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The City

The wagon wasn’t very comfortable, considering all the cargo the girls had to share space with and the rough dirt roads, but it was enough for them to admire the fields along the road as they rode to Bagnon. “Say what ya will ‘bout the feller, Twilight; yer brother sure knows how to make up a beautiful world.” Applejack smiled as she looked out at the rolling glens.

“Shining Armor’s always had an eye for good world-building.” Twilight smiled. “He could probably write a best-selling fantasy book if he wanted to.”

“Well, I think we’ll settle for this world for now.” Rainbow shrugged. “At least until we find a way home.”

“In the meantime, perhaps we should avail ourselves of exactly what we’ve been asked to transport.” Rarity noted as she looked at the crates. She gently opened one of them and saw some rather ornate glasses. “Hm. Very nice work. I can see why Maccus is anxious for his cousin to sell these.”

“He’d certainly make a good deal off them.” Twilight agreed. The girls kept talking about that, but Sunset couldn’t stop thinking about their quest: a hunt for the Dead Eyes.

She didn’t know what this guild of criminals had done to Father Taliesin or why they would indulge in slave trading, but the whole concept made her skin crawl. And so did how easily her friends were taking all this; just yesterday afternoon, they’d all been dropped into a world of fantasy and left to fend for themselves, drawing blood within only a few hours. Granted, the blood they drew was hardly innocent and drawn in self-defense, but it was blood nonetheless – they’d killed five people within two hours of coming to this world and no one seemed to think much of it, except maybe Fluttershy who she knew was at least a bit traumatized from the violence yesterday. Still, she knew that no matter what, the girls would be there for each other through thick and thin on this adventure.

“So who’s taking the next shift at drivin’?” Applejack’s question drove Sunset from her contemplation.

“I got it.” Rainbow nodded; it was still a long drive to the city. Long enough that the whole group took at least one shift over the next three days until the wagon finally reached the high stone walls of the city.

Sunset was at the reins now and couldn’t help but admire the sight; it almost reminded her of the walls of Canterlot… except for the guards outside the gates. “Hold!” one of them called as he raised his hand to Sunset, who quickly stopped the wagon. “State your business.”

“Courier work from the village of Impekka,” Sunset answered. “We’re going to the market.”

“We’ll see about that; search them.” the guard ordered, prompting a team of guards to move toward the wagon.

“Whoa-whoa-whoa, what’s the deal?” Rainbow asked defensively.

“You’ll have to forgive the security; there’ve been some attempts on the king’s life.” the first guard explained. “By order of Grand Duke Lucilius Anthon, all parties entering Bagnon are to be searched for items that may be used against the king.”

“Well, you ain’t gonna find any of that here,” Applejack assured.

“We’ll see about that.” the guard noted. “Out of the wagon and present your weapons.”

The girls were a bit insulted by this, but did as they were told, all climbing overboard and showing the guards their weapons as the wagon was searched.

But Sunset was a bit more than insulted; (Sunset Shimmer Insight roll [at Adv. due to past experience] 14 or 18) she’d done this sort of thing before herself so she knew these guards were up to something.

“Everything looks in order here, sir.” one of the other guards reported to the first.

“Alright, you’re clear to go.” the guard noted as the girls all climbed back into the wagon. “Market’s across the square.”

“Much obliged.” Applejack shrugged as she climbed to the reins and goaded the horses forward.

(Sunset Shimmer Perception roll 17) As the wagon rumbled through the gates, Sunset couldn’t shake her suspicions as she looked through the wagon and saw one blanket had been shifted and seemingly rolled around something. She unrolled it to check and found a rather vicious-looking cleaver-like sword and a vial of silvery-black liquid. “Hmm…” she said thoughtfully at the sight of the items; (Sunset Shimmer Insight roll 16) it was clear, at least to her, that one of those guards was trying to frame them for trying to kill the king. She considered telling the others, but she didn’t want to worry them, so she covered them again as the wagon rolled through the city streets.

Bagnon was a magnificent city with high towers around the walls and very charming old-fashioned buildings that the girls rolled past. The square was a simple stone plaza with a large obelisk cutting the sky with a dragon statue coiled around it. And indeed, just as the guard had instructed, they saw a large collection of small shops and tents lining the street opposite them as they rode past the obelisk.

Once they reached the entrance to the market, Applejack leaned off the wagon and looked down at one of the passing merchants. “Scuse me, pardner; we’re lookin’ fer a fella named Hartmann. Mind pointin’ the way?”

The merchant simply pointed down the street. “Green tent, eighth on the right; can’t miss it.”

“Thanks.” Applejack tipped her hat. But before she could ride onward, she and the others noticed a line of men in armor marching through the square toward the wall.

“Guessing that’s not something you see here every day,” Sunset remarked.

“Might as well be, considering the last few weeks.” the merchant noted.

“Is this about the attempts on the king’s life?” asked Twilight.

“Not just that.” the merchant shrugged. “There’s a tribe of orcs outside town that’s been butchering convoys coming in. You’re lucky you weren’t hit; orcs hate elves especially.”

Rainbow just smirked. “I’m pretty sure we could handle ‘em; we’re kinda awesome.”

The merchant just rolled his eyes and returned to his work as the girls moved onward through the market. “Maybe try not to brag on our behalf too much, Rainbow Dash.” Spike pointed out.

“Aw come on; we can back it up,” Rainbow smirked.

