• Published 4th Apr 2023
  • 1,343 Views, 9 Comments

Princess Sunset Shimmer - Hayloud

Sunset Shimmer, one of the Celestia's most powerful student, that lived in the human world, went back to the pony world and now have to face the consequences and save the day, now being an Alicorn.

  • ...

Into The Sea

Author's Note:

Luminaqua: The Tale of the Sea Realm is the first part of a three-part special, that I decided to call The Three Tales.

From now on, also, a friend is helping me to write the story, so I can improve it.

As the group ventured deeper into the tunnel, a sense of foreboding gripped their hearts. The darkness that enveloped them seemed to amplify their fears, for beyond the cave lay an uncertain realm fraught with potential dangers. They were acutely aware of the lurking possibility of toxic substances or cunning traps, adding an extra layer of trepidation to their already heightened emotions.

With each step, the temperature seemed to plummet, seeping into their very bones, while the once-dry air grew thick with moisture, making it difficult to breathe. It was a chilling reminder that they were venturing into uncharted territory, where unforeseen perils awaited at every turn.

"Should we keep going? It's getting dark, and scary," Trixie said, but unexpectedly a diamond fell on Trixie, she instantly placed it in her bag.

"Look, it's an only-way tunnel, and going back is not an option," Sunset said, and Trixie with ample agreement nodded.

In this moment of uncertainty, Trixie once again harnessed the power of her magic, casting a radiant light that illuminated their path. However, their relief was short-lived, as the entrance to the tunnel abruptly began to close, as if reacting to their presence. Their earlier apprehension had not been in vain, for this was the trap they had anticipated.

The group hurriedly quickened their pace as the walls converged, desperately attempting to outpace the encroaching closure. Yet, to their dismay, they found themselves trapped in a narrow passage, with no way forward. The tunnel's closure had come too swiftly, catching them off guard.

A feeling of despair settled upon them as they realized they had reached a dead end. The futility of their efforts weighed heavily on their hearts, as the realization sank in that there was no path beyond the closed tunnel. They were left with a profound sense of being trapped, with no clear way to proceed.

"What should we do? What should we do? What should we do? What sho-" Trixie said, but Sunset stopped her putting her right hoof in Trixie's mouth.

"Calm down, We are gonna find a way out," Sunset said, she was trying to build a plan in her mind meanwhile, I know! We are going to break this wall and then get out of here

Before they could react, the ground beneath their feet began to tremble, cracks spiderwebbing across its surface like a shattered mirror. With a thunderous roar, the floor gave way beneath them, plunging them into a dizzying free fall.

But in the face of imminent peril, Sunset's quick thinking and swift reflexes came to the rescue. She used all of her strength of flight, whisking her friends into the ethereal embrace of the air just moments before they would have met a watery demise below.

As they hovered suspended above the calamitous chasm, their hearts pounding in their chests, Sunset's gaze cast downward, revealing a breathtaking sight. Instead of the hard and unforgiving ground, they had anticipated, an expanse of shimmering water stretched as far as the eye could see, an endless aquatic expanse that defied their expectations.

It was a surreal scene, the once-solid foundation now transformed into a liquid realm, reflecting the dancing light with an otherworldly beauty. The rippling waves beckoned with an enigmatic allure, stirring a mix of awe, curiosity, and trepidation within the adventurers.

Questions swirled in their minds as they floated in the air, contemplating their next move. What secrets lay hidden beneath the tranquil surface? Was this a fortuitous turn of events, or did it portend even greater challenges? The unknown depths of the watery abyss awaited their exploration, a gateway to uncharted territories and untold wonders.

"Let's jump," Sunset said, looking at her friends.

"What? Are you crazy?" Starlight said, they only escaped the water by pure luck, it would be better if they went back to the cave and searched for the clue they should have found.

"We will go, end. of. discussion," Sunset said.

"Time to be brave," Trixie voiced

United by a shared sense of wonder and fueled by an unyielding spirit, Sunset, Trixie, and Starlight steeled themselves for the unknown. With their fate intertwined and their bonds forged through adversity, they prepared to dive headfirst into this unexpected aquatic realm, ready to uncover the secrets that lay beneath the shimmering surface and forge their own destiny amidst the liquid depths.

