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Party Prep

Sunset still hadn’t gotten used to the meditative Trance her elven attributes had given her, but at least here, she had some measure of control over her dreams… though this one didn’t seem to be of her design; she was in a cavernous palace antechamber of dark stone with loud winds howling outside a large stone arch. “Hello?” she called out, her voice echoing in the stone cavern. “Twilight? Rarity?” She was hopeful that simply by hoping for their presence, images of her friends would appear and help her feel stronger about this experience, but no such luck; not so much as a purple hair from either of them.

With no better options, she wandered deeper into the palace… but quickly started to change her mind as she heard throaty moaning from the chamber at the end of the tunnel. She could feel her cheeks going red as she tried to turn away and walk toward the sound of the winds but suddenly found herself pulled down the corridor and tumbling into a larger cavernous bedchamber. “Guh… what?”

“I was wondering when you would drop by.~” Sunset’s attention suddenly shot to the source of that breathy voice… and did a double-take.

It was almost like looking into a twisted mirror; this person laying on a lavish yet fiendish bed in the center of the chamber looked almost exactly like her demon form from the Fall Formal – maybe a few feet taller than her, an actual demonic tail extending from her butt instead of just an extended ponytail, and some small horns on her head with a more metallic copper-like skin tone, but the parallel was still there.

There were a few more differences though as well; this demon was wearing ludicrously lavish jewelry… and nothing else, which let Sunset see that she was also much more… “blessed in certain areas” than herself, which she couldn’t help but feel a little self-conscious about.

Quickly she shook those thoughts from her mind and looked up at the demon. “Who are you? What do you want?”

“Oh, nothing much.” The demoness smiled as she crawled toward Sunset along the bed… trailing a very distinct stain running down her legs that Sunset tried not to look directly at. “Just… a playmate.”

“Seems like you’ve got plenty of those without me,” Sunset remarked offhandedly.

The demoness couldn’t help but laugh as she was suddenly wrapped in lavish dark-colored clothing. “Ah, you’re right, of course. But I don’t mean like that. I’m more interested in those who can enact my will on the material plane.”

“Well, look somewhere else; I’m not interested.” Sunset would be lying if there weren’t certain aspects of this demoness she was interested in, but she’d already dealt with enough dark magic in her life to know that dealing with a demon was the last thing she wanted to do.

“You don’t seem to understand…” the demoness smiled wickedly before suddenly shooting them both out to a high window in the wall of the palace… which Sunset was dangled from by the collar of her mantle, letting her see that it was nestled on the apex of a massive mountain, damned souls screaming on the slopes below. “One does not refuse the Princess of the Nine Hells without suffering the consequences. I leave you now to consider my offer of friendship.”

What happened next really surprised Sunset; this demoness kissed her, shoving her tongue down the stunned Equestrian’s throat before she released her grip on her mantle and sent Sunset falling down from the window toward the slope. She screamed in terror as she saw the seemingly infinite mountain slope drawing closer.

Then she hit… something, but it didn’t hurt anywhere near as much as she expected it would. “OW!” she groaned as she sat up… and saw she was right back in the girls’ room at the Singing Princess and had somehow fallen out of bed, earning the surprised attention of her friends.

“You okay, sugarcube?” Applejack asked as she helped her friend to her feet.

“Y-Yeah. Yeah, I think so.” Sunset nodded as she found her feet and shook her head. “Just had a really weird dream.” What made it weirder was that she swore she could still taste that demoness’s saliva in her mouth.

“Well, you’d best wake up, Darling; we’ve shopping to do.” Rarity smiled.

“Before that, I think we should split our money,” Rainbow suggested. “Call me greedy, but I don’t like Sunset being the only one to hold our 200 gold reward from yesterday.”

“You’re greedy.” Pinkie smiled jokingly.

“Okay, walked right into that one.” Rainbow rolled her eyes.

“Rainbow Dash has a point; we all have expenses. If we divide out our money, we can all pay for our own stuff.” Twilight agreed.

“Alright, let’s get breakfast and divide it out.” Sunset shrugged as the group headed downstairs. Just like their dinner last night, breakfast was simple and cheap (-3 GP, 5 SP), and while they ate, they all pooled their remaining money on the table, which came to a total of 284 gold, 17 silver, and 8 copper pieces.

