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Tomb Raiders

“I still don’t feel right about this,” Fluttershy said shakily as the girls wandered the glen toward the barrow. “I mean, I’m a druid. What if these druids are of the circle I want to join?”

“Nothin’ for it.” Applejack shrugged. “We wanted work; this is what we got. And heck, if these folks are shepherds, at least you might be able to pick up a few of their secrets.”

“I must say I understand Fluttershy’s hesitation.” Rarity noted. “I’m not exactly keen on being a graverobber.”

“We’re not graverobbers, Rarity.” Rainbow countered. “We’re the advance cleaning crew for the graverobbers.”

“Somehow that doesn’t make me feel any better.” Rarity remarked sarcastically.

“Well, get used to it; we’re here,” Sunset noted as she looked at the small stone arch of the barrow in the hillside.

“Ooh, pretty writing.” Pinkie smiled at the runes on the stone.

(Twilight Sparkle Wisdom roll 8) Twilight adjusted her glasses and appeared intrigued. “It’s probably some form of Druidic. Fluttershy, think you can translate?”

“Oh. Um… I-I can try.” Fluttershy said as she walked over and examined the runes. She wasn’t sure what to expect from what looked like a bunch of squiggles, but somehow, she knew exactly what they meant; they weren’t runes, they were pictographs. “Huh. Uh, it- it says ‘entombed here… protectors of the wild places… friends of animals… who speak to the wilderness as easily as each other…’”

“So these are Shepherd Druids.” Applejack smiled.

“Wait, ‘speak to the wilderness’?” Sunset realized. “You don’t think…?”

“Doubtful. Speaking with animals is a typical druid spell.” Twilight shrugged before she adjusted her glasses. “But I guess we can’t rule it out.”

“Rule what out?” Rainbow asked in confusion.

Fluttershy quickly realized it. “My Geode…” she nodded.

“That’s gotta be it.” Sunset nodded. “C’mon, let’s check it out.” With that in mind, the group all wandered into the barrow, which was alarmingly dark upon their entry and the sound of the wind from inside didn’t exactly fill them with confidence.

Quickly Applejack pulled a small torch from her bag and held it over to Sunset. “How bout a light, Sunset?” The elf nodded and gripped the top of the torch, (Sunset Shimmer uses Ignite ability) quickly sparking the torch to light.

The tomb somehow looked more sinister in the low light of the torch, with bunk-like graves and animal carvings on the walls. “Well… this is creepy,” Rainbow noted as they wandered through the tunnels.

As they went, Fluttershy saw something on a pedestal in a corner; it looked almost like a knight chess piece, but with a small horn in its head… and she could feel strange magic coming from it. “Hmm…” she said thoughtfully, almost not wanting to take it… but she knew it would probably come in handy, so she did. (Fluttershy Lvl 2 takes Spirit Totem – Spirit Totem of the Unicorn)

As they wandered, Applejack watched the way the wind blew the flame of the torch down the tunnel, (Applejack Survival roll 16) watching it blow down a tunnel to the left. “This way,” she said quietly as they wandered down the tunnel carefully.

(Sunset Shimmer Perception roll 11) As they walked, Sunset’s ears perked at the sound of something and she quickly stopped, making all her friends stop as well. It almost sounded to her like… talking, but the language was guttural and she couldn’t make out what any of it meant. (Sunset Shimmer stealth roll 9) Carefully, she peeked around the corner and saw a small antechamber with what looked to be about ten Drow – six women, four men – preparing weapons as they looked over what looked like a map. Their leader – a rather vicious-looking female with a nasty scar on her face – looked up from the map as she handed out orders (Drow Elite Warrior Passive Perception 14), and suddenly stopped when she saw Sunset’s hair in the doorframe.

Immediately, her face twisted in rage as she drew a gnarly yet sleek shortsword from her hip. She barked another order in this guttural tongue that prompted her soldiers to draw their own swords and hand crossbows. “Well, so much for stealth.” Sunset shrugged.