Plunging into the frigid waters below, the trio braced themselves for the grim embrace of what they believed to be their impending demise. Yet, to their astonishment, their anticipated demise did not befall them. Instead, a mysterious force, as if guided by unseen hands, enveloped them in a shimmering aura, gently suspending them within the watery depths.

Initially gripped by fear, they hesitated to open their eyes, unsure of the intentions behind this unexpected salvation. But curiosity overcame their trepidation, and one by one, they cautiously unveiled their eyes to an otherworldly sight.

To their bewildered eyes, they found themselves surrounded by enigmatic masked unicorns, their magical auras pulsating with an ethereal glow.

"Are we dead? Is this Heaven?" Trixie said, as her voice echoed through her friend's ears, they were shaking in fear, Trixie's joke was not having the best of the effects.

A mix of awe, confusion, and apprehension gripped Sunset, Trixie, and Starlight as they realized they had been rescued by these unknown ponies, they were both very strong and in uniform. The uniform consisted of a full-body suit, covering the guards from head to hoof, made of lightweight, waterproof fabric. The suit was form-fitting to allow for ease of movement and was adorned with intricate patterns reminiscent of coral reefs and ocean waves. Their fate was now intertwined with the mysteries that shrouded them.

Though Sunset's instincts urged her to resist and fight against their captors, her attempts proved futile, as the magic that held them in its grasp remained unyielding. Reluctantly, they surrendered to the whims of their saviors, allowing themselves to be carried through a series of winding passages.

As they were guided further into this enigmatic realm, a mixture of anticipation and trepidation filled their hearts. The unknown place that awaited them was a blank canvas, a realm devoid of familiarity and laden with secrets yet to be unveiled.

After what felt like an eternity of traversing through the sea land, they emerged into a vast and unfamiliar chamber. The air hummed with unplaceable energy, carrying an aura of ancient power and hidden knowledge.

They had arrived at a magnificent palace, its grandeur unparalleled, glistening like a crystalline wonderland. The entire structure appeared to be crafted from shimmering ice, with intricate patterns and delicate frost adorning every surface.

The palace emanated a phenomenal beauty, its icy façade reflecting the ambient light, casting a mesmerizing glow that illuminated the chamber. Sunlight filtered through the transparent walls, refracting into a myriad of stunning hues, painting the surroundings with a supernatural radiance.

"What is all this?" Sunset asked her friends, that seemed as confused as her.

"Should we enter this?" Starlight asked, they could not dive deeper into problems anymore.

"Yes. We'll go," Sunset said, Trixie and Starlight nodded and started to pace in the palace's direction.

As Sunset, Trixie, and Starlight stepped further into the palace's direction, the air turned crisp and cool, a gentle breeze carrying the faint scent of winter. They marveled at the intricate architecture and the intricate ice sculptures that adorned the halls, each one a masterful work of art. The palace seemed like a frozen symphony, an enchanting testament to the power of magic and the boundless creativity of its creators.

Sunset turned to her back to check everything up, and her friends mimicked, and they realized that the ponies that saved them were following them all along.

"Hey, why did you save us and why are you following us?"

Sunset asked. Both remained serious, looked at each other, and then one said, "Aval lemo tar'ak?" ("Should we tell them?")

The other responded, "Nak, zharima va'xar luyesha lomeles" ("No, let's just take them to the princess")

"Hey, can you translate the conversation, for the Ponish speakers? Please," Sunset asked, However, to her dismay, the masked figures remained unresponsive, their attention seemingly fixed on their own inscrutable mission.

Realizing that their peculiar guides were resolutely moving in the direction of the palace's entrance, Sunset, Trixie, and Starlight understood that they had no choice but to follow suit. With each step they took, the distance between them and the enigmatic beings closed, creating a precarious situation where a misstep could result in a collision.

Aware of the imminent danger, Sunset, and her companions swiftly maneuvered their way into the path of the advancing figures, allowing them to pass by without incident, and they followed them.

The moment they crossed the threshold, the massive gates behind them abruptly swung shut with a resounding thud, sealing their entry into the icy fortress. The echoing sound reverberated through the chamber, sending shivers down their spines.

