• Published 21st Apr 2023
  • 872 Views, 37 Comments

Amareican Glimmer - Mocha Star

Starlight Glimmer, among others, are teleported to our earth and have to adapt to a reality where magic barely exists.

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Just Friends Hanging Out; Part 2

The three sat around the living room snacking on popcorn and sipping on soda’s while waiting for Starlight to talk. Starlight was sitting closely beside Amy while Alex sat in the recliner. “Um, Alex, so… I used more magic today.”

Alex brightened up. “Really? That’s awesome! What did you do? Uh, besides teleport into my bathroom, that is?”

Starlight blushed. “Well, I didn’t do that on purpose. I was being attacked by Amy and just, poof.”

“Yeah, poofed,” Alex rolled his brown eyes, “inches from me while I was naked. I bet Amy put you up to it.”

Amy gasped. “I didn’t put her up to it!” Alex snickered and smiled, looking between them. “Jerk,” Amy retorted and threw some popcorn at the man.

“I was just teasing. Anyway, what did you do earlier?” Alex asked the mare.

“I was at work and cast a large spell when my coworker said we were friends. Friendship is magic in Equestria and I can’t believe it took me eight years to realize it was the key to getting my magic back this whole time,” she bonked the side of her head, “I really missed the point, again.”

“Well, the important thing is that you have a way to get your power back. Now, how many friends do you need to get home?”

“Honestly, I don’t know. I may have enough between you both, and any more I make along the way to opening the portal. Once it’s open, I’m sure Twilight can hold it open or reopen it as needed to get any pony that wants to go home, home.”

“That’s the thing,” Amy said, “a lot of ponies have made earth their home. They have children, jobs, lovers; both human and pony, and to give that up would be just as bad as getting torn away from their lives back on your homeworld. If you do open a way home, you have to give the ponies the option to go, not require them.”

Alex nodded and popped a few kernels of popcorn in his mouth, talking around them while chewing. “Yeah, what she said. If you need help devising a plan to get home, I’m more than willing to help you out. I mean, it’s what friends are for.” He shared a smile with Starlight. “One of my main concerns though is time.”

“What about time?” Starlight asked.

“A minute there could be a year here. Or vice versa. What if you get back and hundreds of years have passed, or you get back and hardly no time has passed; leaving hundreds of ponies here suddenly, regardless.” He looked at the now thoughtful Starlight Glimmer. “I don’t want to rain on your parade, but what if you open the portal to a different Equestria than you left?”

Starlight deflated. “I don’t know. I just don’t know. Anything I try has to be better than the nothing I’ve done so far. I mean, I can’t be the only one that wants to go home, right?”

“I don’t think so. If I were stuck on an alien planet I’d want to go home, even if I built a life for myself there; at least just to visit old friends and share stories of what I’ve missed. I mean, I could see myself settling down with a couple mares and starting a family if I was stuck on Equestria, but if the portal opened, I’d come back to tell my friends and family about what happened and about my new life.”

“Ew, you’d actually,” Amy gestured crudely with her hands and fingers, “a pony?”

“Hey,” Starlight laughed and shoved her friends with a forehoof, “we’re not that bad in bed, so I’ve heard.”

Amy rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I’ve heard about porn with ponies on the web creating all that controversy.”

“And ponies with humans, can’t forget that,” Alex added.

Starlight’s demeanor turned sour. “Yeah, can’t forget that.

Alex cocked his head to the right a little. “Why do you keep doing that? Bringing up your distaste for human men?”

Starlight looked at Amy, who nodded a little. “You can trust him. I trust him,” Amy said.

Starlight sighed. “It was my second year here and I was alone. No pony wanted anything to do with me because I was the weirdo. I was ranting about ways to get home while they were settling into life. My estrus came in the fall and I didn’t have any mares to help me through it, and stallions would get me pregnant… so I tried to take care of the mood swings and,” she hesitated, blushing a little and fidgeting with her hooves, “arousal.

“I was in the worst throes of it when I was homeless and living in an alley when some guy showed up and started doing things to me. My mind was clouded and I let him do whatever he wanted to me until that itch was scratched. Then I woke up with this man behind me pulling my tail and doing what all males think about. I bucked him in the legs and ran off to the nearest shelter where I took a shower and tried to wash his… everything off of me.

