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Trouble in the Sol Dimension

*Haru's POV*

Little did Danyelle, Hiromi and I know, something bad was about to happen.

But then Ren and the rest of the Phantom Thieves showed up.

I spoke "Sorry guys but it's just Danyelle, Hiromi and I going. The Sol Dimension inhabitants don't have stands or personas."

Ren spoke It’s not that. It’s just I have a feeling that he’s back and taken root in the Sol Dimension."

Blaze spoke "Which is why Sonic and I are going as well."

Lune spoke "Same with Yuki and I."

Then Lillian showed up. “Me too.”

Danyelle spoke "But Lills, the map only called Haru, Hiromi and I though. Blaze and Lune are tagging along because the Sol dimension is their home."

Lillian spoke "Maybe, but I have a feeling that I’m needed for this."

Blaze spoke "But I don't see the image of the phantom ruby anywhere on the map though."

But then we saw the sky and clouds turning red.

My fur bristles up suddenly.

But then Blaze and Lune’s father appeared mindlessly like a puppet, even his eyes looked blank white.

Twilight snarls.

But then he spoke in a deeper, different voice. “This man has been quite a useful tool for control, but due to the trickster’s interference, he is no longer of any use to me.”

Blaze and Lune’s father then fell down to the ground, motionless.

Hiromi, Danyelle, Lune, Yuki, Blaze, aunt Haruka and I all hiss in anger.

Twilight snarls "You monster!!"

But then we heard people panicking before seeing someone disappear in black flesh like a shadow.


Ren spoke "Damn… Not good."

Mona spoke "Here we go again…"

Twilight sang https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBUe9PXNnqU once again to calm everycreature down as Hiromi, Danyelle, Lune, Yuki, Blaze, aunt Haruka and I sang with her.

"You know what's going on?" I asked.

And as Ren was about to answer, we all heard a mysterious voice.

The stranger spoke "Reality and Mementos has now become one."

Mayor Mare asks "Who are you?"

The voice spoke "I am the will of the collected masses."

But then we realized some of the citizens missing!

Twilight snarls "LET THEM GO RIGHT NOW!!!!"

Ren asks "It's no use. He won't listen to reason. What's the tallest building you got here?"

Twilight spoke "My castle's the tallest though!"

"Then that's where we'll find him." Ren said as he and the rest of the Phantom Thieves went into their Phantom Thief attires.

Twilight was in partial Twirama form.

Twilight spoke "I'll help you out."

Lillian went into her Phantom Thief attire. "Same here."

A trio of ghostly cats had surrounded Danyelle.

Danyelle spoke "Count me and Tabbers in too."

But then Jotaro, Josuke and Giorno showed up.

Jotaro asks "So some bastard's behind this, huh?"

Josuke spoke "Alright! Looks like we're not late for the party!"

Giorno spoke "Let us see through this ordeal."

I spoke "Hiromi, Lune, Yuki, Blaze, Sonic, aunt Haruka and I will keep everycreature else calm."

Lillian spoke "Thanks."

Danyelle spoke "Let's stop this crazy jerk."

*Twilight's POV*

I spoke "Be careful guys."

Oracle spoke "We fought him before. But I have a feeling he'll be harder to take down."

Danyelle spoke "We've got an alicorn with a hair trigger temper, a nekomata-gryphicorn tribrid with a bunch of pet slimes, a godly alicorn and a few folks with personas."

Oracle spoke "Yeah. But he might've powered himself up with something."

Twiliterasu scoffs "Woof. {Nothing is more powerful than a god.}"

Oracle spoke "Oof! You just had to bring up that memory."

Twiliterasu asks "Woof? {Huh?}"

I spoke "I hear something..."

Danyelle spoke "Same...."

We went to the top in my castle and saw something that was horrifying! Hundreds of creatures and Mobians inside jail cells and at the center of the room was a giant golden mechanical grail.

Snowfire was crying loudly since shi was in a cell alone and without hir parents and siblings.

Joker: You again.

But then we heard a voice from the grail, "I knew you would come to me."

I snarl "You forget, Ponyville Is MY kingdom! I won't LET YOU HURT MY FRIENDS, MY ALLIES AND MY FAMILY!!!!"

I roar loud as I transformed into my Twirama form.

The Grail spoke "You fools. I am giving these mortals salvation. The freedom of not to think, the freedom of not to act for themselves."

Snowfire yowls "Liar! That's NOT REAL FREEDOM!!!!"

I snarl "You're just as bad as Starlight once was!"

Skull spoke "The only difference is, that bastard can't get it through his metallic effin' thick skull!"

A loud magic explosion was seen before a recently ascended Starlight flung an air blade at the grail.

Starlight spoke "Enough is enough!"

The Grail scoffs "How pathetic."

The veins attached to the grail from above started glowing, before the sentient machine was completely healed.

Danyelle shouts "CHAOS BLADE!!!"

The blade of Chaos energy slices the veins, severing them.

The Grail spoke "It seems that I cannot hold back. All life must be purged, as it is on the path of ruin."

The room then started to open up, as the grail started transforming. Soon enough, he was as tall as Canterlot Castle!

Danyelle had transformed to Danyterasu before fusing with me to become Divine Danyterama.

Divine Danyterama spoke "Our stories only end when we stop running!"

The kyubicorn-wolftaur fusion fought back to save everyone.

The male spoke "Iam the god of control, Yaldabaoth. I release upon you the deadly sin of lust. You have no means of escape, mortals. The insanity of mankind shall bring forth the demise..."

Yaldabaoth brought out another right arm, which brought out a gun.

Yaldabaoth spoke "Behold... Distorted Lust. This is your punishment."