As their eyes adjusted to the frost-laden chamber, Sunset, Trixie, and Starlight were greeted by a captivating sight. Before them, upon a regal ice throne, sat a majestic figure that defied their expectations.
It appeared to be an alicorn, possessing both the grace of a unicorn and the wings of a pegasus. However, what truly caught their attention was the remarkable addition of a seapony tail, flowing gracefully behind the majestic creature.
The Sealicorn had a wavy floating mane that was in a light blue that had a gradient to blueish white, with blue streaks, a white-colored coat, blue icy-textured eyes, and big eyelashes.

"Oooh," Trixie said as she shivered admired by the figure she was witnessing.

The queen looked to the mysterious saviors and said, "Tolna de'elzara." ("You are excused") The mysterious saviors made their way out silently.

"What is happening here?" Sunset asked, heavily confused.

"Zharin va'akna ter'oshu lomirik, nelmireli," The mysterious queen said with a deep and intimidating tone. The trio seemed very confused since they did not understand that language.

"Can you translate it to Ponish?" Sunset asked, the queen reacted rolling her eyes

"Oh lomis Fausticorn," ("Oh my Fausticorn") The queen murmured, and then translated, "What do you want here, foreigns!?" Her voice was clearly deeper and angrier.

"We just fell here accidentally, can't you just show us a way out?" Sunset said. The queen remained serious.

"Improbable truth! Kelis, ravila v'eshir," ("Guards, imprison them") The queen said.

More members of the enigmatic group materialized before the ice throne, distinguished by their uniforms, yet with their heads exposed. Among them stood a light orange Unicorn, their maneless and tailless form exuding determination, while a blue Pegasus, also without hair, exuded confidence. The Unicorn displayed their proficiency in magic by levitating hoofcuffs with a pulsating purple aura, suggesting a role in control or containment.

"Wait, what?" Starlight said she was heavily confused, first, they save them and now were locking them.

"What did we do?" Sunset asked, nearly desperate. The guards kept silent.

"We told the truth, why can't you believe us?" Trixie asked, and the guards remained silent, a silence that was deafening.

"Come with us young mares," The blue guard said as the orange one placed the hoofcuffs on them. Then they started to walk in a corridor's direction, the trio remained motionless, however, the hoofcuffs forced them to follow the guards, softly sliding on the cold ice floor.

"Hey, stop! This goes against the pony rights!" Trixie said trying to make the guards stop, but the blue one only looked behind with an angry expression.

Following a lengthy journey, Sunset, Trixie, and Starlight found themselves confined within a frigid and solitary cell. The icy walls surrounded them, casting an eerie glow as the chilling air seeped into their bones. Their surroundings seemed designed to dampen hope and test their resolve. Standing watch over their imprisonment was a lone guard, an earth mare whose presence added an unexpected dynamic to their captors' ranks.
Unlike the others, she possessed a distinct femininity, her eyes reflecting a mix of duty and curiosity. The orange guard pulled out their bags using magic and with a calculated silence, the guards departed, leaving the trio to contemplate their predicament in the cold embrace of their icy cell.
The mare had the same uniform, she had a white coat and brown mane, she also seemed not to have a tail and had green eyes. She seemed very excited about the job, different from the others that most of the time seemed tough and serious

"No!" Trixie shouted.

"What just happened?" Starlight asked, she was so confused about this whole situation.

"Ugh! All I wanted was to find the clue we should, and yet we need to return, we can't just leave Dipper alone, and we also have the letter," Sunset said, and something bugged Starlight, who noticed that Trixie was looking bothered

"Trixie, is there anything wrong with you?" Starlight asked.

"So, guys, I need to tell you something, something important," Trixie said, they looked at her seriously.

"What is it?" Sunset asked.

"I think I found Twilight's clue to save them," Trixie answered, "A diamond fell on me and I placed it in my bag"

"When were you expecting to tell us about that?" Sunset asked, she was getting angry with Trixie's dumb actions at this point.

"When we get out of the cave," Trixie said, Sunset rolled her eyes.

"IF ONLY!" Sunset shouted, but then she calmed down and continued, "If only you told us when you go the diamond, maybe we would not be in this situation now!" Sunset said, raging with Trixie.

"I am sorry," Trixie said, as her eyes started to tear, and Starlight cantered and hugged her friend.

"Maybe, instead of screaming at each other, you should ask that guard if she can help," Starlight said, looking mad.

"Hey, who are you?" Sunset asked, being the most sympathetic she could and trying to gather information about them.

"Hi! My name is Sugary Swoop," she said, looking very cheerful.

