• Published 21st Apr 2023
  • 879 Views, 37 Comments

Amareican Glimmer - Mocha Star

Starlight Glimmer, among others, are teleported to our earth and have to adapt to a reality where magic barely exists.

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Work Day

Starlight woke with a start, gasping as her phone’s alarm went off. She used her magic to turn the phone over and silenced the alarm, then crawled out from her sleeping bag. Amy groaned and pulled her sleeping bag up as she scooted deeper into it. “Wake me when it’s noon.”

“It’s Monday, Amy, one of us has a job to get to. Maybe I can get Alex to give me a ride.”

Amy snickered from inside her sleeping bag. “You should buy him some dinner before you ask him that.”

Starlight looked at the sleeping woman for a moment before what she said clicked and the mare frowned. “Hey! I don’t think of him like that. I don’t think of men that way at all.”

Amy peeked her head out to grin at the mare that was standing a couple feet away. “You didn’t mind being close to him yesterday while we watched movies, or talking with him over dinner. C’mon, girl to girl, you can admit your true feelings to me.”

Starlight rolled her eyes and walked past the grinning woman, flicking her tail as she passed to go to the bathroom. “He’s all yours if you want him, don’t let me stand in your way.”

“Oh, hey! How’s your horn doing? You told me you’d check in with me this morning.”

“It’s fine,” Starlight called as she began her morning routine, “I used magic to turn off my alarm and am currently brushing my mane. It won’t be a problem… I don’t think it will, anyway. Hey, do we have anything for breakfast?”

“No,” Amy groaned as she sat up and rubbed her back, “ouch. I forgot how it was sleeping on actual floors. My back’s gotten used to the rough ground by the river.”

“Get used to it. With my income we can afford this place and when you get a job, we’ll be able to make this place into a nice home.”

“Then you’ll go back to Equestria and leave me to fend for myself?” Amy sardonically asked.

Starlight audibly spit into the sink and peeked into the bedroom. “It’s not like that. I don’t even know if I can open a portal home. All I know is that there’s finally hope… and it lies with a human male,” she turned back to the sink and began brushing her teeth.

“You should tell him why you don’t like men. I mean, they’re not all bad; Alex has shown you that over the past week he’s known us.”

Starlight scoffed and spoke with the toothbrush working over her teeth. “Yeah, a week and he’s been too nice. I wouldn’t put it past him to make a move on both of us tonight. All males are the same, they just want to get under our tails. Er… you know what I mean.”

Amy chuckled. “Is that always such a bad thing? I know I have urges, and don’t think I didn’t hear you each time you get a little frisky in your tent. Don’t act so surprised,” she told the sputtering unicorn, “we were right next to each other in our tents and you are not a quiet moaner.”

Starlight turned on the tap to rinse her mouth. “I wasn’t that loud, and I know we girls have urges. I just don’t need a human to fill them.”

Amy laughed. “Let’s go to the ranch and get you a stud then! I’ll work their stalls to pay off your needs and-”

There was a clack of hoof on linoleum as Starlight nickered. “Why don’t you go find a chimp to rut you first!”

“Is he packing?” Amy snarked back.

Starlight growled and stomped to the toilet. “You know that I don’t find earth horses attractive… and they’re too big! I’ve looked online, they’re penises are as long as my body; I’d be skewered!” Starlight exclaimed. Amy laughed loudly. “Not to mention they only last five seconds, on average! I can’t get anywhere within that time frame. Not to mention the fertility factor. What if I get pregnant by some feral horse that doesn’t care about me or his foal?”

“Woah, there,” Amy was still laughing, “you’re overthinking it again. You’re not in estrus, it would just be a fling. Even if you did end up with the tip coming out of your mouth.”

Starlight flushed the toilet and returned to the bedroom to glare at her friend. “No. Just, no. When you get it on with a lesser creature, then I’ll consider following your example. Until then, drop it.”

Amy bounced in place as she danced a little, giggling like a little girl. “Drop it like it’s hot. Drop it like it’s hot.”

“I don’t think I’ll ever understand you, you know that?”

“Damn mare, you got a bright future behind you.” Amy finished, falling back laughing as Starlight looked back at her rump, curiously. “So random. You’d like to meet my friend Pinkie Pie, she’s kinda weird like you, except a little stranger… and obsessed with children’s parties.”

