• Published 5th Nov 2022
  • 602 Views, 40 Comments

Possessions of a Third Kind - Shroomkin

What happens when the Warden of Time loses in a bet? He goes and possesses a unicorn, of course!

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Pinkie Promises...

It has been a few days since the "Farming Incident", and Twilight was restless. Well, Ouros at least. He can't help but feel a little odd, especially if the ponies begin to suspect more of his and his host's actions. He was lucky that he possessed Twilight's body at the right time to simply answer their questions. Thank goodness for switching to manual. While having no side effects, it would seem a bit rude to interrupt his host. He, in turn, decided to give his host the memories missing. Unfortunately, he isn't connected with his host yet, which means all those memories can't be viewed nor be remembered by his host. It was at this moment that Ouros decided to face-tail.

It was at this point that he decided that he must have a contingency plan, or for the very least, somepony to backup his claims. And upon thinking about this, one pony came to mind.

"Pinkie Pie," Ouros thought. While she seems like the last choice to go for, the least qualified candidate, she was, in all honesty, the best at keeping secrets, especially if Ouros made her Pinkie Promise (oh, if only he knew). "Applejack was the worst liar of the group. Rainbow Dash was really brash and would definitely attack me or report me to the princesses..." He pondered as he muttered to himself. "Rarity gossips a lot, and Fluttershy... Well, it might not be the best to open up to her, even if she is the Element of Kindness."

Ouros simply sighed as he watched his host and her actions. She was, most definitely, worried, especially about the missing memories. Luckily, he managed to calm her down by simply writing down notes on the previous days, allowing Twilight to at least take a mental break, since the notes were answering her questions. Though, this was only a temporary solution. The more permanent solution is stuck in a barrier at the moment, that being him and Twilight co-existing and interacting. Right now, he'll have to wait for his host to fall asleep before asking Pinkie.

Hopefully it works.

It was 10:46 p.m. at Ponyville. A time where everypony is asleep while Princess Luna guards their dreams. Funnily enough, it seems that the Princess of the Night does not notice the absence of one of her subjects. Perhaps Twilight slept so late at night on a regular basis that the Princess doesn't even notice. Or perhaps she was really busy. Either way, she was thankful for that.

Twilight decided to sneak unto Sugarcube Corner, in the hopes of talking to Pinkie in private. While talking in the day is normal, it would be much easier to speak privately at night. That and she doesn't want to garner any attention whatsoever from the other ponies, especially when talking to Pinkie. Twilight unlocked the doors and closed it ever so silently with her magic as she walked towards Pinkie's room. When she opened the door, Pinkie was right there, peacefully in her own dream world, hugging an equally peaceful Gummy. One day, she'll have that philosophical talk with Gummy.

She slowly approached Pinkie and gently nudged her sides, which in turn made Pinkie giggle in her sleep. "Pinkie," she whispered. "Pinkie, wake up," she said as she gently removed Pinkie's blanket. Pinkie tossed and turned, shivering in the cold as she slowly opened her eyes to see Twilight on her room. "Ah, so you're finally awake," Twilight said, smiling softly at the sleepy mare.

Pinkie, not used to this kind of surprises, almost shrieked in terror, only for Twilight to cast a silencing spell. "Calm down, I know this is really out of the blue, but I want to talk with you..."

Pinkie looked confused but decided to trust in her friend. "Twilight?" Pinkie asked as she rubbed her eyes, "What time is it?" Twilight simply raised an eyebrow as she looked at Pinkie's clock. "It's currently 10:53 p.m., Pinkie," she said as Pinkie sat on her bed, now smiling at Twilight. "So, what brings you so late at night in Sugarcube Corner?" Twilight, who was smiling at her, suddenly shifted her tone. "I need to tell you something, Pinkie, and it can't wait tomorrow."

Pinkie gasped as she bounced up and down at her own bed. "Is it a secret? Huh? Huh?" Pinkie asked cheerfully, despite it being late at night, her energy coming back from nowhere. Twilight, in turn, used her magic and teleported them... somewhere.