“And if we can’t?” Rarity countered. “I’d prefer not to find out.”

“Well, hopefully we won’t have to worry about that too much.” Sunset shrugged. “Frankly, I wouldn’t mind if all we ended up dealing with was just courier work like this.”

“Somehow I doubt it.” Twilight pointed out. “My brother’s worldbuilding almost always involves tense diplomacy and high-stakes combat. If I had to guess, this is just the calm before the storm.”

“In that case, we’d better enjoy it while it lasts,” Sunset noted, doing her best not to look at the bundle in the back of the wagon.

“Hush up back there now; we got work to do,” Applejack remarked as she slowed the wagon to a stop outside the green stall they’d been directed to, letting her see the young man tending to it. “You Hartmann?”

“Yes?” he answered.

Sunset smiled as she jumped down from the wagon. “Your cousin Maccus sent us; we’ve got a shipment for you.”

“Oh, thank goodness. We were wondering when this would arrive.” Hartmann appeared relieved as he helped the girls unload the wares into the stall. “I’ll be sure to send Maccus my heartiest thanks for sending you.”

“Don’t mention it.” Sunset smiled as she grabbed the last crate… and noticed the bundle with the sword she’d found was gone. “What the…?” (Sunset Shimmer Perception roll 7) She looked around the market to see if she could find who could’ve taken it but couldn’t spot the blanket. Well, she thought she saw it, but it was just an old lady with a rug she’d purchased. “Hmm…”

“Is everything alright, darling?”

“Huh?” Rarity’s question shook Sunset from her confusion and she nodded. “Oh. Uh, yeah. Yeah, it’s fine.” (Contested Roll: Sunset Shimmer rolls Deception 15, Rarity rolls Insight 18) Rarity could tell Sunset was hiding something, but she wasn’t sure what it was.

“Darling, what’s wrong?” she asked.

Sunset sighed; she should’ve figured that wouldn’t have worked. Her friends just knew her too well. “Okay. Just… not in front of the others; I don’t wanna worry them.” Rarity nodded in understanding as they moved around to the other side of the wagon, out of earshot of the other girls. “Okay, so when we were stopped at the gates, I got the feeling one of those guards was trying something. Turns out I was right because when we left, I found a blanket wrapped around a sword and a vial that I know we didn’t have before.”

“Oh, dear. You don’t think…?” Rarity dared not finish that sentence.

“Yep. And I think it might be related to the ring.” Sunset agreed.

“I like to whisper too.” a voice suddenly said between the two.

“Yes, yes; that’s nice Darling-” Rarity and Sunset both froze when they realized Pinkie Pie was standing right there.

“Hi!” Pinkie smiled happily.

“Aah!” Sunset squeaked and stumbled away from the wagon in surprise, landing butt-first in a mud puddle in the street. “Oh-! Seriously?!”

“Oops! Sorry.” Pinkie smiled apologetically.

“Really, Pinkie.” Rarity rolled her eyes as she took Sunset’s hand and pulled her to her feet, mud dripping from her cloak train. “You should know better than to scare us like that.”

“Ugh. That’s not gonna come out.” Sunset cringed at the mud before she turned to Pinkie. “How long have you been standing there?”

“Just a second. So what’s up?” Pinkie smiled.

“Long story. And right now, I’d like to focus on getting this mud out.” Sunset groaned as she took her mantle off, leaving her in a bright blue shirt.

“I believe I can help with that.” Rarity smiled as she turned to Hartmann, who was stocking the stall with his wife. “Forgive my interruption Darling, but is there a weaver’s guild in this town anywhere?”

“Ah, ya don’t need weavers for that.” Hartmann smiled at Sunset’s muddy mantle. “Just ask for the laundry service at the Singing Princess. East side of the square; can’t miss it.”

“Much obliged.” Rarity smiled. “Come along, Sunset; let’s get this fixed.” Sunset wasn’t going to argue with that and gladly followed her friend.

Once they were gone, Hartmann smiled as he looked at the other girls. “I can’t thank you enough for bringing this. Here, for your troubles.” he smiled as he handed Applejack a pouch of coins.

The cowgirl opened the pouch and saw it contained about 35 gold pieces. “Naw, you ain’t gotta pay us; this was just a favor.” Applejack smiled.

“I insist. I know travel has its expenses.” Hartmann insisted.

“He’s not wrong,” Twilight whispered to Applejack before she turned back to the vendor. “Thank you very much, Hartmann. It’s been a pleasure.”

“Ah, don’t mention it. Now go on; find your friends.” Hartmann smiled, shooing the girls away politely. (+35GP)

They found that agreeable as they wandered after Sunset and Rarity… who themselves had found their way to a very nice-looking tavern. The sign above the door resembled a crown made of musical notes and upon entering, the two were immediately struck by the scent of beer and food, as well as jaunty music from a stage in the corner. They looked and saw a pair of elderly Tieflings on the stage – the old man playing the lute and the woman playing the drum – as three younger ones danced about the tavern floor – the boy played the violin while his older brother beat a tambourine and their younger sister played the flute.

“Well, this seems like a very nice place.” Rarity smiled as she and Sunset made their way to the bar, where they saw a dwarf woman behind the bar scrubbing out a steel tankard. “Uh, excuse me?”

“Hm?” the dwarf glanced at them almost begrudgingly.

“We were wondering if we might ask for some laundry services for my friend here.” Rarity noted, gesturing to Sunset who held up her mantle.