Amy rolled to lay on her side as Starlight began pulling on her makeshift dress. “You know what, you need to relax. You’re always so high strung. You finally have things looking up, you should focus on that instead of everything being wrong.”

“I need a new dress. My second payday’s coming up at the end of the week… wanna go dress shopping with me? I’d even settle for a nice shirt at this point. I heard Walmart has pony clothes and with Alex’s car, we can get there in a reasonable amount of time.”

“Yes, but I don’t wanna start to abuse his kindness. He’s a nice guy, but even nice guys have a limit.”

“C’mon, you’re a smart and sexy woman; you can use those hips and your boobs to get him to do anything, I bet.” Starlight looked back to the blushing woman wearing a frown. “Or, ya know, you could just ask him nicely.”

Starlight, dressed in a light dress that covered her body down to her hooves, knocked on Alex’s door. A few seconds later he opened it and looked down, smiled, and spoke, “What’s up, Starlight?”

Starlight looked nervous and pawed the ground. “I was wondering if I could get a ride to work? I mean, I understand if you don’t want to after the way I’ve been treating you, which has been kinda-”

“You don’t need to apologize, I can tell when a person is troubled and acting out. I have three kids, after all.”

“Really? I’ve never seen them around here.” Starlight said.

“They’re with their mother, I don’t see them right now, but I will in a couple months. Anyway, where do you work again? You haven’t really talked about it.”

“I work as a janitor at a local middle school. It’s not that far, but I don’t feel like walking there alone and this early… and, well, you have a car and… I was just hoping you had time. I know it’s only-”

“It’s cool. I gotta go to work soon anyway, I work at six so I can give you a ride.” Alex said as he stepped back and finished getting ready. “I was just about to leave so you’re just in time. Why don’t we carpool everyday?”

Starlight watched him tie his boots and then slip on a very bright vest before grabbing his keys off a hook. He snapped his fingers, a thing that always intrigued the mare, and grabbed a lunchbox. Alex fiddled with the lock and then stepped out, slammed the door, checked it was locked, then made his way to the car with Starlight following closely behind.

She sided with him and smiled up at him when he looked down at her. “You know… you’re not that bad, for a human.” She giggled when he raised an eyebrow at her. “Just kidding, I think. Well, I know this isn’t the best time, but I like you. You’re not like most men I’ve come across, you seem to be genuine and kind, even to those you don’t know.”

Alex opened the car door for Starlight and she hopped into the front seat. She used her magic to strap the seat belt around her lap before letting the shoulder strap flow over her head and rest against the seat. “You know, that’s not very safe to wear a seat belt like that.”

“You know I need a special attachment to use a human seatbelt, right?”

“Yeah, I guess it’s just habit for me to say that. Safety first and all. Are you comfortable sitting like that? I mean-” Alex’s eyes widened and he looked ahead to start the car.

Starlight looked down and smirked. She wanted to tease him for looking at her teats, knowing human men had a weird fetish about them, but thought better of it. “Yes, I’ve gotten used to sitting like this when I have to. As long as I don’t sit on my tail, I’ll be fine. So please, don’t drive crazy or I’ll rock onto it and it stings.”

Alex started driving them to the school as they made small talk about their jobs and how much it sucked getting up so early Monday to Friday, but how it was rewarding at the same time.

Arriving at the school, Alex watched as Starlight used her magic to unlatch the belt and then her mouth to open the door before she hopped out with a clatter of hooves. “Thanks again, I’ll see you tonight?”

“If I’m not too tired,” Alex replied, a hint of seriousness in his voice. Starlight smiled genuinely at him, then pushed the door closed. She watched him drive away before she sighed and turned to the school.

Starlight put on a happy face and trotted through the doors into the school and into the main office. “Hey, Judy, how’re you today?”

The office receptionist smiled at the question. “Fine enough. I’m ready for a hundred little monsters to tell me a hundred dumb things, like usual. Not to mention the parents that always act like it's their first time in a school,” Judy rolled her wisened eyes, “like they’re unsure their child goes here.”

Starlight knew the woman was about to start ranting about how much her job annoys her, so she interjected. “I just got an apartment!”

Two women came into the room just as Starlight made her announcement and the three women clapped their hands. “That’s great! No more tent city for you, huh? Movin’ on up in the East Side?”

One of the women laughed at the joke while Starlight laughed just to seem like she knew what the joke meant. “Yeah,” she chuckled, “East side. I got a place about a mile from the tent city, as you call it, and moved in with my neighbor, Amy. She’s still asleep, lucky woman.”

