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Always Looking Forward

*Sandbar’s POV*

It was a great day today, but there have been strange rumors going on at a place in Ponyville that no creature knew was there before.

A howl was heard but surprisingly enough, it had come from Cam!

We looked outside and saw Cam in his Dark Gaia form, being a werewolf before a warp ring appeared, revealing a male red-crowned crane Mobian with green hair and headband.

Danyelle spoke "Uh... Cam isn't infected by Dark Gaia energy... He was bitten by an actual WEREWOLF!!"

The crane spoke "Heaven’s Door!"

The crane Mobian swiftly moved a pen before a humanoid being emerged from the midair drawings.

Danyelle asks "*shudder* Why did that feel like Twiliterasu's brush skills?"

The being that touched Cam’s face with all five fingers on his left hand before the werewolf’s face opened with pages like a book before he fell unconscious.

A second and third growl were heard since Ashley and Jasmine had been bit by Cam.

Jasmine growls at the creature.

The creature spoke "It seems that two more canines need a nap."

The humanoid being did the same thing it did to Cam to Ashley and Jasmine, causing their faces to open with pages like books with different openings before falling unconscious.

But Ashley shot fire from her mouth at the creature before she was even touched.

Ashley growls "Don't touch me!"

The humanoid being dodged.

The creature spoke "Oh. I see you can control yourself."

Cam jolted awake before growling as well, same with Jasmine.

Ashley growls "Grr..."

Cam jumped at the crane Mobian, before he fell left, missing him entirely.

Pibby was hiding in a tree near the trio of wereponies.

Pibby stammers "C-Cam?"

The creature spoke "It’s a good thing I put a safety lock on them. If only they looked what I wrote in them."

We looked at the open pages on Cam, Ashley and Jasmine’s faces and saw something freshly written saying, “I shall not attack Rohan Kishibe.”

But the young half demon half werepony roars loud and bites Rohan on the leg, making him scream.

Rohan gasps "What in the?! How did-?!"

The writing on the pages on Jasmine’s face faded away, allowing her to attack Rohan.

Pibby stammers "Sh-she's half demon...."

Rohan spoke "I see… What inspiration!!!"

Twiliterasu was heard howling which in turn negated Rohan's stand, thus freeing Cam and Ashley.

Rohan gasps "Gah! What is this gnawing sensation?!"

Much to Rohan's shock, he was slowly turning into a werecrane.

Rohan gasps "What the?! What is this?! Gah!"

Sonic spoke "Dude, chill out."

Rohan asks "Hrn?!"

Corina was relaxing since she had an egg on the way.

Jet then showed up. “Rohan? You’re here?”

Rohan spoke "It seems that you’re here as well… Cousin."

Zoey flew past the two males, causing them to spin around.

Rohan asks "What on earth was that?"

Jet spoke "That was Zoey... And don't even think about it, she's married."

Rohan spoke "Hmph! I wasn’t even considering it."

Haru's fur felt hot for some reason, as did Hiromi's fur.

Both cats spoke "TWILIGHT!!!!"

Twilight asks "Huh?"

Haru spoke "My fur feels like it's on fire!"

Hiromi spoke "Me too!"

Twilight spoke "That means you’ve been called on a friendship mission."

Rarity spoke "By the looks of things... the two cats were called to the Dragon Lands...."

Fluttershy spoke "Maybe I could tag along, I heard from Smolder that there's a new batch of baby dragons that have yet to hatch."

But then a portal opened, revealing Fluttershy from Chameleo’s universe and Kragg.

Flutters spoke "Um… Ember might have an egg on the way too."

Kragg spoke "Yes. Maybe we should come along as well."

Salma spoke "Might as well count me, Shakir and Smolder in too."

Rohan spoke "Very well. Besides, I have something to show Sandbar, Yona, Beetlo, Ocellus, Gallus and Silverstream something of interest."

Danyelle asks "Oh?"

We followed Rohan to the Ponyville Spa and Flowershop.

Rohan spoke "I suggest you look between the two buildings."