Quickly Twilight started running some numbers on a scrap of paper. “Let’s see… mm-hm… uh-huh…” she hummed and hawed for a few seconds before she finished her calculations. “Got it. Okay; everyone take 40 gold, 2 silver, and 1 copper.”

The girls all did as they were told, but still saw 4 gold, 3 silver, and 1 copper left on the table. Rarity insisted that Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow, and Pinkie keep one of each of the extra gold, while she, Twilight, and Sunset took the extra silver, and Rarity took the lone copper. With that dealt with, she glanced at the bar and flagged to the dwarf barmaid. “Uh, yoo-hoo! Helgret?”

“What do you want?” the dwarf asked brusquely.

“Where might we procure fineries for a party tomorrow night?” Rarity asked.

“There’s a weaver’s guild across the square.” Helgret shrugged.

“Thank you very much, dear.” Rarity smiled as she stood up. “Shall we?”

“After you.” Rainbow shrugged as the group wandered out of the tavern across the square.

As they passed the spire, Sunset saw a group of street kids playing around it. One of them stumbled off the spire’s steps and Sunset quickly moved to catch him. (Sunset Shimmer Passive Perception 11 vs. Urchin Sleight of Hand Roll 12) “Whoa, easy there. You okay?” she asked.

“Yeah, thanks.” the boy smiled as he zipped off… away from the spire.

(Sunset Shimmer Insight roll 17) That seemed a bit suspect to Sunset, so she quickly checked her pockets… and found that the Dead Eyes ring she’d taken was gone. “What the-?” It took her less than a second to realize that kid had stolen it. “Hey! Get back here!” She tried chasing after the kid, but he’d already run down an alleyway and disappeared. “Grr!” she growled in annoyance, her hands smoldering with heat.

“Whoa, simmer down there, sugarcube,” Applejack said as she set her hand on her friend’s shoulder. “What’s the matter?”

“That little punk just stole the Dead Eye ring,” Sunset remarked. “We just lost our best lead to our first quest.”

“Nothing for it, Sunset.” Twilight shrugged. “We’ve got more important things to worry about now.”

“And we simply must look the part for them.” Rarity agreed. “Come along; I think I see the guild we’re looking for.” And indeed, the guild stood there just ahead waiting, with the name Crafty Sewing ornately carved from dark oak wood above the door.

Passing through the threshold, the group saw the large main room filled with various people working on mannequins and old-fashioned sewing machines to construct elaborate outfits. Rarity quickly cleared her throat and a sprightly young gnome woman hopped over to them. “Ah, further clients. Welcome to Crafty Sewing, the local office of the Silver Thread Weaver’s Guild. I’m the manager Pyntle Turen. How might I be of assistance?”

“Lovely to make your acquaintance, Ms. Turen.” Rarity smiled and shook her hand. “Rarity, at your service. My friends and I were hoping to acquire some fineries for a lavish party.”

“Of course, ma’am. Any specific criteria?” Pyntle noted with a smile as she looked over her books.

Sunset smiled as she glanced at Rarity and turned to the gnome. “We’ve been invited to appear as guests at the king’s party tomorrow night.”

Pyntle appeared more than amazed at this news, as were a good deal of her fellow weavers. “Is that right?” she asked, seeming a bit nervous. “Uh, I’m deeply sorry but we don’t do express orders on such a strained time frame for just anyone.”

The girls almost figured that would happen, but then Twilight suddenly remembered something. “What about fellow members and their friends?”

Rarity realized she was right; her background as an artisan gave her guild membership. “Oh yes, of course. Uh, here; I know I have this with me somewhere…” She quickly searched her pockets and found a small scroll which she read and saw was a letter of introduction from the Silver Thread guild. “Ah, lovely. Here you are, proof of my membership.”

Pyntle took the note and looked it over, nodding as she looked at it. “Alright, everything appears to be in order.” she shrugged and handed back the letter. “I suppose I could offer your work guild priority for the day. Our other clients will be a bit irritated, but I think I can pull a few strings.”

“Wonderful; thanks so much.” Rarity smiled. “I’ll be more than happy to assist in any way I’m able. I already have a few ideas in mind.”

“Of course you do,” Rainbow smirked with a roll of her eyes.