The women giggled. “Wish I could sleep in until I wanted to. Is she going to get a job, or just live off of your wondrous career?”

Starlight rolled her eyes. “She’s gonna get a job or I’ll give her the boot. I’m not working to support a grown woman living with me. Besides, she’s human and has a lot more opportunities than I do.”

“Bullshit, Starlight. You can do anything you want to, if you put your mind to it.”

Starlight flicked her tail and turned. “Okay, I quit and I’ll take my severance now.” She joined them in laughter as she turned back around. “I really like working with you, actually. It’s the kids, though… some keep looking down on me like I’m an animal and others constantly want to ride on my back. I’m running out of ways to tell them to f- off.”

Judy laughed while one of the other women sighed. “I understand, but remember, they don’t know any better. Some of these kids are from farming families where their parents, or even themselves, wake up early to feed animals, some of them being equines. They literally are being taught the difference between Equus ponies and Equines of Earth.”

“I know, but it doesn’t make it better. I bet if I worked at the high school I’d be better off.” Starlight said.

The women all grimaced. “No. Don’t even joke about that. Imagine a dozen teens pranking you throughout the week, every week through the year. Making traditions of who can top the last ones until they break your little pony heart and mind. Don’t do that to yourself, even as a joke.”

Starlight giggled. “I plan to stay here, unless something better comes up. It’s not like I can do much anyway; being one of the weakest unicorns around.”

Judy sighed slightly. “Don’t put yourself down, you can still do things I’ve never dreamed of, like make stuff float. You have to be less hard on yourself and more positive. It’s the same thing I tell the students that say they’re dumb or stupid when they can’t do something.”

“Well, I’m not one of the students. I’m a grown mare and I know my limitations. I was once one of the most powerful ponies, now I can barely lift my phone,” Starlight said with nonchalance. “It is what it is, and I’m just dealing with it the best I can. I mean, as long as I can go a week without some kid trying to ride me, I take that as a win.”

The women and mare shared a small laugh before Starlight excused herself to go to the locker room to change. “Wait,” Judy said as Starlight reached the doorway to the hallways, “you look better than I’ve seen you in a while, Starlight, whatever you’re doing, keep it up.”

Starlight smiled a small smile. “I’m making friends.”

“That’s great to hear. See you later,” one of the women said as she turned back to her own tasks. The others agreed and Starlight left them to go change.

The day started like any other in the three weeks she’d been working as a custodian at the school and it began with her changing into her uniform, a blue pony dress that covered her body whole and snapped into place along her underside with a spot for her tail to stick out through. She was glad she didn’t have to wear pony panties with the dress she’d chosen as it covered everything human children shouldn’t see.

She recalled, while slipping into the dress, wearing panties a few times and how inconvenient they were. Without proper magic like most other unicorns, she couldn’t put them on as quickly, without the lifelong dexterity of earth pony hooves or pegasi wings, she couldn’t take them off easily, either, which almost led to a mess when she really had to pee.

Glad she wasn’t going to have to fight with the white monstrosities, she used her magic to slip her nametag onto her chest pocket and tied her mane and tail into buns before looking herself over in the mirror. She looked at herself and noticed she was smiling a bit more than usual and her pink coat did seem to be a little brighter than it was the previous week.

Alex… Starlight shook her head before any thoughts could distract her from her tasks ahead and left the mirror and man behind as she went into the hallways. Her hooves clattered on the tiled floors as she reached the cafeteria and met with Frank, the other custodian. “Morning, Frank.”

“Hey, new girl,” the older man said with a grunt as he pulled a cafeteria table from its spot against the wall, “wanna help me out, or do you just like watching me work?”

Starlight was already on her way to his side and reared up to push the long folded table to the far side of the room. “Ugh, why do they fold up again? Why do they have a stage in the cafeteria, at all?”

“Because it’s cheaper than building a stage anywhere else. C’mon, put your back into it, this is the only one with wonky wheels.”

Together they pushed the table to its spot and Starlight stepped back as Frank reached inside of it and pulled a lever, then he guided it open. Starlight smiled at the thought of a dozen little humans sitting around the table starting in about an hour eating breakfast under the watching eyes of teachers.

“Okay, that’s one, five to go. You wanna get the next one while I watch you work?” Frank said with a serious tone as he placed a hand on his lower back.

