• Published 21st Apr 2023
  • 872 Views, 37 Comments

Amareican Glimmer - Mocha Star

Starlight Glimmer, among others, are teleported to our earth and have to adapt to a reality where magic barely exists.

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Just Friends Hanging Out; Part 1

There was a slight thud that reverberated through the upstairs apartment sending Starlight’s ears up and bringing a smile to Amy’s face. “Alex is home!” They said in excited unison as they quickly rushed to the door, stopping when Starlight gasped.

“Just a minute, I can’t go there naked!” She hurried to the bedroom and slipped into a homemade dress before following Amy outside and using her magic to close the door behind them. She hurried across the balcony to the stairs and descended them so fast they rumbled from her weight impacting each one.

“Slow down, girl. It’s like you’re excited to see him or something,” Amy said as she followed.

“I am! I have to tell him about my day and my surge. He’ll be so excited for me that…” she stopped by his door and turned to look at Amy, who was just a few feet behind her. “Wow, I’m like a filly on Hearth’s Warming right now, what’s wrong with me; acting like a foal that hasn’t seen her father in a month.”

Amy patted Starlight on the head. “I think it’s because you’re just happy to have a new friend that doesn’t want anything from you… like that.”

Starlight’s mood dipped a little. “I know, but Alex isn’t like him. He’s nice and kind… he’s like Rarity and Fluttershy rolled into one.”

“Those are a couple of your friends back home, right? Or am I getting the names wrong?”

“Yeah,” Starlight said, inhaling deeply, “they’re more like close acquaintances than actual friends. I was friends and mentored by Princess Twilight Sparkle, and her friends were my friends by default more than anything.”

“Well, let’s work on getting you real friends here so you can get back there and make real friends there, too!” Amy said with conviction as she walked around the mare and opened the storm door before knocking on the door itself four times.

Alex opened the door a few seconds later looking panicked, until he saw Amy. “Fuck, you knock like the cops! I was about to have a heart attack.”

“What, were you doing something illegal?”

“Hell no, but knowing my luck someone with a similar name a state away did something and that would make me a suspect, they’d take me downtown, interrogate me, falsify something, lock me up and then where would I be?!”

Starlight peeked around the open storm door and pushed her way between it and Amy. “Wow, you’re a real overthinker, huh?”

Alex looked down at the mare and sighed, smiling as he noticed her. “Hey, Starlight. Yeah, I guess I worry sometimes over nothing. I’ve seen a lot of TV shows and movies that add to that paranoia. Shit, where’re my manners? Come in, I just got home so don’t mind the mess.”

The females walked past Alex and took seats in the living area of this apartment while he closed the door. “Uhm, I have drinks in the fridge and snacks in the cupboard, but you know that already. I have to take a shower to get ten hours of work off of me quickly, okay?”

“Sure,” Amy said with a wave of her hand as she used the other to turn on the television.

Starlight nodded with a smile. “I have something exciting to tell you, Alex. Hurry up and get washed so I can tell you.”

“You can just tell me now, before I go.”

“No, I want your full attention for this, not just some of it. I want to see your reaction and then we can talk about it and…” she noticed a look Amy was giving her that Alex couldn’t see from his position. She wrinkled her nose. “Yeah, hurry up and shower. We’ll be here waiting.”

“With snacks!” Amy said loudly.

“Yeah, just move in while you’re at it.” Alex joked and went to his room and closed his door.

“What was that look for?” Starlight asked quietly.

Amy sighed in relief before replying in a hushed whisper. “Oh, my, gosh he was turning me on so bad. Something about the smell of a working man just…” Amy shivered.

Starlight rolled her eyes. “He smells like dirt and sweat.”

Amy giggled. “I know, right! Alex has everything I look for in a man, except he seems to be asexual.”

Starlight cocked her head. “What’s that, asexual? It isn’t some kind of weird thing, is it?”

Amy inhaled and exhaled quickly. “It means it seems like he’s not into anyone sexually. He hasn’t checked out my boobs or tried to look under your tail once.”

Starlight’s tail curled around her a little. “Good, that’s rude, even for ponies back home to do. It’s one thing seeing what’s back there, it’s another to go looking.”

Another door closed from inside Alex’s room and Amy grinned and hopped up, quickly rushing around the couch and to his door, trying the handle. She went back to Starlight’s view. “It’s unlocked!”