The gun hit the fusion dead on, but they started feeling heated all of a sudden.

Oracle spoke "It's a surge of lust! The fantasies are blocking everything out!"

A blast of heavenly fire hits Yaldabaoth, cancelling out the power.

Heavenly Twiliterasu howls "Awwoooo! {YOU'VE GONE TOO FAR YALDABAOTH!!! I DECIDE WHEN THE WORLD ENDS!!!}"

Yaldabaoth brought out three more arms, wielding a bell, sword and tome. "The abyss of the unconscious yearns for ultimate ruin... You have no means of escape. Punishment shall strike you all... As you pass through the gate of destruction..."

Yaldabaoth said as he charged an unbelievably powerful attack.

Heavenly Twiliterasu howls "Awwoooo! {13-GATE DIVINE JUDGEMENT!!! THOUSAND YEARS OF PAIN!!!}"

Heavenly Twiliterasu's attack negates Yaldabaoth's attack.

Yaldabaoth spoke "So... this is the power that resists ruin..."

Lillian asks "Did we do it?"

Divine Danyterama spoke "No! Not yet!"

Yaldabaoth spoke "My control shall not bow down to ruin. My control is the ultimate truth of this world."

But then to our shock, the elements of harmony and sol emeralds appeared beside Yaldabaoth before he absorbed their power, unleashing an unbelievably powerful attack that knocked us all, even Heavenly Twiliterasu, off our feet, even unfusing me and Danyelle.

Danyelle spoke "No... We can't lose...."

Out of nowhere, a double barreled Roar of Time hits Yaldabaoth.

Dialga and Arceus show up.

But then all of us heard everyone on the ground cheering for us. "You hear that? They don't want you around!"

But then the masks on Joker and Hawk (Lillian) burned away on their own, as Arsene and Kukulkan appeared behind them, before Joker and Hawk grabbed their chains and shattered them, causing the two personas to roar as they bursted into light.

Yaldabaoth scoffs "So you have failed to harness the power. No matter how many prayers of those foolish masses come together..."

But then the sky started to darken as we felt the earth shake, before Yaldabaoth, Twiliterasu, Dialga and Arceus gasped as they saw a figure as big as them descended to the battlefield, and a ginormous serpent surface from underground behind Joker and Hawk.

Danyelle yowls so loud that fire erupts from the ground, engulfing her as she went beyond the hyper state.

Supernova Danyelle spoke "This ends now! Supernova Chaos Spear!!!"

Yaldabaoth spoke "Fools... This is why man is doomed..."

Yaldabaoth used that attack again, only for it to not affect any of us.

Yaldabaoth spoke "Impossible!"

But then I felt myself transforming as I realized something. "I see now. If a god plays naughty, then it's a demon lord's duty to punish them. I don't see how this can end any better!"

Twiliterasu spoke "Bark bark {No matter what you throw at us! Friendship can overcome anything!}"

Suddenly, the rest of the Pony Guard showed up in their rainbow power forms.

Solare Sunset spoke "Real strength comes from friendship! And friendship is formed by honesty, laughter, kindness, loyalty, generosity, empathy, forgiveness, unity and magic!!!"

Mona spoke "Guys! We're entrusting all of our strength and all of the people's hopes to you! Finish this."

Me and the new fighters felt ourselves stronger as we prepared an attack.

Joker spoke "Pillage him, Satanael!"

Hawk spoke "Destroy him, Jormungandr!"

Hawk thrusted out her palm as the giant serpent wrapped himself around all of Yaldabaoth before closing her hand, as Jormungandr clenched the god entirely while Joker brought out a gun, with Satanael doing the same.

Joker and Hawk spoke "Begone."

Yaldabaoth gasps "Preposterous! You dare rob the people's wishes?!"

Hawk thrusted her fist forward as Joker pulled the trigger, with all of us firing our attacks, as Satanael fired a Sinful Bullet at Yaldabaoth's head and Jormungandr thrusted his head and maw into Yaldabaoth's chest, tearing right through him as the bullet and all of our attacks hit the god dead on and pierced his head.

Supernova Danyelle fires a supernova Chaos Spear, ending Yaldabaoth for good.

A dying Yaldabaoth spoke "So this… is the ultimate power of the Trickster… Damn that Igor… It seems he wasn’t spouting nonsense…"

Yaldabaoth disintegrated into light, never to be seen again.

Supernova Danyelle yowls loud in victory before powering down.

I spoke "I just hope this demon lord thing isn't permanent...."

But then I transformed back to normal as Satanael and Jormungander transformed back to Arsene and Kukulkan, before a golden grail appeared.

Mona spoke "That’s the treasure alright."

Danyelle asks "But who should take it?"

I spoke "You take it Mona."

Mona spoke "Sure. Since me, Joker and most of the Phantom Thieves have taken this before. But after we take this treasure, the metaverse from this world and the Sol dimension will disappear. And Yaldabaoth already killed Blaze and Lune’s father, so the old man won’t be coming back."

Blaze spoke "Lune and I will bury our father's body then."

Mona spoke "I think that’s the least you two can do for the old geezer."

Haruka spoke "I agree."

Danyelle giggles "But still, that was amazing, Lillian! I can’t believe your persona transformed into the World Serpent, Jormungandr!"

Lillian giggles "You're one to talk Miss Supernova!"

I giggled as well. “And I was the one who transformed into a demon lord.”

Starlight spoke "Not to mention...."

Starlight ruffled her new wings.

“Whoa!” I couldn’t believe it! Starlight became an alicorn!

Starlight spoke "Sunburst is gonna freak."