“Ha-ha. Not this time, you’re not that old. I saw you put away that case of soap Thursday and it weighed more than me. Don’t even think about sitting on your pasty bottom until you’ve helped me finish this.”

“Well, snarky this morning, aren’t we?” Frank said with a chuckle. He was about to sit down, but thought better of it after Starlight’s choice words and went to the next table. “I like it when you’re snarky; reminds me of my daughter. She was a little firecracker until she went to high school and got into her cliques. Then it was all about how much she hated me, her mom, the world.”

“She got better though, right?” Starlight asked as she pressed her hooved to the side of one of the tables and it moved with relative ease, especially when compared to the first. “I mean, I went through a rebellious phase… it was pretty destructive to myself and those around me, but never my family. I always loved my parents, even when they split up and I had to choose to stay with my dad…”

Starlight went silent as she changed positions to push the table from another angle to get it to its spot before using her magic to pull the lever like Frank had a moment before. “Seems like you turned out alright though? I’m sure he was proud of you.”

Starlight barked a laugh. “Yeah, if he knew what I did through my late teens through late twenties he’d have a conniption. I think I’ll keep letting him think I was always his little filly that couldn’t do any wrong.”

Frank couldn’t help but ask. “What did you do that makes you think he’d be upset?”

Starlight clamped her muzzle shut before she could tell him about her founding of Our Town and her own religious cult built on the tenets of mental slavery through manipulation. She exhaled loudly though her snout as she thought of what to say. “I guess I just did the wrong thing thinking it was right.”

“My daughter’s not from magical pony land, but even so I think you two would have a lot in common. Maybe over the holidays, Heart’s Warming Eve, Christmas, whatever, we can meet up over supper?”

“It’s Hearth’s Warming, and I think I’d like that. I don’t know many people and lately I think that’s kinda naive of me to live without making any friends.” Starlight felt a warmth in her chest and sighed to herself. “I have a lot to learn, and I was headmare of a school…” Her eyes widened and she looked at Frank.

Frank didn’t show any real interest or concern. “What? You were some kind of principal back in Equestria? Ha, how the mighty have fallen. Oh, wait,” he gestured to where they were, “same thing, only now you’re cleaning the floors, not grading homework. If you’re sensitive about it, I won’t mention it; it’s none of my business.”

Starlight sighed again. “Thanks, I don’t want to risk my job for being overqualified or a challenge to the current administration.”

“Last thing you’re gonna do is challenge the admin to change based on your past experience. These people get the job and stay there for decades, they aren’t going to change because one little mare shows up. And stop sighing so much, you’re going to make yourself dizzy.” Frank said with a wink.

Starlight giggled. She finished setting up her table and was about to go to the next when she felt a hand touch her head. She was about to pull away when Frank brushed a finger across the back of her ear, making it flick. She smiled and looked up to the man. “No scratching the ponies, I’ll make a sign and wear it to remind everyone if I have to.”

Frank chucked. “And how many of the kids do you think will be able to read it?”

“I’ll draw a picture.”

“They’ll have to get really close to see it. Petting close.”

Starlight smirked. “Then I’ll have to hang it on my tail so they’ll know not to get too close to the pony or she might fart on them.”

They both laughed at that and Frank had to shake his head. “You’re one crazy mare sometimes, Starlight.” He placed a hand on her head and scratched lightly. Starlight’s eyes widened and she inhaled sharply as she, again, felt her magic blossom inside her. “Woah, are you okay? You look like I just pulled your ear.” Starlight’s horn lit and she pulled the remaining three tables into place. Frank’s jaw went slack and he looked down at the pony. “I thought you couldn’t do magic.”

“I’m doing it, though.” She felt the power within her begin to fade so she stopped casting, saving what she could.

“Huh, you look more… pink, if that’s possible. Brighter.”

Starlight was quiet for a moment before she looked up at the human and smiled. “Friendship is magic, my mentor told me. Are you… my friend?”

“I don’t see why not. Is everything okay? Should I be concerned?”

“No, just… be my friend when I need you, okay? Can you do that for me?” Starlight asked.

Frank raised an eyebrow but nodded to the mare. “Sure thing. Uhm, how about we get these tables down, then split up and get to work? You can tell me about being a principal in your world when we cross paths, how about that?”

Starlight rolled her eyes but smiled. “I think… I think I’d like that.”