“Oh well,” Rainbow smirked with a sarcastic shrug as she drew her swords.

(Roll Initiative! – Order as follows: Pinkie Pie Nat 20, Drow-1 Nat 20, Sunset Shimmer Dirty 20, Drow-5 Dirty 20, Drow-3 17, Rarity 16, Drow-2 16, Spike 16, Twilight Sparkle 15, Drow-6 15, Drow-7 15, Applejack 11, Drow Elite Warrior 11, Drow-8 10, Drow-4 9, Fluttershy 9, Drow-9 7, Rainbow Dash 6)

Clearly seeing things were about to go wrong here, Pinkie pulled her horn and blew a quick few notes to conjure a small sigil in the air in front of her (Pinkie Pie casts Blade Ward), which she was sure would keep her from harm for at least a while.

And just in time as one of the Drow warriors raised his hand crossbow and aimed it at her. (Drow-1 Attack roll 15 w/ Hand Crossbow – Pinkie Pie AC 13 – Damage Roll [halved due to Blade Ward] 2 – Pinkie Pie -2 – 12HP) The bolt barely grazed her arm, and it only tickled for a bit… before it started burning. (Pinkie Pie Constitution Save roll 13 – DC 13) Quickly she shrugged it off as she looked over at her friends. “Careful; their bolts are poisoned!” she called.

“Oh yeah?” Sunset smiled as she set her staff to the side. “Well, let’s see how they handle this!” Quickly she clapped her hands together, feeling a fire burning within her body, (Sunset Shimmer Spell Attack roll Dirty 20 w/ Burning Hands: 1st Level – General Drow AC 15, Drow Elite Warrior AC 18), before she thrust them forward and shot a small sheet of fire from her fingertips into the chamber (All Drow make DEX Saves – Sunset Shimmer Spell Save DC 13 – Drow Elite Warrior Nat 20, Drow-1 12, Drow-2 9, Drow-3 19, Drow-4 9, Drow-5 7, Drow-6 15, Drow-7 8, Drow-8 Dirty 20, Drow-9 10 – Damage Rolls: Drow Elite Warrior -10, Drow-1 -11, Drow-2 -18, Drow-3 -4, Drow-4 -13, Drow-5 -6, Drow-6 -11, Drow-7 -13, Drow-8 -11, Drow-9 -10 – Drow Elite Warrior 61HP, Drow-1 2HP, Drow-2 -5HP, Drow-3 9HP, Drow-4 0HP, Drow-5 7HP, Drow-6 2HP, Drow-7 0HP, Drow-8 2HP, Drow-9 3HP), scorching all of them and though three were burned to blackened husks, the rest managed to avoid the blast in some way, though not without a few small burns.

One of the male Drow charged Sunset with his sword in vengeance (Drow-5 Attack roll 7 w/ Shortsword – Sunset Shimmer AC 11), but his blade just barely whiffed as Sunset sidestepped away from the blade.

Another Drow leveled her crossbow at Rarity and fired (Drow-3 Attack roll 15 w/ Hand Crossbow – Rarity AC 14 – Damage roll 4 – Rarity -4 – 14HP), the bolt just barely shooting across Rarity’s cheek. “Why you-!” Rarity couldn’t finish her thought as she suddenly felt a burning in her cheek from the poison on the bolt (Rarity Constitution Save 9 – DC 13 – Rarity is Poisoned), and it was clearly doing a number on her as she lost her balance.

She tried her best to take her payback as she swung her rapier at the offending Drow (Rarity Attack roll [Finesse, Dueling Style; Dis. due to Poison] 15 or 17 w/ rapier – Drow-3 AC 15 – Damage Roll 4 – Drow-3 -4 – 5HP), plunging her blade straight through a weak point in her chain shirt and dealing a solid wound.