We did and saw an unfamiliar district.

I ask "Who is that blue-gray mare with a silver-white mane?"

The mare in question was looking for something or someone.

Rohan spoke "Hmm… That’s peculiar. It seems she’s investigating that district as well."

I spoke "I've never seen her before..."

Rohan spoke "Well, you all can go into that district to investigate with her. But a word of warning; until you leave that district, never look back."

I spoke "Maybe it'd be wise to have at least one member of the Mobian Guard with us...."

Gallus spoke "Sandbar's right though."

Rohan spoke "*Sigh* Fine. I’ll come along, but only because I went down that district myself."

Danyelle pops up suddenly.

Danyelle spoke "Gallus said someone from the Mobian Guard..."

Rohan spoke "Very well. Besides, I don’t think you’ll need me at this district. So now I’m off to find more manga material."

Rohan left.

Danyelle spoke "Huh, I didn't know he wrote manga."

“Me neither.” I agreed as we went to the mare.

Horse asks "Who the heck are you?"

Danyelle spoke "The name’s Danyelle, Alpha-Queen of the Crystal Stars Hive-Pack."

Horse spoke "Just call me Horse..."

Danyelle asks "Bit on the muzzle, isn’t it?"

Horse spoke "Don't ask...."

Danyelle spoke "Oookay…"

We all walked into the district, going past a mailbox.

Tabbers was on Danyelle's right shoulder.

But then we noticed a dog dung that was stepped on right next to the mailbox.

Danyelle spoke "Eww... At least Tabbers has more manners...."

We kept on moving, and at the corners, we turned left then right, only to find ourselves back at the same mailbox with the dog dung!

Gallus spoke "Something isn't right here guys."

Danyelle spoke "Gallus is right."

Beetlo spoke "I’ll fly up and take a look."

Beetlo flew into the sky, before he panicked and flew down.

Tabbers started hissing.

Danyelle spoke "Stay close to me kids. Ranga!"

The Tempest Star wolf leaps out of Danyelle's shadow.

Ranga asks "What is it?"

Beetlo spoke "S-Something just grazed me!"

Danyelle yowls loud, calling for Amaterasu.

A power slash cuts the mailbox down the center.

A dog asks "Maybe I could help you?"

We turned around, only to see a female diamond dog with pink fur and hair, wearing nice clothes.

Danyelle spoke "You remind me of someone..."

A warp ring opens up before a blonde Diamond Dog shows up.

The blonde dog spoke "There you are Millhiore! I was looking everywhere for you, silly girl!"

But then another female diamond dog known as Millhiore showed up from behind the first one.

the pink dog asks "Oh, you mean my friend?"

The blonde male was soon on his back since Millhiore had tackled him.

Millhiore giggles "Sweetie! I missed you so much!"

Cinque chuckles "Same."

Danyelle spoke "Giorno and the others are gonna freak once they see you Reimi."

Reimi asks "Oh?"

Yona asks "But can new diamond dogs point to us how to get out of district?"

Reimi spoke "Absolutely not. A simple explanation won't cut it. Millhiore and I are your guides, so follow us."

the others and I were confused but decided to follow them before Reimi brought out a Pocky chocolate stick.

Reimi asks "Want one?"

Danyelle gasps "I love pocky! I haven't had any since arriving in Equestria."

Reimi asks "Well... How about you hold on to the end?"

Danyelle did just that before the pocky broke.

Reimi spoke "Wow! Congratulations! Looks like you'll have another new life to love!"

We were all confused by what Reimi meant by that however.

Danyelle spoke "Sorry but I'm a married woman with nine kids..."

Reimi spoke "Pocky fortune-telling. The break tells me all about you. And I didn't mean a new husband, I meant a new child."

That left all of us caught off guard.

Danyelle's ears pin back.

Danyelle spoke "Hate to break it to you but I saw no fourth child in my future.... Three is plenty, not counting my six adopted children..."

Reimi spoke "It's okay. Not everything is set in stone. But..."

Reimi walked toward an abandoned house.