“I cried and nopony, no creature came to help me. I was terrified I was going to get pregnant and I couldn’t get his scent off of me, or out of me, for too long. After that I retreated into myself and stopped socializing with the creatures that abandoned me or used me in my time of weakness and need.”

Alex’s eyes were soft after the short explanation. “Where did this happen? Did you report it to the police? Is this a-hole still there?”

Starlight grimaced. “It was back in New York and no, I don’t know anything about him. Just that he… assaulted me while I was, well, out of my mind with lust. The next year I went to the woods to sit it out, then each year I’ve managed to get alone and isolate myself because I can’t trust males to do the right thing.”

“Well, that’s bullshit,” Alex said, sternly, “I wouldn’t take advantage of you and I’d stop any guy that would. Just because you were messed up and crazy horny, it doesn’t give some bum the right to rape you.”

Amy and Starlight flinched at the word. “I know it wasn’t my fault,” Starlight said, “but my body betrayed me. There are only a couple days where I lose control, and he happened to get behind me during that time. That’s why I sit out those days alone. If I had had to go through it by the river, I’d just lock myself in my tent.”

Amy giggled. “Yeah, I think we’d figure out what was up then.”

“How?” Starlight asked her friend.

Amy smirked. “Us females know these things. I’m glad it didn’t happen out there though, I don’t know what would have stopped you from attacking any man you saw, good or bad, then.”

Starlight rolled her eyes. “Here we go with the sex jokes again. Is that all you ever think about?”

“No, I also think about food, sometimes.”

Alex laughed. “Ditto.”

They looked at him, then all three laughed. “Okay, the humans around me are perverts, I can live with that.” Starlight said.

“Hey, it’s not like you don’t have your moments, too. I see how you act around certain humans, so they can’t all be that bad,” Amy said.

Starlight huffed. “Yeah, certain humans, not all of them. I work in a school surrounded by children, after a certain point all their smells and stinks blend together. I long for times like these when I can be around adults with mature scents and fragrances.”

“Well, I hope I smell good today. I put on my favorite body spray since you were here.” Alex said, popping more popcorn into his mouth.

Starlight sniffed the air and smiled. “I like it. It’s like… vanilla, or something.”

Alex smiled. “It’s called Vanilla Noel and I got it a couple years ago. A couple spritz a day hasn’t even used half the bottle. That doesn’t even count for the lotion or bath stuff. I don’t take baths though, they’re never big enough for me.”

“That’s not all that’s big,” Starlight blurted. Her eyes were wide and her forehooves snapped up to cover her mouth. Amy laughed and Alex actually frowned a little.

“I didn’t think that would come up, but thanks for telling Amy about it.” Alex said, tossing a couple kernels of popcorn at the mare.

“I’m so sorry, I mean, it just came out of nowhere. I mean, it’s not that big of a deal-” Amy laughed harder and Alex leaned back into the chair with a sigh. “Sweet Celestia, I’m just going to zip it.”

Alex noticed where they were glancing and he sat up, placing his bowl of popcorn over his lap. “Starlight, Amy, do you mind?”

Amy wiped her eyes and looked at the bowl on his lap. Then up to meet his eyes. “Awe, can’t I see it too? C’mon, I’ll show you mine if you’ll show me yours…” She snickered as Starlight looked at her, aghast.

“You play that game too? And at your age? That’s a foal’s game, I thought.”

Alex stared at Amy before shaking his head. “I’m surrounded by kids, I swear.”

Amy got up and turned to leave. “I’ve gotta pee after all that laughing. I wasn’t serious, by the way, Alex.”

“I know, we’re adults and play different games.”

Starlight cocked her head to the left. “Like what?”


“Well, how do you tease each other, or teach one another, about yourselves with clothes on? Back home we didn’t have to worry about clothes, for the most part. Where I’m from, Sire’s Hollow, we’d tease the colts by flashing ourselves while climbing or when in a group we’d sway our tails under their noses.”

Alex shrugged. “I guess we just talk about it, or if it’s time to get intimate we touch one another. Maybe this is a conversation to have with Amy present, or just you two.”

“No, I want a man’s viewpoint on this. I trust you, Alex. That’s not something I thought I’d ever say about a man, but it’s true. You’re a friend, and I think we can talk about anything.”