Spike quickly fluttered from Twilight’s shoulder and locked his eyes onto one of the more badly wounded Drow which he swooped toward and blasted green fire at him (Spike Attack w/ Breath Weapon – Drow-8 DEX Save roll 6 – DEX Save DC 11 – Damage roll 5 – Drow-8 -5 – -3HP), finishing him off and sending him to the ground with his fellows.

“Good move, Spike. My turn.” Twilight smiled as she raised her staff against the leader, crackling with energy. “Malleus Voltarinum!” (Twilight Sparkle Spell Attack roll 21 w/ Witch Bolt: 1st Level – Drow Elite Warrior AC 18 – Damage roll 11 – Drow Elite Warrior -11 – 50HP) On command, a burning blue bolt shot from her staff and struck their leader, arcing around her shield and hitting her straight in the chest, knocking her back a bit.

One more Drow yelled something in that guttural tongue as she charged Applejack with her sword, (Drow-6 Attack roll 7 w/ Shortsword – Applejack AC 12) but the cowgirl simply sidestepped the blade.

“Alright, now Ah’m gettin’ mad,” Applejack smirked, her eyes suddenly going a big red. (Applejack uses Rage) With renewed ferocity, she swung her hammer straight at the Drow’s head (Applejack Attack roll 19 w/ Warhammer – Drow-6 AC 15 – Damage Roll [Versatile, Rage Bonus] 13 – Drow-6 -13 – -11HP), knocking it clean off and into the face of another Drow behind her (Drow-9 takes extra 2 damage – 1HP), breaking her nose.

Outraged at the sight of this, the Drow leader – trying to tough her way through Twilight’s spell – raised her sword. “Mor aul Tel' lahr Ath Lolth!” she roared in Elvish and charged straight at Twilight, but this quickly allowed Pinkie to swing her hammer at her face (Pinkie Pie Attack of Opportunity roll 21 w/ Light Hammer – Drow Elite Warrior AC 18 – Damage Roll 4 – Drow Elite Warrior -4 – 46HP), breaking her nose quite well and knocking her off-balance as she swung at Twilight. (Drow Elite Warrior Attack roll 10 w/ Shortsword – Twilight Sparkle AC 11), but the pain from Twilight’s spell made her barely miss. (Translation: “Die in the name of Lolth!”)

Quickly Fluttershy struck the ground with her staff (Fluttershy Spell Attack roll 16 w/ Thorn Whip – Drow-9 AC 15 – Damage Roll 6 – Drow-9 -6 – -5HP), summoning up a thorny vine to slash at the last Drow soldier who hadn’t attacked yet, slashing across her belly and sending her tumbling back into the chamber, dead.

With that done, Rainbow Dash smiled and raced to Rarity’s side. “I gotcha, Rarity.” she smiled and set her hand on her friend’s shoulder as she gripped her sun amulet, (Rainbow Dash uses Lay On Hands – expends 5 points – Rarity is no longer Poisoned) a warm glow passing through Rarity’s body and making the poison fade from her body.

“Ah, thank you, darling.” Rarity smiled as Pinkie Pie played another few notes on her horn in a humorous manner, magic weaving toward the Drow leader (Pinkie Pie casts Tasha’s Hideous Laughter – Drow Elite Warrior Wisdom Saving roll 12 – Pinkie Pie Spell Save DC 12), but it barely did anything; it just flew through her ears and while she did chuckle a bit, it was hard to tell if it was brought on by Pinkie’s magic or just grim delight at the situation.

Though it became clear which it was rather quickly as the first Drow to attack charged at Sunset with his sword (Drow-1 Attack roll 10 w/ Shortsword – Sunset Shimmer AC 11), but she deftly blocked it with her staff.

“Nice try.” Sunset smiled as she reared back a fist (Sunset Shimmer Unarmed Attack roll Nat 20 – Drow-1 AC 15 – Damage 1 – Drow-1 -1 – 1HP), punching him square in the face, and sending him stumbling weakly back.

One of the other Drow swung his own sword at Applejack (Drow-5 Attack roll 15 w/ Shortsword – Applejack AC 12 – Damage Roll [halved due to Rage] 1 – Applejack -1 – 27HP), just barely grazing her arm.

