• Published 23rd Sep 2012
  • 7,406 Views, 109 Comments

A Place to Call Home - starshine_dash

So what happens when I fall asleep one night and wake up in Ponyville?

  • ...

Cold Hands, Warm Hearth

My first thought on waking was that it was incredibly cold. My teeth were chattering and I could see my breath. It seemed that, as well as finishing up winter in a day, they brought it in just as fast. A few days ago when I had watched the Running of the Leaves I had only needed a heavier shirt than usual. Now it was absolutely frigid in here. I wrapped myself in my blanket and staggered out to the living room, where I shakily filled the hearth with wood and set it ablaze. It would take a while to heat the entire house, but it was small, and the hearth was large, so it could handle it. I sat there, absorbing the heat from the flames until I could move into the kitchen and put a pot of coffee on without dropping anything from numb fingers. I turned on the stove and returned to sit in front of the fire until the brown liquid was done percolating.

I zoned out, staring into the flames. My mind wandered away from reality, as it was, and into the what ifs and could have beens as it does when I get into such a relaxed state. I lost my awareness of the outside world until I heard the pot on the stove begin to rattle as it neared the completion of its task. I stood and wandered into the kitchen yet again, procuring myself a mug of the piping hot brew to warm my insides as well as my outsides. My hands were still frigid, but they always took forever to warm up and my feet were begging for the thick socks I kept hidden for winter. Retreating to my bedroom, I changed into a nice thick sweatshirt, warm flannel pants, and two pairs of socks before I wrapped my blanket back around myself and returned to the living room to sip my coffee and stare into my fire.

Hours later, I was still sitting in my chair, staring into the crackling hearth before I realized I had to brave the winter weather to attend my shift at Sugarcube Corner. I was tempted to stay home, but I would need the bits sooner rather than later. I finished my coffee and put on some more appropriate clothes before gathering a warm coat, hat, gloves, and shoes and bracing myself before opening the door.

The cold air of the outside world hit me like a slap in the face, compared to the warmth I had inside. I quickly shut the door behind me and began to work my towards town. It was rather windy so I buried my face in my coat and made a mental note to inquire about a scarf with Rarity. Luckily the seasonal change hadn't taken me completely by surprise. I had wood for the hearth and some warm clothes. I just wasn't expecting it to go from brisk fall to frigid winter literally over night. I had some choice words for the weather team by the time I reached town and discovered that it was beginning to snow. The walk home later tonight was going to be interesting to say the least. I looked around and noticed that even the ponies were wearing at the very least a scarf, though some had coats or hats as well. I waved to a few of them as they noticed me before I finally reached my destination and shoved my way in via the rear door, instantly enveloped in the warm, yeasty, sweet-smelling air of the kitchen.

My field of vision was immediately filled with Pink as I was greeted by my co-worker. "Hey, Tara! Isn't it so cold out there? I'm just glad I only have to walk downstairs to get to work. Did you keep warm enough on your walk into town?"

"Hey Pinkerton," I said, using yet another random nickname for the party pony, "Yeah, I kept warm enough, though I'm gonna see if Rarity can't hook me up with some boots and a scarf. You ponies like your winters colder than I'm used to. A bit of warning would have been nice too! If I had known it was going to be that cold this morning when yesterday was fine I would have lit the hearth last night."

"Heh, I guess the weather team just assumes everypony knows that today is always the first day of winter!"

"Well, I'll try to remember for next year. How long until wrap up?" I asked while I extricated myself from my clothing until I was wearing my usual baking duds of jeans and a t-shirt that could be stained without worry. Icing and batter had a tendency to go flying in this kitchen, and I appeared to attract it much like a magnet.

"About four months, I think. It varies depending on the year. I think this year is supposed to be a long winter."

I sighed, "Wonderful. So, what's on the list for today, Pinkie?"

She smiled at me and took a deep breath, "Well, we've got three dozen chocolate cupcakes, three dozen vanilla cupcakes, three dozen swirl cupcakes, a gross of peanut butter cookies, five loaves of cinnamon bread, a gross of white chocolate macadamia nut cookies, six dozen muffins, a dozen of each flavor, and a birthday cake for one of the fillies at the school."