“Cora!” the dwarf called, just as the Tieflings stopped playing one song and the tavern clapped for them.

On cue, a halfling girl in a laundry maid’s outfit walked out and her eyes popped at the sight of Sunset’s mantle. “Woof. You definitely need me for this, love.” she smiled as she accepted the mantle from Sunset.

“That’ll be two copper pieces.” the dwarf woman noted brusquely.

“Ah. Uh…” Rarity noted as she looked herself over, the Tieflings starting another song. “Oh dear, I’m fresh out of copper pieces, I’m afraid.” She placed a single gold piece on the bar. “Do you have change for a gold?”

The dwarf took the gold coin from the bar and bit it, finding it was real. “Just a sec.” she shrugged and checked a small cash box on the counter behind her, where she placed the gold coin and retrieved a small handful of copper and silver pieces. “There ya are; nine silver and eight copper’s your change.” (-1 GP – +9 SP, 8 CP)

“Lovely, thanks ever so.” Rarity smiled as she took the coins and put them back in her bag.

“Get to it, Cora.” the dwarf ordered simply.

“Yes ma’am.” Cora nodded and dipped into the back of the tavern.

The Tieflings ended another song just as the other girls came in through the door. “Over here,” Sunset called and waved them to the bar, just as the Tieflings started another song, and Pinkie was immediately entranced.

“Uh… I’ll catch up later,” she said to her friends quickly and zipped over to the stage. “Hi, can I play with you?”

“Can ya play the shawm?” the father asked as he offered her the instrument.

“Can I?” Pinkie smiled as she accepted; she remembered she’d made her character proficient in that instrument and while she had no idea how to play it in real life, she was hopeful the rules of the game would take over and let her play greatly. (Pinkie Pie Performance roll 16) Admittedly it was a bit rough for her since she’d never played the instrument or this song before, but she did admirably as the tavern watched and listened to this little pink gnome dancing about the tavern with the Tieflings, having a grand old time until the song ended and the crowd clapped for them all.

“Whoo! Way to go, Pinkie!” Sunset called as her friend hopped over with the Tieflings.

“Thanks! That was so much fun!” Pinkie smiled as she turned to the Tieflings. “You guys are great.”

“We ought to be; it’s our arrangement with Helgret here.” the father noted, pointing to the barkeep. “We perform for the patrons and get a roof over our heads and pay for our lives.”

“Sounds like kind of a raw deal,” Sunset noted.

“Better than the street.” Helgret countered, turning to the old man. “Speaking of which, Paymon?” The father turned back to her as she handed him a small pouch of coins. “Your pay for tonight.”

“Thank you.” Paymon nodded as he accepted the coins.

“Sorry; Paymon, was it?” asked Sunset.

“That’s right.” he nodded and stood with his family. “And this is my lovely wife Seddit, and our children Oriax, Therai, and Nekaria.”

“It’s great to meet you. Listen; maybe you can help us out.” Sunset noted as she subtly pulled out the ring. “I’m sure you see a lot of characters in this place. Any of them ever wear anything like this?”

(Paymon History roll 18, Seddit History roll 12, Oriax History roll 6, Therai History roll 9, Nekaria History roll Nat 1) Paymon and Seddit looked at each other in surprise at the sight of the ring and started whispering in a language Sunset was surprised to learn she could understand. The kids weren’t sure what they were talking about, but it didn’t sound good from what Sunset heard.

Soon enough, Seddit led the kids away as Paymon sat next to Sunset. “Helgret, an ale if you please.” he requested and put some copper on the bar.

“Right.” the dwarf nodded and went to get the minstrel his drink.

Once she was gone, Paymon pulled Sunset in close. “What do you know of the Dead Eyes?” he asked in a harsh whisper.

“Not a lot; that’s why I’m asking you,” Sunset whispered back, more than a bit alarmed by his sudden change of tone.

“I promised my wife those criminals would never darken my family’s door again.” Paymon scowled. “My children don’t know they exist and I intend to keep it that way.”

“Wha- why? What did they do?” asked Sunset.

“It’s not what they did, it’s who leads their chapter in this city; my own damned brother.” Paymon snarled, making Sunset’s eyes pop. “And I once worked with him.”

“So you left?” Sunset asked.

“If only it were that simple.” Paymon scowled. “There’s only one way out of the Dead Eyes once you’ve joined; death. My brother thinks I’m dead and I’d like to keep it that way. Please, hide that ring and leave the city. Forever.”

“Wait.” Sunset grabbed his wrist and looked at him pleadingly. “Please. At least tell us where their base is.”

Paymon scowled as he looked at Sunset before looking at his family. “I’m sorry, but if I go back to that world, I may draw my family in with me and I can’t do that. Not to them.”

Sunset sighed and released him, letting him go back to his family where they resumed playing music. “Well, there goes our lead,” Rainbow said in annoyance. “Quest over?”

“So it seems.” Rarity nodded, before looking at Sunset. “But I believe we have an idea of another.”

“Yeah, I think so.” Sunset nodded before she looked back at the barkeep. “Excuse me, Helgret?”

“Mm?” the dwarf asked.

“Is there an alchemist’s guild in town?”

“Three doors down; left side of the street,” Helgret said simply.

“Thanks.” Sunset nodded and stood up. “Rarity, you and I will go check out our lead. The rest of you get us some rooms; we might be here a while.”

