• Published 5th Nov 2022
  • 602 Views, 40 Comments

Possessions of a Third Kind - Shroomkin

What happens when the Warden of Time loses in a bet? He goes and possesses a unicorn, of course!

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Twilight Pets a Puppy

Fluttershy was not a morning pony in comparison to her other friends such as Applejack, but she manages. She manages for the sake of her animal friends. Friends that are often seen as dangerous and or wild by some, but friends to her nonetheless. Had she asked Princess Celestia to allow her to "take care" of the manticore she found in the Everfree Forest many moons ago, she would probably have not just one manticore, but maybe 20 manticores, 35 hydras, that one Ursa Major and her little baby Ursa Minor, and maybe a few more dangerous creatures. Sadly, she knows not to disturb such creatures, even if she wanted to study and befriend them.

So imagine her surprise when she heard the voice of none other than Twilight! The library mare, who often needed Spike to wake her up due to her late night studies, was in her yard, talking with some of the creatures as she gave the ducks some birdseed. Normally, ponies would often give ducks bread, not really knowing the danger it can cause, and often times, she wanted to scream at them. Of course, she can't just scream at them, that would just make them hate her. But here was Twilight, giving them simple birdseed.

"To be fair though," she thought to herself, "she is a librarian." Twilight is constantly surrounded with books, so it should have been no surprise if Twilight managed to read about ducks and learn about their diet. Yet here she was, stunned that her friend was in her front door, mumbling and speaking to her animal friends like she has known them for so long.

Did I mention that it was 4 in the morning?

Clearly not the normal time Twilight wakes up, nor will it ever be. While Fluttershy, embarrassed and concerned at the fact that she may have made Twilight wait for her, rapidly went down the stairs, a light tapping in the floorboards can be heard. There he was, Angel, arms crossed and annoyed, glaring at Fluttershy. "Oh Angel," she muttered, "not now, please?" Fluttershy weakly said to the annoyed bunny, making a ruckus for whatever reason he was thinking.

However, she had to stop whatever she was about to do as she saw Twilight right in front of her, holding what appears to be a puppy. What made it more confusing was that the puppy was chewing what appears to be... a knife?!

Twilight was bored. Bored enough to try and manipulate the very fabric of reality. But this was not Twilight, oh no. This was merely Ouros, being bored, in a body of someone who gets bored for the wrong things. Seriously, this body's host finds fun in the wrong actions. Reading, sure, it fills the gaps of imagination, bringing the reader in a land of their own creation. But if the host finds daring adventures and fun rides to be a waste of time, then there has got to be something wrong with this mare. Seriously, again, who thinks memorizing the Periodic Table of Elements a hundred times, mind you, is considered fun? That is just tedious, and Ouros was not pleased, especially since he is forced to simply watch in the sidelines when all of this is happening. The good thing though, for him at least, is that he knows more about this world, and he enjoys it a bit. It's peaceful (to some extent) and serene, unlike his work.

So Twilight, currently in the possession of Ouros, was bored. She thought it would be a great idea to bring something (or someone) in this world. And thus, shenanigans began, with Twilight summoning a rift between worlds.

Honestly, though, he just misses his pet Trebuchet. By thinking of his pet, however, the portal showed different people's pets.

"Hmm," Twilight muttered, "which one of you would be a fun candidate?" She glanced around the different timelines and different worlds, pondering on who to bring.

Ouros may be the Warden of Time, but he can still access different worlds. After all, before there was the Guardian of Space, there was only the emptiness of the void, of which he and a few just sat around and watched as the universe was created, and the concept of time was birthed from the upper echelons of the Order.

Anyways, Twilight saw an opportunity to pluck an animal out of their world. Making a copy of that exact animal takes quite a lot of time, and she was bored. And she found just the right cutie. She was really tempted, however, to bring forth a mighty wyvern sleeping upon a mountain of gold, protecting and sharing not a single coin to the mortals of that realm. That Arkenstone does look important, it would be a shame if she were to simply give it to Spike as a breakfast meal. Imagine the chaos it would bring! But, seeing as she does not want to bring absolute destruction to this world, she had to hold those thoughts. If the Scourge was not here, then why must he act like him?