I shook my head, making a convincing rattling motion as I absorbed our schedule, "Well, what do you want me to start on?"

"Well, put those hands of yours to good use and start kneading some bread dough for the cinnamon bread!"

"By your command, Pinkatron," I giggled as I came out of the robot voice and went to dig some dough out of the proofer to start kneading it back down and flattening it out to add the cinnamon and sugar swirl. I was tempted to get out the rolling pin but that wouldn't help. I made sure it was flat enough and got some melted butter, painting in on carefully before mixing together the parts to make the swirl. I shook it over the butter "glue" carefully and copiously before rolling the dough back up and forming it into a long loaf that I cut down into five proper sized loaves. I plunked them into well-greased pans and slipped them into one of the myriad ovens that the kitchen had.

Having finished my first task, I turned to watch as Pinkie finished making both flavors of cookies. She was always good at multitasking when it came to baking or partying. Once the cookies were in the oven, I began to make enough chocolate cupcake batter for the order and the half of it we would need for the half and half batch. I was going to let her handle that one since my skill at baking ended at mix ingredients, put in oven. Fancy baking was for her and the Cakes, I was just the bulk cooking monkey. I didn't mind, it was tasty work, the food was as organic as you can get, and the company was fun. She always had a new song to sing while we cooked long into the evening. Finally finished, I collapsed into a chair in the front room for a break, sipping at a glass of water. I also had a cinnamon roll that had been left over from this morning.

My co-worker joined me, her mane covered in various batters and icings as she set the finished cake on the counter to be inspected by Mrs. Cake. "Are we still on for movie night, Pinks?"

"You bet! I made a batch of brownies this morning just for us. You do like brownies right?" I nodded. "Good, I was worried. So once we finish up here I'll grab the brownies and we can head back to your place."

"Sounds good to me," I said with a smile. I hadn't had brownies in a while and I looked forward to their fudgy chocolate goodness.

"Actually, I need Pinkie to help me with finishing the decorations on this cake, but you can get going now if you'd like, Tara," Mrs. Cake offered, giving the cake a critical eye as she probably pondered how best to decorate it for a young filly.

"I need to swing through the market anyway and pick up some stuff. I'll meet you back at my place, Pinkie?"

The pink pony nodded and I said my goodbyes before retreating to the back and cloaking myself in my warming clothes. They were toasty from having been inside all day, but the heat quickly faded as I left the building and made my way toward Carousel Boutique. I entered the building to the sound of the jingling bell above the door and heard the familiar unicorn's voice float out from a side room, "One moment, darling! I must finish these stitches!"

"No hurry, Rarity, I'm just looking for a scarf and to see about having some boots made."

"Ah! Hello, Tara. I'll be with you in just a minute. There should be some scarves to the right of the door as you walk in if you'd like to look!"

"Thanks!" I called down the hall and began to rummage through the scarf selection. It was hard to find something that matched when your winter wear consisted of what Jayne Cobb would have called a "cunning hat," a pair of mismatched gloves that weren't even related on the color wheel, and a long, stained, previously blue coat. I had picked up something that looked like it could have been inspired by Princess Luna's mane when I realized my mistake in attire at the gasp and thud behind me. I turned to find Rarity had fainted dead away. I sighed and moved over, picking up the mare and placing her on a couch before I started fanning her and shaking her to wake her up, after removing my horrible wardrobe first.

She eventually came around and I smiled. She blinked a few times and sat up. "My heavens, I had the most horrible dream. You were wearing the tackiest clothing I had seen since Pinkie Pie attempted to wear everything she owned at once."

I blushed and giggled, "Sorry, Rarity. I didn't take the fact that I haven't bought new winter clothes in three years into account when I came over."

"You mean that hat exists?! Show it to me, I must cleanse it with fire!" she said, leaping to her hooves. and glaring around the room.