"May I ask, why are you so happy?" Sunset asked, and Sugary gave a wide bright smile.

"It's been a long, long time since we have visitors or prisoners, like thousands of years, so the guard job was useless, but now I have prisoners to take care of," Sugary said.

"Tell me more," Sunset said. And the mare happily agreed.

"Wait, I have a better idea! I can sing the prophecy," Sugary said.

"What prophecy?" Sunset asked

In the realm of Luminaqua, where waters gleam so bright,
A dimension all its own, a realm of pure delight.
It danced with Rubix, a kingdom grand and bold,
And whispered secrets lay in the woods of Whisperwood.

But the portals that connected them, bound them as one,
Led to the pony realm, beneath the glowing sun.
Yet when the Crystal Empire vanished from sight,
The portals disappeared, sealing realms tight.

No pony set foot in Luminaqua's sacred space,
As the song of their joy faded without a trace.
The watery kingdom yearned for the ponies to return,
But destiny's hand had a different page to turn.

Oh Luminaqua, once filled with laughter and glee,
Your waves now ripple silently, longing for company.
Rubix and Whisperwood, your spirits held in chains,
In separate dimensions, forever it remains.

For the portals that connected them, bound them as one,
Led to the pony realm, beneath the glowing sun.
But when the Crystal Empire vanished from sight,
The portals disappeared, sealing realms tight.

"Oh, this is really sad, I am sorry," Sunset said.

"Don't be. Our realm is fine without visitors, I mean, until you showed up," Sugary said.

"So, we were not here to steal anything or whatever your queen thought," Sunset and Sugary gave her a suspected expression

"What do you mean by that?" Sugary asked.

"We got here by accident," Sunset answered, and her friends immediately got her plan. She wanted to somehow manipulate Sugary to lead their way out.

"Oh, so, how can I help you?" Sugary asked, and Sunset smiled for her.

"We want to get out of this cell," Sunset said.

"Ok!" Sugary said, but then she changed her mind and said, "No, I can't do that! I can't lie and betray the queen like that!"

"You need to, because what she is doing is a huge mistake, we need to save our land, Equestria," Sunset said.

"Ok, but we have to go quickly," Sugary said.

The mare, with a sense of urgency, pressed a concealed button, causing the cell's grid to open with a smooth upward motion. With a determined look in her eyes, she motioned for Sunset, Starlight, and Trixie to follow her lead. Swiftly, she guided them through the intricate labyrinth of corridors, leading them toward the entrance of the ventilation system. With deftness and agility, she slipped into the narrow passage, beckoning them to follow suit.

As they navigated the network of ducts, the blaring alarms echoed through the castle halls. However, the trio remained undeterred, finding solace in the safety of the vents. Their footsteps were hushed, their presence concealed from the chaos that unfolded below. Silently, they made their way toward the castle's enchanting garden, where an array of vibrant flowers greeted their eyes.

Amidst the beauty, three portals beckoned to them, each emanating an air of mystery. The closed portal bore the inscription "Lumidara Zeleth," its significance veiled in secrecy. In the middle stood a striking red portal, marked with the word "Ruybix," while to the left, a verdant green portal took the name "Sylentu Verdura." Behind them, etched into the castle wall, a cryptic phrase proclaimed "Luminaku."

Time was of the essence as they weighed their options, but their decision-making process was abruptly interrupted. A swarm of guards descended upon them, weapons brandished, their intent clear. Without hesitation, they launched a barrage of spears and daggers toward the group. Sunset and Starlight, fueled by instinct and reflexes, skillfully evaded the onslaught. However, in the chaos, Trixie acted on instinct alone, rushing towards the red portal without looking back.

Sunset and Starlight fought against the barrage of projectiles, desperately attempting to reach their comrade. But Sugary, struck by a spear, collapsed to the ground, blood staining her body. In that moment of despair, her voice, weak but determined, pierced through the tumultuous air.

"Goodbye, new friends. And mirelara zaluna," ("hail the queen")

In the face of imminent danger, Starlight's fear and anxiety overwhelmed her, causing her to unwittingly tap into her magic. As she did so, time seemed to freeze all around her, the guards and their weapons suspended in midair. But to her surprise, Sunset remained unaffected, still able to move and react as normal. Starlight was both relieved and confused.

"What should we do?" Starlight said, and Sunset needed to do something quickly.