As she whisked away the unwilling victim, a bright light silently filled the room, its warmth embracing everything in the library, including a sleeping drake, who was hugging a plush of her friend, Rarity.

And there stood before her a puppy. With a sword, or at least, a greatsword. It almost looks like a wooden sword, but the sword was most definitely real, though, it was a bit too big for the poor puppy. Way too big for the puppy. So, instead of doing the responsible thing, she simply shrank the sword. The pup appears to be a week old, maybe a few weeks old, however, she knows that the puppy was at least older than that. After all, the moment he plucked it from its world, it was on the verge of death, or rather, already dead. Great! Now she has an undead puppy with a big stick sword. Shame though, that the pup had to suffer death, though, I guess she can consider this as "saving a life" while the puppy considers this a "second chance".

"Trebuchet will like you, little one!" Twilight cooed, nuzzling the puppy, who growled adorably. Despite being "irresponsible" to not even remove the sword (or simply leaving the sword), she was still responsible enough to know that the puppy needs medical treatment, though she did not worry much since the pup only has a few scratches. Perhaps being plucked from its world reverted most of the damages and turned it back into a puppy. And so, with one pony knowing what to do with injured animals, she ventured off, leaving a note for Spike in case he awakes. She doesn't want the whole "Twilight is Missing" incident to happen again.

"The puppy's chewing a knife?!" Fluttershy shrieked, zooming to Twilight with speeds unknown to her before, instantly grabbing the puppy. "And she's hurt, you poor dear, where did you find her?" Twilight simply wobbled before shaking her head. "I found her while I was testing a spell," she lied as casually as she breathed. "One moment there was a bang, the next, there was a puppy in front of me." When Angel saw the wolf, he immediately ran towards Fluttershy's room. It's one thing to boss around the other animals, but bossing around an animal with a weapon? That would certainly mean his doom, even if it was at the paws of a very cute puppy. A carnivorous, knife wielding, puppy but nevertheless.

The poor thing, she must have been so scared, but that doesn't answer as to why she has a large and dangerous knife on her maw. Fluttershy tried to gently remove the knife from the puppy, even saying that it is too dangerous for her. The only response the puppy gave was a growl and a sneer, especially when her hoof came close to the knife. Giving up on the notion to simply pluck the sword from her mouth, she quickly placed her on a table and brought forth medical supplies. "Seriously, Twilight, you should be a bit careful," she paused, giving a meek smile to Twilight after saying such "harsh" words to her, "if you wouldn't mind?"

Twilight, who at this point simply tapped the nose of the puppy, shrugged and agreed, petting the puppy as she dropped the knife. Fluttershy was stunned at this. The wolf listened to Twilight in an instant? How... nice of the puppy, not that she was jealous or anything. "What do you plan to do with her, Twilight?" Fluttershy asked, petting the puppy after giving her some treats for behaving.

Twilight, who was pondering with a hoof on her chin, simply grinned and said, "I've always wanted a dog!" This irked Fluttershy. It actually made her narrow her eyes on Twilight. And with the "painting incident" that happened, she doesn't know if she was pranking her or not. "Twilight," she gently said, "she's a wolf." With a deadpan stare as she was hugging the wolf pup, Fluttershy hovered in front of Twilight, to which the latter had a squirrel mimicking the same exact movements. Twilight simply shrugged, "It does look like a Norwegian Bellafrost Wolf-dog, sorry Fluttershy." Fluttershy was simply dumbstruck. What's a Norwegian Bellafrost Wolf-dog? Confused by this, she simply gave the wolf back to Twilight. "From now on, you shall be named... Sif!" Fluttershy clapped, happy to see another creature be adopted in a loving home, though she soon frowned when the wolf went back for the knife. She tried to do the stare, but the wolf was merely a puppy, and she didn't want to scare the tiny and cute wolf. What confused her the most, though, was that she can't understand the puppy at all, though she can still understand her body language.

