I had more power than I did, just in case what I'd labeled the level Red came any closer. I found myself thinking in that language I always knew but could never translate, Necivera elikinin alaute si gevre si kooro. Kerina sikata felida sotoru. Nefira de.

I heard a gasp next to me and looked down at Twilight, raising my eyebrow, "What's up, Twilight?"

"I... did you just...?"

"I've just been thinking, why?"

She shook her head, "I'm sorry, I thought I saw something."

I shrugged and kept walking, keeping a close eye on the trees around me as I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand on end, "Ladies, be on your guard. Something's here."

They all began to look around carefully, not changing pace, I stretched idly and then rested my hands behind my head in easy reach of my sword hilt just in case. I really hoped it was just Zecora coming to greet us, but she would have announced herself and while she is a skilled alchemist, I doubt she is Other. I felt something I can't rightly explain on my left and in one smooth motion I drew my sword and spun to face it, dropping into a defensive stance. I could feel the pervading sense of wrongness emanating from it even though I could not see it. That was the words part of being sensitive without the sight to go with it. I could feel when something was near, but in order to fight it if necessary I would have to close my eyes and lose the sight of the physical world, completely ruining any chance of maneuvering unless I was in a wide-open space.

I looked at the girls who were all looking around confused, unable to see it either, "I take it you ladies don't handle spirits often..."

"Is that what's going on? I just feel like I should run screaming."

Pinkie giggled and started making faces at the trees in front of me before the tension I was experiencing spiked and she gasped, falling onto her flank as her hair deflated, "That... that always works... I... I giggled at the ghosty! I did! You saw!" she looked at me desperately, her eyes glazed over. I gathered the damn thing must have hit her with something. I could feel it close to me, but I didn't dare close my eyes and risk hitting the girls. Let alone the fact that my sword was not enchanted, "Twilight... I'm going to try something... If it doesn't work, get Pinkie out of here, and I'll try to catch up."

Twilight nodded as I stepped in front of Pinkie and concentrated, muttering the words that chose that point to fly through my mind unasked for, "Federi nula khan salida fera del. Set fidi gal tek'a'nu. Nif iliti den seeta."

I could feel my arms ache as if I'd just spent the day trying to bench press Applejack and my hands went numb. My knees began to shake as the outer edges of my vision began to gray. I closed my eyes and imagined a pulse of energy sent out through my hand in a circle around me. I had used this technique as a form of sonar back in the real world to detect other presences more clearly and there it was. The thing in front of me lit up like a Christmas tree and I swung before it had a chance to react. I felt nothing, no resistance as my sword passed through image, and I overextended, tripping over a root and collapsing on my face. The feeling of wrongness went away, but I have no idea if it was because I had injured it, killed it, or it just left out of boredom.

"Tara? Are you okay?" said a raspy voice behind me as I pushed myself to my knees.

"Yeah, Dash, I'm alright. Just a little scuffed up. How's Pinkie?"

"She's cold as ice and keeps muttering something I can't hear." said the racer as I stood and turned around, dusting myself off.

I sighed and picked her up. She was heavy, but not as heavy as I'd thought she would be, despite the extra bit of pudge she carried from all the sweets she ate. I held her against my chest and started walking, "Let's get her to Zecora's, maybe she'll know what to do..." I said as I began to walk. I felt a weight on my back as Twilight levitated my sword back into its sheath from where I'd left it on the ground.

The journey to Zecora's hut was longer than I thought, so I began to jog. Despite my arms and legs threatening collapse after only a few minutes of exertion, we finally made it to our destination. I would have to get in shape if I was going to stay in this world. Twilight knocked on the door as we arrived.

Zecora opened the portal, smiling before she noticed the condition of Pinkie, and my existence, "What is this I see? From what do you all flee? Come inside, you pony folk. The threats of this wood are no joke."

We all piled inside and I collapsed in a corner, "Thank you, Zecora. I need blankets and... I don't know... Something happened..."

The zebra placed a hoof on Pinkie as I held the mare close. She was shaking like a leaf and even colder than before, "Her blood runs cold. She has been touched by something old."

Blankets piled over my charge and I courtesy of our friends. I wrapped the pink pony up tight and placed a hand on her forehead. Her eyes were wide open, but unseeing. I took a deep breath and pictured the spiritual energy I had flowing through me work it's way up my arm and through my hand to enter the pony I held.

I could hear somepony scrambling around as vials and pots clinked. I could only presume that our hostess was making a brew to help Pinkie. I could her warming up a bit, so I stood and walked over to the door, compelled by something in the back of my mind. I placed the same hand on it and began drawing an old symbol that I used constantly to ward houses and other locations, "Vezzidra calanidra kanra sev."

I heard something behind me shatter before I turned and started my way back to Pinkie. I sat back down and held her close as Zecora approached with a vial, "Those words you spoke, how know you the tongue of the elder folk?" she asked as we forcefed my charge the potion.