Reimi spoke "Have you heard the story about this house? It's said that it was the scene of a murder years ago."

Ocellus stammers "A m-m-m-murder?!"

Gallus spoke "Quit freaking Ocellus out."

Reimi spoke "No one lives in that house now. It's empty, and here's why. The story was told to me by the old lady next door. It happened in the dead of night, while the young girl was sleeping soundly in her bedroom, she awoken to a strange dripping sound that seemed to be emanating from her parents' room, but she couldn't be sure."

Me and some of the others gulped.

Reimi spoke "The sound puzzled her, "Daddy? Mommy?" she called out, but she never heard a reply. However, the girl wasn't particularly scared, because she was accompanied by her trusty dog."

Danyelle asks "Her dog?"

Reimi spoke "Yes, he was a big guard dog. In the darkness, she'd offer her hand to him under the bed, and he'd always respond with a whimper and a lick. Arnold was her constant reassurance. But the dripping that had stolen the girl of her peaceful slumber continued for several minutes, finally she had enough, her curiosity drove her to investigate."

"What happened next?" I asked.

Reimi spoke "She found Arnold with his throat slashed, hanging from the coat rack like an old pelt! The dripping sound was coming from him, the sound of his spilling blood!"

The story started to scare us even more!

Reimi spoke "Suddenly, she heard a voice coming from under her bed. "Your hand is so sweet and tender, sweetheart. Whimper whimper! I've already murdered your mommy and daddy." And then, he attacked the girl, killing her where she stood!"

That made us scream in fear!

Millhiore clung to her boyfriend in fear.

Danyelle stammers "Please tell us that story was just you joking around!"

Reimi laughs "Hahahahaha! Sounded pretty real, didn't it? You babies. Heeheehee!"

We all sighed in relief.

Danyelle whimpers "Please... Don't do that again."

But then I heard a dripping sound as I turned around and to my horror, I saw a male labrador retriever diamond dog with blood spilling from a slit on his throat turn around and look at me! "Th-That means...!"

Reimi spoke "That's right. The young girl in the story is yours truly."

That sent shivers down all of our spines as Arnold came to Reimi before they nuzzled each other.

Danyelle stammers "Th-They-They're ghosts?!"

Millhiore screams "RUN AWAY!!!!!"

Arnold spoke "You've all came into the place of our deaths years ago."

Reimi spoke "I guess we're on the same wavelength. This place is the gateway between the living and the dead."

Some of us screamed as we all ran for our lives, staying together!

We ran as fast as we could, before encountering the same mailbox, which was good as new!

Danyelle spoke "Cussbuckets! I can't use my magic or chaos control to get us out of here!!!"

We kept running, only to find ourselves in the same place we started at the mailbox!

"Not good! We're stuck! Gallus! Fly up and find a way outta here!" I said.

Beetlo spoke "That diamond dog must've been the one that grazed me!"

Danyelle spoke "Wait a minute guys, I think I have this all figured out! They're trapped souls that can't move on to heaven!"

Gallus spoke "Doesn't matter!"

Gallus flew up before crashing into something.

Gallus exclaims "What?! When did a wall appear in the sky?!"

Silverstream spoke "N-No... You're actually touching the ground!"

Gallus asks "Huh?! What the Tartarus?!"

"Unbelievable... you're the one who's floating!" I dreaded as Gallus fell.

Reimi spoke "There's only one way to truly escape."

Arnold spoke "Any other path is doomed to failure."

Danyelle's anger was rising hence the red tint in her fur.

Reimi spoke "We're the only ones who know where it is."

Me and the others except Danyelle were completely terrified right now!

Beetlo asks "How on Popstar can we fight a ghost like that?"

Ocellus spoke "Please! Don't possess us!"

Arnold moved incredibly fast and slapped the back of our heads.

Reimi spoke "Hold on just a minute! Quit treating us like vengeful spirits! We haven't done a single thing to any of you, and somehow, you found a way to scare yourselves half to death!"

Danyelle growls "Grr....."