A third Drow swung her sword at Rarity (Drow-3 Attack roll 8 w/ Shortsword – Rarity AC 14), but now that she wasn’t encumbered by the poison, Rarity deftly dodged the blow with ease.

And in return, she delivered a thrusting blow of her own (Rarity Attack roll [Finesse, Dueling Style] Dirty 20 w/ Rapier – Drow-3 AC 15 – Damage Roll 8 – Drow-3 -8 – -2HP), piercing straight through her chain shirt and heart, sending her to the ground.

That done, Spike swooped over to the first Drow with his stinger ready (Spike Attack Roll 16 w/ Stinger – Drow-1 AC 15 – Damage roll 3 – Drow-1 -3 – -2HP), plunging it straight into her neck and sending her down with a jolt of his poison.

Seeing this, Twilight maintained the blast of her spell (Further Witch Bolt damage against Drow Elite Warrior -6 – 40HP), burning her further. “Va fought well, leha it’s over. Surrender,” she ordered in broken Elvish as Applejack stood at her side, hammer at the ready. (Twilight Sparkle and Applejack Intimidation rolls; TS 10, AJ 10)

(Drow Elite Warrior Constitution roll 7) Scowling at the pain from the spell and how outnumbered she was, the Drow saw no choice and dropped her weapons, prompting Twilight to stop her spell.

(End of Combat)

Her remaining warrior was shocked by this cowardice and charged with her sword, but Rainbow Dash quickly intercepted (Rainbow Dash Attack of Opportunity roll [Finesse] 18 w/ Shortsword – Drow-5 AC 15 – Damage roll 9 – Drow-5 -9 – -2HP), letting her run straight onto Rainbow’s sword and fall limp as Rainbow turned to the Drow leader.

Sunset stepped forward and raised her staff. “Kyed hinual. Sen's vian lahr?” she asked, surprised the Elvish came to her so easily. (“Now talk. What’s your name?”)

“Rildia Kenana, Ath House Zolal.” the Drow scowled. “Ent neh infidel lor Lolth will hin more.” (“Rildia Kenana, of House Zolal. And no infidel to Lolth will hear more.”)

Rainbow was surprised she understood the Elvish, (Rainbow Dash Religion roll 3) but not as much as she was confused about what they were talking about. “What kinda name is Lolth?” she asked.

(Rarity Religion roll 19) “If I’m not mistaken, it’s the name of the Drow spider goddess.” Rarity noted.

Twilight nodded as she looked at Rildia. “Jen did var get nae Tel’ kai?” she asked. (“How did you get to the surface?”) Rildia simply scowled and looked away from Twilight.

“Sal refuse lor Kaweh lor Al half-breed,” she remarked. (“I refuse to speak to a half-breed.”)

“Okay, that’s just mean,” Sunset remarked. “Search the tomb.”

Fluttershy and Rainbow searched the antechamber the Drow had been hiding in (Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy Perception rolls; RD 14, FS 14), where they easily found a large hole in the wall… that led down into a deep cavern within the earth. “Jackpot!” she called to the others.

Sunset quickly led Rildia to the tunnel and looked down it. “Straight shot to the Underdark; nice find.” Sunset smiled, turning to Rildia. “Kyed, e nesh-” She suddenly stopped as she noticed something in the Drow’s pocket. “What the?” (“Now, as for-”)

Quickly she turned out her pockets and retrieved a very familiar pink stone. “My Geode!” Fluttershy smiled happily as she took from Sunset and put it on.

“Sharti did va get siilen?” Sunset asked Rildia sharply. (“Where did you get that?”)

“Arta siilen pedestal.” Rildia pointed to a pedestal against the back wall. (“On that pedestal.”)

The girls looked and saw the pedestal had another Druidic inscription which Fluttershy quickly read. “‘The Butterfly Crystal; our most sacred relic which gives us a true voice with the wild’.” she translated.