Maybe it is a new species like that Norwegian Boarfrost Wolf-dog that Twilight said? Or was it Bell-frost? Bellafrost? Probably that one. Regardless, all she can do now is to accompany Twilight home as Twilight continued to nuzzle the puppy. While a bit jealous, she is truly happy for her. "I wonder how Spike would react to her?" Fluttershy thought to herself.

To say that Spike was shocked was an understatement. First, Twilight managed to cook so perfectly. Then, she says that she doesn't know how to cook, even going so far as to not share her knowledge of recipes. And now, there was a wolf, looking straight at him, her head cocked to the side as if she was confused at what she was seeing. Then, the wolf began to yip and bark, pouncing at the poor drake.

"Gyaah!" Spike reacted, running towards the table in an attempt to lose the chasing pup. Spike doesn't know much about dogs, so of course he thought he was going to be mauled. For all he knows, he looks like a purple plushie or a purple chew toy! "TWILIGHT!" cried Spike, who was getting tired at being chased all around the living room. To his surprise, however, Fluttershy was there, and Twilight simply giggled. "Sif, come here girl," Fluttershy said, cooing at the wolf. Thankfully for Spike, the wolf, now known as Sif, ran towards Fluttershy, licking her in the process. Apparently after a few minutes, or hours, of bonding with the wolf, the wolf now trusts this pegasus.

Twilight walked up to Spike, petting him in the process. "Morning, Spike!" Twilight casually said as she brought forth breakfast for all three of them. Sif already ate back at Fluttershy's house, but that didn't mean that the wolf puppy was not eyeing down their food. "Uh, Twi, where'd you get the wolf?" Spike asked, confused at the sudden visitor. "Tis a long story, my helpful assistant," Twilight said as she continued, "Sif will be staying with us! I can't wait to show her to everyone!" Spike turned to Twilight, confused at her last statement. What does "everyone" mean? More importantly, the wolf is staying with them?? Unacceptable, only he has the right to be Twilight's BEST ASSISTANT, and he already told that to Owlowiscious. Nopony, nor this cute puppy, would take that away from him! He grunted, dismayed that a wolf was living with them. A few hours into the day, however, he changed his mind. The puppy took a liking to him, to which he decided to reciprocate it by giving her some treats. He was surprised to see that the puppy was very polite and obedient, to some extent at least. "Smart puppy," he said, to which he got a happy bark.

When they met with their friends, they received a various amount of responses. Applejack simply played with the wolf, even inviting them towards Sweet Apple Acres for a puppy playdate. "Would you look at that, Winona likes you!" Applejack said, cooing at the puppy as she gave her belly rubs. Winona, of course, licked the puppy and played with her. Apple Bloom, Applejack's sister, even joined in on the fun, with everyone watching the cute scene. Upon meeting Rainbow Dash, Sif for some reason, loved nibbling on her tail, much to Dashie's chagrin. She, of course, went to reprimand the wolf, only for her heart to melt upon seeing the puppy's sad expression. Lots of belly rubs ensued that day.

Rarity, as much as she wanted to bring them inside, found herself tired as she picked Opal up, stopping her from chasing the puppy. To Rarity's surprise, however, Sif stood her ground, not even alarmed by the threats of her own cat. This earned Rarity's respect, much to everypony's surprise. Meeting Pinkie, however, scared the poor puppy. However, after some time and some coaching from Fluttershy, the two got along, even nuzzling each other. Pinkie soon introduced Gummy to the wolf, to which both were just staring at each other. This lasted for a few minutes before Fluttershy simply picked Sif up while saying their goodbyes to each other.

Overall, after being with Sif, Spike now knew that this was not a wolf to be afraid of... It's a cute wolf puppy! A puppy who still became aggressive when you pick up her knife, but still an obedient and cute little puppy!

Twilight woke up, energized for some reason. She can't place a hoof as to what gave her energy, but it would not matter. She's happy, she's energized, and now she felt a fuzzy feeling on her hind legs. Wait, fuzzy feeling?

Twilight simply removed the covers of her blankets, surprised to see a puppy on her bed. After a few minutes of staring, she couldn't handle it anymore.

And thus, she screamed, knowing that something happened without her even knowing about it... AGAIN!

Author's Note: