• Published 5th Nov 2022
  • 602 Views, 40 Comments

Possessions of a Third Kind - Shroomkin

What happens when the Warden of Time loses in a bet? He goes and possesses a unicorn, of course!

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Twilight's Dream World

Somewhere in the Dream Realm (Equus), 9:43 p.m., Year 2011

Ouros was watching the events play out right before him. Twilight, in a manner of speaking, was dreaming about... reading a book. And not just any book, mind you. She was reading the entirety of the Daring Do book series even though she's been reading it in the waking world. A few months of being inactive, and all Ouros gets is... this. Still, it was good that he didn't do much despite his want to do things. It might have tarnished Twilight's relationship with the others. Besides, due to Rarity's semi-brilliant idea of Twilight not reading (and by extension practicing magic), Ouros managed to simply let things pass by without any need to take control. In turn, that made the suspicions grow less and less by the day. So, here we are. A few months passed with not a speck of confusing "incidents" and a semi-normal and decent life for his host. May the Primes bless her heart; she really does care for her current friendships. Now if only she focused that care on her "older" friendships.

Ouros had learned a lot about this world, and honestly, it was starting to grow on him. The normal and peaceful lives they live (until some bad guy appears) are quite the sight. Still, one problem sticks out like a thorn on his side, and that being communication with his host. He had found out that she was afraid of serpents, which made things harder for him, considering his lack of ability to transform (and that he was a serpent himself). He even tried to do so on multiple occasions, especially in her dreams, but it all failed. So not only was he frustrated, he can't even vent that frustration on the outside world.

Still, watching her dreams were... intriguing. She'd rarely dream of something else, like a tea party with her mentor, Princess Celestia, rather, she'd dream of acing tests, reading books, acing another test regarding that book, and reading another book for another test, which in turn makes her read more about references for said book for her tests. It's like watching an inception play out. He wasn't really fond of the constant time loops most worlds put themselves through (like that one world where a Chronosapien is doomed to fail due to the Omnitrix wielder), but at least those were more interesting to watch.

So what was Ouros watching today? Well, he was watching his host read through her Daring Do books, but with a twist! Not an exciting twist, but a twist nonetheless. She was reading it INSIDE the library, but this time her chairs were blue in color. Ouros simply had to tailpalm at that. The one thing that changed, it was a fucking chair color swap. This is much more irritating than those stallions fighting over the official length of tables.

So, enough was enough. He has had it. He could try and change her dreams, maybe make it a bit more exciting, maybe even help her fight off her fear of snakes. And so, he did what he had to do. But first, he gave her a letter, just to see see if she can actually interact with, well, whatever it was that he was planning.

Twilight, on the other hand, was busy enjoying her book. She was reading peacefully until she heard a simple "poof" coming from one of her shelves. "So far, so good," hummed Ouros as he succeeded this time in getting Twilight's attention.

Curious about the sound, Twilight got up and went to check on her shelves. She, of course, was surprised to see a letter popping out ever so slightly in one of her books. She grabbed it by her magic and opened it.

"I've always been watching you," it read. Test letter was a success! Sensational! Now if only she could actually interact with Ouros. Twilight, who at this point was a bit creeped out, decided to throw away the letter as she grabbed another book. Apparently she finished reading all of the Daring Do books in a span of a few minutes. This is her dream, after all, and she has control over it, or rather, she does not have control over it. She wasn't lucid dreaming, after all, which begs the question: How the hell can she even read her normal books if this wasn't even lucid dreaming?!

Ouros, annoyed by it all, wrote another piece of letter as he slammed it into another book. "You can't interact with me," he hissed, "but I'm about to change that!"

Twilight, gullible as she is, was startled by her reading. "What's going on here?!"

She dashed towards the noise as she gaped at the sight in front of her. Her fully arranged books of alphabetical order, unorganized! IT. WAS. HORRIBLE!

Ouros was about to bash his head into a wall, only to spot Twilight at the last second. She held the letter in her hooves as she opened it. Who knew letters would be the worst thing to happen in her dreams? She cleared her throat as she read the letter.

"To Twilight Sparkle," it read as she snorted, "That's me, I'm Twilight Sparkle."

"You are to be tested in a game of wits. Look upon the letter as it whisks you away to a maze of unholy proportions."

She merely stared at the letter. "What?"

She continued to read, it was definitely a sight to see. Her tongue was sticking out of her muzzle, her brows furrowed with concentration. Finally, it would be the time to reveal himself! Ouros, the Ouros, who was trapped in her body, can finally talk to her-

"Meh," she shrugged as she tore the letter. "I'm currently busy reading Vectors and Diagrams: A guide to the perfect presentation. As if I'd take that maze over this!"


That was all that it took for the dream realm to shake. And that was all that it took for it to turn into a nightmare. "S-s-s-snake!!" Twilight yelled as she, for the first time in her life, saw Ouros. He hissed and he slithered as he glared at Twilight. "Oh, now you see me?!" She screamed even more.

She screamed and she screamed, tossing and turning in her sleep, eventually waking in the real world as she fumbled out of her bed. "Oof! Ough!" She clutched her head with her hoof, her hind legs were stuck due to her blanket. Spike, the heavy sleeper, merely got up, blinked, and went back to sleep. The mad lad, didn't even care that Twilight almost had a panic attack. Regardless, she was awake now, and no damn snake would EVER get near her again, let alone a snake that size!

For years, he had been stuck as a stone. Years had he been stuck as an ornament for a garden not even available to the public most of the time. For years, he had suffered the unholy wrath of the pesky flying rodents known as birds. No more. It was time to make a move, but how? He was still stuck as a stone decoration, not much can he do with that. That was until three fillies bickered amongst themselves and caused sweet, juicy, satisfying to say the least, amounts of chaos enough to break him out of his prison. Oh, such sweet, sweet chaos, the epitome of life! Seriously, why bother being placed here if three unassuming fillies can easily break him out? Not that he is complaining, after all, he's finally breaking out! He's finally-

Free at last! Oh, you have no idea how hard it was to be stuck in that pose ALL the time! I tell you, the amount of joint pain I have, I might need to put some oil in them!

A mismatched being, it slithered in the air as it performed yoga exercises.

Oh pish posh! Who needs exercise when I can simply turn my bones to jello?

He grunted and turned, cracking his lower back as he finally snapped his fingers. Evidently, that was a stupid idea as he now turned into a puddle. The puddle grew legs, and then a body, arms, and finally a toothy grin.

Perfection! Now now, no need to applaud! Today, my debut starts, and I am the star of the show!

The being laughed and cackled as he snapped things that defy the laws of physics.

Oh, it's good to be back!

Author's Note:

Short chapter for a new season, eh, Mr. Narrator?

Yeah yeah, laugh it all up...

Losing motivation in that tiny head of yours? Maybe if you lose that dumb-looking mushroom hat, then you can type more.


Meh, not that it matters, really. Maybe a new look would do? Besides, your cover art for this series is a bit... odd. Do you really draw like this? Maybe focus more on your art skills, Mr. Mushroom man.


And what's with all those emoticons you use? That's too much, no?

. . .

Not really my style, if you ask me!