• Member Since 5th Nov, 2016
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Comments ( 35 )

Very promising start to what seems to be an interesting story. I look forward to more.

Luna hummed in agreement. "Yes, a warrior able to lead a town to drive away an invasion is worth looking into if not to watch. A danger he could pose, but an incredible ally if he is not a threat." She paused as her eyes narrowed. "Still-"

Despite being a "pony", and defending a town from the Changelings. Luna already determines that he could be a possible "threat", despite being a hero!? Sheesh, who does she like she is, Batman!? :ajbemused:

Buen inicio para la historia, el personaje diciendo que utiliza cuchillos me hizo acordar a kratos XD :twilightsheepish:

I’d say that’s a pretty normal government reaction, actually. “There are reports of this incredible soldier in action on our side that we have no file or other background information whatsoever on; it’s like he just suddenly popped fully-formed and -trained out of thin air!” “...find out more, I want to know what the hell is up with that.”

And that’s without yet taking into account that the nation was just attacked by shapeshifters pretty much the other day and Chipped Shield could well turn out to simply be another one of them acting as he did while pretending to be a pony for who knows what reason. Luna has every cause to be suspicious, I think.

That's called a normal reaction. They know nothing about this pony. Yes, he helped them, but as Luna said, he could also be a threat. They can't know that for sure until they get to the bottom of it.

Plus they just came off getting their asses handed to them, and Celestia let it happen. So of course, nopony is really thinking straight at the moment. See 11570667's comment to have it said better.

Nice little interlude and a hint a a backstory. Amazing work.

I am absolutely loving this so far. And I love the ongoing plot. The talks of Ancient Magic makes me suspicious of something like immortality but we'll see.

Huh, this may take a turn for the worse. But I love where this whole rise to power is going. And in one of my previous fics I've written. I too have made a sibling rivalry between the sisters. Though long story short, my human choose the seat made by Luna instead of Celestia's during the national meeting, making the sun princess jealous and Luna smirking about it.:twilightsheepish:

But yeah, I want to see more of how this would develop. Hopefully you put in cool ancient weapons.:rainbowdetermined2:

Missed opportunity it might have been but also a lengthy one you would need to deal with. Plus you know politics.

My boy, Chip, is like the pony version of a numenorean

Ok, this is interesting, and I see what you're doing, showing little slices of different sides and locations to set-up the world. It reads a little disjointed, But I think it'll be good when the threads you're setting up start to come together.

Wonder whats in the tomb? Whatever it is will probably piss the mc off.

That was an awesome chapter.

Just as Luna was about to dine she had a spark in her mind go off. "Oh! I nearly forgot, there was something of interest in a report lately. Her horn glowed once more with another pop of existence of a folder with pages held by a clip.

Forgot the quote here

Celestia's face was gaping in shock, trying to move her jaw she found no words to the revelation except. "How?"

Celestia's face contorted in shock*

You are not really good at writing emotions hmn?

And the horse like sound is called a snort

The world seemed so peaceful to Chip. The only sound to come was the flowing soft breeze, leaves brushing upon each other like a hollow whisper, and the rumbling from rolling wooden wheels. The two-dimensional circles came from the oak wagon that Chip led on, wrapped around his stomach the connecting leather did him no discomfort. Though Chip liked the critter-less forest he held some discomfort today. The breeze felt distant, and the rumbling felt more like a horrible mismatch to the scenery, a sort of disrespect to the sanctuary.

You know, the word He exists for a reason, stop writing his name so much we know he's Chip, no need to remind us three times every paragraph

His dark ocean blue coat was matted, and his mane held a light cyan that was losing color. But his eyes, his eyes shined so bright, so full of life. His smile was like a furnace, holding a comforting warmth in a cold blizzard. Lost in focus I recollected myself to see as quickly as he came, he left.

Something like this?


Dp is short for what again?

Chrysalis is little more than a monster

Somewhat unnecessary to divide this

Gods? As in actual ones and not pony princesses that can be defeated by a random creature?

Twilight redrawn formulas and ideas with chalk on a board as she listened intently. Taking a huff she sat down on her haunches with confusion drawn on her face. "But that doesn't explain why they aren't united like before. How did they even escape the fault?" Twilight spoke as she turned to the projection of Luna.

The vault*

"God, if I get isekai'd again, please let the next life be better."

Hmm, so he has a chance of eventually coming back every time he is killed.

I wonder if he can fly. He has a bandaged wing, but doesn't seem to be too annoyed at being grounded. I'd assume a human-turned pony would be less likely to be naturally good at flying, but the suggestion that he is stuck in a cycle of constantly being reborn (isekai'd) might mean he's had multiple lifetimes to get used to that body.

Also, what does "DP" mean?

Hmm, the original body of an isekai'd human? At least Chrysalis gave him something to do instead of punishing him for interrupting her.

Reading the story not sure what is going one really at the moment. Still wish you luck dude.

Ok, I must have missed it somewhere. What is a DP?

Very glad to see an update of this! Very interesting chapter. Thank you!

Yessirr, gotta smooth out some Jank but it's gonna be a good one.

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