• Published 29th Oct 2022
  • 1,353 Views, 44 Comments

Adopting Hellhounds - Lord Shadow Eclipse

A Hellhound leaves the Underworld and comes to Ponyville. How will Fluttershy handle a demonic hound?

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Chapter 2

In the Castle of Friendship

Frightfang followed Fluttershy through the doors of the giant crystal structure with a feeling of calm from being comforting by Fluttershy. The inside was really impressive. The entire building seemed to be carved out of one single giant crystal. Long hallways lined with doors jutted off on different directions like a creature's arteries. Twilight led the ponies and Hellhound to a chamber with a flat, smooth table surrounded by chairs all made of crystal.

These creatures actually inhabit this giant crystal? They're so weird, Frightfang thought.

Once Twilight gathered the others into the room, she shut the door with magic and started to address the fact that a Hellhound puppy is in the mortal world.

"So, Twilight, just to reiterate, why is a Hellhound in our world?" the white one asked.

"Me and Starlight were actually in the Underworld," Twilight replied indicating the other mortal Frightfang saw in the Underworld.

"Why were you there?" the pink one asked.

"And how did you get there?" the rainbow one asked in addition.

"Remember when me and Twilight went on that trip to Klugetown? Well, we found a vendor there selling a book about the Underworld. One of those chapters described how to go to the Underworld through a conjured portal," Starlight replied.

"As to why we were there, I found a chapter describing the unique ecosystem the Underworld had. I was curious and excited at the idea of studying the native life in the Underworld. So far, all I was able to find out is that their is dark magic imbued in all its native life and that Hellhounds are the dominant species there," Twilight said.

The other ponies looked at Frightfang, who held his head high with pride that his species were the masters of the realm of misery.

"Well, how did a Hellhound get into our world?" the white asked yet again.

"I guess this one must've followed us through the portal we made to escape the Underworld," Starlight replied.

"Why would you need to escape?" the orange one asked.

That question caused Frightfang to snarl and make his eyes, teeth, and the cuff of red fur on the back of his neck to glow at Twilight and Starlight. The other ponies, save for Fluttershy, backed off from Frightfang's obvious display of aggression.

"We needed to escape because we were being chased by a pair of Hellhounds," Twilight replied not taking her eyes off of the still-growling Frightfang.

"Why do you think they chased you?" Pinkie asked while keeping her eyes locked on Frightfang.

"Maybe we were trespassing on their territory or they were hungry," Starlight replied.

Fluttershy, seeing Frightfang's display of aggression, started to use her wing to gently stroke his side. The softness of her feathers and the tenderness of her act made Frightfang calmer. Frightfang, in a moment of calmness, rested his head against Fluttershy's shoulder. She smelled almost like his mother.

"Well, this one looks like a pup. Maybe he has a family waiting for him back in the Underworld," the white one said.

The mention of his family made Frightfang's ears perk up. He began to whine and whimper that the thought of his mom and siblings looking for him. But those thoughts were replaced by hope when he remembered that Hellhounds can freely travel to and from the mortal world. Surely they'd come looking for him.

"Well, can't you just return him to the Underworld?" the rainbow one asked.

"That's the problematic part, Rainbow Dash. The portal can only be used once a year to enter and exit the Underworld. We'll have to wait a whole year to return him," Starlight replied.

"Wouldn't his family come looking for him?" Fluttershy asked.

"They could. But Hellhounds can't track each other as easily in the mortal world, according to the book," Twilight replied.

"Why is it so hard for them?" Pinkie asked.

"Our world is charged with positive energy while the Underworld is charged with negative energy. Finding the scent of a Hellhound's negative energy in a world full of positive energy is like trying to find a needle in a haystack," Starlight replied.

Frightfang lowered his ears upon hearing that. Even if his mother came to the mortal world to find him, it could take her a long time to find him. Fluttershy started stroking him again and even nuzzled his head. Frightfang leaned his head towards Fluttershy's touch.

"Well, until we find another solution, Fluttershy's going to watch over the Hellhound," Twilight declared.

"Really?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yeah. He seems to like you. And you're good with all sorts of critters," Applejack said.

"Then it's settled! Until we can reopen a portal to the Underworld or the pup's family comes looking for him, Fluttershy will look after him!" Twilight exclaimed with a flare of her wings.