I groaned and stood up, moving in front of her, "Rarity, my grandmother knitted that hat before she died. I'd appreciate it if you didn't burn it. If you are that upset by my winter attire, I have a few bits stored away for a new set of clothing if you were up to it."

She twitched before calming herself, "Very well, given that it is a memento of a loved one, I will allow the hat to survive. I will make you a new set of winter clothes. In the meantime, darling, please... dispose of that ratty thing you were wearing for a coat." She looked over at me and the scarf I was still holding and her eyes lit up, "Idea!" she shouted and yanked the scarf out of my hands and ran off into her work room. I shrugged and followed after her.

I was suddenly smacked in the face by a roll of cloth and ducked down low in order to avoid another flying fabric. I slumped against a wall in order to stay out of the way while she worked, cloth, thread and other items flying everywhere. Watching her do her thing was fascinating as she pulled together winter clothing in record time. In short order she had a new coat, hat and gloves that all matched the scarf wonderfully. It was definitely inspired by Princess Luna. I couldn't help a soft "Wow" from escaping my mouth.

She smiled as she handed me the pile of folded clothing, "There you are, darling. Make sure you take your old items with you or I make no promises as to their state of existence."

I chuckled and stood back up, "You know, if it weren't for the fact that I know you grew up here in Ponyville, I'd think you were originally a designer from my world."

She laughed that honest laugh she has when she genuinely finds something amusing, instead of the fake titter of high society, "Well, I admit I asked Twilight for assistance in the initial phases while you were unconscious, and the Princesses filled in the blanks."

"Well, I'm glad they did. Everything you've made for me fits perfectly," I said, trying on the new coat. It was heavy, but flexible, allowing me to keep most of my range of motion while keeping me warm. After I had bundled myself up, I picked up my old clothes and dug out my bits from the pocket of my pants, "How much do I owe you?"

After naming a price, and receiving her payment, Rarity bade me good evening and I left. It was already dark as I made my way through the rapidly closing market, picking up some fruit and vegetables to restock what I'd gone through in the previous week. I managed to get a few pounds of apples from Applejack before she closed and then I made my way home.

As I approached my house, I spotted a particular pink pony posted pointedly outside my door. She looked to be absolutely frozen, but as I approached, she shook the layer of ice off and smiled at me, "Hi, Tara! Where've you been? I've been here waiting."

"Sorry, Pinkie, I got shanghai'd by Rarity into getting a new set of winter duds and then I had to pick up some stuff from the market"

"It's okay, I kept myself entertained! Let's get inside though, I'm cold!"

I nodded and opened the door, letting us in to the still-warm main room of my house. The fire in the hearth was nothing but embers, so I coaxed it back to life with a few fresh logs and some gentle prodding. Pinkie set up the couch near the computer so we could watch the movie and then laid out an impressive spread of snacks as always. We'd been slowly plowing our way through the Star Trek movies and it was time to deal with the worst one of the series. The one we do not speak of unless we are denying its existence.

I took off my jacket and put it on the coat hangars by the door before wandering to my room to change. I got into some comfy sweats before I returned to set up the movie and flop on the couch next to Pinkie. She flopped across me and I lay my hand on her side as always. We were about as close as two friends could get without being more than that. Once my hand touched her, she squeaked and moved away a little, "What's up?" I asked, concerned.

"Your hand is cold!"

I giggled a little, "Sorry. They'll warm up in a bit," I said, reaching forward and grabbing one of the brownies. I took a bite and was in chocolate heaven. It was soft, rich, and moist. Everything a perfect brownie should be. There were even small chunks of chocolate strewn about inside, adding a satisfying burst of additional chocolate. So much chocolate. I sighed happily and finished the brownie before reaching for a glass of milk to wash it down, "These brownies are great, Pinks."

"I'm glad you like them!" she said with a smile as she munched one of her own. The smile turned a little devious for a moment, but I paid no attention as I started up the movie. My friend leaned back against me and we watched the familiar, to me, opening sequence of Star Trek V. that movie.