“Right.” Rainbow nodded and turned to Helgret. “We’re gonna need a big room; what are your rates?”

“Well, normal rates for big rooms run 4 gold a night; for you, 8 gold a night,” Helgret remarked.

“Oh come on, you’re squeezin’ us dry,” Rainbow remarked in annoyance.

“It’s that or the stables; your call.” Helgret pointed out.

“Ain’t exactly leavin’ us much choice.” Applejack shrugged as she retrieved a handful of gold pieces from the pouch she got from Hartmann and handed them over. Helgret took the coins and easily exchanged them for a small brass key. (-24GP)

“Room 30, upstairs.” the dwarf said simply before she walked off.

“I really don’t wish to sound judgmental, but I sincerely hope that not all dwarves we meet will be like that.” Rarity noted.

“Nah, she’s just especially like that,” Cora noted as she walked over, holding Sunset’s mantle now freshly cleaned which she handed off. “Here ya are, good as new.”

“Thanks.” Sunset smiled and pulled it back on. “C’mon Rarity.” The fashionista smiled as she followed her friend out of the tavern.

Once the two elves had left, the girls decided to go upstairs and check out their room. It was a bit cramped all things considered, but it had three large beds that looked big enough for the whole group. “Best get comfy.” Applejack shrugged as she dropped her gear bag next to one of the beds and set her hammer next to it.

“Not the comfiest of places, but at least we’re private.” Twilight shrugged as she set her staff down and let Spike skitter onto the bedside table.

“What do you think Sunset and Rarity are up to?” Pinkie asked jovially as she jumped on one of the other beds.

“Don’t know. What would they need an alchemist for?” asked Twilight.

The answer came as Sunset and Rarity walked into the alchemist’s guild as directed… where they saw it was a dimly-lit place with bubbling flasks and sets of tubes snaking about various tables. “Close the door.” a voice said harshly from the back. “These are unstable formulae; too much light and the whole place goes up.”

“Sorry,” Sunset said as she quickly closed the door.

“Forgive my impudence. Please come in.” the voice remarked, a dark hand near a candle in the back beckoning the two elves. Cautiously, they stepped over and saw the darkened face of a pale bald human. “What business have two lovely elven women such as yourselves in my humble place of business?”

(Sunset Shimmer Insight roll 14) Sunset didn’t know much about this guy, but she knew she didn’t trust him. “Curiosity, I guess you could say,” she said vaguely. “What sort of stuff do you make here?”

“Oh, all manner of things; ointments and oils, potions and salves for any occasion.” the man smiled vaguely.

“And what about poison?” Sunset asked. “You know how to make that?”

The man simply smiled widely, the dim light of the candle making him look ever more sinister. “Oh… I know my way around them.”

“Then you’d be able to identify one from a description?” Rarity brought up.

“I suppose. But… my knowledge doesn’t come cheap.” the man pointed out, tapping a finger on the table ominously.

Sunset rolled her eyes. “How much do you want?”

“20 gold.”

“Make it five.”

(Contested [Barter] roll: Sunset Shimmer rolls Persuasion 13, Alchemist rolls Persuasion 9) The two glared each other down, daring the other to go down. “10, and 8 Silver.”

Sunset glared at the merchant to try and get more, (Sunset Shimmer Insight roll 13) but it was clear that was about as good as she was going to get. “Done.” she relented and handed over her ten gold pieces as Rarity provided the eight silver. (-10GP, 8SP) The man took the money without question and listened. “It was a black solution that reflected kinda silver.” Sunset described. “Sound familiar?”

(Alchemist Medicine roll 14) “Perhaps,” he remarked. “I admit that’s not much to go on, but it does sound quite a bit like Midnight Tears.”

“‘Midnight Tears’?” asked Rarity.

“A very curious venom.” the man smiled. “It has no effect right away, but once it’s ingested, you’re living on borrowed time; when the clock strikes midnight, you’re dead.” Sunset couldn’t deny that intrigued her a bit; a poison like that wouldn’t be detected like that until it was too late. “Now it’s your turn.” Sunset seemed surprised by this as she looked at the man. “What’s your interest in such a dangerous poison as Midnight Tears?”

“I just wanted an ID, that’s all,” Sunset assured through her teeth, though she wasn’t sure the shopkeep believed her. (Contested roll: Sunset Shimmer rolls Deception 21, Alchemist rolls Insight 15)

“If you insist.” he shrugged. “Always a pleasure to do business with such lovely ladies.”

“Especially if it means lining your own pockets,” Sunset muttered in annoyance as she and Rarity left the shop.

“No effect till midnight…” Rarity noted as they walked back to the tavern. “That’s a dark twist.”

“No doubt. And if the king does get poisoned, no one will know until it’s too late.” Sunset noted. “We have to find a way to talk to him.”

“Easier said than done, Darling. I know you have a previous rapport with royalty in Equestria, but I doubt very much that will translate here.” Rarity pointed out as they entered the tavern.

“Maybe… maybe if we do something for the city…” Sunset shrugged.

“That’s what we were thinking too.” Rainbow’s presence next to the door surprised them a bit, as did the others.

“I beg your pardon?” Rarity asked in surprise.

“We couldn’t get anywhere with our lead on the Dead Eyes, so we need to find another quest,” Twilight explained as they all sat down at a table.