Starlight’s eyes widened. “No, don’t do anything stupid.”

Amy held a finger to her lips and listened. “The shower’s on! I’m going in.”

Starlight hopped to the floor and hurried to stop Amy. “Wait,” Starlight said urgently, but still quietly, “men don’t like to shower with women. Even I know that!”

Amy slowly opened the bedroom door and peeked in. “I’m not going to shower with him, I’m not that easy.”

Starlight blinked. “Could have fooled me.”

Amy hurried into the man’s room and stood in the center, inhaled deeply, then sighed, shivering again before she bent down and hurried Starlight from the room. “What’re you doing? You’re gonna leave hoof prints in the carpet letting him know we were in here. Out, out, out!”

Starlight snickered and lit her horn, grabbing Amy’s wrist and setting her hooves as she backed up into the kitchen area. “Set the example. Out, out, out!” She said in a normal volume, pulling Amy with each word and step back.

Amy braced her hand against the door frame and pouted. “Noooo, let me have this, just this once.”

“You’re being a pervert! Look at yourself,” Starlight let her magic go and pointed with a forehoof, “you’re breaking into a friend’s room to get his scent! You should be ashamed.”

Amy stiffened as Alex’s voice from the bathroom called out, “Is anyone there?”

She hurried to quietly close the door and rushed to the couch, grabbed the remote and started searching for a streaming service to watch. After a few seconds Starlight stood beside Amy, just tall enough to see over the side of the armrest of the couch. Amy sighed. “That was close.”

Starlight pressed a forehoof to her temple and rubbed small circles. “I think you’re crazy, Amy.”

Amy booped the frustrated mare on the snout. “You’re right, but only sometimes. I’m gonna need a few minutes alone when we get back to our place, okay?”

“Ew, don’t tell me that!”

“Hey, we’re gal pals, I can tell you about my last period if I want.”

Starlight groaned. “Ew! I don’t want to hear about your monthly stuff either!”

Amy laughed, her streaming service search forgotten as she gave her attention to Starlight. “Oh, c’mon. Not all of us are fertile for one week a year.”

“Yes, but it’s better than risking pregnancy every time you have sex.”

“That’s what condoms are for,” Amy retorted.

“That’s what estrus is for!” Starlight nearly shouted back. They glared at one another for a moment before breaking down into laughter. Starlight took a seat beside Amy and took the remote from her lap. “If you can’t decide what to watch, leave it to somepony level headed.”

The bedroom door opened and a very wet man peeked out from the room wearing only a large towel. “I heard shouting, is everything okay?” They both eyed him up and down, unable to speak for a moment at the shirtless man they were seeing before they looked at one another and burst into giggles. Alex would have blushed if his skin tone wasn’t just dark enough. “Okay, as long as you’re not fighting. I’ll be back soon.”

Amy fanned herself with her hand as she giggled, blushing brightly while Starlight was laughing more at her friend’s reaction than anything else. “That was unexpected.”

“To say the least,” Starlight replied. “Maybe if we both shout enough he’ll come out without a towel on for you next.”

Amy laughed again, the potential image crossing her mind of a worried man standing naked in front of her and Starlight trying to calm them down from a shouting match. “Oh, that would be too funny!”

Starlight thought quickly and looked at her friend curiously. “I thought size didn’t matter to human women.”

Amy burst into laughter, bending over and holding her sides as tears formed in her eyes. “Sh-shut up! That’s not what I meant at all.”

“Oh, so if I went in there and saw him naked and told you his size, you wouldn’t want to know?”

Amy, still laughing, shook her head. “Hey, don’t you dare. He’s not your type, remember?”

“Okay, you called dibs on him, I get it. I won’t step on your tail. Er, whatever your saying for that is, anyway.”

Amy calmed down some, spirits high as she wiped unshed tears from her eyes on the back of her hands. “Oh, shit, I needed that. I don’t know when the last time I laughed so hard was, but this is better than that. I swear to God that I’ll get you back someday for this. I’ll find someone that’s your type and tease you until you want to hide, too.”

“You want to hide? From a little sisterly teasing, of all things? I didn’t know you were such a wimp. Go sit over there and let Alex sit by me, then,” Starlight waved a forehoof at the recliner.