"What is this place, and why is it so... empty?" Pinkie asked, her enthusiasm gone as she looked around what seems to be a void. "This is my personal pocket dimension... I haven't changed it in a while," Twilight said, awkwardly smiling at her friend. She then changed the scenery, one that resembles a cozy cabin with a lit fireplace. The furniture looked similar, and yet, it does not match what a pony usually have. In fact, most are, quite literally, bigger than the ponies inside. There was a sword attached on the wall. For a pony, it would seem like a greatsword. The chairs were fit to be Princess Celestia's thrones rather than just being normal chairs, which Pinkie found to be quite comfortable. "Would you like some tea?" Twilight asked as she sat upon her chair. "Yup! I would like some-" Pinkie said, interrupted only when a cup filled itself with whatever tea she was thinking about. "H-how?"

"I thought you shouldn't question things, Pinkie?" Twilight said, giggling a bit as the tides have turned. Twilight picked up her own cup and drank tea from it. Pinkie, on the other hoof, sat quietly for the first time in years. Befuddled by all of this, Pinkie sat there deep in thought. "I know you've been breaking your laws of physics, by means only known to some," Twilight said casually, taking another sip from her cup. "Your abilities came from a dream. A dream that of which got powered due to the Sonic Rainboom, did it not?"

Pinkie could only look at Twilight with confusion. She was shocked beyond belief. She remembered all the nightmares she had, only for an Alligator-like being to calm her down and give her dreams of relief and happiness. And after that encounter, she found herself being able to do things she can't do before. It only manifested once, and by that time, was even limited. The time where it became permanent was because of the Sonic Rainboom, and since then, she treated it as normal. Twilight smiled as she pulled out a staff from her mane, something she thought she could only do. She wasn't just scared. She was terrified.

"You are not in trouble, Pinkie, if that is what you are thinking," she said as she gently placed the staff in the wall with her magic. With hesitation, Pinkie spoke, "Can you read my mind?" Twilight simply nodded, and then shook her head. "I can and cannot. I can read your mind here in my pocket dimension, but not on the overworld." Twilight then sighed, "Besides, this isn't why I wanted to talk with you."

Pinkie held her cup and drank slowly, looking at everything inside the cozy cabin. She waited for Twilight to speak, smiling as if nothing has happened. Twilight gently returned the smile, and nodded. "Pinkie... I am not Twilight," she said, expecting something to happ-


And there it was.

Pinkie stood on the chair, now threatened AND terrified. If this was not Twilight, then who was this in front of her? Was it a changeling? Wait, what even is a changeling, and why did she think of it? If so, she must tell Princess Celestia about this! Twilight simply raised a hoof and told her to calm down. "Pinkie, this may sound weird, but this is still Twilight, but the one talking to you, isn't." Pinkie simply tilted her head, suspicious of the mare in front of her. "W-what? What are you- what are you talking about?"

Twilight simply sighed. "A few months ago, there was an "accident". You probably know of this, thanks to a certain young drake," Twilight said as she made the cup float, only for the cup to disappear. "It was when Twilight screamed something about, and I quote, 'a filly missing and an ancient tomb located', to which nowadays seem to be forgotten by most of your friends." She continued, "That was not Twilight. That was me, Pinkie..."

Twilight's appearance suddenly changed to that of a large white snake, a blue diamond crest lay atop of his head, with eyes as orange as the sun. "I am known simply as Ouroboros, the Warden of Time, Keeper of the Realm and Chief Strategist amongst the Order, respected member of the High Council of the Order, the All-Knowing," the snake then sighed, "and I am trapped in a conundrum." Pinkie was indeed petrified in the sudden appearance of the snake, and the sudden shift in the voice of Twilight. "I have been stuck inside the mind of your friend, doing things I have always wanted to do in the body of my host. I'll let you piece those things together."

Pinkie thought long and hard about what the snake was saying. "W-wait, so, you were the ones behind ALL of those things Twilight has done? You were the one who shouted those?" The snake simply nodded. "Then, you were the one who helped Applejack?" The snake, yet again, simply nodded. Pinkie, however, snickered and laughed, smiling wholeheartedly at the snake. "What is so funny to you, Pinkie?" Pinkie slowly rose up, wiping a tear from her eye, "Well, you did help Applejack, so you aren't reaalllyy a meany pants, right?"