“Wouldn’t hurt if the work paid well too.” Applejack shrugged, earning strange looks from her friends. “What? Look, Ah hate to say this but good intentions ain’t gonna pay room and board or maintenance; it’s called bein’ practical.”

“That’s what I admire about you humans; your unshaken focus on what you find most important.” a greasy man’s voice sneered near the girls. They looked and saw a haughty-looking high elf in regal robes standing behind them.

“Can I help you?” Rainbow asked, already not liking this guy.

“Oh, I certainly hope so.” the elf smiled as he set his hands on an empty chair at the table. “May I?” Rarity wasn’t sure about this elf but gestured for him to sit; an offer he gladly accepted. “Allow me to introduce myself; my name is Dayereth Liadon.”

“Ooh, pretty name.” Pinkie smiled. “Do your friends call you Day?”

The elf appeared bemused by the gnome’s sudden antics. “In fact, they don’t,” he remarked, seeming thoughtful. “But perhaps I should ask them to; it does have a certain ring to it. But that’s beside the point. I believe I may have an offer of work for you.”

“What sort of work are we talkin’ here?” asked Applejack.

“I represent a person of certain interests in Bagnon,” Day explained. “They shall, of course, remain anonymous.”

“Of course,” Sunset remarked; she didn’t know much about questing rules, but she knew enough to know that if benefactors preferred to remain anonymous, they were usually trouble. “So what does your boss want?”

“Well, my master is something of an… eccentric.” Day shrugged. “Obsessed with history and ancient druidic circles. So much so, in fact, that he’s purchased an ancient druid’s barrow to repurpose as his own tomb for when he dies.”

“Isn’t that a little… insensitive?” Fluttershy asked.

“Ah was gonna say ‘disrespectful’,” Applejack remarked bitterly.

“I don’t claim to understand my master’s motivations; all I know is what he tells me and he doesn’t tell me much.” Day countered. “But what he has told me is that he cannot safely access the barrow.”

“Why not?” asked Twilight.

“Well, it appears my master isn’t the only one who wishes to make a home in this barrow,” Day remarked. “A small band of Drow has taken the barrow as a bastion, no doubt planning to attack the city.”

“Drow?” asked Rainbow.

“Dark elves,” Twilight noted. “I thought they hated the surface.”

“They do. But they hate other elves more.” Day countered. “And seeing as my master is as much a high elf as I… well, let’s just say that he would prefer to keep his remains unmolested by Drow.”

Fluttershy cringed at that choice of words, but the others didn’t see they had much in the way of choice. “And just how much is your master willing to pay us to do this for him?” asked Rarity.

“Well, as to that, my dear, you can name your price.” Day smiled.

Sunset and Rarity glanced at each other and smirked with a nod. “200 gold,” Sunset noted. “And a way to talk to the king.”

The other girls seemed surprised by this price, but Day simply smiled. “My, aren’t we eager.” he smiled. “Very well. I’ll speak to my master and see what he can arrange with the king. As for the money…” He pulled out a small purse of coins. “Half now, the other half upon completion of the job.”

“Deal.” Sunset agreed and accepted the money. (+100GP)

Day smiled and produced a small map. “Now the barrow is under the hill outside the city’s northwestern wall,” he explained. “You’ll know the entrance when you see it and I expect the job done quickly.”

“Thanks,” Sunset noted as he stood up and walked away.

“So… why are we so interested in meeting the king?” asked Rainbow.

Sunset simply glanced as she watched Day leave the tavern. “Call it a hunch,” she said simply. “C’mon, let’s go.” She and Rarity stood up and started out of the tavern.

The others were still confused but decided it was best to simply follow their friends with this quest, and so follow they did; out of the tavern and toward the northwest wall.

Author's Note:

FYI, I prefer to go by a benchmark leveling system when I run games, so that's what I'm doing here, meaning the girls are now all at Level 2.
Sunset Shimmer – Sun Elf – Sorcerer Level 2 – Phoenix Sorcery – Sage (Wizard’s Apprentice)

Inspiration 1 – Proficiency Bonus +2 – HP 18 (Max 18) [Temporary HP 0] – Hit Dice 2d6 – AC 11 – Initiative +1 – Speed 30 – Passive Perception 11

STATS: STR 10 (+0) – DEX 11 (+1) – CON 17 (+3) – INT 17 (+3) – WIS 11 (+1) – CHA 17 (+3)

SAVING THROWS: STR +0 – DEX +1 – CON +5 – INT +3 – WIS +1 – CHA +5

SKILLS: Acrobatics +1 – Animal Handling +1 – Arcana +5 – Athletics +1 – Deception +3 – History +5 – Insight +1 – Intimidation +5 – Investigation +3 – Medicine +1 – Nature +3 – Perception +3 – Performance +3 – Persuasion +5 – Religion +3 – Sleight of Hand +1 – Stealth +1 – Survival +1

PROFICIENCIES & LANGUAGES: Common, Elvish, Infernal, Dwarvish, Sylvan, Swords & Bows, Daggers, Darts, Slings, Quarterstaffs, Light Crossbows

FEATURES & TRAITS: Darkvision 60ft, Keen Senses, Fey Ancestry, Trance, Researcher, Ignite, Mantle of Flames (ready), Font of Magic (2 Sorcery Points)

CHARACTERISTICS: Personality Trait: I’m willing to listen to every side of an argument before I make my own judgment. Ideal: The goal of a life of study should be the betterment of oneself. Bond: I sold my soul for power. I hope to do good deeds and win it back. Flaw: I can’t keep a secret to save my life, or anyone else’s.