“Eat some popcorn, it’s gonna get cold if you don’t, and I’ll try to tell you the best I can about human sexuality.”

Alex ate some popcorn by the handful and a moment later Amy returned and sat down in her spot.

“So, what’re we talking about?”

“Sex!” Starlight chirped. “I mean, from the male’s perspective since I clearly understand the female’s point of view.”

Amy raised her eyebrows. “Wow, should I go to the bathroom again and learn this is a clothing optional apartment?” She giggled at the thought for a couple seconds.

Alex shrugged. “Actually, I don’t mind nudity, as long as it’s tasteful and not erotic. I doubt if we were to get naked we’d just look at one another’s… parts, right?”

“You’re too laid back about this,” Amy said, crossing her arms, “I’m not getting naked without a good reason or a few drinks in me.”

Starlight looked at Alex, then hopped to the floor and used her magic to pull off her dress, tossing it onto where she was sitting. She climbed up on it and nervously crossed her forehooves over her teats. “See, no big deal.”

Alex got up, setting his popcorn down on a side table and started to take off his shirt, stopping with a smile. “Yeah, it’s not gonna be that easy, ladies.” He relaxed and sat down, looking at the slightly dejected females. “C’mon. If you play your cards right, one of you might see me naked. Oh, wait, that already happened,” he said, looking pointedly at Starlight.

“I said I was sorry!” Starlight shouted and lit her horn, pulling a throw pillow to her face to hide.

“I’m just teasing, don’t take it so personally. Ponies are naked most of the time, you said, so I don’t consider it too much of an intrusion. Sure, you got closer to me than any woman has in years, but nothing happened and we’re still friends, right?”

“Yeah,” Starlight said, lowering the pillow to rest between her legs. “I’m still sorry. I just had a surge and thought of you saving me from Amy’s ear attack, then poof,” she flung her forelegs into the air, “penis. I mean, you!”

Amy laughed again while Alex picked up the bowl of popcorn again. “Let’s keep what you saw between us, okay?” Alex asked Starlight.

Amy wound down to giggling. “Is that all you’re keeping between you?”

Starlight narrowed her eyes at the woman. “Don’t make me lick your ear again.”

Amy stuck her tongue out at Starlight, who did the same back.

“Why don’t you kiss and make up while I find something to watch?” Alex offered. They looked at him and then back to one another. Starlight flicked her ears and Amy nodded. “What’s that look for?”

Starlight’s magic flashed to life, holding Alex’s hands to the bowl while Amy leapt up and licked her finger before wiggling it in his ear. Starlight hopped to the arm of the chair, balancing barely before she reared up and rested her forehooves on his shoulder, joining in the fun as she poked his ear with her tongue.

“Gah, stop! Eeek!” Alex squealed and fought against the onslaught for several seconds before they stopped and let him go. He wiped furiously at his ears, noting the saliva on Starlight’s side reaching from his jaw to the top of his ear.

“There, how do you like that kiss and make up?” Starlight said, giggling with Amy as they quickly took their seats.

Alex huffed and picked up the mostly empty bowl of popcorn after it had spilled and fallen to the floor. “Well, I guess you two kissed with me in the middle, so it counts, right?”

“Ew, I’m not kissing her,” Amy said.

“Me neither. Humans aren’t my thing, sorry big guy.”

Alex rolled his eyes. “I was joking.”

“We know.” They said in unison, then giggled again.

“So, what were we going to talk about?” Alex asked, hoping they’d forgotten.

Amy and Starlight grinned. “Sex!”

Comments ( 4 )

Wow I just noticed the upvotes and downloads are evenly divided at 27.
Why so many people don't like this story for some reason?

I have dedicated haters that follow me to downvote my stories and there are a lot of people that downvote and go on based on the characters or topic of the story on this site.
I just let it go now and focus on writing more than what arbitrary
ratings I get.

What could you have possibly done? I was just looking over your stories and damn 27,28,30 down votes consistently. Did you become a 4chan Target somehow?
Don't have to answer if it's private, I'm sorry that I'm prying.
Edit: I think I may have asked the downvotes question before, sorry.

I don't have a clue what I did but it's been going on for a while...
It hurt at first but after some consolation, I was able to get over it.
I'm a really good writer and some people just don't want to give me a chance or want to try to break me down. But I'm stronger than their anonymous thoughts.

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