• Published 29th Oct 2022
  • 1,394 Views, 46 Comments

Adopting Hellhounds - Lord Shadow Eclipse

A Hellhound leaves the Underworld and comes to Ponyville. How will Fluttershy handle a demonic hound?

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Chapter 11

With Blight

Sleep did not come easily for Blight. She had been shoved into a cramped metal box and taken onto some bizarre transportation machine heading who-knows-where. She had no food or water in her little box. But at least she could keep track of the time.

Blight had been in that box for a good three days. She could make out the sunlight coming and going from the little slits in her box.

The Collar around her neck sent a constant stream of pain shooting throughout her body. She tried to block out the pain, but it seemed to grow more and more impossible to ignore. Sleep may been difficult, too, but it was her only relief from the pain.

Blight knew the evil mortals were taking her somewhere. She didn't know where specifically, but she knew it wasn't anywhere good. She may as well try to get some more sleep before she arrives.

It took a while with all of the bumps the vehicle made on the road, but sleep eventually came for Blight.


She opened her eyes and found herself in the Underworld again. There was the familiar twisted trees and dark waters she grew up with. Blight was walking through a grove of trees when she heard a familiar voice calling to her.

"Blight! Over here!" Frightfang called.

She looked over to the top of a hill to see none other than her friend Frightfang standing there. Blight's heart started racing with joy at seeing her old friend. She ran to the top of the hill and tackled Frightfang to the ground and nuzzled his neck.

"Fright! I'm so happy to see you again!" Blight said with tears streaming down her face.

"I'm happy to see you, too, Blight," Frightfang said. "I really missed you."

"Are you okay? How did you get back to the Underworld?" Blight asked.

"I managed to follow another Hound through a portal here," Frightfang said. "Where were you? I've been looking all over for you."

"I was kidnapped by a group of mortals, evil ones," Blight said. "Wait, we have to tell the Lord Hound that there are mortals taking our kind and enslaving them."

"What?!" Frightfang shouted.

"Yeah! Those wretched things have been taking and torturing our kind and using us!" Blight shouted in reply. "I was taken by them!"

Tears of pain and fury poured from Blight's eyes and she pulled back her lips in a furious snarl. She dug her claws into the ground.

"I was tortured by them, too!" Blight cried. "They tortured me for an entire night! They tried to force me into submission!"

Frightfang nuzzled his closest friend. "Blight, I'm so sorry that happened to you."

Blight cried into Frightfang's shoulder. Frightfang did his best to comfort his friend. It felt good to Blight to get all these things off her chest to someone that's been with her forever.

"I wanted to find you!" Blight cried. "You were the reason I was able to fight through the pain! I wanted to see you again!"

"You will see me again, Blight. But right now, I need you to wake up," Frightfang said.

"... What do you mean?" Blight asked suspiciously.

"I just need you to wake up," Frightfang replied.


Blight opened her eyes to see a night sky through the slits of her confined box. The wagon she was on had stopped moving when she woke up. Blight stomped her paws on the floor of the box in anger.

She was still in the box. She was still in the grasp of the wicked ponies. And the burning Collar around her neck still sent pulses of pain throughout her body.

Blight could feel the box being lifted out of the wagon and it was being carried somewhere. Through the slits, all she could see were the heads of hooded ponies. She got the feeling that they were walking though somewhere underground.

The sounds of barking and the scent of Hellhounds and aggression pierced the air as Blight was hauled through a heavy-sounding door.

The next thing Blight could hear was the sound of the outside of her box scraping against something on the outside. Next, she heard what sounded like a door opening followed by the door to her box rising.

Beyond the box was a large holding pen similar to the one she was in when the ponies first captured her. It wasn't desirable, but it was better than being in a cramped little box. Blight eagerly shot forward into the pen and stretched her legs. The door closed behind her and she was left alone in the pen.

"So, you the new Hound here?" a voice asked across the hall from another pen.

Blight looked outside the cell and saw another Collared Hellhound, one that she had never seen before. This particular Hound had a lighter shade of black than most other Hellhounds and had blue eyes and a blue chest flame. His body was covered in horrific scars from the claws and teeth of other Hellhounds. He regarded Blight with a nonchalant expression.

"You look awfully young to be traveling to the mortal world, pup," the older male said.

"I came here to find my best friend. Who are you?" Blight replied.

"Name's Plaguepaw. I was a Sin Hunter hunting in the north until these bastards got me," Plaguepaw replied. "Gotta say, it disgusts me that they've gotten a pup to participate in the ring."

"What 'ring'?" Blight asked.

"Apparently, the pony you've been given to has a thing for making us Hellhounds fight each other," Plaguepaw said.

"That-that's horrible!" Blight shouts. "I'm not going to fight my own kind for the enjoyment of pansy mortals!"

"If you refuse to fight, they'll torture you," Plaguepaw said. "I've seen it happen before."

"I don't care! They've tortured me for an entire night and I haven't broken!" Blight shouted.

That actually got Plaguepaw to change his expression. A look of shock changed into one of respect.

"You actually took an entire night being tortured?" Plaguepaw asked. "That's really impressive."

"It was a waste of time!" Blight said. "I should be out there looking for my friend!"

"What's your friend's name?"

"Frightfang. We've been together since we were born. He's the greatest Hound I know."

Plaguepaw looked at Blight with a coy expression.

"Do you have a crush on him?" he asked.

"... N-no, I don't have a crush on him!!" she shouted with a pink flame.

Plaguepaw gave long belly-laugh at Blight's expense. Blight just glared at the elder Hound in defiance.

"Sh-shut up!!" Blight shouted.

The sound of a door opening put their conversation to an end. The sound of three ponies approaching made Blight's fur stand on edge. Soon enough, three ponies stopped directly in front of the pen holding Blight. Two of them looked like the same guard ponies she saw back at the original facility. The one in the middle was a stallion that looked important.

This Unicorn stallion was brown with a white mane and tail and dressed in a fancy-looking gray coat. His wrists were clapped in golden wrist gauntlets. He looked at Blight with bright green eyes.

"Oh-ho-ho! I like the look of this one!" the fancy pony said excitedly.

One of the guard ponies handed the fancy one a slim metal stick with two prongs on the tip. The fancy stallion pushed a button on it and a yellow energy sparked between the two prongs. The stallion then stuck the stick into the pen and poked Blight in the side with the stick.

A burning shock surged through Blight's body. Her muscles and legs locked and nearly sent her sprawling to the ground, but she managed to stay upright. Blight then shot forward in a furious attempt to tear out the throat of the grinning Unicorn. He was lucky he was outside of the blessed bars or else Blight would make him beg for death. He just laughed at Blight in a mocking manner.

"She's quite a fighter, Lord Trotsky," one of his henchmen said.

"I agree, she's a monster! She'll be sure to draw a lot of customers!" Lord Trotsky said with hope. "She'll be a great prize fighter."

Blight glared at Lord Trotsky and his sycophants with great hatred. She refused to be these ponies' little toy, no matter what. She would escape and find Frightfang. She will escape from here, she will find Frightfang, and they will make it home. After she kills these sinners, of course.