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Parent Map

*Starlight's POV*

For some reason, both my cutie mark and Sunburst's cutie mark were glowing, So the two of us along with Arctic Wind head to Ponyville via warp ring.

Sunburst exclaims "Wow! I can’t believe we’re going on a friendship mission together!"

I spoke "Yeah but I don't know how my dad and your mom will react to Arctic...."

Sunburst spoke "Oh… right."

I groan "This is why I never wrote any letters to my dad... Not since my mom went missing when I was a filly..."

I lean against Sunburst while crying.

I cry "I miss my mom...."

Sunburst and Arctic hugged me back.

Sunburst spoke "I know, Starry Eyes. I know."

The three of us soon arrive in the map room.

To my surprise, Danyelle was there with Megaman and her other NetNavis since her cutie mark was glowing as well.

“Danyelle?” I asked.

Megaman spoke "Danyelle got called too since someone from her past is back...."

Ears pin back in anger, Danyelle spoke "Let's just say it's someone I never wanted to see again...."

Megaman spoke "Basically, Danyelle kind of hates her dad... He was never there for her... But as to why he wants to be around her again is beyond me..."

Sunburst spoke "Wow… Guess all three of us have parent issues."

Danyelle growls "My dad never attended my wedding, nor was he around when my mom died..."

Zoey spoke "My dad's overprotective...."

“My dad always treats me like a little foal.” I informed.

Zoey spoke "My dad's the same way Star, he treats me like a 5 year old..."

Sunburst groans "My mom always sends me letters and tells me to make plans and think about the future."

Zoey giggles "Talk about overbearing.... But what they don't know is that you two are married."

I was soon panicking.

I stammer "Oh snap! What am I going to say? My dad will freak!"

Sunburst spoke "Oh man! The same might go for my mom!"

Zoey growls "Do I need to roast your butts?"

Both Sunburst and I immediately shut up.

Zoey spoke "Good, the train to Shire Hollow left already but we can use my magic to get there."

Sunburst and I agreed, but the both of us were for some reason mentally blushing.

Zoey uses her magic to teleport herself, Danyelle, the NetNavis, Sunburst, Arctic and I to the gates outside the hollow.

Danyelle spoke "Starlight, snap out of it before I roast your tail."

Zoey spoke "Same for you, Sunburst."

I spoke "*Ahem*."

Sunburst spoke "Sorry."

Danyelle spoke "I'd rather not have my nephews and niece exposed to the amount of yelling I'm about to do..."

Zoey spoke "Lead the way Starlight."

I took a deep breath and breathed out. “Alright. Come on.”

Danyelle spoke "Best to rip the bandage off fast and get it over with."

Danyelle soon spots an older Mobian cat before flying after the male and beating him up.

“I’m guessing that’s Danyelle’s dad?” I assumed.

Zoey spoke "Yeah...."

Sunburst spoke "Man… I’d hate to be that guy."

Zoey spoke "Same.... and don't look now Star but your dad's coming this way..."

Arctic had hidden in Zoey's backpack.

“Oh Faust…” I dreaded.

Zoey growls, causing Firelight to keep a wary distance.

“No. I’ll go talk to him.” I said as I walked over to my father.

Zoey spoke "Okay."

Danyelle was yelling at her dad.

Danyelle hisses "For Amaterasu's sake dad, LEAVE ME ALONE!"

Ken growls "Not a chance!"

The two cats attack each other.

Zoey spoke "This could take a while...."

Megaman spoke "Yeah..."

Roll spoke "Good thing Dany's keeping the fact that Vincent is technically dead from that jerk of a cat... Uh no offense Mega."

Megaman spoke "None taken."

Roll spoke "Thanks, Mega."

Zoey spoke "I think Sunburst is having trouble..."

Megaman spoke "Oh boy…"

Roll giggles "Next thing we know, Korra gets called to Antarctica for a problem...."

Sunburst spoke "Mom, stop it! This is why I never told you about what happened at that nameless village!"