EQUIPMENT: Ink bottle, quill, penknife, letter, common clothes, Quarterstaff (ATK BONUS: +2 DAMAGE: 1d6/1d8+0), Arcane Focus (Crystal), Explorer’s Pack, Dagger (ATK BONUS: +2/+3 DAMAGE: 1d4+0/+1) (2)

MONEY: 0 CP, 0 SP, 0 EP, 100 GP, 0 PP

Spell Casting Ability: Charisma Spell Save DC: 13 Spell Attack Modifier: +5

SPELLS: Cantrips: Friends, Mending, Mage Hand, Thunderclap 1st Level: (3 total Spell Slots; 3 available) Burning Hands, Witch Bolt, Ice Knife

Twilight Sparkle – Half-Elf – Wizard Level 2 – Arcane Tradition: School of Lore Mastery – Cloistered Scholar

Inspiration 1 – Proficiency Bonus +2 – HP 10 (Max 10) [Temporary HP 0] – Hit Dice 2d6 – AC 11 – Initiative +1 – Speed 30 – Passive Perception 15

STATS: STR 10 (+0) – DEX 13 (+1) – CON 12 (+1) – INT 16 (+3) – WIS 15 (+2) – CHA 10 (+0)

SAVING THROWS: STR +0 – DEX +1 – CON +1 – INT +5 – WIS +4 – CHA +0

SKILLS: Acrobatics +1 – Animal Handling +2 – Arcana +5 – Athletics +0 – Deception +0 – History +5 – Insight +4 – Intimidation +0 – Investigation +5 – Medicine +2 – Nature +3 – Perception +4 – Performance +0 – Persuasion +0 – Religion +5 – Sleight of Hand +0 – Stealth +0 – Survival +2

PROFICIENCIES & LANGUAGES: Common, Elvish, Celestial, Dwarvish, Sylvan, Daggers, Darts, Slings, Quarterstaffs, Light Crossbows

FEATURES & TRAITS: Darkvision, Fey Ancestry, Library Access, Arcane Recovery, Lore Mastery, Spell Secrets

CHARACTERISTICS: Personality Trait: I'm obsessed with things from a prior age, collecting many relics from that time / I'm willing to listen to every side of an argument before I make my own judgment. Ideal: I want to make the world a better place with my inventions or research. Bond: I work to preserve a library. Flaw: Grammatical correctness and syntactic precision are the keys to effective communication. I shall correct errors wherever I perceive them.

EQUIPMENT: Scholar’s robes, Writing Kit, Book, Quarterstaff (ATK BONUS: +2 DAMAGE: 1d6/1d8+0), Arcane Focus (Crystal), Scholar’s Pack, Spellbook

Familiar: (Spike; Pseudodragon AC 13, HP 7, Speed 15 [Fly 60], SRT 6 (-2) DEX 15 (+2) CON 13 (+1) INT 10 (+0) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 10 (+0) Perception +3, Stealth +4 Blindsight 10ft, Darkvision 60ft, Passive Perception 13, Common, Draconic, Keen Senses, Magic Resistance, Limited Telepathy, Bite [+4 to hit, 1d4+2 piercing], Sting [+4 to hit, 1d4+2 piercing CON Save DC 11 or Poison for 1 hour – fail by 5 or more, target is unconscious], Breath Weapon [1x2ft line of fire – DEX Save 11; 2d6 fire damage on fail, half on success])

MONEY: 0 CP, 0 SP, 0 EP, 10 GP, 0 PP

Spell Casting Ability: Intelligence Spell Save DC: 13 Spell Attack Modifier: +5

SPELLS: Cantrips: Mage Hand, Blade Ward, Prestidigitation 1st Level: (3 total Spell Slots; 3 available) Feather Fall (prepared), Witch Bolt (prepared), Detect Magic (prepared), Mage Armor (prepared), Magic Missile (prepared), Shield (prepared)

Rainbow Dash – Human – Paladin 2 – Oath (Oath of Glory at Level 3) – Folk Hero (Recruited into a lord’s army, I rose to leadership and was commended for my heroism.)

Inspiration 1 – Proficiency Bonus +2 – HP 24 (Max 24) [Temporary HP 0] – Hit Dice 2d10 – AC 16 – Initiative +3 – Speed 30 – Passive Perception 9

STATS: STR 13 (+1) – DEX 16 (+3) – CON 14 (+2) – INT 11 (+0) – WIS 9 (-1) – CHA 15 (+2)

SAVING THROWS: STR +1 – DEX +3 – CON +2 – INT +0 – WIS +1 – CHA +4

SKILLS: Acrobatics +3 – Animal Handling +1 – Arcana +0 – Athletics +3 – Deception +2 – History +0 – Insight -1 – Intimidation +4 – Investigation +0 – Medicine -1 – Nature +0 – Perception -1 – Performance +2 – Persuasion +2 – Religion +0 – Sleight of Hand +3 – Stealth +3 – Survival +1

PROFICIENCIES & LANGUAGES: Common, Elvish, Land Vehicles, Cartographer’s Tools, All Armor and Shields, Simple and Martial Weapons

FEATURES & TRAITS: Rustic Hospitality, Divine Sense (5/5 uses), Lay-on Hands (Healing Pool 10 Points), Fighting Style: Defense, Divine Smite

CHARACTERISTICS: Personality Trait: I’m confident in my own abilities and do what I can to instill confidence in others. / I get bored easily. When am I going to get on with my destiny? Ideal: People deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. Bond: I protect those who cannot protect themselves. Flaw: I’m convinced of the significance of my destiny, and blind to my shortcomings and the risk of failure.

