• Published 25th Sep 2022
  • 155 Views, 20 Comments

A Family Curse - Creativa-Artly01

It’s a new day when V starts feeling off more than normal, and he immediately knows something is up. What will happen when he brings it up to his family?

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An Anonymous Tip

As the day continues, somepony tips off the government police about the red stallion’s upcoming photoshoot. “Great,” says Officer High Cloud. “We can attempt arresting him there, then.”

“Yeah, but one hitch,” responds his number two once more, “the tip also gave us the note that the little pink Pegasus will be accompanying our target.”

“At this point, we have no choice but to risk it,” responds Officer High Cloud. “It’s as alone as we’re going to get him, I have a feeling.”

“Fair enough,” sighs his number two. “Fair enough.”

Meanwhile somehow, the tip off soon makes its way to RM who soon barges in on V and Jimin in their room. “Neither of you two are going to that photoshoot tomorrow. It’s a police stakeout to try to get you alone, Taehyung.”

“Wait, what?” Asks Taehyung confused. “Are you sure?”

“Yes,” responds RM. “One of my old buddies has friends on the government police force, so he overheard and then told me. You two aren’t leaving this building at all tomorrow. Got it.”

“Yes,” nod the pair, “we got it.”

“Good,” responds RM. He then closes the door and leaves the two alone once more. Jimin then watches on as Taehyung gives a dastardly grin. The pink Pegasus gulps.

“You plan to disobey RM’s warning, don’t you?” Inquires Jimin.

“Maybe,” snarls Taehyung. “Come along if you want tomorrow but you’re not obliged to.”

“Well, I’m not taking my eyes off of you,” responds Jimin. “Not ever. You’ll need to ask for more security guards for tomorrow. We both will.” Taehyung nods and heads off to file the request as Jimin stays in the room.

Soon enough tomorrow arrives, and the two ponies are escorted to the photoshoot by their now bulked out security. Once there, the shoot goes off without a hitch. The problem arrives as the two get prepared to leave. As they are walking out the shoot, the two and their security are blocked by the government police.

“What do you want?” Inquires Taehyung’s head security guard. “My ward has done nothing wrong.”

“On the contrary,” responds High Cloud, “the red stallion is wanted for several murders. He’s no normal pony, you know.”

With that, the security has no choice but to back down and hand Taehyung over to the police. “We’ve got you now, Tiger,” says High Cloud with a chagrin.

“How did you even know about my photoshoot?” Inquires Taehyung absolutely perplexed. “Also I don’t know what you mean. I swear I’ve done nothing wrong.”

“Well, we’ve dealt with your kind before, foal,” responds High Cloud, “we’ve also been trying to hunt down your father for years. You tiger kinds are a dangerous breed.”

“But my tiger is at bay now,” cries Taehyung as he is led away in chains. “I swear.” The officers won’t hear it. They throw him in the metal cart and take him away to the station and lock him in a cell. In a panic, Jimin flies straight back to Big Hit, leaving his security in the dust.

Once back, he flies right through the door almost tackling RM to the ground in his panicked flight. “What’s going on, Jimin?” Inquires RM worried and concerned. “Why isn’t Taehyung with you? Where is he? You two disobeyed me didn’t you?”

“Yes, we disobeyed you and as you said, Taehyung was taken. We didn’t believe you, so we went. We were wrong. You were right,” the pink Pegasus continues to cry. “We need to get Taehyung back before they kill him.” He’s bawling at this point. “They plan to kill him, hyung. They plan to kill him…”

“And we will,” RM reassures the distraught Pegasus, “I promise.” He goes off to call one of his contacts at the government police office.

“What do you want, Joon?” Inquires the unicorn mare who answers the phone.

“Whatever bond I need to pay to get Taehyung back, I’ll pay it,” responds RM. “You do know your higher ups plan to kill my member, right?”

“No, I…I honestly had no idea,” responds the mare. “I’ll see what I can do and will get back to you, alright. I promise.”

“Okay,” responds RM. With that, she hangs up and goes off in search of High Cloud, soon finding him drinking coffee in his office.

“What do you want, Snowflower?” Inquires High Cloud.

“For you to release the prisoner,” responds Snowflower. At this, High Cloud lets out a nice hearty chuckle.

“But he’s a murderer, filly,” responds High Cloud.

“Just tell me the bond,” responds Snowflower.

“A million bits,” responds High Cloud. “Good luck ever paying that, though.” Snowflower, this information in tow, goes and makes the return call to RM.

“So I take it you got the bond amount?” Inquires RM as he answers the phone.

“Yes, it’s a million bits,” responds Snowflower. “You can come by and get him in the morning. Don’t do it tonight, High Cloud is refusing to leave at the moment, so just safer to do it tomorrow since tomorrow is his day off.”

“Fair enough,” responds RM, “and thanks again, Snow.”

“Anytime,” responds Snowflower. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” She then hangs up the phone and goes to check on the prisoner.

“Who are you?” Inquires Taehyung of the silver unicorn mare before him.

“I’m a friend,” responds Snowflower with a tender smile. She uses her magic to briefly switch off the room’s cameras and speakers. “I’m Snowflower. I’m a friend of RM. He’ll be by tomorrow with that bond to secure your release. Don’t you worry.”

“Okay, thank you,” responds Taehyung weakly. “Thank you so, so much.” A few minutes later, she returns with a water and gives it to Taehyung before leaving once more, switching the cameras and speakers back on as she does so. She then turns in for the night to her apartment above the police station since her father is the number three to the grouch with a vendetta that is Officer High Cloud.

Once she’s in the apartment, she is greeted by her father. “I don’t get how you can stand High Cloud. He’s so much up his own hindquarters,” groans an absolutely annoyed Snowflower. “And his vendettas make no sense. He could be fired for all these personal arrests, so why hasn’t he been?”

“Because he has family in every branch of government, my dear filly,” responds Snowflower’s dad. “That’s why he’s basically untouchable, I’m sorry to say. The type of police we work for is as corrupt as it comes unfortunately.”

“Well, it’s not right,” responds Snowflower. “I wish they’d fire him already.” She then goes over to her bed and lies down, but unfortunately cannot fall asleep due to all the conversation with her dad has left on her mind to ponder for the rest of the night.