Megaman asks "But why?"

Roll spoke "She was born there."

Roll notices three unicorn mares.

Roll asks "Hey Starlight, who are those three?"

I spoke "No idea."

But then a hole was dug up from below.

Roll asks "What the?"

Then four penguin hippogriffs popped out of it.

Roll asks in penguin tongue "What are you four doing here?"

But then one of the penguins which seemed to be the leader spoke in perfect Equish as the other three went back down, “You didn’t see anything.” He sunk back into the hole.

Roll giggles "Typical Skipper...."

“You know these guys?” I asked.

Roll spoke "Dany does since she used to travel a lot."

Danyelle blasted her father with fire.

Roll spoke "Yeesh...."

Zoey spoke "You’re telling me."

Megaman spoke "She hasn't gotten this pissy since the last time Eggman had threatened her kids...."

I spoke "Glad I didn't see that..."

Sunburst spoke "Me too."

I spoke "I still have nightmares of that awful time...."

Danyelle's father ran off through a warp ring, never to be seen again.

Danyelle scoffs "He won't be bothering me again."

"As much as I'm glad... Shouldn't you at least try to reconnect with him?" I asked.

Danyelle scoffs "He didn't care about me... I was about Applebloom's age when my mom left him. Sonic, Tails and Yuki went with me though. All my dad cared about was smokes and cars... He was a lazy jerk..."

"Actually, scratch that. That guy's a lost cause." I corrected myself.

Danyelle spoke "I told him that if he ever came near me or my family again, I'd rip his throat out."

"I don't doubt it!" I laughed with a smile.

Danyelle laughs "I know I'm a nekomata-gryphicorn tribrid, but I feel like such a weasel!!!"

Sunburst chuckles at the joke.

Arctic cooed.

Firelight asks "Who's this little guy?"

That made me and Sunburst really nervous to answer that.

Danyelle spoke "Stop it sir, you're embarrassing Starlight further."

“No, Danyelle. They need to know.” I pointed out as Sunburst agreed.

Danyelle spoke "Fine but if things go south...."

Sunburst spoke "We’ll handle it. No need to worry."

Zoey spoke "Okay."

Stellar Flare asks "Is something the matter?"

Roll spoke "The reason why Starlight and Sunburst didn't tell you about Arctic was because they were afraid that you'd get mad."

Firelight asks "Mad?"

Stellar Flare asks "About what?"

I spoke "Well for starters.... treating me like a foal when I'm clearly a full grown mare..."

Zoey nodded since her dad was just as overprotective.

Sunburst spoke "Deciding what I should do with my life, I can make my own choices."

Danyelle and Megaman nod in agreement.

Zoey spoke "I know what it's like to have an overprotective dad."

Danyelle spoke "Pain in the tail father that wants nothing to do with me..."

I spoke "Enough is enough!"

Danyelle whispers in Zoey's ear. "Twilight would throw a hissy fit if someone denied her access to books..."

Zoey whispers back. "Yeah..."

Danyelle slapped me in the back of the head. “Thanks, Dany.”

Danyelle giggles "Like I always say... Slap in the face would be humiliating, back of the head's a wake-up call."

Zoey giggles "It never gets old.... One time, Danyelle had to use the headslap on my dad."

“Really?” I asked, intrigued.

Zoey giggles "Yep! She uses it on the knucklehead a lot though since he's as dumb as a rock."

Sunburst and I couldn’t help but snicker at that.

Firelight chuckles "That is amusing."

Danyelle spoke "I beat the tar out of Jet one time since he took my strawberry milkshake."

Zoey laughs "Just goes to show, you don't get between Danyelle and strawberries."

Megaman spoke "Yeah… Just like Erza and her cake. *Shiver!*"

Danyelle spoke "Celestia and Swiftrunner are just as bad.... but take Clarity's food and you're asking for a death wish..."

“Don’t forget about Pinkie.” I added.

Danyelle spoke "You should have seen how mad Natsu got..."