EQUIPMENT: Chainmail, Holy Symbol (Pelor Amulet), Explorer’s Pack, Shortsword (ATK BONUS: +3/+5 DAMAGE: 1d6+1/+3) (2), Javelin (ATK BONUS: +3 DAMAGE: 1d6+1 RANGE: 30/120) (5), Cartographer’s Tools, shovel, iron pot, common clothes, Winged Boots (flight speed equal to walking for up to 4 hours)

MONEY: 0 CP, 0 SP, 0 EP, 10 GP, 0 PP

Spell Casting Ability: Charisma Spell Save DC: 12 Spell Attack Modifier: +4

SPELLS: 1st Level: (2 total Spell Slots; 2 available) Thunderous Smite (prepared), Compelled Duel (prepared), Divine Favor (prepared)

Rarity – Moon Elf – Fighter Level 2 – Archetype (Eldritch Knight at Level 3) – Guild Artisan: Weavers and Dyers

Inspiration 1 – Proficiency Bonus +2 – HP 18 (Max 18) [Temporary HP 0] – Hit Dice 2d10 – AC 14 – Initiative +3 – Speed 30 – Passive Perception 13

STATS: STR 11 (+1) – DEX 16 (+3) – CON 12 (+1) – INT 15 (+2) – WIS 13 (+1) – CHA 15 (+2)

SAVING THROWS: STR +3 – DEX +5 – CON +1 – INT +2 – WIS +1 – CHA +2

SKILLS: Acrobatics +3 – Animal Handling +1 – Arcana +2 – Athletics +1 – Deception +2 – History +2 – Insight +3 – Intimidation +4 – Investigation +2 – Medicine +1 – Nature +2 – Perception +3 – Performance +2 – Persuasion +4 – Religion +1 – Sleight of Hand +2 – Stealth +3 – Survival +1

PROFICIENCIES & LANGUAGES: Common, Elvish, Sylvan, All Armor and Shields, All Weapons (especially swords and bows), Weaver’s Tools

FEATURES & TRAITS: Darkvision 60ft, Fey Ancestry, Trance, Guild Membership, Dueling Style (+2 to attacks with only one weapon), Second Wind, Action Surge (1 use)

CHARACTERISTICS: Personality Trait: I like to talk at length about my profession / I believe that anything worth doing is worth doing right. I can't help it – I'm a perfectionist. Ideal: My talents were given to me so that I could use them to benefit the world. Bond: The workshop where I learned my trade is the most important place in the world to me. Flaw: I'll do anything to get my hands on something rare or priceless.

EQUIPMENT: Leather Armor, Longbow (ATK BONUS: +5 DAMAGE: 1d8+3), Arrow (20), Rapier (ATK BONUS: +3/+5 DAMAGE: 1d8+1/+3), Whip (ATK BONUS: +3/+5 DAMAGE: 1d4+1/+3), Dagger (ATK BONUS: +3/+5 DAMAGE: 1d4+1/+3) (2), Explorer’s Pack, Weaver’s Tools, Letter of Introduction, Traveler’s Clothes

MONEY: 8 CP, 1 SP, 0 EP, 14 GP, 0 PP

Applejack – Human (Variant) – Barbarian Level 2 – Primal Path (Path of the Ancestral Guardian at Level 3) – Clan Crafter

Inspiration 1 – Proficiency Bonus +2 – HP 28 (Max 28) [Temporary HP 0] – Hit Dice 2d12 – AC 12 – Initiative +2 – Speed 30 – Passive Perception 10

STATS: STR 16 (+3) – DEX 14 (+2) – CON 14 (+2) – INT 9 (-1) – WIS 10 (+0) – CHA 12 (+1)

SAVING THROWS: STR +5 – DEX +2 – CON +4 – INT -1 – WIS +0 – CHA +1

SKILLS: Acrobatics +4 – Animal Handling +0 – Arcana -1 – Athletics +3 – Deception +1 (always roll at Disadvantage) – History +1 – Insight +2 – Intimidation +1 – Investigation -1 – Medicine +0 – Nature +1 – Perception +0 – Performance +1 – Persuasion +1 – Religion -1 – Sleight of Hand +2 – Stealth +2 – Survival +2

PROFICIENCIES & LANGUAGES: Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, Gnomish, Light & Medium Armor, Shields, Simple & Martial Weapons, Cook’s Utensils

FEATURES & TRAITS: Charger, Respect of the Stout Folk, Unarmored Defense, Reckless Attack

CHARACTERISTICS: Personality Trait: I'm always polite and respectful / My friends know they can rely on me, no matter what. Ideal: The ancient traditions of my craft must be preserved and upheld. Bond: Nothing is more important than the other members of my clan. Flaw: I hold to tradition at the expense of adaptability.