Either way, it didn’t take long for Rarity and Pyntle to get the whole shop organized into stitching the girls’ gowns for the party. It took the whole day – with meals provided by the guild – but from Rarity’s perspective, it was more than worth it, and her friends agreed as they saw their new dresses.

Rainbow’s was almost Roman in style with wrapped light blue fabric around her midriff and over her right shoulder held by a gold ring-clasp as a red cup of fabric covered her left breast, her waist hemmed with clouds and legs covered by a long skirt with red, yellow, and blue stripes with a light blue cloud-like design at the end decorated with lightning bolts, her Pelor amulet hanging at her neck.

Pinkie wore a light blue bodice with her bright pink shoulders and ruffled skirt speckled with white dots like powdered sugar as blue and white swirled dotted the bottom hem of the skirt, a white bow at her cleavage, and a small cloth belt at her waist that looked like an orange and white candy cane.

Fluttershy’s dress looked like a massive wrapping of sparkly aqua-blue butterfly wings.

Applejack wore a green evening gown that left her new green and brown leather boots visible from the front, cowboy-style brown fringe at her waist, a green bodice with a vest-like collar, small green leather bracers with gold trim, and a smaller green hat.

Rarity wore a wide deep purple ballgown covered with white sparkles, a gold mount on her chest holding a pink gemstone with similar rigs at the cuffs of her fingerless evening gloves, and an ornate design at the front of her skirt.

Sunset’s dress was bright yellow with translucent red fabric ruffled around the back of the skirt, a red evening jacket with ruffled cuffs made of the same material, both covered in white sparkles and red laces in the bodice.

Twilight wore a very wide deep blue ballgown with gold trim around the middle of the skirt, her waist, and her bust, and the whole thing was covered with sparkles, while Spike just wore a bright red bowtie.

As the work finished, the girls admired their dresses on the mannequins and smiled. “Magnifique. You do wonderful work, Pyntle.”

“It’s my pleasure, madam.” the gnome assured. “Frankly, I think I like working on accelerated timetables.”

“Speak for yourself, ma’am; I already know these blisters are gonna kill me.” one of the human men in the back countered in annoyance.

“Oh, calm down Trael; you’ll be fine,” Pyntle assured, quickly turning back to Rarity. “Now, as to the matter of our payment.”

“Oh yes of course, how much do we owe you?” Rarity smiled.

“Well, normal guild rates for these sorts of fine clothes are twelve gold each, but seeing as you’re a member and put in quite a bit of work in helping us make them, I’d be willing to give you a 25% discount.” Pyntle shrugged.

“Sounds fair to me.” Applejack shrugged.

“If we all hand over nine gold for our own outfits? I agree.” Sunset nodded and dug the gold out of her pocket. The others followed her lead and paid Pyntle with smiles on their faces. (-63GP)

“Pleasure doing business with you.” The gnome smiled as the dresses were swiftly packed up and handed to the heroes.

“Likewise, I’m sure.” Rarity smiled as the girls made their way out.

“Y’know, in terms of merchant interactions, that went pretty well,” Rainbow noted.

“Well, anything would be better than dealing with that alchemist.” Rarity countered, shuddering at the thought of that man.

“Amen to that.” Sunset nodded as the girls returned to their room at the tavern, where they spent the night. (Long Rest; all damages healed and spell slots regained – Fluttershy chooses new Druid spells for the day)

Sunset was more than a bit relieved as she woke up the next morning having not dreamt of the demoness again, but she still definitely had questions about it. But those questions would have to wait as they made their way downstairs… to see everyone looking out the front windows.

“What’s all the hubbub, Helgret?” asked Applejack.

“Well, it’s not every day one of Lord Amakiir’s carriages parks itself outside my tavern.” the dwarf answered.

“Lord who?” Rainbow asked as she and the girls looked out the window. The carriage they saw parked outside was nothing too fancy – dark wood, simple yet regal construction, and the insignia of a badger’s head over crossed axes on the door.

“Some eccentric elf; rarely leaves his manor on the west side.” Helgret shrugged. “Heard he’d be appearing at the king’s banquet tonight though.”

That helped Rarity realize it. “I believe I know who this carriage is for.” she smiled as she quickly stepped back up to the girls’ room, grabbed the bag containing their dresses, and returned to lead the girls outside, which confused them a bit.

The dark-skinned human valet appeared to be very no-nonsense as he looked the girls over. “You are Councilor Liadon’s contacts?” he asked simply.