“Well, looks like that’s another win for us.” Rainbow smiled.

“Looks like.” Twilight nodded, quickly turning back to Rildia. “Teshuel vian soldiers' bodies enial ent nielen return,” she ordered simply. (“Take your soldiers’ bodies home and never return.”)

Rildia scowled as she tied small lines to her soldiers’ ankles and walked down the tunnel to the Underdark with them. “Lolth will avenge us.” she scowled in accented Common as she wandered down the tunnel.

“Not if she can’t reach us.” Rainbow smiled as the Drow disappeared down the tunnel. “Care to do the honors AJ?”

“My pleasure,” Applejack smirked and swung her hammer against the side of the tunnel (Applejack Strength roll Dirty 20), smashing the side and causing a small landslide to block the tunnel. “There we are; outta sight, outta mind.”

“And we’ve got a reward waiting for us.” Rainbow agreed. “Let’s get back to Bagnon.” With that in mind, they left the barrow – though Pinkie Pie grabbed the Drow’s map before they left.

When they returned to the city, they made their way straight to the Singing Princess where they found Day waiting for them at a table near the front. “Prompt; I like that.” he smiled as he stood up. “I trust my master’s problem has been dealt with?”

“The Drow are gone if that’s what you’re asking,” Rainbow noted simply.

“Excellent. Now, as to the agreed-upon payment…” the elf smiled as he retrieved a small pouch from his belt. “Your remaining hundred Gold pieces.” He gingerly placed the pouch into Sunset’s hand. (+100 GP)

“And our audience with the king?” asked Rarity.

“Unfortunately, that was a bit more difficult.” Day shrugged. “Given the recent assassination attempts, the Grand Duke is not allowing any strangers to speak to King Evendur alone.” Sunset and Rarity’s faces fell at that, but Day continued. “There is however a celebration at the palace in two days where the king will declare one of his children as heir to the throne.” That surprised Sunset and made her think; maybe this attempt with the poison was closer to home for the king than she thought. “I’m sure my master could arrange it for you to appear as his guests. You’d be thoroughly vetted, but… we could manage it.”

(Sunset Shimmer and Rarity Insight rolls; SS 16, R 12) Sunset and Rarity looked at each other and shrugged, figuring that was probably the best offer they were likely to get. “Alright, deal.”

“Splendid. I’ll have someone send for you when the time comes.” Day smiled as he stood up. “In the meantime, I suggest you spend some of your reward money so you can dress to meet royalty. Good day.” With that, he strode out of the tavern.

“So do you two wanna share why you’re so dead-set on meeting the king now?” asked Rainbow.

Sunset glanced at Rarity, and they both quickly looked around the tavern (Sunset Shimmer and Rarity Perception rolls; SS 10, R 15), and from what they saw, it didn’t look like anyone was listening; they were too enthralled with their own conversations or Paymon’s band. “Okay, we’ll tell you,” Sunset said quietly. “I… found a sword and poison in the wagon after we left the gates. We think someone might be trying to assassinate the king, or maybe the possible heirs.”

“And you want to make sure that doesn’t happen,” Twilight surmised.

“Precisely.” Rarity nodded. “Which is why we need to appear at this celebration.”

“As what, bodyguards?” asked Rainbow.

“Unless you’d rather we let a member of the royal family get killed.” Sunset raised an eyebrow.

“Okay, fair point.” Rainbow shrugged. “So what’s our plan?”

“Well, for starters, I suggest we get some sleep tonight.” Rarity pointed out. “Then we do as Day instructed and dress to meet with royalty.”

The girls couldn’t help but agree with that; today had been a long day, so they bought a fairly impressive yet still common dinner (-3 GP, 5 SP), then went to bed for the night in their room. Sunset was a bit nervous; if the poison didn’t have any effect until midnight, then there was always a chance the king had already been poisoned and was waiting to die at midnight. Still, she was hopeful things could end quickly and bloodlessly.