• Member Since 12th Jun, 2012
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Comments ( 47 )

I've actually missed this I'm glad that there is at least a rewrite, I can't wait for the upcoming chapters 😁😁

How many planets earths are fusion in one and how many percentages of the population

I’m still working on what to keep and what to get rid of to make it easier to write.

I remember this fic, there were some stuff didn't care for.
But there two versions of this story read, one had the villainess from the last season of the Legend of Korra justified what she did before smugly going back to her cell as she seemly won.

i so wanted to see her ex come up and slug her for being a delusional hypocritic, not sure was your version ot the other author's version.
But always ticke dme off, i mean she already won a vast amount of territory, she gotten what she wanted.
Her would been husband said so himself, they gotten more then enough, they could still make their dream come true.

He was right would taken a lot longer but if the changes she was making was really way better, she could proved it in time, and more and more people would came to her side.
If not her her tiem her children's time...NOPE she tried to kill them all and her fiancé by tracking where he was and blowing them up.
..........WOW.....if she was willing to do that then good thing she didn't have kids, otherwise she would toss them at korra to distract her and then kill them all with a big attack to take her out.

Please make it so, that magic still exists, like for example the magic users of the Wizarding World have Magical cores that recharge on their own and don't need an external source, or that the magic dimension was not the "only" source of magic and other dimensions have their own sources, or magic still exists but is weakened.

The story was very depressing due to the lack of magic.

good to see this back

Great second chapter, I really like how you integrated the new worlds to the new version especially "The Ghost and Molly Mcgee" and "Inside Job".

By the way is Columbia going to appear because if so why not create a Columbia that is a patchwork of the timelines Booker and Elizabeth traveled to in the games, a Columbian Civil War would be very interesting especially if the "Vox Populi" get outside help and win the War.

Also are the ships from the previous story still apply here cause I wanna see Dipper × Wendy.

Hey man hear me out hear me out. The summer camp...let's be honest the idea of the summer camp did u get it from a... particular site?

Sorry but I’m going with Pacifica and Dipper as they’re closer in age and she has a good character arch where she change from what she use to be.

Yeah I like the camp lake bottom cartoon

Yeah, but I mean... u know? A comic online site for 18+. I mean it kinda reminds me of that comic

Does Camp Sherwood sound familiar to u?

Yes I know of that comic but I was thinking of camp lake bottom when I came up with the idea

Oooh! *phew* I didn't want to be a weirdo. Wait ur serious? That was where ur idea came from...? Huh. I would've thought about Sherwood...

Oh well, ya win some ya lose some, is Smolder x Spike x Ember still official though?

No as I be more focus on other parts. The one who commissioned the story in the first place added way too much stuff, making it hard to write. Which is why the remake to slim it down and make it easier.

But I could just add it on later as something that happen off screen.

"...But I could just add it on later as something that happen off screen."

That's OK, as long as it happens I am happy.

Hey I just remembered what about Death Inc a few months after the True Ending from the"Have A Nice Death" game it would make an interesting headquarters for all the Grim Reapers also is the Soul Society gonna go Coo Coo Crazy in this version.

I wander where the Candy Kingdom is going to be at this time.

No I’m no putting adventure time in the story this time

Hey great job! This is starting to feel like an actual show crossover.

I mean...if the magic in the air and stuff cMe with them and the land they where around and made the planet itself alive and making magic...that might happen??

Gona go read the next chapters on this one to be sure or not if it's how it works here.

Damn. Another great epi-Chapter! I mean chapter...Love it

Will the Powerpuff Girls appear in this story?

Since Psychonauts 2 came out since the original version of this story came out does this take place before or after Psychonauts 2? Also if it take place after something that could be mentioned is the Psychonauts having to pay for all the damages to the Lady Lucktopus casino as they hadn't actually done anything, also if there is any tech Bill could us to his advantage besides to portal it would be the astralathe which is basically just left in a secluded area with no security of any kind.

I took the Psychonauts out of the story

my mistake, the copy of this story on fanfiction.net still mentioned them.

Yeah I forgot to take it out when I posted it but I fix it.

I can of feel sorry for Leni. The girl seem like she has Intellectual Disability or mental problems not sure what to call it. But the point is I feel like her parents didn't get Leni the help she needs for her disability or at least get her check out by a doctor to see what the problem is. That poor girl probably doesn't even know what she did wrong. Just following her parents and siblings lead.

"Dad's lost his right arm and mom is still undergoing treatment for her burns. Both of them don't ever want to see you again and have disowned you, after seeing the news footage of you smiling and laughing at the destruction you caused saying it was all for a laugh and showing no remorse for all the deaths and damage you did," Dexter explain to her.

Yeah Dee Dee is like billy no remorse for their actions. They on whole another level from others. But sometimes I believe Dee Dee knows what's she be doing.

"But we're the only ones who can make the jam," Applejack said.

Did you forget your human counterparts exist? Because I'm sure they can do the same.

I'm not going to lie to you I cringe at Wendy liking dipper romantically. Besides that I'm still loving the story.

6 - From what, I heard most government jobs don't treat retired workers well. Especially the military.

What the f***!? That's unfair.

Yes but I’m basic in it on real life and that’s a very common story you hear

This is a question. Why do you hate the Soul Society system?

The entire world is oppressed system and everyone has to live in slums but for the reapers.

Huh so they are basically the same as any other government

Nope worst as there’s no way to move up if you can’t fight, and the slums are completely lawless. With the ones in charge not caring one bit what happens.

How did the copier have a scan of Dipper? didn't Twilight block the flash with papers when Mabel tried to scan him?

Thanks I missed that

Before Star can respond, she's nearly run over by a truck driven by Mina and Amanda sitting next to her. Marco having seen the truck coming out of the bushes had grab Star and pulled her out of the way as the truck zoomed by. As it pass he saw driving the truck was an aged Mina.

Before Star can respond, she's nearly run over by a truck driven by Mina. Marco having seen the truck coming out of the bushes had grab Star and pulled her out of the way as the truck zoomed by. As it pass he saw driving the truck was an aged Mina.

Ok so I don't know if you're aware but Dani being the chairman doesn't make sense as she is already have a job as a hero

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