• Published 25th Sep 2022
  • 155 Views, 20 Comments

A Family Curse - Creativa-Artly01

It’s a new day when V starts feeling off more than normal, and he immediately knows something is up. What will happen when he brings it up to his family?

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Time To Go Home

The next morning, RM and Jimin go and retrieve Taehyung from the police station after leaving the bond in Snowflower’s hooves. “Thanks for the help again, Snow,” says RM. “It’s much appreciated.”

“Anytime,” responds Snowflower with a smile. She then sees the three stallions out of the station and back to their studio. Once she’s sure they’re inside, Snowflower once more returns to the station and to her post.

Meanwhile back at Big Hit, Taehyung plops down on the communal couches, relieved to be back home. “That prison was miserable,” he sighs. He begins to cry. “That stupid dampener on my horn, those shackles, the constant voice of the Tiger in my head. I’m honestly glad they didn’t confiscate my necklace to be honest.”

“Yeah, that would’ve been bad,” RM and Jimin agree. “Now do you promise to listen to me from now on? No more going anywhere unless it is safe and I’ve been told it’s safe for you to do so. Got it.”

“Yes, hyung,” responds V. “After the night I had, I don’t want to leave here for awhile yet to be completely honest.”

“Glad to hear it,” responds RM. “Now I have a meeting to get to.” He trots off leaving the soulmates alone once more.

“So you don’t remember any of what the Tiger does during your blackouts?” Inquires Jimin.

“Yeah,” responds Taehyung. “How many ponies have I killed and not even know?” He buries his head in his hooves. “It’s hard to think about, wrap my head around to be completely honest. And on top of that, how many did dad kill and not know about? Because I know I’m not the only one that High Cloud is after. He’s still after dad after all these years as well. Still after Appa too. That’s terrifying. He wants to wipe out everypony in my family with this curse I feel like. I just don’t know what to do anymore.” He continues to cry. “I…I just don’t know what to do anymore.”

With that Taehyung gets up and goes and lies down in the room he and Jimin share. His head is spinning and he’s a bit dizzy. “Are you sure you’re okay?” Inquires Jimin as he helps Taehyung get comfortable in bed.

“Yeah, the Tiger is just trying to bypass the necklace, just trying to escape,” responds Taehyung as he grabs at his horn as it’s throbbing in pain again.

“Are you sure?” Asks Jimin concerned. “The stress from yesterday could’ve aggravated something.”

“Oh, I’m aware that it definitely did,” groans Taehyung in pain. He then lies down and falls asleep. Jimin, panicked, runs off to find RM. He soon finds RM in a meeting.

RM notices the frantic Pegasus and puts the meeting on pause. They step into a second room to talk quietly and privately. “You’re worried about Taehyung, aren’t you?” Inquires RM of the Pegasus before him. “I honestly am too. He had a rough go last night.”

“Yeah, he sure did,” responds Jimin with a sigh. “He’s still in so much pain. Yes, the amulet helps mitigate it some, but it doesn’t take it away completely. He can still hear the voice of the Tiger in his head. His horn still throbs in pain anytime the stress of the fear of the Tiger escaping arises. I’m so so worried about him. I just want him to be better, to be okay.” Jimin begins to cry. “I hate seeing him in so much pain. I hate not being able to really help him. I wish there was someway to break his curse once and for all. I really and truly do.” He’s absolutely bawling at this point.

“I know,” sighs RM, “I know. But there’s nothing we can do. Not more than we’ve already done. That’s the sucky thing about familial curses, they don’t really have something that can break them. It sucks but it’s just the reality of it, I’m afraid.”

With that, RM returns to his meeting and Jimin returns to check up on Taehyung. When he comes into the room, he still sees Taehyung fast asleep, kicking as he sleeps, trying to fight the Tiger off.

‘Why do you still torture me so?’ Inquires Taehyung’s head voice of the Tiger. ‘I just want to be rid of you. I’ve suffered enough because of you. I was almost killed yesterday because of you.’

‘Stupid foal,’ responds the Tiger, ‘you may be able to mitigate me, keep me at bay, but you’ll never truly be rid of me.’ With that, the Tiger stops talking and the nightmares take over once more. They all flash one after another. The Tiger killing Jimin. Taehyung in chains and the muzzle. Taehyung as the transformed Tiger in chains. Taehyung as the transformed Tiger getting burnt alive, consumed by flames. On consistent and constant loop just one after another after another nonstop for the rest of the day and into the night.