• Published 25th Sep 2022
  • 154 Views, 20 Comments

A Family Curse - Creativa-Artly01

It’s a new day when V starts feeling off more than normal, and he immediately knows something is up. What will happen when he brings it up to his family?

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Hatching a Plan

Over the following days, Taehyung begins to hatch a plan with his mom and with Jimin to get him out of the house and to the help he needs down in Ponyville. “I really think this enchantress in Ponyville can help me,” he explains to his mom. “We need to take this into our own hooves at this point given Appa has no plans of helping,” says Taehyung to his mother with a sigh.

“I agree,” responds his mom, “but how to get you out unnoticed by your father is a different thing entirely,” responds his mom as she takes his hoof in her own. “We will find a way though, I promise you that much, my baby Bear.”

“Thanks Eomma,” responds Taehyung as he hugs his mom. “I’m just so ready to be rid of this stupid curse.”

“I know, baby,” responds his mom as she continues to hold him, “I know.”

A few days later, when his dad is gone away on a business trip, Jimin and a cloaked Taehyung hop on the first train to Ponyville. A matter of days later, the two arrive before heading into the Everfree Forest on hoof, soon arriving at Zecora’s hut.

“What can I do for you Colts?” She inquires when she sees the pair at her doorstep. “Do come inside.” The pair oblige.

“You can take off the cloak now, you’re safe here,” she reassures the unicorn before her. Taehyung nods and removes the cloak with his hooves.

“My boy, what happened to you?” Inquires the zebra. “I’ve never seen a predicament like yours before.”

“Family curse,” sighs Taehyung with tears in his eyes. “Please tell me you can help me. We came all this way.”

“Let me go see what I have in my books,” responds Zecora. “Surely there’s got to be something.” Zecora goes to her books and begins to flip through them until she finds the book on familial curses. She goes to the index and soon finds the section on the tiger curse. Needless to say, there’s not much there, but there is the thing about the amulet. “The only way to keep the Tiger at bay is with a specially crafted tiger eye amulet,” reads Zecora. “The amulet is structured with metal, an appearance shifting spell, and an orange tiger eye ruby. The rubies are super rare making the structuring difficult.”

“How rare are these rubies?” Inquires Taehyung worried.

“Extremely,” responds Zecora, “I haven’t seen any in decades. They’re not normally needed for much to be honest.”

“Well, can you find some?” Inquires Taehyung. “Please. I’m ready to be rid of this Tiger. Ready to be returned to normal.”

“We can try,” responds Zecora. “The ancient jewel caves are in the absolute depths of the Everfree. We can begin the trek in the morning, right now just rest. Until then, I can give you an herb to at least curb your nightmares.”

Taehyung nods and happily drinks the herb tea that Zecora provides to him. He then falls fast asleep, but this time for the first time, there are no nightmares just like the zebra said. Jimin watches as Taehyung sleeps before falling asleep about an hour later himself.

Early the next morning, the three awaken and begin their trek into the depths of the Everfree and nine days later, they arrive at the ancient jewel caves and head inside. Taehyung lights up his horn to help them see the crystals. They see sapphires, emeralds, standard red rubies as they walk, but no tiger eye rubies, not yet anyways. They continue the trek through the caves for days and about three days later, they stumble upon an inlet in the cave inlaid with the precious orange stones.

“Are those them?” Inquires Taehyung for once very hopeful.

“Yes,” responds Zecora. She opens her bag with her mouth and begins to load plenty of the precious orange stones into the bag with the help of Taehyung and Jimin. Once they’re sure they have plenty, they leave the caves and begin the long trek back to the Everfree Forest’s opening and to Zecora’s hut.

Several several days later, the three finally arrive back at Zecora’s hut and she and Taehyung begin work on the amulet. “Thank goodness we found the gems,” says Taehyung letting out a sigh of relief, “because I’m so ready to be rid of my Tiger.” After three days of work, the amulet is finished, appearance shifting spell and all. Taehyung eagerly slides it over his neck with his magic and breathes a sigh of relief as he sees himself shift back to his normal red coat color. “It, it’s working,” he says absolutely giddy with delight.

“Yes, but you can never lose the amulet or you’re back to a tiger again,” Jimin reminds him.

“Oh, I know,” responds Taehyung still beaming happy to be himself again. “I never plan to take it off ever.” The two thank Zecora with the biggest of hugs before returning into Ponyville proper to catch the train back home. Zecora even sends Taehyung back with some of those herbs and a few spare tiger eye rubies to ensure the nightmares and the Tiger are continued to be kept in check.

Three days later, the train arrives back at Taehyung’s house where he grabs his stuff before returning once more to Big Hit and Bangtan with Jimin at his side. “Keep my boy safe,” responds Taehyung’s mom from the door of her son’s room as she watches him pack.

“I will,” responds Jimin, “I promise. I always do.”

Once back at Big Hit, the two are embraced in massive hugs by the Maknae and their Hyungs. “We missed you so much,” cry the others. “You’ve been gone for so long. We’re glad you’re okay now, Taehyung.”

“Not fully okay,” responds Taehyung, “but I’m better than I was. I was miserable. I’m just glad to be back to some degree of normal.”

“Yeah, I bet,” responds RM. “We’re just glad you’re back, Bear. Oh, and nice necklace.”

“Thanks,” responds Taehyung, “I can’t take it off ever or the Tiger will return. It keeps him at bay. Keeps him in check.”

“Okay,” responds RM. “We’re just glad you’re back nonetheless. Welcome home, Bear, welcome home.” They all continue to embrace Taehyung in the biggest hug and they don’t let go for the longest time as they refuse to let him go.