“No way, if anyone’s sitting by him, it’s gonna be me. You’re not even into him.”

“All the better to keep your pre-pregnant hands to yourself.” Starlight smirked at the suddenly surprised woman.

“Hey, I thought we were over the whole period is better than estrus thing?”

“You’re wrong again, on both counts. But, if it would make you happy I could just slip into his room and grab his shirt for you. You can rub it all over yourself to help you later tonight.” Starlight said with a giggle.

Amy huffed. “Okay, now that’s gross. I don’t think I like him that much, and even if I was thinking of doing something, stealing his clothes is too weird, even for me.”

“Who said anything about stealing? I was just offering to borrow them for a minute for you, but if you’re over his scent, then so be it. You may continue to sit beside me at the winners couch.”

Amy crossed her arms over her chest. “You know what?”

“What?” Starlight asked.

“This!” Amy shouted and leapt on the smaller mare, lifting her ear and poking a finger into it. Starlight screamed in surprise as sensitive hairs were tickled in a way she’d forgotten about since the last time Pinkie Pie had tried to keep her from hearing something.

“Ah, stop! Amy, stop! It feels weird and-” Starlight’s body was wracked with muscle tremors from her head to her tail as chills ran through her. Her horn lit and she teleported away, leaving Amy to land on the couch where she was torturing her friend.


A set of shouts came from the bedroom before a body collided with a door. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” Starlight’s voice came from inside the room before a door closed and the bedroom door opened.

Amy climbed onto the couch to look over it with wide eyes. “Did you just…”

Starlight’s eyes were wide as she closed the door behind her. “I was thinking of him when you were tickling me, then I was there when he wasn’t in a towel.”

“Wow, so… how big is he?”

Starlight’s eyes narrowed. “That’s all you have to say after I just violated one of my best friends’ privacy?”

Amy sighed and slumped. “Sorry, I just-”

“You wouldn’t be disappointed,” Starlight interjected as she trotted casually back around to take her seat beside a stunned and very thoughtful woman. “Are you going to stay like that or are you going to sit and act normal for once; since we got here?”

Amy licked her lips as she turned around quickly and sat down, crossing her legs then uncrossing them. She crossed her arms, smiled and uncrossed them before she grunted in frustration. “Darn it, you have to tell me! Show me with your hooves, how big?”

Starlight tittered. “I’ll take that to my grave. Ahh, just the sight of it…” She pretended to be thoughtful herself and laughed at the mix of expressions crossing Amy’s face alone. “Why, Amy, you look like you want to know something but I just can’t for the life of me- ack! No, not the ears again! Anything but that!”

“Hey,” Alex said sternly as he left his room, clothed in a shirt and shorts this time, “she said to stop. You have to respect when she says ‘no’, just like you’d want anyone to respect yours.” Amy quickly pushed herself back up to a sitting position while Starlight did the same, rubbing her folded down ear with a forehoof. “That’s better.”

“She started it,” Amy said.

“Oh yeah? Let’s see how you like it!” Starlight shouted and lunged at Amy with her tongue extended, only to have a hand catch her mid lunge and push her back to her spot on the couch.

“It stops now, am I understood?”

Starlight pulled the tip of her tongue back into her mouth and nodded meekly. “Y-yes.”

“Okay. Now, where are the snacks you said you’d have ready? And what’re we gonna watch while you’re here?” Alex asked as he stood up again.

Amy noticed Starlight inhale deeply as her eyes widened a little as her tail curled around herself. The woman smirked and looked back. “Can you make us some popcorn?”

Alex sighed. “Okay, I can do that, as long as you don’t go back to acting like little kids again.”

“We won’t,” they said in unison, giggling once they were done.

Alex went to make popcorn while Amy leaned toward Starlight and spoke softly. “So, now he’s your type?”

Starlight gasped quietly and used a forehoof to push Amy back from her a little. “No, he just smells nice.”

Amy sat up and grabbed the remote, selecting a service. “Yeah, I’ll give you a few minutes alone later, too.”

“Okay, that’s it!” Starlight shouted and pounced on the woman, sending her into shrieks of surprise as a warm tongue prodded her ear canal.

Alex watched with a smirk as they wrestled a little, poking one another playfully in the ears as he stayed back in the kitchen. “So immature, but in a cute way.”