• Published 29th Oct 2022
  • 1,394 Views, 46 Comments

Adopting Hellhounds - Lord Shadow Eclipse

A Hellhound leaves the Underworld and comes to Ponyville. How will Fluttershy handle a demonic hound?

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Chapter 6

In a Manehattan Penthouse

A cloaked figure was walking to look out over the city. It was quite a beautiful sight at night, the streets and buildings lit up so bright that they could be seen from the tallest tower of the Canterlot Palace.

The bustling city of Manehattan also had a surprising dark side. There were lots of ponies in this city that commit pretty bad crimes worthy of being sent to the Underworld. Chief among those crimes are murder and assault. There were also the drug lords who peddle powerful narcotics to the poor under-class of the city. These crimes attracted the attention of Hellhounds.

"Lovely night, don't you think?" a cultured voice asked from behind the cloaked figure.

The cloaked figure looked behind him to see none other than Prince Blueblood walking towards him. The Prince stood to the figure's right and gazed out into the city.

"I'd say the city does look beautiful from this height. It helps to cover up the fact that there's hordes of criminals in this city," the cloaked figure replied.

He removed his hood to reveal himself as none other than Chancellor Neighsay. He looked at Prince Blueblood with a neutral expression.

"How are things in Canterlot, old friend?" the Chancellor asked.

Prince Blueblood's normally pleasant face suddenly turned into a scowl. That was an expression that only Neighsay had ever seen him make before.

"Things have just been insufferable, Neighsay. That mare that Aunt Celestia left in charge has been making things... difficult to say the least. I've been trying to say that as the Solar Princess's nephew, I should have a say in the political affairs she's engaged in. But she keeps overruling even the most banal suggestions I make! That mare is simply intolerable!" he replied.

Neighsay looked personally unbothered by the Prince's rambling. He learned that letting him rant in one go will make him shut up later. The only reason he put up with this was because the two of them had a special agreement. After the Prince finally finished with his rambling, Neighsay returned to looking out the window towards the city. They had important business to discuss.

"Now then, back to business. How are things on your end, Blueblood?" Neighsay asked.

"So far, things are progressing slowly, but increasing. I have a feeling that at least three quarters of the royal court will be by my side within two months. That should be more than enough," Blueblood replied.

"You know, I never asked, but how exactly are you able to gain the support of the majority of the court?" Neighsay asked.

"It's those special dogs you provide for them. I must say, they are quite useful for various tasks. And profitable, too," Blueblood replied.

"They're called 'Hellhounds'. And you must tell them to take proper care of the Hounds they receive. Lord Trotsky sent me a heavily injured Hound to heal after one of its prize-fights. Do you or any of the other nobles have any idea how much it costs or how hard it is to heal Hellhounds?!" Neighsay replied, getting angrier with each word.

"Okay, okay! No need to get angry. I'll inform Lord Trotsky about his lackluster care for the Hounds. Anyway, how are things with you? Any problems?" Blueblood replied.

Chancellor Neighsay reached into his cloak and removed a rolled up newspaper. He set it on a small table he levitated between Blueblood and himself. Blueblood picked up the newspaper and began to read it. As he read, his face contorted into one of anger.

"What the hell is this I am reading?!" he shouted.

"Apparently, the Princess has not only discovered a Hellhound in the mortal world, but she has allowed one of her sycophantic friends to adopt it," Neighsay replied calmly.

"If the Princess and the Elements are focused on this Hound, it could draw some unwanted attention to our operation should they start looking more into Hellhound sightings. If they get involved, everything we've worked for will be for nothing," Neighsay said.

"What do we do?" Blueblood asked.

"Not me. You," Neighsay replied. "I have to send a shipment of Hounds to our customers in Las Pegasus. I suggest that you use your influence in the court to keep the Elements from digging."

Blueblood gave an exasperated sigh. "Fine. Just make sure everything goes smoothly on your end".

"You supply the money, I supply the Hounds. That's how everything works. Until you usurp Twilight, that is," Neighsay assured.

And with that, the Prince left Neighsay to continue staring out the window. He'd have to send his hunters out to look for Hellhounds tonight. He pulled out a small walkie-talkie from his cloak and clicked it on.

"Send out the hunters. We're looking for more Hellhounds tonight, lads," he spoke into the walkie-talkie.

"Yes sir. We're geared up and ready," a voice crackled.

Neighsay smiled upon hearing the enthusiasm in the voices of the hunters in his employ. He would make sure to keep enough Hellhounds to protect Equestria by any means necessary. Any means.

City of Manehattan- Southern Borough

A small portal opened up in an abandoned factory near the warehouse district of the mortal city. A set of paws and a muzzle poked out from the portal, as if the creature trying to come through was having trouble fitting through the portal. Soon enough, a canine body slipped through the portal and onto a collection of old torn-up mattresses on the floor.

It was Blight. She actually managed to open a portal to the mortal world despite still being a pup. She didn't specify a location to travel to. All she needed to do was simply open a portal. She shook herself from the exertion and sneezed out a muzzle full of dust. She looked around her and saw that she was indeed in the mortal world.

"Oh, hell yeah! I made it to the mortal world!!" she shouted in excitement.

She look out a window to see the brightly-lit nighttime city beyond. There were a few mortals out and about, but there weren't enough to cause a full panic if they saw her. Right now, she needed to find a way to find Frightfang.

"Okay, how do I find him? Obviously, scent isn't an option. Maybe I could go from town to town and try to catch his scent after looking for it," she reasoned.

Blight was around Frightfang long enough to remember his scent. If she went to a mortal town and found it, she should be able to find him quickly. She jumped out of a broken window and landed on a dumpster in the alley. She put her snout to the air and the ground to try to find Frightfang's scent but found nothing.

"Maybe if I search the city thoroughly, I should be able to find him quickly enough," Blight said.

She made her way out of the alley and looked to make sure no mortals in the immediate vicinity. She saw some bizarre vehicle making its way down the street towards her location. She went back into the alley and waited for the vehicle to pass. Instead of passing her, it stopped just outside the entrance to the alley. Three mortals wearing masks and some form of armor stepped outside of the vehicles and made their way towards her.

They were carrying poles that had a wire noose sticking out of the top. They were glaring at her through the lenses of their masks and walked towards her with malevolent intent in their strides. Blight backed away from them and gave them a threatening growl and took a threatening posture.

Why are they approaching me? They should be running away from me, she thought.

"You're coming with us, doggie. We don't want to hurt you. The boss prefers that you be unharmed," one of the masked mortals said to her.

There was no way in Heaven, the mortal world, or the Underworld she was going with them. She didn't waste any time before she lunged at the closest mortal and tried to dig her fangs into his neck.

The flesh of his throat tore away easily. For all their armor, the neck was exposed and vulnerable. The mortal underneath her writhed on the ground before finally going still in a pool of his own blood. Blight felt a thick wire wrap around her neck and tighten.

Blight tried to thrash and bite at her attackers, but the wire and pole wouldn't allow her to move beyond the pole's length. From behind her, a small sharp pain stabbed into her right leg. She looked behind her to see one of the surviving mortals with some kind of needle in its hoof.

Blight's vision started to swim and her legs started to become wobbly. No matter how much she tried to continue fighting, she felt herself becoming weaker and weaker. Finally, she collapsed onto the ground.

Before she lost consciousness, she saw the mortals dragging her towards their vehicle.

Damn... it... all, she thought in anger.