Reimi spoke "Neither of us trapped you all here. We're caught between the living world and the world of the dead. I gave you my word I'd help you get out of here. So that's what I'm going to do. But after I finish the story."

Danyelle growls "You better before I use Chaos Blast on this place...."

Reimi spoke "Now as I was saying, the murderer... Before I got a look at his face, his knife found its way into my back. It was laid in dark, and I was doing my best to flee. I died, but I managed to save little Rohan and helped him escaped with his life."

Reimi lowered her dress, showing us the wound on her back, frightening all of us, even Danyelle!

Danyelle gasps "That gash is so deep... It's horrifying!"

Arnold spoke "But now, we'll give you the directions to leave this place."

Danyelle spoke "I'll put a word in with Annabelle about you so that she can take you two to heaven."

Reimi spoke "We appreciate it. But we're actually on our way to being reborn."

Arnold spoke "We just got stuck on the way out."

A pair of heavenly howls were heard, causing Reimi and Arnold to glow.

Reimi spoke "So until we meet again. The exit is to your left after moving past the mailbox."

Arnold spoke "But move slowly and never look back."

Danyelle spoke "Until we meet again! Tail high!"

Reimi and Arnold were confused before they disappeared.

“So we just have to walk slowly and go left after moving past the mailbox?” I asked to be sure.

Danyelle spoke "That's what they said."

We all agreed as we walked past the mailbox, only to sense something creeping behind us! “Did… Did you guys feel that?”

Ranga spoke "I sure did..."

Danyelle spoke "Guys! They said to never look back! So let’s just keep going."

We kept walking forward, while me and some of us heard snarling and felt cold breaths and something warm and sticky crawling down the back of our necks. Ignoring this was gonna be tougher than it sounded.

Ranga snarls "Whatever is crawling on my back... Better cut it out right now!"

Ocellus whimpers "I can’t take it anymore!"

Ocellus started running!

Danyelle spoke "No! Running will only make it worse!"

Veins crawled through the floor and tried to trip Ocellus before Danyelle’s voice called out. “You made it. You can turn around now.”

Ocellus spoke "Phew! That’s a relief! I can’t tell you how scary it was."

Danyelle spoke "No! That wasn’t me! Something made itself sound like me to make you turn around!"

Ocellus gasped!

*Ocellus’ POV*

Beetlo spoke "Oh no!"

Danyelle spoke "If only you just waited for us!"

What I saw was terrifying me! There was black fog as countless hands emerged and grabbed me!

A male spoke "I knew this would happen. Luckily, I followed you. Heaven’s Door!"

Heaven’s Door appeared as it flew right towards me.

Rohan spoke "I’m taking your ability to see!"

Heaven’s Door touched my face, making it open with pages like a book, before I saw absolutely nothing!

*Sandbar’s POV*

We made it out of the district, but Ocellus’ face was opened with pages like a book and panicking aimlessly.

Rohan spoke "Do not worry. I’ll reinscribe your ability to see."

Rohan wrote something on Ocellus’ pages before they closed.

Ocellus spoke "I can see again!"

Danyelle spoke "Let's never speak of this again!"

We all agreed on that.

Cinque spoke "At least those two can be reincarnated soon."

A female spoke "Sooner than you think."

We turned around and saw Reimi and Arnold, with the male diamond dog having scar on the front of his throat.

Danyelle spoke "Reimi!"

We saw Reimi and Arnold nuzzle each other before Ocellus gasped.

Ocellus asks "Are… Are you two?"

Arnold spoke "Yes, we are."

Danyelle yowls loud, calling Josuke over.

Josuke gasps "Huh? What’s wro-Reimi! Arnold! You guys are back!"

Reimi teases "So little Rohan, did you miss me?"

Rohan turned away, much to our annoyance before he admitted, “Honestly, yes I did.”

Danyelle's cutie mark was glowing suddenly.

Danyelle spoke "This can't be good..."

“Is something wrong?” I asked.

Danyelle spoke "I've been called for a friendship mission."

Danyelle flew off to Twilight's castle, just as Haru and Hiromi arrived.