"I honestly don't know, ma'am. The words come to me, so I let them out. Sorry if I insulted you somehow."

"No insult was given, guest of mine, and I assure you the pink one will be fine. None of you kind have I seen before, but have heard of in tales of yore."

I nodded, petting Pinkie's mane softly, "So, I have to ask, how do you know what happened?"

"There are things within the Everfree that even the princesses know to flee..."

"Great, and I probably pissed it off," I said, nodding to my sword, which I had ditched by the door.

She nodded sagely, "My name you know, how does yours go?"

"I'm Tara, human, and visitor from another world."

"Well, Tara of another world, I'm glad my friends brought you into their fold. I have seen a great many things, but none quite so impressive as your wings."

"You can see those?" I asked. I had been told I had them by others from my world who supposedly had the sight, but to have it confirmed by this zebra I had just met and who had no reason to lie to me was in encouraging.

She nodded as the others gathered around to wait for Pinkie to come back. I gave her some more energy, so I hoped, and watched life come back into her eyes as her coat brightened slowly, "Tara? Is that you? What happened?"

I smiled and planted a soft kiss on her nose, "Welcome back, Pinkie. You gave us a scare."

"OH! I'm sorry... I don't know what happened. I giggled at the ghostly like always and then it felt like somepony had ripped out everything that was good in the world," she looked downcast for a moment before her mane spontaneously reinflated and she started squirming out of her cocoon of blankets. I helped her out and she grinned, "Thanks for looking after me, everypony!"

We all nodded before enclosing her in a group hug. We were all relieved to have our friend back with us. I held Pinkie close, picturing my energy flowing into her to make sure she was alright as I looked up at Zecora, "So... We didn't come here to get Pinkie attacked, but we still would like to ask you if you could help me."

The zebra nodded and tilted her head, indicating for me to go on, "Well, I've been forced off some medication that has physical and mental withdrawal symptoms, and I was wondering if you had any herbal remedies or anything to cleanse my system and maybe keep me in a happy place? I don't suppose you're familiar with a tall weed that has five leaves with jagged edges and makes you really loopy?"

She thought for a moment and then nodded, "Your system clean will shortly be, if you should drink these potions three," she said, grabbing a set of bottles from a shelf. "Take care to remain close to home. Your body will not let you roam. As for your mood my newest friend, I am sad your suffering I cannot end."

I took a deep breath and sighed. "Thanks anyway. I'll survive, if I can count on you girls," I said, looking at my new friends. They all nodded, though I noticed Applejack hesitated a little. I would need to get the farmer alone one of these days and have a talk to her, see if I could find out what her problem was, "So, I should stay close to the bathroom with this then? I said, picking up the bottles she had passed over to me, "How long will it take?"

She winced and look downcast, "I am sorry to say it's for a week, this cleansing power that you seek."

I nodded and let go of Pinkie, "So, shall we head off back to Ponyville?"

The girls nodded, and we all bade our hostess goodbye and took our leave of her humble hut. I kept a close eye on Pinkie while we journeyed back, until Twilight caught my attention with a question, "Why did you ask Zecora for Cannabis?"

"Because on my world we smoke it, illegally, to experience an altered mood state."

"Well, around here, it's mostly used in shamanistic cultures for the same purpose. It's not illegal, but it is expensive and hard to find in Ponyville. I could try and special order some from Canterlot, but do you really want to be in an altered state while you are experiencing... that?" she asked, nodding her head to the bottles I carried.

"You have a point. I imagine I'll be spending quite a bit of time in the bathroom."

Twilight nodded, "Spike once had a bad run of gems that polluted his system... It wasn't a fun week."

I grimaced, "I can imagine, even though I don't want to. I guess I have some shopping to do today if I'm going to be stuck inside for a week."

Pinkie bounced over to us, "Oh! and when you're done I'll throw you the best party I can to thank you for helping me here and for getting those drugs out of your system and getting your head on right!"

I smiled, "Thanks, Pinkie. Can I trust you to keep me company too, when you can?"


I nodded, "I don't want to impose on you girls, but if you could help me shop for supplies and then maybe poke your heads in on me while I'm... out of it, I'd be most appreciative."

"Well, I don't really have anything else to do so I could help you shop. We at least need to get you some saddlebags if you're going to be carrying things," said my purple companion.

"I'll help you carry stuff!" volunteered Pinkie.

Applejack shrugged her shoulders as she walked. "Ah gotta get back to the farm. Big Mac's watchin the Crusaders an Ah need to give 'im a break."

"I understand, Applejack. Good luck with those three."

"Well, darling, I need to work on some dresses for a coming event in Canterlot, but I do have several designs of bags for sale if you would like to stop in."

"I think that'll be our first, stop. Rainbow?"