EQUIPMENT: Cook’s Utensils, Chisel, Traveler’s Clothes, Gem (worth 10 GP), Warhammer (ATK BONUS: +5 DAMAGE: 1d8/1d10+3), Spear (ATK BONUS: +5/+4 DAMAGE: 1d6+3/+2), Javelin (ATK BONUS: +5 DAMAGE: 1d6+3), Lasso (Net), Traveler’s Pack

MONEY: 0 CP, 0 SP, 0 EP, 16 GP, 0 PP

RAGES: 2 max, 2 available; +2 damage

Pinkie Pie – Rock Gnome – Bard Level 2 – Bardic College (College of Glamour at Level 3) – Entertainer (Jester/Singer)

Inspiration 1 – Proficiency Bonus +2 – HP 14 (Max 14) [Temporary HP 0] – Hit Dice 2d8 – AC 13 – Initiative +2 – Speed 30 – Passive Perception 8

STATS: STR 10 (+0) – DEX 14 (+2) – CON 13 (+1) – INT 15 (+2) – WIS 8 (-1) – CHA 15 (+2)

SAVING THROWS: STR +0 – DEX +4 – CON +1 – INT +2 – WIS -1 – CHA +4

SKILLS: Acrobatics +4 – Animal Handling -1 – Arcana +2 – Athletics +4 – Deception +2 – History +2 – Insight +1 – Intimidation +2 – Investigation +2 – Medicine -1 – Nature +2 – Perception -1 – Performance +4 – Persuasion +4 – Religion +2 – Sleight of Hand +2 – Stealth +2 – Survival -1

PROFICIENCIES & LANGUAGES: Common, Gnomish, Tinker’s Tools, Light Armor, Simple Weapons, Hand Crossbows, Swords, Drum, Lute, Horn, Shawm, Disguise Kit

FEATURES & TRAITS: Artificer’s Lore, Tinker, By Popular Demand, Bardic Inspiration (d6), Jack of All Trades, Song of Rest (d6)

CHARACTERISTICS: Personality Trait: I know a story relevant to almost every situation / I'll settle for nothing less than perfection. Ideal: I like seeing the smiles on people's faces when I perform. That's all that matters. Bond: My instrument is my most treasured possession, and it reminds me of someone I love. Flaw: I have trouble keeping my true feelings hidden. My sharp tongue lands me in trouble.

EQUIPMENT: Leather armor, Entertainer’s Pack, Horn, Light Hammer (ATK BONUS: +2 DAMAGE: 1d4+0), Drum, Amethyst Ring, Costume

MONEY: 0 CP, 0 SP, 0 EP, 15 GP, 0 PP

Spell Casting Ability: Charisma Spell Save DC: 12 Spell Attack Modifier: +4

SPELLS: Cantrips: Minor Illusion, Friends, Blade Ward, Message 1st Level Spells: (3 total Spell Slots; 3 available) Tasha’s Hideous Laughter, Charm Person, Feather Fall, Unseen Servant, Identify

Fluttershy – Wood Elf – Druid Level 2 – Circle of the Shepherd – Hermit (I needed to commune with nature, far from civilization.)

Inspiration 1 – Proficiency Bonus +2 – HP 14 (Max 14) [Temporary HP 0] – Hit Dice 2d8 – AC 15 – Initiative +2 – Speed 35 – Passive Perception 16

STATS: STR 14 (+2) – DEX 15 (+2) – CON 12 (+1) – INT 10 (+0) – WIS 16 (+3) – CHA 8 (-1)

SAVING THROWS: STR +2 – DEX +2 – CON +1 – INT +2 – WIS +5 – CHA -1

SKILLS: Acrobatics +2 – Animal Handling +5 – Arcana +0 – Athletics +2 – Deception -1 – History +0 – Insight +3 – Intimidation -1 – Investigation +0 – Medicine +5 – Nature +2 – Perception +5 – Performance -1 – Persuasion -1 – Religion +2 – Sleight of Hand +2 – Stealth +2 – Survival +3

PROFICIENCIES & LANGUAGES: Common, Elvish, Gnomish, Sylvan, Herbalism Kit, Swords, Bows, Light and Medium Armor, Shields, Clubs, Daggers, Darts, Javelins, Maces, Quarterstaffs, Scimitars, Sickles, Slings, Spears

FEATURES & TRAITS: Darkvision 60ft, Fey Ancestry, Trance, Mask of the Wild, Druidic, Wild Shape (1/2 uses – Max CR 1/4), Speech of the Woods, Spirit Totem (Spirit of the Unicorn; available)

CHARACTERISTICS: Personality Trait: I feel tremendous empathy for all who suffer. Ideal: Emotions must not cloud our sense of what is right and true, or our logical thinking. Bond: I entered seclusion to hide from the ones who might still be hunting me. I must someday confront them. Flaw: I am dogmatic in my thoughts and philosophy.

EQUIPMENT: Wooden Shield, Quarterstaff (ATK BONUS: +4 DAMAGE: 1d6+2), Leather Armor, Explorer’s Pack, Druidic Focus (Holly Crown), Scroll Case, Winter Blanket, Common Clothes, Herbalism Kit, Butterfly Crystal Medallion [Geode of Kindness] (cast Animal Friendship and Speak with Animals at will and Advantage on all Animal Handling rolls upon activation – lasts until deactivated)

MONEY: 0 CP, 0 SP, 0 EP, 5 GP, 0 PP

Spell Casting Ability: Wisdom Spell Save DC: 13 Spell Attack Bonus: +5

SPELLS: Cantrips: Druidcraft, Thorn Whip 1st Level: (3 total Spell Slots; 3 available) Spells Vary By Day

Also I'm considering multiclassing some of them at some point; any suggestions or ideas are welcome.