I had another brownie and then suffered through, Pinkie having the time of her life at some of the jokes that I just groaned at. Finally, the movie finished and the next began to cleanse my brain of the terribleness. About five minutes later, I started to feel a little funny. My body started to tingle a little and I felt like everything was amazing, "Pinkie... Are these your... special brownies?"

She giggled and looked up at me with wide eyes, "I dunno, do you feel... special?" she asked, laughing.

I rolled my eyes and pinned her on her back, blowing a raspberry on her belly. She shrieked and rolled off my lap to land on the floor as I started laughing, "I guess I do!" I said as I tried to stop laughing insanely.

She glared at me for only a split second before she started laughing too. "I'm gonna get you for that," she said, stalking towards me.

I put on a look of fear and start scooting away from the couch, "No, no, Pinkie's gonna turn me into cupcakes!" I said in mock terror.

My attacker lowered herself on her front legs, sending her flank higher into the air, which wiggled and twitched before she leaped forward, tackling me over the back of the couch. We landed with a thud and started laughing as my friend lay on top of me. Our laughs eventually became giggles as "The Undiscovered Country" continued playing, unwatched, on the computer.

She looked at me with a little blush before getting up and offering a hoof to help me stand. I cocked an eyebrow at the blush but let it be as I wobbled on my feet, "Pinkie... I am stoned out of my mind... How much did you put in there?"

"Uh, I don't remember, I think I made the oil I used with a couple of ounces... It just gives me a nice buzz!"

I flopped back onto the couch after staggering over, "I guess you have a higher tolerance than I do... Then again, back in the day, I'd get ripped off of like two hits."

She snickered and landed on the couch next to me, "Lightweight."

I poked her underneath her foreleg, up near her ribs, which sent her into a fit of fresh giggles. I had found that ticklish spot on her a few weeks ago. She finally caught her breath and reached for another brownie, scarfing it down with gusto as I went for something to quench my thirst. I took a few deep gulps before I felt something crawl up my spine. I blinked and looked around, my brain a little slow at coming to the realization that it was something hitting one of my wards. I'd set them up when I'd recovered from my week of suffering, but I still didn't think they'd work. I felt another chill and set my cup down, closing my eyes and furrowing my brow.


"Shush, Pinkie, please," I said shortly as I saw the flare of energy as something hit the side of the house, "Shazbot... Pinkie, we have a problem," I explained, standing and almost instantly sobering up. I wasn't nearly as sober as I could be, but I was able to think through the purple haze that clouded my mind. Something else was attacking my home, and while I hoped my wards and the threshold law held up, I wanted to be prepared so I picked up my sword started drawing energy from the hearth to imbue the blade. I could feel the energy this time, so I guessed that Celestia's accident had indeed unlocked something inside me. I felt my sword pulse with power as a sharp pain struck me in the temple. My ward had been violently destroyed.

I took a deep breath and hoped that whatever this was had to deal with my threshold, but I had not lived here long enough to truly call this a home, so I was sure it was weak. I looked at my friend and smiled nervously. "Pinks. Whatever happens, stay behind me until I say run, then go get Twilight."

"O-okay." she stuttered, experiencing an interesting combo for her Pinkie Sense.

I closed my eyes and watched as something huge and ugly passed through my door and entered, barely slowed by the threshold. I grimaced, not relishing the fact that I would have to fight with my eyes closed and be unable to see the physical objects around me. I'd have to see if Celestia had any of Starswirl's pre-transformation books if I survived this. It charged and I just held my sword pointed in front of me. It punctured the outline of the creature and then I felt myself lifted and thrown across the house, landing unceremoniously in the kitchen. I got its position, then shouted to Pinkie, staring at her, "Go! Now!"

She nodded and vanished out the front door as I got to my feet. I saw energy venting from the wound I had inflicted on whatever it was and I felt a pulse of energy from behind me, "Verina dat karkita..." I said as I turned and swung blindly behind me. I felt my sword collide with the table, but the creature that was standing there fell in half. It must have been weaker. I felt a blast of cold across my back as my original opponent took a swipe out of me. I yanked my blade free from the wood and spun, slashing where I assumed it had been. I saw it finish jumping out of the way and begin to gather energy to itself, probably to heal its wound. I drew more of the heat from the fire and formed it into a spike of energy in my hand, which I willed to fly true and explode on contact. I succeeded and watched it fall backwards from the blow. I rushed forward, tripping over something, but carrying myself far enough so that my fall led my sword into it.