“Indeed we are.” Rarity nodded, making it clear to the others what was going on here; this was Day sending for them.

The man simply stepped to the side and opened the carriage door. “If you would,” he said bluntly, gesturing for the ladies to take their seats. Rarity gave this man – who was clearly a valet for Lord Amakiir – a simple curtsey as she stepped up into the wagon, followed by the others.

The door to the carriage closed and they started rolling through town, letting the girls look out at the city as it rolled slowly by. “Well, at least we know who Day was working for now.” Rainbow shrugged.

“I still feel kind of bad about what we did.” Fluttershy shrugged. “I mean, those druids were shepherds. We were intruding on their grounds.”

“The Drow intruded first.” Twilight pointed out. “And I doubt they would’ve been as respectful of their ways as we were. Or this Lord Amakiir.”

“Speakin’ of, Ah feel like we should really know more about the feller who hired us.” Applejack pointed out.

“Can’t argue with that. I think we all know what happens when people prefer to stay anonymous.” Sunset put special emphasis on that as she looked at her friends.

“You’re never gonna let us live that down, are you?” Rainbow noted in annoyance.

“You or anyone else at school,” Sunset smirked.

“I’m confused; what are we talking about here?” Twilight asked bluntly.

“Oh right, you weren’t around for that,” Rainbow remembered before she and the girls quietly regaled Twilight and Spike with the events of the Anon-A-Miss situation, careful to make sure their driver didn’t hear them, as they didn’t want to spill too much of their world into this one. Twilight was a bit surprised at the apparent character assassination the CMC had committed against Sunset, but she was happy the matter was resolved so simply afterward.

Eventually, the carriage slowed to a stop and the driver opened the door for the girls, allowing them out in front of a large ornate mansion… where Day was standing. “Ah, my friends. Lovely to see you again.” he smiled almost smugly.

“Likewise, Day.” Rarity smiled formally, trying her best to appear cordial to a man the girls didn’t entirely trust. (Rarity Performance roll 16 vs. Dayereth Liadon Insight roll 14) Day raised an eyebrow at the seamstress as if he could tell she was putting on a face but chose not to say anything about it. “Though I suppose your master’s anonymity is out of the question.”

“Yes, I probably should’ve told you I worked for Lord Amakiir once I gave you your pay. But either way, he is more than eager to meet you.” Day smiled simply. As if on cue, an older-looking elf walked out the door wearing a dressing gown and with some impressive stubble, as if he’d gone without shaving for ages. “Ah, My Lord. We were just about to come in. Ladies, may I introduce my master Lord Quarian Amakiir.”

“A pleasure, ladies.” Quarian smiled as he stepped forward. “I must say I was surprised to hear you wished for an audience with King Evendur as part of our deal.”

“Let’s just say we have our reasons.” Sunset shrugged simply as their host led them into his ornate manor. “Day here said you could get us in to see him as your guests tonight?”

“Indeed. We’ll be leaving this evening.” Quarian nodded. “In the meantime, I’d be happy to answer your questions.”

“Why don’t we start with why this banquet is being thrown in the first place?” Twilight asked.

“And whom we should know and be wary of in attendance?” added Rarity.

“Well, after the attempts on King Evendur’s life, his wife Queen Ilanis, and Grand Duke Anthon have insisted that the king name an heir from among his children.” Quarian shrugged.

(Twilight Sparkle Insight roll 12) Twilight raised an eyebrow at the names. “Wait a minute, Ilanis? That sounds like an Elven name.”

“Indeed. Her Majesty happens to be my cousin… and the king’s second wife.” Quarian nodded.

That surprised the girls. “What happened to the first?” asked Rainbow.

“Sadly she passed away thirteen years ago.” Day shrugged. “Giving birth to Prince Malcer was too much for her heart.”

Sunset was somewhat distraught by this and turned to their host. “I’m sorry for your loss. It must’ve hurt losing your sister like that.”

“Indeed. It was a very bitter pain. And I’m afraid it didn’t get any better for the royal family as her new stepchildren aren’t exactly Ilanis’s biggest fans,” Quarian remarked. “Malcer and his elder sister Crown Princess Kethra are somewhat against their father’s decision to marry an elf. One can hardly blame them though; after all, they are only human.” Rainbow and Applejack were a bit offended by that crack but chose to stay silent, only glaring at the elf lord.