"I need to practice and see what's on the weather schedule for tomorrow."


"Oh, um, I need to make sure the animals are okay and recover from this if that's alright with you..."

I smiled and nodded at the pegasus as we continued our leisurely walk out of the woods. I had my ears open for any out of place sounds, but all I heard was the usual quiet malevolence of the Everfree itself. I sincerely hoped nothing else decided to torment us on our way out. My nerves were frayed by the time we reached the edge of the forest but my ankle was pain free. The rest of me was exhausted though, and I was breathing heavily from trying to keep pace with the naturally quicker ponies. Applejack just looked at me as she split off from the group and shook her head, snorting before accelerating to a trot on her way back to Sweet Apple Acres. I guess that my inability to keep up easily was distasteful. Sad to say I was used to being looked down on for my general lack of shape. Rainbow Dash took off into the clear skies as soon as we were out of the shade of the last trees of the forest and Fluttershy departed our company shortly thereafter.

Our new foursome proceeded into town and I stopped off by my house again to procure what bits I still had. I would need a trip to the bank soon, but luckily Pinkie assured my job interview at Sugarcube Corner was still available once I was all better. We followed Rarity to her boutique and I looked over the bags she had available. I picked out one that was of a decent size and had her modify the strap so I could carry it like a messenger bag, which worked out quite well. I also picked up a pair of normal saddlebags for heavier loads and for Pinkie to help me today.

We left the boutique and began our journey through town. Somehow, Twilight had acquired a shopping list that included plenty of fluids, easily digestible food, and more than enough toiletries for what was to come. I had the potions in my bag, so I was to bear the softer items. I was very much not looking forward to the next week, but this day with my friends, despite the near tragedy in the forest, was a really good day. I spent the afternoon shopping with two great ponies and we shared a small meal at my house where I broke in the kitchen with a stir fry. I sent them home with leftovers and told them that after I was better, I would treat them to my family recipes for spaghetti sauce and chili, minus the meat of course.

I spent the evening preparing myself. The route between my computer and the bathroom was cleared of obstructions, the toilet seat was down, I had placed several novels in there for consumption, and fluids were ready, chilling away in the icebox. It was all I could, so I spent the rest of the night distracting myself with fiddling about on the computer playing games and watching old episodes of television shows.

As I lay in bed, staring at my ceiling and trying desperately to sleep, I heard a knock at my door. It was nearly two in the morning as I entered the living room and approached the door. I heard another knock and opened the door slowly, peeking out. There was a pink mass standing just in front of it. "Pinkie? What the hay are you doing here?"

"I couldn't sleep. I kept having nightmares about what happened in the forest. I haven't had nightmares since I was a little filly! Twilight's sound asleep, Fluttershy would just get scared herself, and nopony else would understand... Can, can I come in?"

I undid the latch and let her inside, leading her over to the couch where we both sat. "Do you want me to stay up with you?"

"N-no, I just think I'd feel better with somepony else in the room."

"Okay, well, I can't sleep on this thing, so I'll grab a few cushions and you can join me in my room," I said as I stood and began to remove cushions from the seating. I reached for the pillow next to her and she put a hoof on my hand, "C-can't I just sleep with you? As a friend, I mean!"

"If you want, I just didn't want you to feel awkward," I said. I put the cushions back and led her back into my room. I climbed into bed and scooted over a bit, lifting the covers and motioning to the pony who stood in the door. I had kept on the pajama pants and t-shirt I had put on to answer the door, so I was a little more comfortable. I also thought it would be really nice to snuggle a pony, if she wanted to.

She climbed in after making sure her hooves were clean, a fact for which I was greatful. I put the covers over her and turned over so my back was facing her. I held off my own sleep until I heard her breathing become slow and a soft snore escape her nose. I smiled and began to doze off myself.

I was awoken a while later by a squirming pony behind me. I rolled over and saw her deep in the throes of an obviously scary dream. My instincts took over and I wrapped an arm over her, planting my face next to ear and running a hand through the front of her mane, shushing her and telling her that everything was okay. I made a note to make her a dream catcher when I had the materials, which I could get tomorrow before my cleansing. As I lay there, snuggling her and soothing her, she gradually calmed down and went back to sleeping softly. I gave her a soft kiss on the forehead and remained spooned up behind her as my thoughts cast themselves back to the day.

The thing in the forest had almost robbed the world of one of the brightest things in it next to Celestia's sun. Something would have to be done, but I was far too weak and out of touch with the Other to do anything about it. I hoped that Celestia was right and that my powers had indeed been unlocked, but only time would tell. Until then, I was going to stay out of the forest and practice my sword technique. It was about all I could do, given the situation. At least here, I could help Pinkie with her nightmares and for now, that was good enough for me.

As sleep finally claimed me, I smiled and nuzzled into the soft pink mane in front of me, sighing happily.