I felt all the energy from my sword drain away as a cold greater than what I had felt that morning began to flow over me. I shivered and tried to stand, only to collapse halfway. I looked through my closed eyelids as I watched my opponent flee my home, just as Twilight, Pinkie, and Rarity of all ponies came rushing in. I opened my eyes and grinned weakly, "I chased it off..." I said before falling forward and losing consciousness.

I clawed my way back to the waking world, finding myself on the couch with Pinkie laying on top of my, hugging me tight and sound asleep. Twilight and Rarity were asleep in chairs next elsewhere in the room, and the fire was crackling away merrily. I could feel the energy transfer between Pinkie and I, I'm guessing she wanted to return the favor from the Everfree. I coughed a little, my throat dry and that woke her up.

"Hey, Tara... You feeling okay?" she asked sleepily.

"Much better. What's going on?"

"Twilight put up new wards around your house, Rarity was just here because she was at the library too when I got there. We, uh, figured out how to have me give you some energy, so I've been laying here doing that for an hour or so. I musta dozed off."

"It's okay, Pinkie. I'm glad you were here."

She blushed a little bit and then shook her head, muttering something under her breath. I tilted my head again and gave her a hug, rubbing my hand along her back. She squeaked, "Your hands are cold!"

"Well, the fire is hot, that should warm them up soon enough, your body heat will help too," I said, holding my hands against her.

"Tara, I... um..." she sighed, "You can do this, Pinkie!"

I looked at her confused and opened my mouth to say something when she did something I would have never expected. She kissed me. Not on the cheek or forehead, right on the lips. I was shocked, to say the least and I held my breath for a moment until she released it, "Sorry..." she said, climbing off and running out the door, her mane starting to deflate.

I cursed and staggered to my feet, grabbing my coat and hat off the peg before dashing out the door after her, "Pinkie! Wait!" I called, chasing her toward the park.

I found her sitting on a bench, mane straight and tears frozen to her cheeks. I was breathing heavily, having to keep up with an earth pony was not an easy task. I knelt on the cold, hard ground and looked at her as she sniffled, "Why are you crying? Why'd you run?" I asked between breaths.

"I did something you didn't like."

"You didn't do that, I was just surprised. I wasn't expecting that."

She blinked and looked at me in the eyes, seemingly examining everything I had just said, "So, you don't mind that I... like you like you?"

I smiled and shook my head, standing up and moving over to hug her on the bench, "Of course not, Pinkie. You're awesome! You seriously helped me out through the uh, issues I had a few weeks ago, and you keep me company so I don't go completely insane by spending every night alone. You're always there when I start to feel down with a smile, or a joke, or a song. I doubt I'd still be alive here if you weren't around. You and the other girls all helped, but you helped the most and for that, well, I love you for that."

"So..." she said, doing a remarkable impression of Fluttershy, looking up at me from behind her mane, "Um, can I be your special somepony?" she asked quietly. I simply smiled and nodded. Her mane poofed up instantly and I found myself on the ground with a very happy mare hugging me tightly.

I laughed a little, "Hey, Pinkie, let's go back and snuggle by the fireplace, huh? I'm sure the others will get worried if they wake up and we're gone. Plus, my hands are cold," I said, tickling her under her forelegs.

She yelped and started giggling, then rolled off, "Alright, you win, let's go!" she said.

I stood up and we walked the long walk back to my house. She was walking very close and would occasionally bump against me or swat me with her tail. I couldn't identify the tune she was humming either. Once we got back, I put my coat away and lay back on the couch, with Pinkie taking her place back on top of me. I smiled and held her close as my hands slowly warmed up in the heat of the fireplace as we both slowly dozed off. I fell asleep with my hand in her mane.