Sunset spoke up before things got any uglier. “I doubt the king’s decision to marry an elf hasn’t exactly been popular outside the city either.”

“Ah, so you’ve heard about the orcs,” Quarian noted. “Yes, they are here because of Ilanis and myself, but not solely for us. At least, I assume they’re not only here for us – who knows with orcs?”

“Let’s get back on track; what other guests will we need to be wary of at the banquet?” Rarity insisted.

“Well, I have heard there will be several allies of the Crown of Bagnon appearing,” Quarian noted. “Uh… a few representatives of the other nations, certain merchant lords, and some such. I’ll probably be able to point them out easier when we see them there. Though I am absolutely certain there will be at least one representative from both the Sacred City of Olncarut and the Grand Mages Assembly present.”

“‘Grand Mages Assembly’?” asked Fluttershy.

“The united council of all the greatest spellcasters in the realm of Emacula,” Day said with a smirk. “Where have you been that you don’t know that; another plane?”

The girls glanced at each other nervously but tried their best to hide it. “You could say that.” Sunset shrugged vaguely. (Full Party Deception Roll vs. Dayereth Liadon and Quarian Amakiir Insight Roll – Sunset rolls 15, Twilight rolls 12, Spike rolls 9, Pinkie rolls 14, Applejack rolls [at Dis.] 18 or 5, Rainbow rolls 21, Rarity rolls Dirty 20, Fluttershy rolls 7, Dayereth rolls Dirty 20, Quarian rolls Nat 1). Day didn’t seem to believe this answer – especially as he looked at the guilt practically written on Applejack’s face in ink and Fluttershy’s nervous expression – but the others appeared far more composed.

Either way, Quarian simply chuckled. “Well, as long as we’re joking amongst each other, I suppose I may as well tell you that Olncarut is the holiest city in all of Emacula – temples to all the gods line the streets; clerics, paladins, and preachers practically run the entire city.”

That gave Sunset an idea; if these holy people and mages knew about gods, then they had to know about demons too, so she knew she had to meet them at the party, if for no other reason than to find out who that demoness in her dream was. “So what are we to do with the rest of our day?” Rarity asked.

“Well, whatever you wish, I suppose.” Quarian smiled. “I know the first thing I’ll be doing is getting a shave.”

“We’ll be waiting.” Twilight smiled as the lord left to do just that, with Day leaving as well. As the day went on, the girls got in some training with their abilities – Rainbow practiced with her winged boots and twin swords, Rarity practiced with her whip and bow, and Applejack practiced with her lasso and hammer – while the spellcasters searched Quarian’s library – Twilight and Pinkie read about new spells, Fluttershy researched all she could find about the Shepherd Druids, and Sunset tried to find what she could on the demoness from her dream (Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie Arcana check, Fluttershy Nature or History check [assisted by Spike], Sunset Shimmer Religion check – TS Arcana 22, PP Arcana 14, FS History Nat 1 [S History 3] SS Religion 12).

Twilight and Pinkie each found fairly impressive spells – which Twilight gladly wrote down in her Spellbook for future use and Pinkie wrote the runes for on a scrap of paper – though Fluttershy barely found anything on the Shepherd Druids, even with Spike’s help. Sunset however had more success in her search for answers, but only just – the demoness in her dream was, in fact, an archdevil known as Glasya, lord of the sixth of the Nine Hells and princess of them all. Sunset would later admit she was a bit frightened by having been approached by the Princess of Hell in her dreams, and she certainly wasn’t sure what to make of her supposed “offer of friendship” – at least judging by what she’d heard in her dream, she wasn’t sure she wanted to be friends with her.

Finally, the evening came and the girls changed into their dresses (All those wearing armor doff it - revert to Base AC) as Quarian and Day both changed into ornate noble suits. “Well, I must say; you ladies clean up quite well.” Day smiled.

“Don’t look so surprised, darling.” Rarity returned with a flip of her hair. “I am after all an expert at my craft.”

“Naturally. Now come along; we don’t want to be any later than necessary.” With that in mind, Quarian led his guests out of his manor to two carriages which they gladly boarded and rode toward the castle, ready for the party… and to defend the king from what was undoubtedly an attempted coup.