The snake simply chuckled, "That much is true, I guess," The snake then shifted back into Twilight as he sighed. "Still, being trapped inside Twilight with no means of talking to her is a detriment. I've tried giving her notes, only for her to not recall writing any of it and placing it in the trash..."

Pinkie giggled, "Yep, that's Twilight alright!" Twilight then looked at Pinkie, "In truth, I am lost, though I will still try to contact her." She then turned around, looking at the flames of the fireplace. "I only ask that you do not speak of this to anypony, not even Twilight," she said, tiredly. "Pinkie, do you Pinkie Promise to keep it a secret? I feel they are not yet ready to know of such a thing. If something happens, it would be terrible for the both of us... The innocence of Twilight would be tarnished... She who does not know of what is going on would become an outcast due to the fear and panic of the others... While I would either be banished or turned to stone..." Pinkie, who was giggling, stopped for a moment to take in the seriousness of the being in front of her. Does she want to? Does she need to? This being helped Applejack on such a busy day, and even pranked everypony, giving all of them a nice picnic breakfast. Slowly pondering, she made her choice, "Cross my heart, and hope to fly! Stick a cupcake in my eye," she said as she did the motions. Twilight simply smiled at this, "Thank you, Pinkie."

Pinkie nodded, her enthusiasm back. Seeing her cup be filled with chocolate milk instead of tea got her impressed. "Can Twilight do this?" Pinkie asked Twilight, to which Twilight shook her head. "I believe Twilight can do this, if, and only if, we manage to communicate. Despite her being so adept in magic, there are limits to it. There were other beings of which they have the same magical aptitude, yet never learn beyond the third grade."

Pinkie, of course, was confused. "Other beings?" Twilight smiled at her, "Yes, other beings. This is not the first time I am with a host." Twilight's horn began to glow as the cabin faded and all that is left is a white void, until it transformed itself into a theater. "I'll be honest with you, Pinkie. If you were any other being, I would have instantly teleported us to this place."

Twilight then sighed, "As I've said before, I am the Keeper of the Realm, and as such, I have met different beings far from your universe. The multiverse exists, and I have seen... terrible things involving this one." She sighed, "With beings being displaced, video games being reality, horrific creatures transported, and even wars being ever present. Some ponies were even transported in another world. There may even be a universe where there are beings reading our thoughts and expressions, as if it was a narrative, in a site known as FiMFiction..." She shuddered at the thought. Pinkie, too, shuddered at the thought. The horrors she might have experienced had she been in another universe... It was all too scary. Noticing the fear in her friend, Twilight hugged her gently, "Worry not, I am here. I will not let those who seek to harm you get close to you."

Pinkie let out a breath, comforted by her friend and friend. "Soooo, can you tell me about your adventures in the multiverse?" Twilight simply laughed. "Sure!" she said,

It was fun for the both of them, each telling stories and sharing things, their bond growing ever deeper. And yet, Pinkie was still a bit sad, knowing Twilight, her Twilight, would not remember any of this. Still, she had fun with her new friend Ouros. If the secret does come out, she would be there to help Ouros explain. Hopefully it doesn't come to that.

Morning came and Twilight was refreshed. She checked around, seeing if everything is "normal". It was, everything was normal. She sighed, relieved that nothing bad has happened. "GOOD MORNING TWILIGHT!" shouted Pinkie, who was under her bed. "GYAHH!"

"Here's your breakfast!" Pinkie said, "Spike and I prepared it! Oop, would you look at the time, I gotta go, bye!" Pinkie swiftly said, galloping towards the door. Twilight was left there, bewildered by it all, but still managed to giggle at her friend's antics. Right in front of her were pancakes drizzled with chocolate syrup.

"Well, this day became a lot better! Thank you Pinkie and Spike!" She said as she was about to take a bite, only for Spike to appear right next to her side. "GYAHH!" "GWAHH!" Both screamed, startled by each other for no apparent reason.

This caused the pancakes and the syrup to fly for a whopping 3 seconds flat, only for it to land somewhat gracefully on Spike and Twilight, with the syrup now covering her mane.

"And everything was so normal!" she shouted.